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Abby and the Mystic Dancers

Page 9

by L. C. Miller

  “Okay, so first let me start off on the broom ride.” Abby walked toward the woods. “I kept a death grip on Brannon as I do not like the feeling of having my feet dangling in the air. My Glider is much more fun, and I don’t get the feeling that it’s going to break and I’m going to go splat on the ground! Anyway, following that, I met this absolutely horrid boy named Brock Cook. He was rude to me and downright mean to another boy. He has short dark hair and beady little eyes. And another girl tripped me in front of everyone. Oh, and did I mention they were all in gray robes? Because they were!” She paused, taking a breath. “And guess what else happened?” She continued as she started down the path toward Aaron’s house. “You know my charm spell that’s on my wand? Well, that Brock boy picked it up and his hands started growing large green warts all over them.”

  She veered off the trail to go farther into the woods and continued her one-sided conversation with Bombers. “After that, my day got much better. My first class was brewing. A boy named Martin and I—he is in the Earth Dragons as well—got the only acceptable brews. He’s the boy Brock was really horrid to, by the way. And it was kind of weird at first because he looked really familiar. Not sure where I would have met him before. My next class was morphing, and though all we did was read from the book, the classroom looked really cool. Mrs. Queenly, that’s the teacher, has all of these old-fashioned kindergarten desks. You know, you just flip the lid and there are all of your supplies. I’m pretty sure mine was originally owned by someone in the Sea Serpents wing. It had sharks drawn all over it.”

  A loud snapping noise had Abby peering up and around as she stopped near a creek. She listened for a moment before shrugging off the sound. “Anyway, during lunch Ethan, Aaron, and Carly showed me this really cool room called The Forgotten Room. We had to cut through this large room full of bench seats and into a small door. It had these awesome pictures and books all over the place. In one of the paintings was the lady I saw in my Decisionary thingy.”

  Finally arriving at the tree, Abby touched its base and immediately saw Rainy. As soon as Rainy saw Abby, she flung her arms around her. “I’m in trouble. I played a harmless little prank on Julie, and now I have to clean the tent for a whole two weeks. It is so not fair.”

  The duo walked toward the Madam’s tent. Several other Mystics smiled and waved at them as they passed rows of tents. Mistress Mia, the tribe’s dance instructor, was standing outside her bright orange tent, talking to Rollen and many other students. One of the lead dancers, a thin blonde girl named Trina, glared at her. Nothing new, Abby thought as she passed them. She noticed a lot of other students looked toward her—some with thoughtful or confused expressions on their faces.

  Sighing, Rainy kicked up dirt. “I wish you could come here more often. I really miss you. The Gardens are nearly complete. You would’ve gotten a kick out of old Nania’s cats tripping people as they carried large seed bags.”

  Old Nania was the resident cat trainer. She trained the cats to double as guards at night to keep the more paranormal creatures away. “Which one got it the most?”

  Rainy grinned. “Marcella, of course. Those cats know she hates them. I stopped counting after the eighth time.”

  Abby laughed while they finally reached the Madam’s cream-colored tent. Abby rang the little bell hooked outside the tent. The flap flew open and Abby came face-to-face with Mrs. Aretha Queenly.

  Abby stood, staring. Both the Madam and Mrs. Queenly smiled at her shocked expression. “Abby, you have already met Aretha. She was my good friend many years ago. I hope she will be again.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that.” Mrs. Queenly smiled at Rainy when she said this. When the Madam cleared her throat, Rainy made her excuses and left.

  “Now, Abby, the reason I called you down here is to discuss your dancing. I agreed to perform a few dances this year for your new school, but I almost had to remove you from the team.”

  “What?” Abby shouted.

  “No!” Rainy, who had been hiding right behind the flap, stepped back in. “You can’t do that!”

  “Who would you get to replace me?” Abby asked.

  “Well, it was going to be Julie—” the Madam started, but was interrupted again.

  Rainy stepped forward. “There is no way that Julie could replace Abby.”

