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Caught in the Aftermath

Page 20

by Jami Gray

  As he and Vex stumbled across the clearing towards the front porch, the door flew open. A gangly boy pushed through the weathered screen door, and moved across the porch. Once recognition hit, he rushed down the steps and out to meet them. He only slowed when he got close and caught a better look at Cam. His eyes widened as his gaze jumped from Cam to Math before landing on Vex. ‘What happened?’

  Vex slowed, forcing Math to do the same, even though he worried if they stopped he wouldn’t be able to get started again. She managed a weak but reassuring smile at the boy. ‘Hey, Daniel, need to get him inside.’

  The boy’s throat worked as he swallowed hard. ‘Gotcha.’ He did a quick about-face and led the way back to the house. He held the screen door open as Vex and Math shuffled Cam up the porch stairs.

  Standing just inside the door, Math looked around taking in the neat, but sparsely furnished, living room. A tidy kitchen sat just beyond. Another room was tucked over to the left filled with cloth. A narrow hall divided the house into two.

  Vex asked, ‘Where’s your aunt?’

  Daniel squeezed by Math to move in front of them. ‘She’s in Pebble Creek for Market Day. She had a bunch of finished blankets and stuff she wanted to sell.’

  ‘Damn,’ Vex muttered. ‘I lost track of the days.’ She eyed Daniel. ‘Our friend is going to have to stay a couple of days before he can make it into town. You sure your aunt would be okay with it?’

  The kid gave a jerky nod. ‘She’d kick my butt if I didn’t help you, you know that.’ He stepped back out of their way and waved in the direction of the hall. ‘You can take him to the second room on the right.’

  Eyeing the hall’s dubious width, Math looked over Cam’s head to Vex. ‘I’ll go first.’

  She nodded.

  Together they managed a weird side shuffle down the hall. Finally they got Cam in the room and eased him down on to the simple quilt-covered bed. Math sank to the floor, his shoulders against the bed’s edge. Vex did the same next to him. For a few blessed minutes, they sat there.

  ‘Brought you some water.’ Daniel came in and crouched in front of them, two glasses extended.

  Exhausted beyond politeness, Math took his glass, drained it, and then handed it back to Daniel. ‘Thanks.’

  The kid took his empty glass. ‘Want another?’

  When he nodded, the kid rushed out of the room. Vex nudged his foot with hers. ‘Why don’t you go get cleaned up? I’ll talk to Daniel.’

  ‘You sending him down for Mandy?’

  She nodded. ‘Cam’s going to need some serious medical attention, not to mention antibiotics, and she’s our best bet. I’ll also have Daniel reach out to Charity or Havoc. Whoever he runs across first.’

  Sounded like there was a story here with the kid. ‘Why not send him straight to Reaper?’

  Vex raised her brow. ‘Reaper scares the kid spitless.’

  ‘He tends to have that effect on people.’

  Vex’s voice softened, dropping low. ‘Daniel knows Charity and Havoc. They were there when he showed up at Pebble Creek after Raiders took out his family.’

  Math winced. The Raiders called the desert ruins of Las Vegas home, but ranged further afield when the price was right. They ran weapons, drugs, flesh, and anything else that sold. In their wake they left carnage. ‘That was right after the Raiders killed Crane and took Simon, right?’

  She looked away, but not before he caught the shadow of memory. ‘Yeah.’ Raising her almost empty glass, she drained it.

  Mentioning the Raiders reminded him of their other problem—the mole burrowed somewhere in Pebble Creek. Now that Cam was as safe as he could be for the moment, Math needed to fulfil his promise to Reaper. He scratched at the heavy scruff on his jaw. ‘Daniel’s got to stay low key.’ He didn’t want to put Cam or the kid at risk.

  She gave him a barely-there grin. ‘He knows the drill. I’ll have Daniel bring whatever medical supplies they have on hand, so you can take care of Cam. While you’re doing that, I’ll clean up and put some food together.’ She leaned her head back against the bed’s edge and closed her eyes. ‘Figured he’ll be more comfortable if I wasn’t hanging around.’

