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Zero Degrees Part 3: Miss Murderess

Page 8

by Leo Sullivan

  Their disappointment was obvious and it felt like the ship was sinking that fast as Moskv looked at me with his brows knotted in dismay. I needed to put his mind at ease, so I slipped my hand into his.

  “How about we get a nice cozy table alone, just you and I,” I coaxed in a sultry voice and let my soft, nimble fingers walk like legs down his arm, to rest on his thigh.

  “Will you have a drink with me then? What is it that you American women like to drink?” He asked with a devilish grin.

  “Hennessey and Coke,” I chimed in a singsong voice and took his hand leading him across the lounge. I was careful to place his hand on my ass as we walked, to let him feel how soft it was. I almost laughed out loud when I saw how the young, blonde Russian was staring at me with a sour expression.

  I couldn’t help but wonder what was up with him.

  Moskv and I sat in a booth off to the corner across from the blonde bodyguard. I intended to give him a show.

  “So, a sexy successful woman like you who is about her business should not be single. You hate men or something?” He asked and cocked his head to the side, studying me as if he was making plans of what he was going to do with me.

  I let out a sexy giggle and leaned over so that he could look right at my breasts. To my surprise, he placed a hand on my thigh. I’m sure he felt my body cringe because all I could think about was all the despicable things he had done to children and helpless women. I tried to play it off.

  “No, that’s not it at all.” His hand inched up my thigh.

  “Do you really want to know why I’m single?”

  Moskv nodded his head like a puppet and said, “I need to know, because I am a wealthy man. I can give you things you couldn’t even dream about. Things you couldn’t even imagine,” he said with Vodka on his breath as his inched closer.

  His hand began to travel even further up my thigh. It took everything in my power not to Karate chop his old, fat ass in the throat. The whole time the bell boy kid looked on like he was watching a movie. I unbuttoned my blouse and opened it exposing my firm, supple breast in full view like they were on auction. I was only wearing a black lacy, sheer Victoria Secret bra. I noticed that the red head bodyguard sat all the way up in his seat to get a better look.

  I then poured another heavy dose of seductive femme fatale on Moskv.

  “Ok, since you feel the need to know the reason why I don’t have a man, here goes. It’s because I’m addicted to sex. Oral sex, anal sex, any kind of sex. I need it every day all day and no man can handle me,” I purred with my lips parted like I was ready to suck his dick right then.

  Reaching my hand under the table to grab his dick, I realized that it was under so much blubber and fat. My fingers went on a search mission and then when I found the tiny, little thing, it was smaller than my pinky.

  He began to pant like he was having trouble breathing as I manipulated his little dick inside his pants.

  “W…why… the hell would a man have a problem with a woman who likes to have sex all the time?” He stuttered with a smile as I spit on my hand and caressed his dick with fake passion.

  I cooed, “Most men can’t handle me in bed. They can’t handle all this lovin’.” I flashed him one of my sex faces as I nibbled on the ridge of my top lip.

  “You may not believe it, but I have the sex drive of a hundred men. If I could I would fuck and suck all day. You might think men would love that, but it intimidates them. Do I intimidate you?” I put on an innocent, but sexy look.

  At first his mouth moved, but no words came out. I glanced over to the next booth and the blonde body guard’s handsome blue eyes sparkled as he watched me doing my thing to his boss. For some reason he had a strange look on his face. Then I saw what looked like a flash of anger and thought it may have come from the swift kick and bitch slap Moskv had given him in the hotel lobby. Whatever the case was, I was turned on by the sheer excitement of him watching and what I was about to do to his boss. I hadn’t had sex in months, and for a fleeting second I actually thought about having sex with a white, blonde Russian. He was that damn handsome, but then I quickly tossed the thought out my mind.

  Murder was my anthem.

  “I…I…. don’t find you… intimidating at all,” he stammered, quickly reached for his glass and gulped his drink down.

  “Prove it then. Let’s go to your room,” I whispered as I stroked him faster and then leaned forward to lick his old, wrinkled up cauliflower looking ear.

