"Where would you like me to take you princess?" I cringe at his nickname. I bet it is what his mum calls him.
"Oh, I don't know, why don't you pick somewhere, William?" Again I flutter my eye lashes and it seems to drive him crazy. I make a mental note to try this tactic on Matt.
"How about the cinema?" He asks his voice full of enthusiasm.
"Sounds good." I smile; I glance down to my watch - fifteen minutes down, forty-five to go.
"Oh, Casey, since we are now more than friends, please, call me by my nickname - Willy." I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing, I am afraid that if I speak it will slip out so I just nod my head.
Half an hour passes and I am sick of listening to William's small talk - he is very boring and so child like it is unbelievable. I don't think I would survive a full date with him; he isn't able to hold an adult conversation for more than five minutes. He's nothing like my Matt - intelligent, funny, and sexy and he doesn't look like his mother has dressed him in clothes which are far too tight and aren't complimenting. In fact, I wonder if I have ever seen Matt look anything other than nice.
"So, what do you think Casey?" William's high pitched voice pulls me back from my little day dream about Matt.
"About what?" I ask, confused.
"You weren't listening to me were you?" He asks, his voice sounds like he is insulted and his brow is furrowed to show his annoyance.
"I was, I just don't understand the question." I shrug my shoulders.
His brow relaxes. "Oh sorry, I did probably ask a little long winded, mother says I have the tendency to ramble a lot."
I nod my head, yep, you do princess.
My phone beeps again. If I don't text him back soon he will more than likely rush down here to check on me.
"Look William - Willy." I correct myself and fight back the laughter that threatens yet again. "I'm really busy and I have a meeting to get to in the next ten minutes. I need to prepare some paperwork beforehand so I'm going to have to schedule our date later. Sorry."
"Oh it is fine princess - I understand!"
I stand, walk over to the door and get ready to open the door for him. He follows and stands a few feet away.
"Casey, since we are dating - we should probably kiss goodbye." He suggests.
I can't believe what I have just heard. I cringe. How can I say no?
"Okay, but I have a rule. No tongues." I grin.
He nods and moves in and kisses me on the lips and stays there a lot longer than necessary. I don't close my eyes and watch him.
His eyes are tightly squeezed close and his lips are puckered out; he looks like a big lipped fish. He opens his mouth and starts kissing me sloppily.
"That's enough for now." I stop him and he looks at me and smiles.
"Goodbye princess."
I shut the door behind him and wipe my mouth on my jacket sleeve. Yack. I return to my desk and open the drawer where I kept my phone. There are three messages and not one of them is from Matt. Instead they are all from the stalker.
When will you be brave enough to meet me?
I like the sexy white blouse.
Did you pick it for me? .
Don't start ignoring me again Casey...
I want you, Casey.
I always get what’s mine.
My hands start shaking uncontrollably and it takes me a few attempts to correctly dial Matt's number.
"Come and get me please." Is all I say.
"I can't believe you let the creep kiss you!" Matt laughs loudly.
"Stop it, Matt, I'm scarred for life!"
"So let me get this straight..." Hannah pipes up from beside Andrew on the sofa opposite us. "William isn't the stalker?"
"Not unless he has a partner, which seems unlikely." Matt and I say at the same time and glance at each other.
Hannah looks confused. "Then who is it?" She asks and I shrug my shoulders.
"Whoever it is needs stopping and soon!" Andrew sounds annoyed.
I nod. "I just don't know how to catch and stop them."
"Let's not let whoever it is ruin our evening." Hannah smiles. "Who's up for a DVD?"
I nod and Hannah slides The Notebook in to the DVD player. Matt and Andrew groan at the same time.
"I bet you like it." I laugh.
By the end of the movie, I'm crying, Hannah's crying, Matt and Andrew have also shed one or two tears.
"Not so manly now, are we boys?" Hannah winks.
We say our goodbyes and I show Hannah and Andrew to the door before locking it. I turn to watch Matt who has started to clear the used glasses and empty bottles away.
"So, what did you think of the Notebook?" I ask walking towards him.
He looks up, "It was good. I suppose, if you’re into chick-flicks.” I nod, smile and help him clean up.
We haven't known each other long, but we act like we are a married couple who have been together years.
And I love it.
Chapter Forty
The following Friday Matt drops me off at work in the Audi, he is going to meet his friend Scott before meeting James and Grace to take them back to the hotel they have booked for a week. I can't wait to see them, especially now James has come to terms with our relationship and I can't wait to get to know Grace on a friendly level.
I am searching Google for a contact number for a man called Noel Briggs. I heard about him a long time ago from a friend of a friend and he is one of the best private investigators in the UK. I heard he is expensive but really good at the job he does.
I come across a number and dial it into my phone... I take a deep breath...
"Noel speaking." His voice is flat and I can tell he is an older man. I picture a man in his fifties with a bald head.
"Hi Noel. My name is Casey, I have heard all about you and what you offer. I would like to use your services if possible?" I say politely. My heart thumping so hard I can hear it.
