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Reforming Her Vampire

Page 4

by Marie Medina

  Erik looked close to tears, and she smiled up at him, glad his anger had faded. His concern she could endure, now that he seemed to be over his initial reaction. “Don’t you dare cry. I’m still emotional from yesterday.”

  Erik took a deep breath. “I’m fine,” he said, straightening up. But then he grasped her by the shoulders. “I’ll talk to Lucas. He probably doesn’t realize leaving the way he did hurt your feelings. I know he didn’t mean to.”

  “Thank you,” Sean said.

  But then Erik stepped away and leveled his gaze on Sean. “I’ll expect you to follow the same rules I set for Heather’s suitors. That clear?”

  “You’ll have to fill me in, but I can guess most of them,” Sean said.

  “I know them,” Iris said, trying not to sound too exasperated. “We’ll start with a turn in the garden. How does that sound? There are still tons of guests lingering around. Very public and proper.”

  Erik nodded his approval. “That sounds fine.”

  Iris offered her arm to Sean. “Thank you,” she said to Erik.

  Sean linked their arms, and she immediately marched him toward the door. She wanted to pull him into a corner and demand the kiss she’d been sure he was about to give her earlier, but she doubted that was going to happen now.

  “In a hurry?” Sean said, struggling to keep up.

  She slowed her pace. “Sorry. Just frustrated.”

  “That went better than I expected. At least Erik calmed down quickly enough.”

  Turning her head to look up at him, she asked, “What did you expect?”

  “Me in the dungeon and you in a tower. Keys thrown in a lake.”

  She laughed. “Whatever.”

  Sean stopped and took her hand, kissing it gently. “Let’s forget them. You said we’re the only ones with any say in this.”

  “We are.”

  Starting to walk again, he said, “Then, on to the gardens.”

  She smiled and tightened her grip on his arm. Now that she wasn’t having to stand up for herself, she began to feel nervousness creeping back in. Skilled as she was at flirting, she didn’t know much about being courted. And she couldn’t help thinking about the fact no one else had ever wanted to court her formally, no matter what Heather thought about their supposed interest. The possibility of them being together made her all the more conscious of her attraction to him, which she’d previously been able to ignore easily. Sean was over eighty years older than she was, and she began to worry he might be disappointed with the person behind the pretty face and golden hair. Happy as she was he thought her beautiful and sweet, she knew a successful relationship needed a stronger foundation than their mutual attraction.

  Chapter Three

  Sean noted the faraway expression on Iris’s face as they left the castle. He paused briefly as he tried to remember which direction the gardens were in, and she blinked up at him.

  “Something wrong?” she asked as she seemed to come out of her thoughts.

  “Um, just trying to remember … that way, right?” He pointed to the left.

  “Oh, yes, that way. The courtyard opens up past that pillar, where the cobblestones become smaller. That leads down to the main garden gate.”

  “Ah.” He resumed walking as he tried to think of what they could talk about. They’d been doing all right before Erik had found them, but the conversation with him and Lucas had certainly changed things. He still couldn’t believe she’d had the guts to make that comment about him “deflowering” her, though he did recall she’d always been more outspoken than Heather. But he couldn’t help wondering what Lucas might be thinking—or telling people.

  As they walked through the gate, Sean eyed the space and chose a path that seemed to lead to a rose garden. “Do you like spending time out here?”

  “Yes. I come out here to read.”

  “Ah.” He bit his lower lip, wondering how many times he’d said “ah” thus far. “I used to love to read when I was younger.”

  “How much younger? That could be a long time ago.”

  “Uh … in my twenties and thirties, I think. Hard to remember. I still lived with my parents.”

  “They’re both still alive?”

  “Yes. And then there’s my twin. Gerard. I also have a little sister. Bethany. She’s about forty, give or take a year.”

  “Hmmm.” Iris looked up at him. “Do you know all of my sister’s names? I know you and Violet like each other.”

  “I get the twins all mixed up, honestly.”