  “Rainy, I have seen Julie practice, and she is getting better. However—” the Madam started.

  “No,” Abby blurted. “I don’t care how, but I want to dance, and there is no way I am going to let her replace me.”

  The Madam and Mrs. Queenly traded looks. “I know you three do not like each other.”

  Rainy muttered, “That’s an understatement if I’ve ever heard one.”

  “However,” the Madam continued, after a sharp look at her, “if you two ladies would stop interrupting, I would tell you that a solution has already been agreed upon. Mia came up with the idea of all the students wearing half masks, and,” she handed Abby a small vial, “this potion will make your hair grow and turn it red. You are to drink this before every dance. This is the only way I will let you perform, Abby. Do you understand?”

  Abby quickly nodded and grabbed the vial. “Let Aretha know if you run low on it, and she’ll get you more,” the Madam stated, and then ordered the two of them out of the tent.

  Rainy walked Abby back to the tree. “Isn’t this great? You get to dance, and Julie doesn’t!” Rainy skipped beside her.

  Abby laughed. “I think you’re more excited that Julie doesn’t than I do.”

  Rainy shook her head smiling. “Nope, that was just icing on the cake.” Arriving at the tree, they hugged each other good-bye and Abby made her way back to the trail. She ran into Aaron on the way and the duo walked toward the Herrins’ place together.

  Later that night, after Aaron and Carly had left, Abby found a note in her pocket.

  Dear Abby,

  Figured I’d sneak this into your pocket when no one was looking. Have you found a fourth hideout yet? Oh, and do we need to do that hidden bag thing again? I was going to put this in it, but I found out you were coming to the camp. Anyways, see ya soon.

  ~ Rainy

  Abby had just stuck the note in her wooden chest and locked it when a knock sounded at the door and someone rattled the knob. “Abby?” It was Mrs. Herrin.

  Abby ran and opened it for her. “Sorry about locking it. Old habits die hard, I guess.”

  “It’s okay. Dinner is ready.”

  Abby and Ethan took turns telling Mr. and Mrs. Herrin about their day. Brannon was unusually quiet, but Ethan didn’t seem to notice as he prattled on. After dinner Mrs. Herrin gave each of them a little kiss on the forehead and told them to get ready for bed. Once lying in it, Abby felt her forehead where Mrs. Herrin had kissed it. It reminded her that no one had done that since her mother died.

  The next morning, Abby went to school early to have breakfast in the mess hall with Ethan, Aaron, and Carly. As they were eating, another guy joined their table.

  “Hey, guys,” he chimed as he sat down. His chin-length, curly black hair fell in his face.

  A tall brown-haired boy took a seat next to him. “Hey, Calvin, Owen,” said Ethan with a mouth full of food.

  “Oh, hey, Owen! Have you met Abby?” Carly asked in an overly cheery voice. Abby looked at her strangely.

  “No, I haven’t, but I’ve already heard about her. My name’s Owen, in case you didn’t hear,” he laughed. Abby smiled at him and shook his hand. “So you live with Ethan now? I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Ha-ha, very funny,” said Ethan as Abby laughed. As soon as their plates were empty, bowls full of fruit appeared in front of them. Abby, who had already had two biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, bacon, and some toast, ate two bowls of fruit.

  “Hungry?” teased Ethan. Abby could feel her cheeks turn red and hoped her hair didn’t match.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “You have Drifting, right?” asked Aaron when bells r
ang, signaling breakfast was over.

  “Yeah, do you have it with me?” He nodded as they made their way through the halls.

  “Good luck, and I wouldn’t worry too much about her. She hates everybody who isn’t gray,” said Carly as she and Ethan continued toward their classes. Abby looked at Aaron questioningly as they stopped beside a curtained wall.

  “You’ll see,” he said, and pushed the curtain aside as he gestured her inside.