  Under the thin layer of dust and grit, he didn’t miss her exhaustion-lined features, the purpling along her cheek, or the bloodied piece of cloth wrapped around her arm where one of the guards managed to slice her up good. The personification of a badass female sat right next to him. And yet, when she turned her head and looked at him with those unusual amber eyes, he saw beyond the tough exterior to the worry and compassion she tried so hard to hide. That glimpse sucker-punched his heart. Fuck, he was in so much trouble here. Strangely unsettled, he looked away and coughed. ‘Yeah. Sounds like a plan.’

  Daniel came back in, refilled glass in hand. He offered it to Math, who took it. Vex used the bed’s edge to get to her feet. ‘Daniel, can my friend use your bathroom? Maybe take a shower?’

  ‘Sure.’ He jerked a thumb over his shoulder, pointing back out the door. ‘It’s the door at the end of the hall. Clean towels are in the linen cabinet.’

  Math raised his glass. ‘Much appreciated.’ He brought the glass to his lips as Vex moved over to Daniel.

  She threw an arm over his narrow shoulders and led him out of the room. ‘Want to help me get some med supplies together?’

  ‘Yeah, my aunt has stuff stashed. I’ll show you.’

  ‘Cool, then I have a favour to ask.’

  Their conversation turned indistinct as they walked away. Exhaustion settled over him as every bruise and cut decided to chime in. Deciding to take a minute before he moved, he set his glass on the floor next to him, laid his head against the bed, and closed his eyes. He must have drifted off because the next thing he heard was Vex’s soft, ‘Hey.’

  Blinking, he opened his scratchy eyes and scrubbed his hands over his face, forcing his brain back into gear. When he dropped his hands, he found Vex crouched in front of him, a small frown marring her forehead. He managed a weak smile. ‘Hey.’

  ‘Come on, hotshot. Let’s get you on your feet.’ She reached out and grasped his arms. Automatically he returned her hold as she pulled him up. ‘You think you can manage a shower without falling asleep?’

  ‘Maybe,’ he muttered. When she moved to his side and curled an arm around his waist, he settled his arm over her shoulders.

  Together they headed for the bathroom. She gave him a sidelong look as they moved along, hips bumping. ‘Don’t need you going down in the shower.’

  ‘Aww, babe,’ he teased as he stepped into the small bathroom, ‘if you’re that worried, you could always join me.’ After setting the temperature on the water for the shower, he turned to find her leaning against the doorjamb, her gaze levelled on his ass. When her eyes rose to his and colour swept under her cheeks, he gave her a wicked grin and began to strip off his grimy t-shirt. When his abused ribs protested, he sucked in a sharp breath and got stuck with his shirt half way up.

  The air shifted as she stepped in close, then her warm hands slid against his chest, not to help but to tease. Laughter lurked in her voice. ‘Need a little help?’

  ‘Please.’ It came out rough as her touch snagged his body’s attention. It didn’t help when she moved in, standing so close he could feel every inch of her, the soft press of her tits against his arm in a tantalising brush as she stretched against his front to help lift the shirt free. By the time she was finished ‘helping’, his dick wanted some attention of its own.

  She wadded up his t-shirt and went to step back. He stopped her by catching her hips and holding her in place, then he dipped his head and pressed a soft open mouth kiss against the base of her throat. Her head dropped back on a quiet hum even as she lobbed the t-shirt to the corner before linking her arms around his neck. He traced a line of tiny kisses up her neck and over her chin before settling his mouth against hers.

  Her hands slid into his hair, holding him close as her mouth opened, letting him in. He traced her lips befo
re luring her tongue into a leisurely dance. Thoughts disappeared until it was all about sensations. Lost in their shared desire, they moved in sensuous accord, lust and need combining into a voracious hunger fueling a passionate storm. All spiced heat and exotic promises, her taste sank deep, encouraging his lazy exploration, even as his body grew more demanding. She shifted restlessly against him, her hands sweeping from his hair, down his shoulders to drift over his chest with destructive intent. When her hand closed over the hard length of his cock and gave a gentle squeeze, he growled, thrust it against her palm, then nipped her lower lip in punishment.

  Lifting his head, he took in her kiss-swollen lips, the flags of colour riding under her skin, and the hazy heat of her eyes. Damn, she was stunning. Unable to fight the urge to touch, he brought his hand up over her ribs, determined to enjoy every inch of her. He cupped her breast through her shirt, pleased at how it fit his palm. Her hand curled around his neck, holding him close as he dropped his head to capture the turgid tip with his mouth. He teased her, taking savage delight when her hand flexed on his cock and a breathy moan escaped.

