Business: Phoenix #1

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Business: Phoenix #1 Page 18

by Danielle, Zoe

  “Don’t worry about it sweetheart, I suppose you take the good with the bad.” I wink.



  You know one of them moments when you wish the ground would swallow you up? I have just had one of those.

  Seeing Matt in the kitchen with his chest bare in his work out shorts, looking more gorgeous than ever after this morning workout, his hair pushed back and his skin glistening with sweat. Made me feel much better for climbing out of bed when I really wanted to stay there all day and hide from the world.

  Until he asked me if I looked in the mirror.

  I can’t believe what was staring back at me.

  Matted hair, mascara smudged under my eyes, makeup smudged all over my face. I looked horrendous.

  I couldn’t get upstairs quick enough to wipe myself with a makeup wipe and tie my hair back.

  Yet, Matt didn’t seem bothered about how I looked, he was just himself.


  We spend the rest of the day in the house, we shower – together and get changed into some comfortable clothes, pyjama bottoms and a vest for me and some jogging bottoms and a white t-shirt for Matt.

  We watch a few movies – Twilight, The Hunger Games and American Sniper. Before deciding which take-away to order. We both settle for an Indian – Chicken Tikka, Lamb Rogan Josh, two portions of Boiled Rice, a portion of chips and Nan breads.

  After our feast I feel like I can’t move, I’m bloated but I’m laid on the couch in Matt’s arms, so I am happy.

  I’ve fed my hangover so that has disappeared and I have spent the day relaxing.

  The next day we take James and Grace North for a traditional Sunday lunch. I opt for beef, whilst the rest opt for chicken.

  I will need to start running on a morning with Matt at this rate; I think I will have gained quite a few pounds this weekend on the amount of alcohol and food I have demolished. Especially the Indian last night.

  I suppose it’s not too bad considering Matt and I burned the majority of the calories off last night and this morning.

  Chapter Forty-three


  Monday comes too soon and we are giving Grace and James a tour of the office building.

  I have introduced them to the majority of staff, there’s just Stephen and the management teams. So we stood waiting for the elevator.

  For a moment I regret wearing my new nude Louboutins for work without breaking them in, my feet are so sore. I blame Matt for influencing the decision this morning – when I tried them on with my navy dress he said my legs looked so sexy and that he wanted to take me there and then, but because we were meeting Grace and James he couldn’t.

  I guessed that if he thought I looked sexy before we got to work then I would spend the remainder of the day teasing him. It would make sex so much steamier tonight, not that sex isn’t steamy with Matt – just I intend to get him all worked up and waiting.

  Plus the huge heel brings me to the perfect height so I can quickly steal a kiss when we get a few seconds alone. Not that this has happened as much as I wanted it to.

  I’ve caught him looking at my legs a few times today, especially when I have crossed them, he makes me feel so wanted and sexy when I know he can’t take his eyes off me.

  When the elevator gets to our level we all spill in and spend the ride making small talk. I walk ahead and take them to Stephen’s office and he is sitting at his desk waiting – Hannah obviously prompted him.

  “Hi Stephen, this is James and Grace Jackson.” I say with a genuine smile, they all start to introduce themselves and shake hands whilst exchanging pleasantries.

  I let James and Grace sit in the two chairs in Stephen’s office whilst I stand beside Matt. I just needed a few moments with these shoes off to let my poor feet breathe.

  “I’ll be back in a few moments’ guys, I have a call I need to make.” I smile at the four of them, Matt’s eyes looking straight into mine questioningly which I return with a nod and make my way to Hannah’s office which is empty.

  I sit down in her chair and flick one shoe off followed by the other. Heavenly.

  As I assumed, Matt follows soon after. “What’s up Case?” Concern in his voice.

  “My feet are so sore and it’s entirely your fault, you told me to wear these stupid shoes!” I whine playfully and he raises his eye brow at me.

  “I did not tell you to wear anything darling; I told you that they looked sexy with the dress.” He explains sternly walking so he is behind me and I groan and tilt my head to the side as he starts to massage my shoulders.

  “I thought I would look nice for you today.” I explain.

  “You always look nice Casey. You’re beautiful. The most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” His words turn me to jelly, I’m glad I’m not standing and especially not on those skyscraper heels because I would be on the floor in a big pool. “Especially when I am on top of you.”

  “I wish you were on top of me now…” I moan as his hands start to massage my shoulders more forcefully.

  “Oh I don’t, I wish I had you bent over this desk…” I clench my thighs together to stop the ache in the middle of my legs.

  Our dirty talking session comes to a halt when Hannah walks through the door. “Hey guys!” She grins before noticing Matt’s hands are on my shoulders “Please stop being dirty in my office. I haven’t even christened it yet.”

  I laugh. “We weren’t being dirty, I came to rest my feet.”

  “New shoes?” She asks.

  “Louboutins.” I confirm and her eyes widen.

  “Let me see!” She squeals with delight.