  They disappeared behind the curtain and found themselves in a narrow staircase. After going down several stairs, they entered the room. Abby looked around and understood Carly’s statement. The entire room was gray. There wasn’t a drop of color save for the few students in green and yellow. She saw Martin wave at her and they went to sit next to him in the middle of the room. Even he wouldn’t sit in the front row of this class. Pushing his glasses up on his nose, he grinned at her.

  They hadn’t said more than hello when someone knocked over Abby’s books by bumping her seat. Abby turned around and saw that Brock was sitting behind her, and his hands were wart free. “I’ll get you back for that.” He glared at her.

  “Yeah, right,” Abby said. A person clearing her throat had Abby turning to face a short woman in a gray robe.

  “Class started a few minutes ago, young lady. So shut up.” Abby ignored Brock when he snickered.

  Most of her classes she liked, but this teacher made it a difficult subject to enjoy. Wonks, as she was called, ignored anyone who wore green, blue, red, or yellow, even if that person was the only one with a hand raised. Wonks had to stand on a chair and six large telephone books to view everyone.

  By the time class was finally over, the short lady had given nearly every gray-robed student candy for getting correct answers, even if she had practically given them the answer to begin with. She also felt the need to load the students with homework, except for the grays as they “were born with the superior gene of drifting”.

  “Is she a gnome?” Abby asked Aaron after class was dismissed.

  He looked at her strangely for a minute, before saying, “No, gnomes are much shorter and really nice compared to her. She is a female dwarf.”

  Abby glanced back at Wonks as Martin whispered, “I heard she has to shave her beard off every morning before class.”

  They both looked at Ms. Wonks. She was busy rummaging through her desk for a lollipop for Brock, who stood there like a prized puppy. They looked at each other before sharing a laugh. By the time the three of them made it outside, Ethan showed up. “Hey, how was it?” Brock pushed past them on his way out, licking his silver lollipop. “Not too good then.”

  “What time do you have Magical Beasts and Greenery?” Aaron asked while they continued down the hall.

  Abby pulled a copy of her schedule from her pocket. “I have Greenery at ten and Magical Beasts at two fifteen.”

  Ethan nodded. “You’ll have those with Carly.”

  Martin waved good-bye to Abby as he continued through weeping willow branches. He quickly poked his head back through the curtain of leaves. “This is Earth Dragons’ wing room. Each wing has their own room, but you can only go into your own class. For instance, you wouldn’t be able to go into the Sea Serpents one and vice versa. I can show you to it sometime if you want,” he offered before he disappeared again.

  “Hey, guys,” said Carly as she stopped by them. “Sorry, I got caught up in my wing room.”

  “They corner you? That’s why I haven’t been in mine,” Ethan explained.

  “Why would they corner you?” Abby asked, interested.

  “Because of you,” Ethan replied, smiling.

  “Me? Why me?” Abby asked, surprised.

  Carly grinned at her. “Because you’re new. No one has ever before been accepted as a fourth year and not started at the beginning.” Abby thought about that as they walked back down two flights of steps and made a right turn.

  “I’m not sure I like everyone asking about me,” she said after a while.

  Ethan and Aaron walked outside with Abby and Carly to Greenery. Boats were lined up against the shore. “These will take us to the greenhouse,” explained Carly as she and Abby climbed in. Ethan and Aaron got inside a second one. “Theirs goes to Mythical Beast Lore,” she continued.

  They waved good-bye as the boat started steering them toward a small island. Once they neared the other shore, Abby started to make out a building in the woods when she saw a sign hanging from a tree.

  “Hurry up now … into the building full of hot air. Go on then, run to it. Try and learn if just a bit.”

  Abby and Carly hurried along the path. They came across stairs leading to a big red building. Abby went up the stairs and into the room and choked. That sign was telling the truth, it really was full of hot air. So full that it was hard to breathe. Abby noticed that some of the students had taken off their robes.

  “This is the only class whose teacher lets you take your robes off,” explained Carly as she removed hers and hooked it by the many robes covering one side of the room. Abby did the same and went to stand with the other students by a really long table. Since Carly had been in this class for three years, she had a partner.