"Absolutely. I prefer not to discuss my services over the phone. Would you like to meet and discuss it over a cuppa?" He asks.
"Of course. When will you be available?"
"How urgent do you need me?" His tone is still low.
"As soon as possible." My voice is tight, anxiety starting to show.
We arrange to meet in a cafe a few blocks away in half an hour before ending the call. I grab my bag and lock my computer before making my way down to reception. Hannah bumps into me as I am on my way through the door.
"Where ya goin’?" She asks.
"I'm going to meet Matt for lunch." I smile.
She looks at me quizzing. "I thought he was picking his hot shot brother up from the airport?"
I should have known she would be on to me. "That hot shot brother is your boss and he doesn't have to pick them up until later so he surprised me with a lunch date." I smile. The more I tell these white lies I get better at it.
She raises her eyebrow at me before smiling. "Okay, see you soon. Enjoy!" and she continues towards the elevator.
I hurry out the door before anybody else stops me and continue on my journey to meet Noel.
I get to the small cafe early and it is empty, just a middle aged woman behind the counter. I order a diet Coke and take a seat at a small table at the back. I watch as a man walks through the door and to the counter. He is mid to late forties with dark hair and pale skin. He isn't very tall and is medium build. He notices me, nods and walks over.
"Casey?" He asks and I stand and shake his hand.
"Nice to meet you Noel." We both sit.
"How can I help you?"
"Well... I don't know where to start."
"The beginning is always the best." He laughs and takes a sip of his coffee.
"I've been getting emails for around four months now. It wasn't very many at the beginning, but it progressively got worse, the emails turned into calls, then texts and I haven't got a clue who the person behind it is. Some were innocent at the beginning, but b
ecame more and more aggressive. Some were even sent to my assistant, Hannah." I look down at my glass and can feel his eyes on me. “One of my work friends called into work one day and said she would never come back - which is not like her in the slightest. She didn't give a reason and left it like that. I thought I must have done something to upset her. I’ve tried repeatedly to get in contact with her. I feared the worst, but hoped she took an extended holiday until I received a text off the person saying that Julie misses me. I think they have got her." My voice breaks a couple of times.
"So, you want me to track the person behind it down?"
"Yes, please. I need help. The police said they can’t do anything." My eyes study his face, he has a few wrinkles but for his age he is a good looking man.
"That's fine. I'll need to see a few of the emails and texts, I'll have to take the number and email address down to see if I can trace them." I nod my head at him and scroll through my phone and show him emails and texts.
He pulls a small notebook from his coat pocket and starts to jot the information down. I also forward some of the emails to his email address which he gives me.
"If you ring and a man answers, it will be my boyfriend and I don't want him to know about this, he will go crazy if he knows I am tracking my stalker down." I explain as best as I can without sounding crazy.
"It’s okay, Casey. I understand. I'll tell him I am your doctor." He laughs and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.
"Thank you so much."
"Casey, what are you going to do when you find whoever is behind the messages?" He asks.
"I-I haven't thought about that yet." What was I actually going to do?
"As long as you don't do anything silly and put yourself in danger I am happy to offer you my services." He smiles genuinely and I know he is a nice man.
"I won't." I return his smile.
Chapter Forty-one
The six of us decide to celebrate Grace and James coming to visit; so have come to a local club. Hannah and I get to know Grace over a selection of cocktails whilst the men sip different whiskeys and beers whilst playing a game of pool.
"So do I have to call you boss?" Hannah asks Grace and I can tell that she has had one too many,
Grace laughs and shakes her head. "Not at all. Only James calls me that."
"I should try that rule with Andy." Hannah laughs and finishes off the rest of her drink before flagging down the bartender. She points in our direction. "Same again please!"
"Andy?" I laugh.
"Andy." She winks at me. "I'm his girlfriend; I get to call him nicknames."
"You're his girlfriend? When did you become official and why didn't you tell me?" I try to look as offended as possible but after having numerous cocktails it just doesn't work properly.
"He asked me if I would be his girlfriend when we spent the day at my mum’s house." She explains, her wide grin showing how happy she is.
"Aw I am so happy for you!" I grab her and hug her.
I look over to the men who look like they are all getting competitive over the game. It’s funny watching how their faces get so frustrated when they don't do as well as they had hoped. I see it's Matt's turn to play and I watch how his face tenses and his eyes narrow whilst he is concentrating. I bite my lip and watch as he pots two balls.
"Honestly, can you not get enough of my brother-in-law?" Grace nudges me with a laugh.
"I can't help it, he's gorgeous!"
The club starts filling up and the atmosphere is great, the music is loud and we are in great company. The men have joined us and James has got another round of drinks in. The banter is flowing around the table and it turns out to be a brilliant night.
A remix of Bruno Mars - Uptown funk comes on and I slide from the table, grab Hannah's and Grace's hands and start dancing.
"I'm too hotttttt...Hot damn!" I sing whilst the girls and I get lost in the music.
I sway my hips from side to side; my arms are up in the air.
"Uptown funk you up!" Hannah sings to me and we all burst in to a laughing fit.