  I slide the shoes back on my feet and stand to show her. I do a little twirl and kick my leg back slightly before glancing at Matt. His eyes burning with lust whilst he watches me.

  “Very impressive!” Hannah says clapping her hands together.

  “Very impressive!” Matt confirms with a nod and I’m sure that Hannah also knows that he isn’t just talking about the shoes.

  “Very painful!” I laugh trying to make light of the situation, if we’d continued the way we were I don’t think Matt and I would have been able to make it out of Hannah’s office before ripping each other’s clothes off.


  We head back to Stephen’s office to catch up on what we have missed. Grace and James seem really impressed with him and I am glad, I really value Stephen as a colleague and a friend. He really loves his job and puts in every hour he can to get the job done. He comes in at around 7.30am and sometimes he is still working when I leave late on an evening.

  “I am very impressed with the team. Everybody seems so hard working.” James says to me.

  “Oh they are all hard working, especially Stephen here.” I nod in his direction and he smiles at me.

  “Thanks Casey, I appreciate that.” He says.

  “Of course. You are a brilliant employee and it is about time you get the recognition you deserve.” I give him a sincere smile.

  “Well, let’s get our heads together and decide on a way to reward Stephen for all of his hard work.” Matt speaks.

  “Oh no, really you don’t have to, it’s my job.” Stephen doesn’t like too much attention and I gather that he is the type of man who would prefer to sit in the corner and out of the way rather than in the center of attention.

  “We won’t do anything major that everybody will see or know about Steve – just a token from us all to say thank you.” I reassure him. I start thinking what we could do for him, a pay rise? Extra holidays? I will need to discuss it with the other three first. They may have better ideas.

  “Well, Grace and I have to go – we have an appointment in the next hour so we must get back to the hotel and get changed.” James announces before turning to Stephen. “Again, it’s nice to have finally met you Stephen. Keep up the good work.” He reaches and shakes his hand, before Grace stands and also takes Stephen’s hand.

  James turns to Matt and me and nods at us befo
re making his way out the door, I wave and say goodbye to Stephen and follow suit.

  We say goodbye, James and Matt arrange to meet to go for a few beers together this evening – they haven’t seen each other for a while so I think it’s important that they get to spend time together to catch up. Grace says she is going to get an early night – she is still tired from all the travelling and has been finding it difficult to sleep on an evening.

  And I plan on getting Hannah over to my place for a proper catch up.


  Matt has left earlier than usual today; he said that he had plans with Scott, his friend I still haven’t met. They’re going to try out a new gym and Matt was really looking forward to it, since he is a work out fanatic and all.

  I’m sitting at my desk scrolling through all the new emails the stalker has sent me today – the usual, stating how much he wants me, how he is coming after me, telling me to stop ignoring him etc.

  I also have an email off William asking me to contact him to arrange a time and place for our date. He has been trying to contact me for a while now, but I just don’t have the heart to tell him I thought he was a stalker so I was playing him. I feel awful for that but it’s something I needed to do.

  My ringtone starts to play and I see Noel’s number on the caller ID – a call I have been waiting a while for.

  “Hello Noel. How are you?” I ask politely, really I want to cut out all the small talk and get down to business.

  “Good. Can you talk now or would you prefer to meet somewhere?” His voice low.

  “I can speak now – I’m alone.” I tell him.

  “Okay good. I have found details on the person you asked me to. He is called Jason Gribbon.” He pauses. “Are you sure you want to hear the rest?”

  Jason… I don’t know anybody called Jason… “Go on.” Is all I say, my mind running through people who I know.

  “He also goes by the name of Jace Gibbons and Jay Grubbs. He doesn’t live in Newcastle; he lives about an hour away, a town called Peterlee. He has a mental illness on his medical records – Schizophrenia. He has been in jail previously for murdering his parents, but the idiots let him out a little less than two years ago - should have been sectioned if you ask me.” He sighs loudly before continuing. “He doesn’t have a job listed but has income from somewhere and I can’t see any trail to why he would know you, why he would want to contact you. But I do know he is a very dangerous man. Whatever you do, do not approach him and let the police deal with him, I would strongly suggest you block his number from calling and to get a new email address set up.”

  I can’t believe what I am hearing. It takes me a few moments before I realize he is waiting for me to speak, I open my mouth but nothing comes out. So I just agree by saying “Mmm.”

  “Casey, if he could murder his own parent’s God only knows what he could do to somebody he seems to have an obsession with.” His voice is concerned.

  I force myself to speak. “I know. Can you send me all the information you have on him please? It’s just I am struggling to take it all in at the moment and think it may be easier for me to process the information if I have it in front of me.” My voice is quiet as if I am worried that I am being watched – I probably am being watched.

  “Of course. I will scan and email it to you. I have a contact, a detective in the police, who I will forward this report to as well. What is your email address?” He asks.

  I confirm my email with him and we end the call.

  I stare into space trying to figure out why this man has targeted me. How this man knows me.

