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Zero Degrees Part 3: Miss Murderess

Page 6

by Leo Sullivan

  “Fuck!” I huffed. I loved money, especially stacks of it, but I loved killing even more. He knew it and the agency must have known it too. That was why they took a gamble on me.

  I yanked the chair up from the floor and plopped back down in my seat. Black smirked at me as I peered back down at the picture of the sloppy looking fat Russian dressed in an expensive Italian suit. Black went on to talk like a sales man trying to persuade me.

  “We’ve place you in a five star hotel. Your room will be right across from your mark. You already have a passport. Miko has your flight tickets. You have to be careful though because Moskv goes everywhere with a team of heavily armed bodyguards trained for guerilla warfare. A couple of them are ex-hit men and they are just as ruthless as he is, maybe worse. That’s why he handpicked them.”

  I nodded my head like I got it.

  “Before you leave put the plug in your ear and don’t take it out unless you have to terminate yourself.”

  I know that this is going to sound crazy, but the more Black talked the more I started to get excited and my apprehension turned to submission. My heartbeat accelerated at just the thought of the risk, the danger. My palms began to sweat at the thought of killing the fat Russian while strangling him in a choke hold, or better yet burying a long sharp stiletto knife in his fat belly and watching him squirm. I was a predator about to kill another predator by making him my prey.

  “Miko will drive you to the airport. You are not to discuss this with him. Is that understood?”

  I gave him a tact nod and continued to focus on the picture of Gregory Moskv. I could hear Black, but my mind was in that place where it often roamed. There was no doubt in my mind that I was going to kill the fat fuck.

  In the dark crevice of my mind I witnessed the killing of the Russian pedophile. It was bloody and gory, just like I liked it. The last time I had that vision was when I killed Money and the time before that it was Goody. I had also had it with Peaches, but it was more of a fantasy. She had been as elusive as smoke, but I made a solemn oath to kill her ass too.

  Black eased from the chair as quiet as a mouse. I paid him little attention when he walked over to the window and looked out at the beach. As he stared out at the horizon, he spoke with his hands in his pockets.

  “Zero, you do realize… uh, that if anything was to happen to you…” He hesitated… “If you’re captured the agency is not responsible. In fact, they have even taken precautionary measures to erase your existence as you were.”

  I nodded my head like he could see me as I swallowed the dry lump in my throat. I should have asked him what he was talking about. I should have asked him what he meant by erasing my past…

  I should have asked him.

  What was I getting myself into? But instead I replied, “Yes I understand.” The man was my mentor and although we fought a lot, he taught me a lot. What could I say?

  I picked up the heavy envelopes on the table and looked inside. They were stuffed with big face Benjamins. I looked back over at Black. The whole time I had that gut feeling you get when something is about to go terribly wrong, but you just can’t put your finger on it. I was too naïve to ask him what he was talking about, but by the time I found out it would be too late.

  So, I mustered my courage which wasn’t too hard to do. The day was finally here and it was time for me to let off some steam. I had my fake ID on deck and several passports. In my Versace bags I had many disguises as well as an assortment of lethal poisons that I would be using to dispose of that scum ass piece of shit.

  Then something else occurred to me.

  “What about a gun or knife? I can’t take either on the plane.”

  Black turned from the window and faced me. I could see stress lines on his face. Behind him, on the beach, I could vaguely see the silhouette of a couple walking on the sand holding hands.

  “A nine millimeter will be stashed in your hotel room inside the mattress. There will also be your knife of choice that we trained with along with a telescope.”

  “A bowing hunting knife?” I asked excitedly.

  “Yes. We’d prefer if you’d make your termination of Mr. Gregory Moskv quiet and efficient as possible. I recommend poisoning, or using the knife just as you were trained to do Zero. From this point on there can be no turning back Zero. Is that understood?”