Sigma - Nobody To Love is the next song to be played and the crowd goes crazy. Hannah grabs my hand, I grab Grace's and we head to the center of the dance floor.
I feel hands on my hips and I turn around to tell whoever it is to sling their hook when I realize it is Matt. I turn and notice Hannah and Andrew are dancing, so are James and Grace.
I move my hips in sync with Matt and purposely grind into him; I know it will drive him insane so I continue doing it. I hear his growl in my ear.
"What are you trying to do to me woman?" He murmurs against my ear.
I don't reply, I just continue dancing against him.
We dance for a couple more songs before we all return to our table. We get another drink each - I opt for a vodka and lemonade this time.
"What time is it?" Hannah shouts across the table. The amount of drink she has had evident in her eyes.
James looks down at his watch. "1am." He says with a smile.
Getting Casey to bed would have been easier if she had passed out. Unfortunately, she is drunk and trying to flirt with me.
I can't really tell what she is trying to say to me because her speech is slurred. So I just nod and smile in agreement.
I pick her up and sling her over my shoulders and carry her to the bedroom. Of course, a drunken Casey is an argumentative Casey. She hits my ass in protest and I can't help but laugh.
I playfully throw her down on the bed and her drunken hands are all over me - under my shirt, dipping into my jeans. My rock hard cock is starting to ache from being stuffed in my jeans but I'm not going to fuck her when she is this drunk, chances are she wouldn't remember in the morning.
"Go to sleep!" I laugh.
Casey doesn't listen instead she stands and starts to do a 'sexy' strip tease - she pulls her dress up above her head and gets stuck and ends up falling backwards into the closet. "Ouch!" she shouts.
I can't stop the laughing but go over and help her. I pull the dress from her head and she flutters her eye lashes at me like she is having a fit of some sort.
"Casey, I know you're trying to be sexy sweetheart. But it's not working." I say as serious as possible.
Some more slurred words come out and she climbs into bed. Within moments she is asleep.
I shake my head.
This woman is definitely a keeper.
Chapter Forty-two
My head hurts.
I turn to the bedside table where there is a litre bottle of water and two tablets. I gulp the water until there is only half left and take the two tablets with a sip of water.
I put the bottle back on the table and roll over in bed. Matt isn't there.
Oh, a few more hours sleep sound so good.
I bury my head in the pillow and drift to sleep.
I checked on Casey at 10am and she was still asleep so I decided to go for a run. The weather was mild and there were quite a few runners out since it is Saturday morning. I pushed myself harder and faster than I should have because I can feel muscles starting to ache. All that kept running through my mind was how to keep Casey safe.
I’m back at home and I’m dripping with sweat so I peel my t-shirt above my head.
I look at my watch – 11:30am and she is still sleeping off her hangover. I decide making her something to eat will help her battle her hangover, and the smell of food may wake her.
The clanging of pans in the kitchen wakes Casey.
“Matt, is anybody else here?” She calls down the stairs.
“Nope, just me.” I call back.
I hear her faint footsteps and she enters the kitchen, wearing one of my shirts like a dress. Her hair is sticking out and wild from last night and she has raccoon eyes from her makeup.
“Hello.” She yawns as she pulls a bottle of water fr
om the fridge.
“Are you bicycle zombie girl? Please don’t hurt me.” I act shocked and back into the kitchen counter and she raises an eyebrow. “It’s an American TV show? The walking dead?”
“What? Shut up and leave me alone.” She playfully sticks out a pet lip. “Have you never seen a hung over woman before?”
“Is that what you are, a hung over woman?” I tease. “Have you looked in the mirror yet Case?”
She shakes her head. “Should I?”
I walk back to the stove where I am cooking bacon and eggs. “I would probably eat first.” I laugh.
I hear her make her way in to the living room to look at the mirror in there. “Oh my God!” I laugh at her reaction.
“Is it that bad?” I shout between my laughter.
She doesn’t reply and I hear her running upstairs. I begin to butter some bread buns placing a slice of bacon and an egg in each bun. I pour us both a glass of fresh orange juice and lift a bottle of water out for myself.
Casey emerges a few moments later, she has washed her face so the dark circles have gone and she is now fresh faced, her hair pulled up on the top of her head. She takes a seat opposite me.
“Sorry about that. How embarrassing.” She says before taking a bite of her sandwich.
“I thought you looked more attractive that way.” I wink playfully and she raises her eyebrows.
“I can’t even remember how we got home last night... I was so drunk and I never get drunk.” I can see her eyes trying to remember what happened last night.
“We got a cab back Casey, Hannah and Andrew stayed out a little longer so we shared with James and Grace. We dropped them at their hotel and came back here and you put on a show for me.” I explain, as her eyes widen.
“I put on a show?” She asks mortified.
“Yep, I carried you to bed and when we got to the room you tried to seduce me by stripping. Only your head got stuck in your dress and you fell back into the closet and a few minutes later you were passed out.” I laugh at her expression she looks humiliated.
“I thought the reason I was aching this morning was just because we were dancing a lot. I am so sorry.” She looks down at the plate in front of her.
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