  Daniel’s abrupt, ‘I’m heading out, Vex,’ followed by the slamming of the screen door cut their carnal interlude short.

  Releasing her breast, he lifted his head and rested his forehead against hers, their heavy breaths mingling. ‘Dammit.’

  The hand curled at his neck squeezed, then slowly let go even as her lips curved. ‘Play time’s over.’ She gave his cock one last gentle squeeze before stepping back. Her hands went to his chest and gave him a small nudge. ‘Go, shower. I’ll get some water boiling for Cam and find us something to eat.’

  He let his gaze go hooded. ‘I know what I want to eat, and it’s hot enough.’

  Her smile took on a wanton curl. ‘Food, Math.’ She turned and moved into the hall, throwing over her shoulder, ‘The other, we’ll deal with later.’

  ‘Promise?’ he called back as he tried to adjust himself.

  His answer was a husky laugh.


  Keeping his shower short and cold, Math draped the damp towel over his bare shoulders as he padded barefoot down the hall. Somehow Vex managed to find a clean pair of jeans, that while a bit baggy, worked. The shower managed to take the edge off his aches and pains and clear some of the cobwebs from his brain. At the door to Cam’s room, he turned to the kitchen and called out, ‘Shower’s free!’

  Once he got her muffled response, he went to Cam’s side, noting the pair of sweats sitting on a pile of blankets at the foot of the bed, which is where they would stay until he got his friend cleaned up. On a low side table, medical supplies were neatly arranged and steam curled up from a pot filled with water sitting on the seat of an empty chair. Noises came from the kitchen indicating Vex was working on food. He wondered if she could cook too. He’d soon find out.

  Taking in Cam’s battered body, Math sucked in a bracing breath, wondering where the hell to start. Cuts and burns created a cruel map on his skin. There were a couple of concerning bruises, which could mean something more serious lurked underneath. Unfortunately, it would take a few hours, if not more, before Mandy would arrive. Best to treat what he could now and pray Mandy arrived before things got ugly.

  Pulling his towel off, he dipped one end in the water, letting it soak while he cut Cam’s pants off his battered body. Math’s jaw ached by the time he finished. It hadn’t been easy getting the ragged pants off. Pieces of it stuck to various wounds and working them free left Cam groaning. Math kept up a running monologue as he cleaned Cam’s battered skin. Minutes ticked by as he worked. At one point, Cam took offence and punched Math in the side of the head as he worked on a particularly deep burn scoring Cam’s hip. With a snarl, he caught Cam’s wrist and forced it to the bed. Then rubbing his ringing ear while a mix of frustration and fury roiled through him, he snapped, ‘Dammit, you sure as hell stepped into it this time. What the hell were you thinking?’

  ‘Was trying to stop a possible shipment.’ Cam’s unexpectedly lucid response brought Math’s head up to find dark green eyes watching him. Despite the haze of fever and pain, there was no way to miss the sharp intelligence lying underneath.

  Math dipped the washcloth back into the water for another go around. ‘Of?’

  Cam went to shrug, but stopped with a pained wince. ‘Thought it was kids. Turned out to be one poor bastard.’

  As one of the few privy to the details of Cam’s harsh history, Math knew exactly why his friend rushed to the rescue. ‘What happened?’ He went back to his cleaning, trying to be as careful as possible.

  As Math worked his way down Cam’s legs, Cam’s gaze went to the ceiling with only the occasional flinch to give away his discomfort. ‘I was working an angle on Greer, ran across whispers there was a deal going down.’

  ‘What kind of deal?’

  ‘Repayment. Details were sketchy as shit, but did a little digging, found out the repayment included some kid, couldn’t be more than sixteen, maybe younger.’

  Math frowned, trying to fit Cam’s information into what he knew of Greer and how the bitch worked. ‘What’s so special about this kid?’

  ‘Dunno,’ Cam answered. ‘Was trying to find out and walked into a damn ambush.’

  As the dots lined up, Math gave him a sharp look, because if Cam had a hot button, abusing kids was it. Someone knew and used it? ‘A trap,’ he corrected. ‘Designed specifically for you.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Cam agreed grimly.

  ‘Greer’s got her claws in deep somewhere,’ Math muttered, bending back to his painstaking work.