  “Oh, okay I understand… No turning back.” I tried to keep my excitement in, but my inner conscious wouldn’t let me. Something was wrong, and then my intuition really kicked into over drive when Black did something that was totally out of character. He strode away from the window and walked up close. I thought I saw something in his eyes that I had never seen before. It was a sort of callous look.

  “Remember that this is about your country, your honor and everything that is dear to you. If anything was to go wrong or you disobey a command this can deem a breach of security as it relates to the United States of America.” The depths of his voice boomed with the threat.

  “I understand sir.”

  “When you come back we will deal with the Guterrez Cartel and Roberto. For their extermination you will be paid one million dollars.”

  “Then I can go back to my friends and the man I love.” I brightened up.

  His eyebrows formed a tight line across his forehead. Nothing came out at first, but his lips were moving as if he was chewing his words. For some reason he couldn’t look me in my eyes when he said, “Zero we will get to that juncture when the time comes, but for now I want you to focus on what you have been trained to do. This is what you were born for and you can no longer dwell on the past. That part of your life is gone. This is what you always wanted to do. It’s what you were trained to do. What you were born to do.”

  I gave him a weary shrug. Maybe it was what I wanted, to be a trained assassin, a killer, to work for a government agency and make tons of money. I wanted to be back in Zeus arms even more, and I missed him so much. As of lately, I had been going crazy thinking about him. Shit, I had even been dreaming about him. I think Black knew that as I watched him turn and walk out the door.

  Chapter 7


  I hurried around the room rushing to get dressed. Lucky for me, I had saved some of my winter clothes from my training in Alaska. I had a mink and a chinchilla hoody fur coat that I really liked. I would just have to make do with the shoes until I landed in Russia.

  I took a quick shower and dressed chic, but elegant just as Amore had taught me. I was decked out in a tight gray sequined skirt with a killer split that showed off high thigh cleavage. I wore a white ruffled silk blouse with a low neckline and the diamond necklace Zeus had gave me. I topped it off with black four inch stiletto Jimmy Choo boot.

  I raced out of the hotel with luggage in tow as soon as I got the call from Miko. I was running late for my flight.

  Miko was waiting in a white BMW. I stepped in the car with him and he gave me look as he muttered, “Humph, humph, humph, damn girl.”

  “What was that?” I asked with a knowing smile on my face.

  “Damn, you look good as fuck. I’m serious. Wow. Amore’ must’ve really taught you some shit. Not only are you wearing that fucking dress, but your walk and your attitude is different from the last time I saw you.”

  I placed my red clutch bag in my lap and basked in the after math of his compliment. It felt good to hear a man say that I looked good. To say that I missed it was saying the least.

  “Thank you for noticing Miko. I’m curious though. Does your girlfriend know about you spending time with me?” I asked with a flirtatious tone to my voice. Shit, I figured I’d practice my new sexy on him.

  He glanced at me and then focused back on the road. “Let me stop looking at you before I wreck. Yes, she knows. I don’t keep secrets from my bae. She knows that I took you out that night too. My woman’s not insecure, which is a real turn on for me. I like strong women. I’m a real man, so I love to be challenged.”

  “Hmm. I’m definitely a cha
llenge,” I chimed in.

  “I can tell. You seem like the type of woman who’d keep a man on his toes.” His eyes drifted to my legs and when I cleared my throat he looked away.

  “I think you’re attracted to me,” I said in the voice that Amore’ had taught me to use. She explained that men loved when a woman spoke softly because it was feminine and alluring.

  “I’m very attracted to you, but you’re a beautiful woman, not to mentions dangerous. This mission in Russia ain’t no piece of cake,” he said and stole a glance down at my midriff as he loosened his tie. That made me smile because it meant that I was getting to him. The short skirt with thighs peeking, cleavage showing and sweet perfume wafting were all a concoction for seduction.

  Yeah, I was ready to get that pervert ass Gregory Moskv. I also had something else on my mind as we headed for the airport. A fuchsia colored dusk had set over the starry horizon. For some reason it seemed just as romantic as the murderous allure that was calling me that mystic night. For the hell of it I decided to toy with Miko’s mind, but I was half serious.

