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Swans Are Fat Too

Page 23

by Michelle Granas

  She glanced up at him then––one quick look––and he smiled, and turned his eyes back to the road, and she sat and looked out over the dashboard unseeing, and somewhere in the back of her mind, the music began to well. A hint of melody––delicate, sweet, searching, and underneath, chords starting quietly and building slowly, with the triumphant laughter running in rippling trills throughout. A piece of music entirely her own.



  Translations from Polish and French are mine unless otherwise noted.

  Chapter 2:

  *'they carry cytars…' Theofylaktos Simokattes quoted on www.pł, (accessed August, 2006).

  Chapter 3:

  *'As the country's climate…' Pomponius Mela quoted in Małgorzata Fabianek and Małgorzata Nesteruk, Straszna Historia, Ci Sprytni Słowianie, p. 7.

  *'and therefore…' Procopius quoted in Aleksander Brückner, Tysiąc Lat Kultury Polskiej (Księgarnia Polska w Paryżu: Paris, 1930) p. 27.

  *'grain…' Ibn Jakub quoted in Brückner, op. cit., 166.

  * Lines 121-123 of Goethe's Faust, Part I, translated by Louis MacNiece, (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1951).

  *'drank…' Bishop Thietmar quoted in Jasienica, Polska Piastow (PIW: Warsaw, 1966) p. 72.

  *'exuberant lifestyle,' Jasienica's words, op. cit., 72.

  * Brückner, op. cit., 101.

  Chapter 4:

  *8,000 maidens…the Anonymous Gaul, quoted by Bruckner, op. cit., 71.

  Chapter 5:

  * Mermaid statue; Trojden's castle and surroundings; see Marek Ostrowski, Wars's Gaze, Triptych Warszawski (Ostrowski: Warsaw, 2006).

  * Goebbels and pitch…Jonathan Tennenbaum, 'Revolution in Music: A Brief History of Musical Tuning,' reprinted on the website of the Schiller Institute, from Fidelio magazine, Vol. I, No. 1, Winter, 1991-1992.

  * Erasmus on John a Lasco, from Studies in the Book of Common Prayer, Herbert Mortimer Luckock, 1833-1909 (Longmans, Green, and Co.: n.p., 1900), p. 38.

  * 'the peasant is not your slave...'; 'songs'...Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski, On the Improvement of the Commonwealth.

  *On the lot of the peasants, quoted by A. Ernt-Świetlicka and C.Świetlicki in 'Folwark. Szlachecki i Chlopi w Polsce XVI Wieku,' at www., (accessed August 2006).

  * On Lafayette, from Lafayette, Harlow Giles Unger (John Wiley & Sons Inc.: Hoboken, N.J., 2002) pp. 177-9.

  Chapter 6:

  * The papal nuncio Julius Ruggieri on Zygmunt August, quoted in Jasienica, Polska Jagiellonów (PIW: Warsaw, 1983) p. 379.

  Chapter 7:

  * Archbishop Tillotson quoted in Walerjan Krasinski, Zarys Dziejów Reformacji w Polsce, vol. II (Zwiastuń Ewangelicznego: Warsaw, 1905) p. 36.

  * Text of the Konfederacja Generala Warszawska on the website of the Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych

  Chapter 8:

  * Henri III's stay in Poland and flight from Cracow described in Les Reines de France au temps des Valois, 2. Les Annees sanglantes, Simone Bertiere, (Editions de Fallois: Paris, 1994) p. 261-262.

  * Adam Mickiewicz, Pan Tadeusz, translated by Kenneth R. Mackenzie (The Polish Cultural Foundation: London, 1990) p. 120.

  *On Bathory's supposed madness, Krasinski, op. cit., footnote on p. 30.

  *Accounts of the Czaplinski Affair vary. Execution: Kuropas, Myron B., Saga of Ukraine, The Age of Heroism, Vol. 2, MUN Enterprise, Chicago, 1961, p. 34.

  Chapter 10:

  * Stanisław Leszcyznski's last days and quotes from Simone Bertiere, Les Reines de France au temps des Bourbons, Le Reine et la favorite, (Editions de Fallois: Paris, 2000) p. 602.

  Chapter 11:

  * Figures for Second World War deaths vary widely.

  * Wacek Matysiak...mentioned in Ilona Flutsztejn-Gruda, Byłam Wtedy Dzieckiem (Norbertinum: Lublin, 2004) p.135.

  Chapter 12:

  * Cock-fighting and caning, Adam Zamoyski, The Last King of Poland (Jonathan Cape: Great Britain, 1992) p. 49 (from Mémoires secret et inédits de Stanislas Auguste); self-portrait, from Mémoires secret quoted by Zamoyski, op. cit., p. 58.

  Chapter 15:

  *Polish colonies in Africa, Maciej Ząbek, 'Colonial Aspirations in the Second Republic and the Imperial Culture of Inter-War Europe' in The State and Development in Africa and Other Regions: Past and Present, Studies and Essays in Honor of Professor Jan J. Milewski, (Warsaw, 2007).

  *A certain 18th-century visitor…letter of 1750 of Sir Charles Hanbury Williams to Henry Fox, quoted in Zamoyski, op. cit., after the Earl of Ilchester and Mrs Langford-Brooke, The Life of Sir Charles HanburyWilliams (Thorton-Butterworth: London, 1929).

  Chapter 16:

  *Jan III Sobieski, Listy do Marysienka, letter of 9 June 1665, in the Virtual Library of Polish Literature, UNESCO.

  Table of Contents


  Notes and Disclaimers:

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17





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