  That was all it took. He shuddered, went into his pocket, pulled out a wallet, tossed some bills on the table in a hurry and then slid his shriveled dick back into his pants.

  “Let’s go!”

  He grunted as he struggled to shift his weight to get up. As he stood, he said something to the handsome blonde dude, bolted straight forward in his seat and began to nod his head anxiously.


  In no time we were inside his magnificent suite. It was the size of a luxurious home and was decorated like a palace.

  “Get comfortable,” he said with a wave of his hand as he took off his suit coat.

  I sat in front of a large picturesque window overlooking Moscow. The snow was falling harder outside. As I looked around, I couldn’t help but admire the white grand piano. His suite was luxurious, but what really caught my attention was a painting on the wall, I had seen it before somewhere. It was a Leonardo Da Vinci painting of a woman and it had to cost a fortune.

  After surveying my surroundings, I quickly refocused on the task at hand.


  Just how was I going to kill him? Where were his men stationed? Just as I glanced down at my purse, he reemerged from fixing me a drink and sat down next to me on the sofa.

  He leaned forward and his foul, hot breath was on my face when he said, “I love black women. The texture of your skin, your hair and the inside of your sweetness is like nectar.” His words were more slurred and there was perspiration glistening of his forehead as he eagerly passed me a drink.

  “What’s dis?” I asked all ghettofied with a scowl. He was set on drugging my ass and doing his analingis thing with me.

  “It’s what you like. Hennessey and Coke. Taste it,” he said and grabbed my purse, placing it on the floor on his side of the sofa, out of my reach.

  My body went rigid with anger as he held the drink in front of my face. I feigned a smile, taking the glass from his hand before taking a fake sip. Then I carefully placed the drink back on the table next to his, turned to him, wet my lips and reached for the zipper of his pants. He glanced down and smirked with a grin of confidence as I tussled with his zipper.

  “Did you like your drink?” He asked smiling like a vulture watching his prey as he slouched down in his seat to accommodate me.

  “Yes, I did.” I smiled and licked my lips as I began to stroke him with so much vigor that his right leg began to twitch.

  “Dis is why I love American, black women. If you suck it good I will buy you a brand new Mercedes Benz, a home, or anything you want. Do you know who I am?”

  ‘Yes, I know who you and I intend to give you what you deserve,’ I thought. For some reason I was unconsciously mimicking him as my hands worked feverishly, my mind plotted, and then I heard Black talking in my ear in stereo surround.

  “You have fifteen minutes. His security is prepared to come up. Enough with the charade. Stab, shoot or poison him as you have been trained and get the fuck outta there Zero!” Black yelled in my ear.

  I stopped stroking the fat slob and cocked my head to the side.

  “Okay! Okay!” I replied to Black out loud.

  “What? What is wrong?” Moskv asked with a raised brow.

  “I said okay. I just need to drink.” I lied and sat up at the same time. Reaching down into my bra, I removed the vial of cyanide, switched his glass with mine when he looked away, and poured some in his drink. He was really going to get a cocktail with the cyanide and God knows what else he had in that glass I switched on his

  I leaned back and passed him his drink as I got all cozy and comfy, snuggling against him like we were a couple. He smiled with nicotine stained teeth.

  “How do you say a toast to the good life in Russian?” I asked and clinked my glass against his. He got a big kick out of that and smiled.

  “Okay a toast to the good life and black women who give good head,” he said with a gloating grin and tossed his drink back. I watched him and did the same, only for good measure. I didn’t swallow mine, but it still burned my mouth. He belched in my face and laughed. I played it off, turned my head and faked a hearty laugh as I spat the liquor out onto the carpet.

  He commented, “Good you drink it all.” His face looked flushed as he suddenly stood on wobbly legs, nearly falling and then composed himself. Whatever he had spiked my drink with along with the cyanide was taking a slow affect. He looked down at my empty glass and then his.