  “Easy to do. They could be quintuplets.”

  “Quadruplets, you mean?”

  Iris blinked. “Oh, yes, of course. Quadruplets.”

  Sean panicked for a moment, wondering if he should’ve corrected her. She’d only misspoken, he thought. Had he sounded arrogant or patronizing?

  “My lord?” she said.

  “Yes?” He glanced down at her.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “You look … uneasy.”

  He sighed. “I’m nervous, like you said.”

  She stopped and looked up at him. “So this isn’t the best time to ask about Jensen?”

  “Ask anything you like.” He swallowed, not actually wanting her to ask anything. Though he knew they’d have to talk about it at some point, he’d hoped to put it and similar subjects off a bit. “It was several years ago.”

  “I remember Ciel being upset.”

  Sean and Jensen, one of Erik’s brothers, had slept together on more than one occasion. Unfortunately, Sean had shown up for a visit shortly after Jensen had found his own fated mate, Ciel. Things had gotten smoothed over, but they’d been a bit awkward, at first, as Sean had arrived ready and willing to resume their affair. He and Jensen had fought, and it had taken time for them to be at ease around each other. “Yes. Ciel saw me and Jensen together and … there was a misunderstanding.”

  “We heard about it in bits and pieces.” She adjusted her arm on his and resumed walking. “I guess with Jensen already mated, I’m not concerned, but it might be awkward.”

  “I think we’re in for lots of that.”

  “Because everyone’s going to be watching us, or because you’ve slept with that many people?”

  Sean stopped in his tracks but didn’t look at her.

  She gave him a little shake. “I know I’m a lot younger, but I’d like to talk about this subject as if we’re both adults. I know vampires aren’t considered of age until they’re twenty-one, but I’m eighteen. That’s of age for a human. Lots of girls still marry at fifteen or sixteen and have children right away. I don’t see why we can’t…” She trailed off as he looked at her finally. “What?”

  “I want that, but I may need to be eased into it,” he said.

  She gazed up at him and raised both eyebrows. “Having children? Yes, I was hoping that wouldn’t be immediate either.” She eyed him critically, her scrutiny reminding him of her sister Violet for a moment. “You don’t have any already, do you?” She narrowed her eyes.


  She grinned up at him and then laughed. “Sorry. I knew what you meant, but I couldn’t resist teasing you, given the panicked look on your face.” Composing herself, she said, “All right. I can save the most probing questions for later. But vampires don’t get diseases. And you’ve said you’ll change. I think we can work from there. You can’t be embarrassed. You’ve never made a secret of the way you live your life.”

  “It’s not embarrassment, no. I can’t really say what it is.” He wet his lips. “And I don’t have any children.”

  She patted his arm. “I really was teasing, Sean. If you did, it wouldn’t be a bad thing at all.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Can you try?”

  “Try what?” He was stuck on her saying it wouldn’t be a bad thing if he had children. Would she really be fine with that? He certainly didn’t know of any offspring, but he wouldn’t be shocked if a woman in his life had
conceived a child but not told him it was his. Panic began to set in again as he tried his best to focus on Iris and calm his anxiety. He felt he was constantly struggling to keep his expression neutral.

  “Explaining what has you worried. You said you can’t say what it is, but you must have some idea even if you can’t exactly put your finger on it.”

  He struggled a moment before finally saying, “It’s one way we’re very different.”

  “Worried you’ll shock me?”

  “Worried it’s something that will always be between us.”

  “Can’t be between us if we aren’t even together. And being together means having to deal with all kinds of things.”

  Sean almost managed a smile. “I think you may be more mature than I am. Seems my mother was right.”

  “About what?”

  “Me never growing up.”

  “Well, then it’s good I have my head on straight. Seems you’re going to need some taking care of.”

  A genuine smile curled his lips. “I like the sound of that. For me.” He tilted his head toward her. “I don’t envy you, though.”

