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Secret Heat [Men of Iron Horse 10] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 7

by Morgan Fox

  But I can’t. She could get fired for this. I can’t do that to her, not when she’s worked so hard to get a place of her own, to finally have the independence she deserves.

  He stood, cradling her face in his hands and gently kissed her lips. “We can’t get caught,” he reminded her. “It would be bad for both of us.”

  She groaned, the sound of disappointment as she leaned into his touch. “When do you leave tonight?”


  She straightened her clothing. “I’m up for studying again, if you are.”

  He turned on the light, meeting her gaze, a wicked smile on her face. How could he say no to an offer like that? “I’ll come straight home.”

  “Good.” She pressed to her toes and kissed him. “I’ll be waiting.”

  She left first. He needed an extra minute to get his erection to subside. It was hell being a guy.

  * * * *

  Living with Jaxson was an unexpected pleasure. For a week, she’d come home and helped him study. Her technique was working—In more ways than one. He missed fewer questions and they spent more time cuddled together and talking. She was free with Jaxson, doing things with him she wasn’t shy about. Trusting him came easy. Being with him came easy. As strange as it was, he had a familiar spirit that made him appear more like an old friend than a new one.

  While the sex was off the charts hot, it was more the way he treated her that made her pulse race. He was kind, putting her needs first, and not just the sexual ones, but by going out of his way to help her when he barely knew her. He opened her door, pulled out her chair, made sure the hotel room had foods and snacks she liked, asked her how her days were, how she was feeling, and gave her the bed, which now they shared.

  But even with as much time as they spent together, there was a void between them. An unexplainable distance—something she felt and didn’t understand.

  Shaking the thoughts away, she blinked at the morning sun burning through the slight opening in the curtains. She glanced over at him. He was awake. “Tomorrow’s your test,” she reminded him, crawling over to straddle him, and rolling her hips over his semi-erection. “Should we study again? I want to ensure you pass.”

  One side of his mouth quirked as he hooked his arm over his eyes. “I think we broke my dick last night.”

  She laughed, rubbing her hands over his skin to massage the sinew of his chest and stomach. “Maybe we shouldn’t have made it a study marathon then, huh?”

  He lowered his arm so he could put them both around her, drawing her down on top of him. “It was so worth it though.” He kissed her nose. “I’m sure to ace that test thanks to you.”

  A swell of warmth engulfed her heart. “Glad I could help.”

  Jaxson swept her hair back away from her face. “How about instead of studying today we go out for breakfast and take a ride somewhere?”

  She furrowed her brow. “In your truck?”

  He scowled. “Hey,” he drew out in a long breath. “Is there something wrong with my pickup?”

  “No,” she replied, back peddling from the tone she’d used. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  He grinned. “Just checking.”

  She poked him in the ribs.

  “Hey,” he muttered through laughter. “I thought we could maybe take a drive somewhere fun, spend the day doing something besides hiding in our hotel room. What do you say?”

  Our hotel room? She smiled, liking that he always included her. Each time they worked together and his shift ended first, he’d find her and whisper, “Meet you at home.” On nights she didn’t work, he’d say, “See you when I get home” and then kiss her. For the first time, having a roommate was a wonderful treat—one she wasn’t ready to give up, even if she did have the money she needed.

  “I say heck yes. Let’s go.”

  After a quick shower and time to dress, Layton headed into the area of the hotel room that was considered the kitchen. The long-term stay hotel was set up for travelers that stuck around for a week or longer at a time. Jaxson was pretty much a lifer at this point. A few months in and he still didn’t seem interested in living anywhere else. It was close to Iron Horse and he didn’t have to worry about washing towels or cleaning—the hotel staff did that for him. Grinning, she hadn’t considered what a bachelor’s dream this could be considered.

  “Why are you laughing?”

  I’m thinking about you again.

  “I was just thinking about packing a picnic and realized that I might have food but nothing to put it in.”

  When Jaxson’s handed her a collapsible, insulated cooler bag, she arched a curious brow.

  “Wow,” she muttered. “How did you come across this?”

  “My mother,” he said candidly, brewing a pot of coffee. “She packed me enough food to last a week last I saw her, and the road trip to Dallas from home takes only a day.” He laughed. “My mother should’ve had more children. She’s the type of mom all sons dream of having.”

  That got her attention. What were the qualities of a perfect mother—to a son?

  “How so?”

  He placed his hand on the counter, putting the weight of his body onto the outstretched arm. “She cooks like a goddess, can make anything I want, she doesn’t mother me, and always knows when I need her most. She has a gift of insight, calling at just the right time, and she doesn’t press me to get married or have kids.” He paused. “She can also tear apart an engine and help me rebuild it. She’s a gem.”

  Layton smiled. “Rebuild an engine, huh?”

  “She’d tie up her hair, put on some grungy clothes and get right on in with me, grease all over her hands and face and it never bothered her. Plus, she’d listen to whatever music I wanted while we worked.”


  He winked. “You know it.”

  “Sounds like you had a perfect childhood.”

  His joy-filled expression shifted slightly. “I did, at least with my mom.”