  I glanced at my purse with urgency. Time was a moment on a short string. I needed to torture his ass.

  “Take your clothes off. I have a surprise for you,” he said. Saliva was dripping from the corners of his mouth and his eyes were rolling around in his head. He took off walking sideways, bumped into a table, then the wall and staggered off to another part of the suite.

  Quickly, I reached for the knife in my purse. Its serrated, sharp edges gleamed as I tucked it at my side. My heart was palpitating and my pulse was racing.

  Moskv staggered back into the room completely naked. I never knew that a man could have such a teeny penis. He was sweating profusely and breathing all hard. There was what looked like white foam forming in the corners of his mouth. He had something behind his back and his eyes looked wild like an animal’s.

  “I thought I asked you to take off your clothes.” His voiced echoed.

  “Come here baby,” I enticed with my index finger, flirtatiously beckoning for him to come to me. The entire time I held the twelve inch hunting knife at my side prepared to strike. Yes, I knew that it was over kill, but God help me, I couldn’t help it.

  As he staggered forward instantly, I regretted not taking the gun out instead of the knife. I was fearful of what he had behind his back. Was it a gun?

  He had completely caught me off guard and must have figured out that I switched his drink. The way he was looking at me while foaming at the mouth, I just knew that he was on to me.

  I was completely vulnerable.

  He had me right where he wanted me.

  “Take ‘err clothes off.” His words were even more slurred as his voice boomed. He staggered more and his big, hairy legs wobbled, but he didn’t fall as he looked at me with his bloodshot eyes squinting.

  Then Black’s voice erupted inside my brain as he warned.

  “Abort the mission Zero. In a few minutes his henchmen will be on their way up. They’re preparing to come up now. Moskv may have somehow signaled for them.”

  Black’s words fell on death ears. I was in a killing trance as I held the large knife at my side, prepared to strike. As I stood pretending like I was going to disrobe nude, I continued to gesture with my index finger lustfully for him to come to me. I needed to bury the knife in his fat ass. All I could think about was two year old babies who had been raped and molested.

  I thought of the women abused and used as sex slaves.

  I thought about Goody, the man who attempted to rape me. He was my first kill and killing him felt so good.

  I thought about how it would feel to plunge that knife in the fat Russian’s gut.

  I needed to torture and brutalize him as he had did his victims.

  As he approached I noticed that his body was covered with patches of gray hair and a musty smell emanated as sweat dripped from his chin.

  He came closer…

  I braced myself to strike.

  Then to my surprise, he moved. I flinched ready to duck when he removed a chain with leg irons and hand cuffs with what looked like a small baseball bat from behind his back.

  His face began to twist and contort as his skin turned into an ashen, chalky white color.

  “Wha-da-fuck is dat?!” I snapped.

  He was closer, panting and breathing hard like he was about to have as stoke or some shit. That cocktail of drugs and poison was kicking his ass, but it hadn’t seemed to slow his sex drive down.

  “This is a butt plug. I’m going to insert this… in your ass. Don’t… worry… you won’t feel… a thing.” He began to cough violently as his body shook with spasms.

  He slurred his words badly as he made reference to what I thought was a small baseball bat. He then added,

  “And these shackles… and chains… I am going to put on you.” He staggered closer and reached for my hand.

  My mind snapped. ‘Now!” Black barked.

  With feline quickness, I placed my hand on his shoulder and pulled him into me. With my teeth clenched tightly and my breath a whisper against his earlobe, I snarled,

  “Muthafucka, how does it feel to die for all the fucked up shit you did? For all the rapes and murders of children and women?”

  His gnarly eyebrows knotted up in a tight line across his forehead and a frown creased his pale face.

  “Zero get out! It’s time to go. GET OUT! GET OUT!” Black yelled against my eardrum so loud it made me shudder.

  “Wha-what are you talking about…?” Moskv’s words were cut short when I plunged the knife as far as it would go into his gut and watched his eyes bulge wide. They were filled with terror as he gasped for air and made some type of hissing sound.