  “Getting married is about taking care of the other person. The mate bond lasts a lot longer. Seems it won’t work if you don’t take care of each other.”

  Silence fell between them a moment. He liked the idea of them taking care of each other but didn’t know how to articulate it just then. “You’d live a long time, like Lucas. But you’ll see your sisters grow old and die.”

  “My other sisters are all younger than me. Who knows what’s in store for them? They might be fated to vampires, too. And you’re a hundred years old. You spent years looking for me when I wasn’t even born. Erik has a friend who was over two hundred when he found his mate.”

  “Yes, some have to wait a long time. Most say it was worth it.”

  Iris glanced around. “I think we’re finally completely alone.”

  “Is there something private you wanted to say?”

  He saw her lips tremble, and then they gradually settled into a smile. “I’ve never really been kissed before. I mean, I’ve been kissed, but they were never any good. So, I guess I meant I’ve never had a good kiss. A nice one. The guys were always trying to grope me. Slobbering on me.”

  Sean’s mind fixated on the word grope. “You happen to remember their names?” he said, his voice low.

  She shook her head. “That’s not what I want to talk about. I want you to kiss me.” She paused, nibbling her lower lip. “Do I really need to ask?”

  No one’s ever had to ask before, but I like hearing you do so. He cleared his throat. “It’s more I need to know you want it. Lots of people are going to be protective. The people in this castle watched you grow up over the past nine years.” He slid his arm around her waist. “And I can’t blame them. I’m ready to strangle those boys who tried to take advantage of you.”

  “They learned their lessons quickly enough.”

  “I’m sure they did. I never realized how feisty you are until today.”

  She seemed very pleased by what he’d said. “Feisty? Me?”

  “Maybe not the way Violet is, but you stand up for yourself.” He paused, holding her a bit closer. “I like that.”

  Iris opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She pressed her lips together a moment before letting them part again. Her touch tentative, she rested her hands on his biceps and seemed to come up on her tiptoes.

  Sean had never been nervous about kissing anyone, but he didn’t want her to be disappointed. He brushed his lips over hers gently at first, then pressed closer and tilted his head. When her mouth opened, he slid his tongue in very slowly and tried to gauge her response. She sighed and tilted her head more, and then he began to have trouble focusing on making the kiss good. He simply gave in to it and enjoyed the sweetness of it. She opened to him and explored in turn, and he loved the innocence of the embrace. She pressed closer to him, and he drew in her scent. She tasted like vanilla and smelled of lilacs, and he tightened his arm around her.

  “Get your hands off her!”

  Sean sighed as those words rang out for the second time in an hour.


  Iris blinked as she struggled to focus. Jensen advanced toward them, looking ready to grab Sean the way Erik had. She pulled out of Sean’s arms quickly enough to put herself between the two vampires. “Wait! Calm down.”

  Jensen stared at her, but he did stop. “Calm down? You’re serious?”

  “I’m his fated mate,” she said. “Obviously word hasn’t spread. Yet.” It certainly will once one of my sisters finds out.

  Jensen gaped at both of them. “What?”

  “It’s true,” Sean said.

  “But that doesn’t give you permission to seduce her,” Jensen said.

  “That’s not what I’m trying to do. Not in the way you mean it.”

  Jensen glared at him. “I know you. That’s exactly how you mean it.”

  Iris said, “Jensen, it’s fine. I’m fine. It was only a kiss.”

  Jensen narrowed his eyes. “There’s no such thing with him.”

  “My intentions are honorable. I’ve longed to find my mate for years. What do I need to do to convince you? To convince all of you?” Sean said.

  “Not have your hands all over my brother’s ward as you shove your tongue down her throat.”

  Sean’s jaw clenched. “That was the sweetest kiss I’ve ever experienced. I can’t help how it might’ve looked to you.”

  “You forget how well I know you in that way.”

  “And you’re forgetting your manners in front of my mate!”