  “But not with your dad?”

  He shook his head and pursed his lips. “Dad was tough. A great man, hardworking, never needed a handout, and he made looking like a loving husband easy.”


  “I think it’s safe to say that he wanted more from me than I could give.”

  Confusion struck her. How could a man like Jaxson not be all his father wanted? How could a man not be proud of a son like him? “What do you mean? Was it because you went into the service?”

  “No. I entered the Marines because I was a screw-up.”

  She frowned. “I don’t think you’re a screw-up.”

  He smiled, but there was something missing in his eyes—something she couldn’t read. She couldn’t imagine him being anything but a perfect son. “I wonder what Daniel and Jason would say about you.”

  A deep rumble of laughter sprung out from his throat, as if caught off guard by her words. “They’d agree that I was a screw-up because they were screwing up with me.”

  She chuckled. “That’s right. You three spent lots of time together as kids.”

  “Yep. I was sent to the same summer camps they were.”

  “That’s how you and Daniel ended up in the Marines together, right?”

  “I’m afraid I planted the seed in Daniel’s head. He and I had a lot in common growing up. Jason not so much. Jason had his ducks in a row and had no problems figuring life out. Daniel and I, on the other hand, struggled.”

  That didn’t surprise her. Planning out a life’s journey wasn’t something easily done. At least not in her eyes. “Most kids struggle. I still haven’t figured out what I want to do with my life.” She paused. “And I’m not sure I’ll ever get the opportunity to do more than what I’m doing.”

  “You’re great at the restaurant business,” he told her, his eyes locked on hers. “You know a lot about the industry, could pass the food handlers certification test in your sleep, and you’ve got the best customer service skills of anyone I’ve ever seen.” He ch
uckled, his gaze filled with pride. “You can flip a switch, Layton. One second you’re pissed at me for ruining your life, and the next you’re greeting customers like they’re your best friends. You’ve got a gift.”

  “You don’t have to say that, you know.”

  “I’m only speaking the truth. I think you could move into management, if you ever wanted to.”

  She pinched her brows together. “You think so?”

  “Absolutely. Another thing I’ve noticed is how well you’re able to get others to do things you need them to. You don’t make it a demand. You rope people in and work together as a team. Not everyone has that ability either.”

  He’s been watching her. “I hadn’t thought about that.”

  “You should.” He took her hands in his and pulled her against him. “You’d make one hell of a bar manager.”

  “Oh, if I became the bar manager, and you stayed the restaurant manager, we wouldn’t have to keep our little secret.” He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Is that what you’re implying?”

  Holding her up, he unzipped his jeans. She glanced down to see his very hard cock. “When it comes to you, Layton, I’m becoming a very greedy man.”

  She quirked a smile. “It would appear your dick’s not broken after all.”

  He rasped out a harsh breath as she reached between them to stroke him. “I rebound fast when I’ve got something I want.”

  She nipped at his lips. “Show me.”

  Chapter Seven

  Jaxson’s days off had never been more enjoyable than when he had the chance to spend them with Layton. She made him rekindle his younger days, playing around, being silly, and laughing whenever possible. He liked that he craved her just a little—an unexpected pleasure. She brightened his thoughts, giving him something exciting to look forward to.

  Recently, life had been hard, throwing challenges his way, and making him realize that his future was nothing at all like he’d envisioned—family life, military life, and after military life. Surprisingly, thanks to Layton, things were looking up. At least for now.

  His time in the service had been long and hard, but he’d gladly do it again. His relationship with his father was the same—strained. That was the real reason he journeyed out to Dallas to see Daniel. His mother must’ve seen the disappointment Jaxson felt after returning home. The distance between him and his old man hadn’t closed in even a little. Being around Daniel made him happy, his mother knew that. The second she suggested it, Jaxson was all packed and set to travel. He belonged in Dallas, and right now, he belonged with Layton.

  “Tell me,” he started, inclining his chin toward his shoulder to catch a glimpse of her sitting behind him on his motorcycle. “What do you think of my new toy?”

  She wrapped her arms around his waist as she leaned closer. “I honestly thought we were going for a ride in your truck.” She laughed. “I’m loving the bike.”

  He smiled, glancing down at the shiny blank tank of his new cruiser.

  She pressed her delicious breast to his back and he held his breath. “I especially love the white walls. You picked a great bike for you, Jax.” Her hands dipped down his waist, resting on his belt buckle. “That first night I’d seen you up at Iron Horse, if you’d shown up on this bike, I would’ve begged for a ride.”

  He revved the engine, his pulse racing with her flirtatious words. Truth was, she never would’ve had to beg. He’d been enamored by Layton the second he laid eyes on her.

  The light turned green and they were off. Within a short drive, they were beyond the city limits and cruising onto the backroads of East Texas. Before Layton had moved in with him, he’d spent his time off exploring new places, eating up the pavement on his new motorcycle. The open road helped him clear his head, and gather the strength he needed to overcome the anxiety of failing that food handlers test.

  Thanks to Layton, I might just pass.