  It doesn’t take too long for Noel’s email to reach me. I scroll the medical records, news abstracts and prison release notes. There is an address which is a regular occurrence on each document – I assume that is where he lives. The address is in Peterlee and that’s where Noel said he was from.

  That night when Matt leaves to meet James, I decide against having Hannah over. Instead I sit and peruse all the information Noel sent me earlier.

  And I still can’t put the pieces together.

  I read the news abstract and I learn that Jason Gribbon woke in the middle of the night and went into his parents’ bedroom and brutally murdered them. He stabbed his dad in his heart first and stabbed his mum four times before slitting her throat.

  I shudder and close my eyes for a few moments. When I reopen them tears fall instantly. But I force myself to continue reading the document.

  Gribbon then went on to sexually abuse his mother before making something to eat, showering then phoning the police in tears. The judge who dealt with the case branded the man a maniac who should spend life imprisoned.

  However, on his prison release note they had branded him a ‘changed man’ who was on his best behavior at all times and they didn’t think a nice gentleman like him should be behind bars with animals.

  Now he has targeted me.

  I spend all night thinking about it, trying work out the connections between us.

  At 11.45pm I decide to climb into bed.

  Matt arrives in soon after.

  He tries to make love to me, but my mind is elsewhere so I pretend I am asleep and he climbs into bed beside me and it doesn’t take long until he is dreaming.

  My mind is actively going over all the information I have just been given and I don’t sleep a wink all night.

  Chapter Forty-four


  I have never been a fan of coffee, but I’m drinking it.

  I need something to keep me awake.

  Matt is speaking to James and Grace in his office, I excused myself and came back to mine. I couldn’t concentrate on anything.

  I am sure that poor Matt thinks I have a problem with him. I have barely spoken to him all morning. But I know if I do speak to him I will end up telling him what I know and he will go crazy and try and track Gribbon down.

  So I keep everything to myself.

  I bottle it up.



  I have mulled over last night’s slightly fuzzy events in my head so many times. I can’t figure what is wrong with Case.

  I remember coming in and going straight to bed to see her – I had missed and wanted her.

  I went to bed naked. I got close to her, kissing her shoulder. My cock was straining against her ass. She was stone still, pretended to be asleep. I don’t think she had even been asleep...

  She hasn’t spoken to me today, she’s distracted and I don’t know why she is acting this way.

  I just want to fix it.


  Email after email after email.

  When will this stop?

  When will he leave me alone?

  Why won’t he just let me live my life?

  I put my head to the desk, I have the world’s worst headache and tablets aren’t budging it.



  I am just finishing up a call with Sasha when Matt walks in to my office. His face looks distracted.

  “Hi Matt. How are you?” I smile before glancing back at my monitor – Andrew has just emailed me a confirmation of a weekend to Liverpool he has just booked for us. I feel my smile widen.

  “I need to ask you a favor,” Is all he says. His tone of voice is low, and I turn my face to look at him again. His face is still distracted, almost pained.

  “You, Matthew Jackson are coming to me for help?” I tease with a raised eyebrow.

  “Seriously.” He snaps.

  “Okay, shoot.”

  “Something is wrong with Casey I went out with James, which she was okay with yesterday afternoon, but I had tried to text her whilst I was out and she didn’t reply, which is uncharacteristic of her with this stalker out there. When I got home she was awake but she pretended she was asleep.” It doesn’t seem right, a grown man like him, who could make a grown man cry just by saying a couple of words. Worrying about my best friend because she is acting ‘off’ with him.

, so where do I come into this?” I ask. I know what he is aiming for but I want to hear it directly from the horse’s mouth.

  “Can you talk to her? Make sure she’s ok?”

  “Yeah, what do you want me to say?” I quickly type an email to Andrew – thanking him for the surprise and turn my attention back to Matt.

  “Well, can you find out what’s wrong? I can’t fix it until I know what it is.” He shrugs his shoulders.

  “Have you thought that she may be a little hormonal? Woman do get like that you know…” I try not to sound patronizing but I can’t help it.

  “You think Casey is just being hormonal?”

  “It can happen, Matt. Why don’t you try being extra nice to her and see where that gets you.” I smile; I should have my own agony aunt column.

  He shakes his head. “This is different, Hannah, I just know it. I’m worried about her.”

  “Well, I’ll go to her office shortly and I’ll ask her.”

  “Thanks Hannah, I owe you one.” He smiles before standing and making his way to the door.

  “Yes you do. Oh and Matthew. Buy her a box of chocolates and be prepared to watch The Notebook if she is hormonal.” I wink. “It works a treat – I promise.”

  He groans. “Oh no, not The Notebook.”

  “You leave The Notebook alone! It is amazing; you just need to start appreciating good films.” I smile and he leaves my office shaking his head.



  Hannah enters my office without a knock on the door. I’m glad I don’t hold important business meetings in here, she would be forever interrupting. Still, I suppose I can’t hold it against her, the girl is like my sister.

  “Hey beauty.” She smiles and sits down on the chair opposite me, crossing her legs. “What’s new?”


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