  ‘Not a surprise.’ Cam’s abused vocal cords made his normally smooth voice rough. ‘You and I both know if you wave enough money around, leave a few hard-to-miss examples around, and follow up with more threats, there’s always someone willing to spill.’

  Knowing that didn’t make it easier to swallow. ‘Did you overhear anything while they had you?’

  Cam frowned. ‘A couple things. Not sure what they meant, if anything.’

  ‘Every piece of information means something. It’s just a question of where it fits.’ Math finished cleaning the raw marks around Cam’s ankles and threw the stained washcloth into the murky water. He dried his hands on a clean hand towel, then moved the pot with water to the floor and brought the chair to the edge of the bed, resting his arms on his knees. ‘Okay, you’ve got two choices, my friend. I sew up what I can on front, or you roll over so I can clean your backside, then I sew. So, heads or tails?’

  Cam grimaced. ‘Shit. Get it over with. Heads. What’s a man got to do to get a drink around here?’

  Math tipped a glass of water to Cam’s lips. ‘Ready?’

  Cam nodded and Math made the first of many punctures with a needle and thread. Cam’s jaw flexed, his hands curled into fists.

  Math kept an eye on Cam as he worked. ‘Tell me what you heard.’

  Sweat beaded Cam’s brow. ‘Greer’s still pissed about what went down in Salt Lake.’

  Math snorted, keeping his attention on his stitches. ‘No surprise. She’s always had a hard-on for the Vultures.’ Especially Reaper, but that was a worry for later.

  ‘Brother, she’s out for blood. Yours and the Vultures.’ Cam’s teeth snapped together as Math set another stitch. Once Math tied it off, Cam continued. ‘She won’t stop until she destroys you both.’

  ‘Me specifically?’ He busted his ass to keep his identity hidden, even during the chaotic events when he blew Greer and her men to kingdom come in Salt Lake. To find out it had been pointless would piss him off. He bent over the next deep wound and set his needle against ragged skin.

  ‘Not yet, but she’s closing in.’ Cam caught Math’s arm with his other hand, making Math meet his gaze and the ominous weight there. ‘She came by just after they caught my ass,’ he warned. ‘Never seen her so worked up. Swear to God, she’s like a rabid dog with a bone.’

  He searched Cam’s face, easily reading his concern. ‘She’s always been lik
e that, Cam. You cross her and she’ll scorch the earth to ensure you don’t do it again. That hasn’t changed.’ He tugged against Cam’s hold in a silent request to be released. Cam’s fingers uncurled, freeing Math. He searched his friend’s face, his mind racing. ‘You’re sure she doesn’t have my name?’

  Cam’s cut lips pressed together into a tight line as he studied Math, but he finally blew out a breath and answered. ‘Just a vague description—tall, long dark hair, beard—nothing more that separates you from any other man.’ He eyed Math’s hair and offered a half-assed grin easing the tension. ‘Like the disguise, by the way. Very …’ He waved his hand around in the air. ‘Not you.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Math muttered and went back to sewing up his friend. ‘It was Vex’s suggestion.’

  ‘Vex, as in Fate’s Vulture’s Vex?’ Speculation colored his question.

  ‘The one and only.’

  ‘Huh, guess that means you finally took my advice.’

  He shot his friend a look. ‘What advice would that be?’

  ‘Stop trying to go it alone.’

  For some reason, Cam’s stark answer arrowed deep, snapping a steel band around Math’s chest and stilling his hand.

  ‘It’s about time,’ Cam muttered. ‘I was getting worried you’d try taking Greer on all by your lonesome on some martyr-suicide bid and leave me all alone in this big, bad world.’

  Cam’s unexpected comment broke the strange spell and Math sucked in a quiet breath, before resuming his work. ‘I have no problems risking my ass to take Greer on, but to save your sorry ass required more than my humble skills, so I reached out.’

  ‘Glad you did. Just wish it hadn’t taken me getting captured for you to take that step.’ He hissed in a sharp breath. ‘Hey, man, it’s my skin needing stitches, not my bones.’

  ‘Buck up,’ Math shot back without pity, strangely stung by Cam’s opinions. ‘Strix aren’t team players.’

  ‘Strix are history.’ Cam’s quietly serious response had Math pausing. When he looked up, Cam kept going. ‘There aren’t enough of us to survive, not like we were.’


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