  “Stop!” Iris said, holding her hands up and moving between them. To Jensen, she said, “Erik and Lucas both know. We were not sneaking around or hiding.”

  “But I don’t see a chaperone,” Jensen said.

  “I’m eighteen. I don’t need one,” Iris said.

  “You do with him.”

  Sean took a step forward. “At least I don’t wish to hide—”

  Iris didn’t even think about it. She simply slapped her hand over Sean’s mouth. She knew what he’d been prepared to say. Jensen had once been pretty promiscuous himself, and when he’d first found out Ciel was his mate, he’d wanted to hide it so the two of them would still be “free” to have other lovers. It had led to them spending a year apart, hardly speaking to each other, before finally reconciling and then truly falling in love. “Please don’t say it,” she whispered to him.

  Sean had the decency to look embarrassed. He nodded at her and drew her hand from his lips. “I got carried away. Forgive me.” In a softer voice, he said, “I wasn’t prepared for how defensive I’d be of my mate.” He kissed her fingers before releasing her hand.

  “Then you’re forgiven.” She sighed before she turned to look at Jensen. “But you two need to stop this. One huge fight every decade is more than enough for two vampires who are supposed to be friends.”

  “I know I deserve my reputation, but this will never work if all of you are against me,” Sean said to Jensen.

  “She could do better,” Jensen said.

  “The gods have a different opinion, though I’m more inclined to agree with you,” Sean said.

  Jensen let his breath out in a huff. “The gods like to have their fun. Perhaps they thought we were getting bored.”

  “I was so nervous about her not wanting me, but it seems everyone else in this family is going to be far more trouble.”

  “Families can be like that,” Jensen said.

  “If she accepts the mate bond, I promise—”

  “Stop!” Iris said. “I hate people talking about me as if I’m not here.” To Sean, she said, “I mean it. I know I may have to say it a lot, but if so, that’s fine by me. Now, once again, let me be clear—you don’t owe any of them any promises. They aren’t the ones making this decision. And if they can’t keep their noses out of it, we’ll go somewhere else.” She turned and pointed her finger at Jensen to sto
p him from speaking. “With a chaperone. All right?”

  Both men stared at her a moment. Jensen cleared his throat. “I guess it’s really none of my business anyway.”

  Iris softened a bit, though she was still angry. “It’s sweet the way everyone is trying to protect me, but it’s unnecessary.”

  Pounding footsteps came their way, and all three of them turned. Violet rounded a bush, almost skidding as she adjusted her trajectory. “You’re Iris’s mate!” She ran straight to Sean and tackled him in a hug. “You’re going to be my big brother now. We’re going to have so much fun! And I’m going to teach your kids how to fence and shoot arrows and climb trees.”

  Iris would’ve laughed if she hadn’t been so perturbed. “Violet, it’s not that simple. Don’t jump to conclusions.”

  “What? It is that simple. You’re his mate.” She released Sean and looked up at him. “Don’t let them talk her out of it. I’m sorry I said she didn’t like you yesterday. I didn’t know she was your mate.”

  Iris put her hands on her hips. “You said I didn’t like him? I’ve never said that.”

  Violet narrowed her gaze. “You said he’s smarmy and arrogant and wears too much cologne.”

  As Iris felt her face flame, Sean looked down at Violet and said, “You didn’t mention arrogant yesterday.”

  Jensen started laughing. “You do wear too much, though it doesn’t seem so bad today.”

  Sean straightened his spine. “Violet had no reason to lie, so I made adjustments.”

  He’s wearing less cologne because of me? Violet stood there looking determined, while Jensen tried unsuccessfully to stop laughing. Despite her embarrassment, Iris grabbed Sean’s hand and said, “I think I need some fresh air, my lord.” Sensing Violet ready to say something about that, she quickly added, “Different fresh air. Away from the flowers.”

  “As you wish,” he said, following as she led him away.

  To Jensen and Violet, she pointedly said, “We’ll see you two at dinner.” She waved her hand at them twice. “Shoo!”


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