  “I guess it won’t be a surprise when I say that I find you very attractive too. It’s good that we get this out in the open,” I said. “I mean, we don’t need any sexual tension between us.”

  “I agree,” he said quickly. “Isn’t this a strange conversation to have while on the way to murder somebody?”

  I laughed. “For some reason I get really horny after I kill somebody. I can’t explain or understand it.”

  He smiled showing those fucking dimples and I felt a warm rush between my thighs. Damn, what the fuck? I had only felt that shit when I was with Zeus. My relationship with Miko was going to be a problem and I knew it.

  “That’s crazy, because I be feeling the same way. Yo’ for real. After working for the agency and witnessing all the dirty stuff, I’ll go to the crib and give it to my girl ‘till the sun come up. She be looking at me like what the fuck done got into this mufucka.” He chuckled and glanced my way again.

  “What’s on your mind?” He asked.

  “Oh nothing. I’m excited and a little nervous,” I said not able to look at him.

  “It’s always that way, especially on your first mission. I would be too if they paid me the big bucks to do what you’re hired to do.”

  “Why don’t you?” I blurted out.

  “There was no way in the world I could pass that brutal ass training. You swam in cold ass Alaskan waters. That’s crazy as fuck. I would have frozen to death. Yeah, I’ll just stick with getting Intel for the agency.”

  “Shit, I almost did freeze.”

  We laughed like old friends. I stared out of the window lost in my thoughts. Finally Miko said, “I know my dad told you not to talk to me about the mission and I’m cool with that, but the pass few days we turned up and partied. You good peoples and I want you to go over there, do what you have to do and come back.”

  With that he reached over and placed his hand on top of mine. I was startled. He was off limits to me and I didn’t want to taint any chance of me getting back with Zeus. It was all about self-control and I had to focus on the mission.

  “You go over there and do what you do best,” he said enthusiastically. “Use that passion for the kill, but you come back to me you hear.”

  We pulled up to Miami International Airport and the place was packed with travelers of all races. Taxis and other vehicles cluttered the streets. Miko helped me unload my luggage which consisted of only a few begs. As we walked toward the terminal at a brisk pace, he passed me my airline tickets.

  “Your flight leaves in two hours, so you’re good. What’s the hurry?” He asked as several people passed us. Someone bumped into me. I flinched and turned around to see an adorable little girl with ribbons in her hair. She waved her apology as her mother snatched her arm.

  I expelled a deep sigh and played with a ringlet of hair on my forehead as I replied to Miko, “I just want to get this over with.”

  “This is your first mission, so go ahead admit that you’re nervous.” He joked as he took my hand again leading me to the baggage check in. The line was long. I couldn’t help but smile. I did have the jitters, but I removed my hand from his.

  “I’ll admit that I’m a little nervous, but it’s not because of what I’m about to do. I’m going to take pride in killin’ the fat fuck. I’m just nervous because of where I’m going.” Just as I said it I happened to look up as we passed a television mounted in the middle of the seating area.

  I saw Buff and then Zeus’s face flash on CNN News. My heart somersaulted in my chest as I made a beeline straight for the TV. My carry on cart struck several people, including an old white man. He sat next to his wife and he cursed me, shaking his gnarly fist at me in anger. I could hear Miko walking up behind me apologizing as I reached the TV. The attractive blonde news caster was talking, but the audio was muted. I was able to read the caption though since it flashed at the bottom of the screen.

  “Again there has been a deadly shooting at the infamous Club Trois in North Carolina. The last time CNN reported the club made national headline news about a year ago with the fatal shooting of ten people. Three of them were law enforcement officers. Last night violence erupted in the Club again when-“

  Suddenly the channel changed. I looked around bugging the fuck out. Then I saw it, or should I say him. The culprit was the old dude that I had ran over mistakenly with the luggage cart. He had the remote control in his hand changing channels like he had lost his damn mind. I was enraged as I looked at him.