  “I’ll see if Mr. Frump will let you sit with us,” offered Carly.

  “That’s okay. I can sit somewhere else,” Abby said, looking around for an empty seat. As she started toward the back of the table, she noticed a few of the students staring at her.

  One girl asked, “Are you the new girl living with the Herrins?”

  “Yes,” Abby answered, and before she could say anything else, many students started asking questions.

  “Is it true you have a white wand?”

  “Did they really test you? Were the tests hard?”

  “I heard others can’t touch your wand. Is that true?”

  “Uh, well, um …” Abby was saved from trying to answer by the slamming of the door.

  A short, round man came shuffling through room. ”Good afternoon, class,” he said in a surprisingly singsong voice.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Frump,” the students chorused.

  “I see we have a new student this time,” he said, stopping at the head of the table. “And I was wondering if you could show everyone your wand now and save them the trouble of awing over it later whenever we use them.”

  A few students laughed, and Abby heard someone mumble about never using their wands in the classroom. Sighing, Abby took her wand out. The students gasped. Mr. Frump told her to put it back. “You can join the twins. Maybe you can keep them straight.” He began instructing the class on how to plant mug worms, without killing them.

  There was an older girl in a yellow robe going around one side of the room as Mr. Frump did the other. Correcting students on what they did wrong. “She’s a sixth year. She wants to be an herbalist, so she helps Mr. Frump,” a tall, gangly, dark-haired boy to Abby’s right told her. “She’s pretty cool. And kind. And sweet.”

  The girl to Abby’s left laughed. She was nearly as tall as the boy and had waist-length dark hair. Is everyone taller than me? Abby asked herself. “He only says that because he has a crush on her,” the girl explained.

  “Shut up, Viv,” whispered the boy.

  “It’s okay, Paul. I don’t think she heard me. And don’t you think you’re a bit young for her?” Paul’s response was to throw a mug worm at Viv, who then threw one back, starting an all-out war between the two. Eventually they knocked over a full bucket of mug worms and some yellow juice splashed down the front of their shirts … as well as Abby’s.

  Mr. Frump came by to take away their mug worms and give them extra homework. “He’s also known for pop quizzes,” said Paul as they gathered their books to leave. “I’m Paul, by the way. And the loudmouth over there is my twin, Viviane.”

  Viviane smiled at her brother before turning to Abby. Viv looked sheepish as she realized how much of the mug worm juice they had gotten on Abby. “Sorry about that,” she mumbled, embarrassed

  Abby smiled and shrugged. “It happens.”

  Since her shirt was still wet, Abby kept her robe off as she made her way back to the boats. Viviane and Paul walked with them. Once to shore, the twins ran off and Ethan and Aaron met up with Abby and Carly. They thought it was hilarious that Abby was covered in the yellow mug worm juice.

  Lunch was a different affair today than normal as students were told to attend a school meeting and to sit at their own tables because the principal was going to make an announcement. Usually they had free rein to sit wherever they wanted, but during important official meetings, an announcement would call throughout the school before the first class ended. The same message repeated every hour after that, interrupting several teachers during their lessons.

  Abby sat with Martin—a few seats down from Viviane and Paul, who waved. They still had juice-covered shirts. As Principal Bauble came into the room, everyone went quiet.

  “Good afternoon, everyone. I hope this year has started out good for each of you,” she began. “As many of you know, we have our Halloween dance every year. This year is going to be a little different. We have the honor of having a Mystic tribe called the Dancers here who will perform a dance during the party.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  At this, many of the students let out excited gasps. They immediately started talking to one another.

  “Have you ever heard of Mystics?”

  “I heard they are right strange folks.”

  “I thought they were a myth. They really exist?”

  “They exist? I heard they can take your magic from you and make you go insane,” Martin said as he chewed his lip. Abby rolled her eyes at this. She tried to calm him down through the rest of lunch, but he was too anxious.

  “I think it will be fun,” Abby said as she patted him on the back.


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