  He spotted the sign for Cooper Lake and made the turn. The road was badly eroded and she clung to him tighter. He slowed down.

  “Where are we going, and will we have any teeth left when we get there?”

  He laughed. “I hope so.”

  A few minutes later, they pulled into the state park and found a place to put the motorcycle. He hopped off the bike and removed his helmet. She did the same. He opened up one of the saddlebags and pulled out the cooler they’d packed, and in the other saddlebag he pulled out a blanket and a shopping bag.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  He laid the blanket across the seat, and put the cooler beside him on the ground. He opened the shopping bag and pulled out a pink and black string bikini.

  Layton eyed him, one brow arched high. “What’s that?” she repeated.

  “It’s a bikini, and if you don’t want to wear it, no worries. I prefer you naked anyway.”

  She scowled. “Aren’t you funny?” She took it from him. “Where’s the rest of it.”

  He grinned. To be fair, he did like the color of the suit, but the lack of suit he liked even better. “It’s a bikini.” He pulled it from her, opening the small triangles. “These cover your nipples and this—” He held up the barely-there bottoms. “Covers that beautiful piece of heaven.”

  She rolled her eyes at him.

  “But like I said, naked works, too.”

  “Not at a state park.”

  He pulled her to him. “With you, it works anywhere.”

  She playfully shoved against him. “You’re a mess.”

  What was funny, is that before Layton, he felt exactly like that—a mess. With her—not so much.

  “So we get to enjoy a picnic and swim?”

  “There’s a playground over there, too, and a trail for hiking. We can spend the entire day just relaxing.”

  When she smiled, his chest tightened. Damn, he loved the way her eyes brightened when she looked at him. That softness in her eyes made him feel invincible.

  He grabbed his swim shorts and took her by the hand, leaving the cooler and blanket on his bike. The paved walkway led to a playground and the swimming area. Several people were swimming in the water, carrying on and having fun. “We can change first and then head down to the water.”

  He parted from her, but it didn’t last long. He glanced around, making sure no one was coming up the trail or nearby. Then he opened the bathroom door where he separated from Layton. He tiptoed until he found her behind a closed shower curtain. Her fragrance coated the air. He shoved open the curtain.

  “Jax,” Layton shouted. “What are you doing?”

  He closed the curtain behind him. “Helping,” he said matter-of-factly. “It’s a new suit. I thought you might want a little assistance.” He licked his lips, his mouth dry as a cotton ball.

  She covered her bare breasts, the tiny bikini top clutched in her hand. “I’m doing just fine on my own.”

  He stared at the very small bathing suit bottom—the one that barely covered the thin patch of hair between her legs. “Damn,” he muttered.

  “I know,” she blurted. “It’s a good thing I shaved today.”

  He laughed. “You shave every day.”

  A curious gleam formed in her eyes. “You noticed that?”

  He swallowed the tight lump in his throat. “I notice everything about you.”

  And he did. From the way she always made sure she washed her face before bed, to putting out her clothing for the next morning. He liked her quirky behaviors and her creature of habit personality.

  His hand came up to take the top from her hand. “May I?”

  Locking onto his gaze, she slowly lowered her hands. When his view of her breasts were no longer blocked, he saw how right he’d been about her needing him. Her nipples were hard, begging for his attention.

  “Look at that,” he whispered. “They’re just begging to be sucked.”

  He lowered his head to take one of her erect nipples into his mouth, flicking his tongue wildly. “You taste like heaven.” />
  He worked his hands up and down her waist and hips, pulling her to him. His body was hard and craving hers. Nothing and no one else had ever fired him up the way Layton did.

  She grabbed him by his shirt, tugging him up. He stood, locking onto her heated gaze. “Kiss me,” she begged.

  He didn’t waste a moment. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her with the inferno of passion she ignited inside him. He was desperate to show her how special she was to him, and how much he appreciated everything she unknowingly gave to him. She gripped his shirt and helped him tear it up over his head, then she reached for his pants, unbuckling them and shoving them down his legs. The movements between them grew more frantic as lust and need collided. He kicked out of his boots and stripped himself naked. Then he crushed himself against her, taking her mouth in a kiss that had him wanting the moment to never end. Relishing her flavor, he dipped his tongue between her lips and sampled her. Her touch went wild over his flesh, massaging his chest, stomach, and back.

  The door to the bathroom swung open, renewed sunlight blasting into the area where they stood. He froze, naked and hard. Several female voices echoed throughout the space. The blood pumped through his body at the thrill of being caught. Layton pursed her lips to keep from laughing. Glancing down, he spotted his shorts and quickly slipped them on. Then he licked her nipples once more and helped her dress. Before long, the unwanted guests left the bathroom. They collected their things and prepared to leave.

  “You first,” Layton told him. “If you get busted, I’m taking your bike and I’m outta here.”

  He shook his head. “Nice,” he grumbled.

  She winked, patting him on the butt. “Go.”

  He did, running for the door. The second he got there the door opened and a woman stood glaring at him. They both stared at the picture of the woman’s sign and then back at each other.

  Jaxson shrugged. “I can’t read,” he told her, then politely excused himself.


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