  “What’s wrong? What’s going on Ze?” Miko asked looking between me and the TV with a concerned expression on his face. His words fell on deaf ears as I stalked over to the old dude.

  “Ze?!” Miko called after me.

  “Gimme that remote?” I said to the old dude with my hand out. I looked back over my shoulder hoping he had turned back to the news. Something terrible had happened to Buff and Zeus. That was all I could think about as time moved in a slow speed. I needed to change the station back!

  “Like hell I will…” The old man said with his pale face twisted into wrinkles. His ancient looking wife looked on. She was seated in a chair next to where he stood.

  There is a nerve in the crock of the neck that runs down to the lower spine and legs known as the Sciatic Nerve. It can be quite painful when pinched and I demonstrated that effectively on the old dude as I reached out squeezing the sensitive area between his neck and shoulder blade. He screeched out, “Ohhh, Jesus! Good lawd!!!” As he squealed his body shook like he was being hit with a thousand currents of electricity. It caused him to toss the remote up in the air. I caught it just as several people looked around at all of the commotion and walked back over to the TV. I frantically searched for the CNN station as the murmur of voices rose around me like a tidal wave as people whispered. My heart was slamming against my ribs so hard I could hardly breathe.

  Was Buff and Zeus dead?

  “She attacked me! She attacked me!” The old man yelled as he held his neck grimacing in pain. I glanced over my shoulder, and shot daggers at his old ass. His face was crimson red like he was about to have a heart attack as he sat back down.

  “Ze, why did you do that?” Miko raised his voice at me. I continued to ignore him as I searched through the channels. I found CNN, but there was a different story on.

  “Fuck! Fuck!” I cursed. I was about to have a nervous breakdown and lose it. I looked back up at the television and the caption read, “In other news…” the same blonde haired female news reporter was reporting, “The young woman’s body that was pulled from Cape Fear River near Fayetteville North Carolina a few days ago has been identified. Police confirmed that it is twenty year old Zeaira Rowe, who had been reported missing months ago after her mother was found murdered in her home. Police do suspect that she was the victim of foul play.”

  I stared up at the picture of myself when I was in high school. It hardly resembled what I looked like today.
As I stared at the photo it felt like I was having an outer body experience, or in the twilight zone. There my so called body was being carried on a stretcher in a black body bag surrounded by throngs of police, ambulances, and the medical examiner. My legs suddenly felt like rubber. I felt faint.

  I heard Miko mutter, “Oh shit!” as he looked up at the screen too.

  I broke down and started crying. That was when I felt Miko grab me and lead me away. It was like a black fog had clouded my mind as I stumbled along, walking by the old man. He tried to kick me and missed.

  “Black bitch,” he scoffed still holding his neck like he was in terrible pain.

  His wife scolded to him, “Stop it Bert. I told you to leave that television alone in the first place.”

  Miko huddled me down the airport walkway as my luggage dragged behind me. “I’m dead. Buff and Zeus are dead…” I uttered incoherently as my feet dragged.

  “It’s not what you think it is Ze,” Miko said as he supported my weight.

  “What the fuck is going on? What have I gotten myself into? What is happening to me?!” The more I shouted the angrier I got.

  He gently shoved me against the wall next to the men’s restroom entrance and pressed his body against mine as the PA system blared. Onlookers stared at us as they walked by. Suddenly I broke down, completely losing it.

  “Tell me now! What have I got myself into? What is happening?” I yelled thrashing as I attempted to shove him off me.

  “There is nothing wrong Ze. It’s not your fault. That was the agency’s doing,” he stated against my cheek. We were pressed tightly together against the wall like one body as crowds of people passed in the busy airport.

  An obese man wearing a bow tie that looked too small walked out of the bathroom followed by several other men. They all looked at us like we were making out or something.


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