  I was where I wanted to be; up close and personal. His death was my climax as I looked into his eyes. It looked like the veiny vessels underneath were going to explode. I turned the knife, twisting it, enjoying my intimate relationship with death, his death. I enjoyed watching him squirm as his warm blood began to drip from the knife onto my hands. The blood that filled his lungs made him let out a gurgling sound and dark red liquid filled his opened mouth before it spilled to his chapped lips down his double chin.

  “Zero, what is happening? What is going on? For God’s sake why are you still there!?” Black yelled.

  “Mr. Moskv is being introduced to his maker. Say hello to Lucifer for me.” I turned the knife some more and suddenly his guts along with his intestines erupted and splattered on the floor. Moskv made a noise, a guttural sound. It was his very last breath. As his body shook, he fell backwards onto the floor causing a loud, hard thump.

  I quickly fixed my clothes and noticed that my hand was smeared in blood. The rancid stench of death permeated and suddenly filled the room. I looked at Moskv’s pathetic body as crimson colored blood continued to flow like a faucet, staining the white Persian carpeting. That’s when I noticed the expensive watch on his wrist. I knew I should have heeded Black’s warning to get the hell out of there.

  I should have left.

  But I couldn’t.

  Time was not just my enemy, but it was my biggest foe as crucial seconds ticked away like bombs in my head. I couldn’t help it. That watch cost over a million dollars. At the end of the day I was a hood chick by nature.

  I rushed over and frantically tussled with the expensive watch on the dead man’s wrist. I couldn’t get the damn thing off.

  Valuable seconds passed by, but it didn’t stop me.

  The damn watch wouldn’t come off. It wouldn’t unfasten, so I had to struggle with the clasp.

  More crucial time passed, but I finally got it off. I stood up, put it in my bra and picked up my purse.


  There was a heavy knock at the door.

  My heart slammed against my ribcage.

  I froze in my tracks.

  It was his bodyguards!

  “Oh, fuck!” I muttered.

  My heart was in my throat beating fast.

  “What do I do now?” I asked Black in a shaky voice as I looked around the room.

  I was trapped.

  “Do as you have been trained d
amnit!” Black shouted angrily just as the door opened and the Russians stormed in.

  Chapter 10


  I had finally been released after being interrogated for hours. Once again that damned Officer Greyson was the lead investigator in the shooting that had gone down at the club. It was like nobody else worked for the Fayetteville Police Department other than his fuck ass.

  “We’re shutting your disgrace of a club down once and for all! This is the second time some shit like this has happened at your establishment!” Greyson had bellowed angrily as I tried to keep my cool.

  That bullshit he was spitting was the last thing I was thinking about. My damn brother was laying in the hospital in critical condition because of that bitch Lexie’s fucking lies. Then on top of that he had dropped the bomb on me. Zero’s body had been found in the Cape Fear River.

  “Are you sure it’s her?” I asked feeling my heart fall down to my gut. The solemn look on his face showed that the pig felt some kind of sympathy toward me.

  “Think about it man. You got too much bullshit surrounding you. The robberies and the club shoot outs. Now you girlfriend is dead and your brother is all fucked up. It’s time to do something different.” The sound of those words echoed in my head over and over again as I drove to the hospital to check on Buff.

  Shit, that had been the plan before my woman got taken away from me. Greyson told me that Ze’s body was unrecognizable and she had to be identified through dental records. I made a mental note to contact her aunt so I could help her with any funeral arrangements. As much as I wanted to believe it wasn’t true tears stung my eyes. She was really gone and all I could think about was the argument I had with my brother about that very thing. Damn, I still didn’t feel it in my soul. It couldn’t be true. My woman could not be dead. That shit wasn’t possible.

  Then I thought about my brother who was in the hospital with two gunshot wounds to the abdomen. He was still unconscious when the police had come to the hospital to escort me down to the station for questioning. It was like deja vu, but my girl wasn’t there to leave with me that time.


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