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Halcyon Rising: Breaking Ground

Page 8

by Stone Thomas

  Blade wasn’t here to play cat and mouse. He wanted to get down to business, quick. Cindra put the rocks on the table one by one.

  The man nearest Blade picked up the stones and inspected them while Cindra and Blade stared at each other. Each second that passed brought us closer to Cindra’s special insight into the bargain we’d need to strike.

  The man leaned over and said something to Blade that I couldn’t hear. Blade took a knife from out of nowhere and slammed it into the wooden tabletop. He was angry.

  “I’m going to kill Cutter,” he said. “Sending people with worthless pebbles when I deserve jewels.” He looked up at Cindra. I’d give you a few coppers. Each.”

  “Sweetheart,” Cindra said, “that’s not even close.”

  “You have something else in mind?” he asked.

  “I’m looking to strike a hard bargain,” she said. “It’s going to take gold to get these rocks off, not just a few lousy coppers.”

  She must be using Flirt too. Either that, or she was really into this guy.

  “These aren’t the gems you think they are,” Blade said. “Gold isn’t on the table.”

  “Then maybe I am,” she said.

  “What?” I asked. This was starting to go off script.

  “How about a little insider trading?” she asked.

  “Tell me more,” he said. “Be explicit.”

  “We need twenty thousand gold,” she said. “I’m willing to work for it. All night if I have to. Don’t tell me you’re not a little curious what it’s like inside a slime woman.”

  “The thing is,” Blade said, “these stones are utterly worthless, but you I would pay for. Janson!”

  Someone, presumably named Janson, brought a bag of gold coins up from under the table.

  “No,” I said. “These jewels are mine, and I have the ultimate say in what we trade for them. I’m not doing this. No amount of gold is worth this. Cindra, let’s leave.”

  “You came here to what, waste my time? Make a mockery of me?” Blade asked.

  “No,” I said. “I came here to make a fair trade, and this isn’t it.”

  Blade picked up the knife from the table and threw it across the room. It landed in someone’s cloak, pinning him to the wall. It was the same man that held a knife to my throat earlier. “Cutter!” Blade yelled.

  Cutter pulled himself free and ran toward us.

  “He won’t trade,” Blade said. “All he has are empty energems, and he thinks he’s too good us. What should we do with him?”

  The men at the table stood, preparing to block my and Cindra’s escape.

  “Nothing,” Cutter said.

  “You talking back to me?” Blade asked.

  “No, sir. He’s a head priest somewhere. There would be… repercussions.”

  “Now we’re getting somewhere,” Blade said. “Sit, father. I have a way for you to earn your gold. Train me.”

  Why hadn’t I thought of that? I had a very valuable skill, and it would be more than enough to barter for the coins we needed.

  “What would you like me to do?” I asked.

  “I have one skill,” he said, “that I haven’t been able to train up. Throatcut. Use up my XP on that, and improve my Strength. Then you can have your gold.”

  “Fair enough,” I said. Cindra looked worried, but playing along might be our only way out of this unscathed.

  When I opened his menu, I saw why he called himself Blade. It wasn’t an original name in the least, but it was a million times better than his real name.


  Skillmeister View of:

  Percival Pimpleton

  Base Attribute / XP to Next / Intended Change / Total XP Cost


  11 Constitution / 275 XP to Next / none / Total XP Cost: 0


  7 Vivacity / 175 XP to Next / none / Total XP Cost: 0


  16 Strength / 400 XP to Next / 16 –> 25 / Total XP Cost: 4,500


  16 Hardiness / 400 XP to Next / 16 –> 18 / Total XP Cost: 825


  10 Focus / 250 XP to Next / none / Total XP Cost: 0


  12 Resolve / 300 XP to Next / none / Total XP Cost: 0



  Stats Affected by Change


  [Constitution] Health Points (HP): 1100/1100


  [Vivacity] Action Points (AP): 140/140


  [Strength] Phys. Damage Inflict Range: 160-195 –> 250-305


  [Hardiness] Phys. Damage Block Range: 86-122 –> 97-137


  [Focus] Mag. Damage Inflict Range: 100-122


  [Resolve] Mag. Damage Block Range: 65-91


  Skills For Weapon Class: Knife


  Throatcut 14. Increase knife damage dealt to throat region by 3.8 times. [14 AP to cast] [Requires: Strength 16, Hardiness 16].


  Improve to Throatcut 15 to increase damage multiplier to 4.2. [15 AP to cast] [Requires: Strength 17, Hardiness 17] [1,875 XP to improve].


  Improve to Throatcut 16 to increase damage multiplier to 4.6. [16 AP to cast] [Requires: Strength 18, Hardiness 18] [2,000 XP to improve].


  Intended Change: 14 –> 16

  Cost Subtotal: 3,875


  Skills for Special Class: Rogue


  Skulk 12. Reduce odds of being noticed when sneaking up on targets by 24%. [Passive] [Requires: Hardiness 12, Resolve 12].


  Improve to Skulk 13 to improve evasion to 26%. [Passive] [Requires: Hardiness 13, Resolve 13] [4875 XP to improve].


  Intended Change: None

  Cost Subtotal: 0


  Locked. Assassinate 1. Increase damage dealt to torso region by 10.0 times. [100 AP to cast] [Requires: Strength 30, Hardiness 30, Constitution 30] [375 XP to unlock].


  Improve to Assassinate 2 to increase damage multiplier to 10.5. [110 AP to cast] [Requires: Strength 33, Hardiness 32, Constitution 31] [750 XP to improve].


  Intended Change: None

  Cost Subtotal: 0




  Available XP: 9,120

  Cost of Intended Changes: 9,200

  Precision Training Discount (1%): 92

  Total Adjusted Cost: 9,108

  Total Projected Remaining: 12

  Confirm?: Yes / No


  In the end, I upped his Strength by nine levels to a cool 25, his Hardiness two points to meet Throatcut’s prerequisites, and then his Throatcut skill by two levels bringing it to 16. Unlike the other folks I had trained so far, he had clearly been to his share of skillmeisters before. I wondered why he didn’t just hand his gold over at the temple instead of waiting for back alley deals in shady taverns like the Grippersnout, especially since he had a ton of XP built up. He seemed like someone with an interest in keeping his attributes high so he could continue to be the biggest, baddest rogue of the bunch.

  He did have an ability he hadn’t unlocked yet, but far be it for me to tell him that. He didn’t seem like someone Valleyvale needed running around with an Assassinate skill.

  “It’s done,” I said. “I doubt anyone in town is stronger than you now.”

  “Good,” he said, pushing the sack of coins toward me. “From now on, I’m the only rogue you train. Break that rule and I’ll break your neck next time you’re in town.”

  “It’s been a pleasure,” I said, hoping my sarcasm wasn’t too thick. I took the bag and left the bar with Cindra.

  “I want to make something clear,” I said the second the door closed behind us. “I’m happy for your help, but I never expect you to put yourself in that position.”
  “I learned a few things,” Cindra said, “when I stared into his eyes long enough. First, he believed the jewels were worthless, so I couldn’t catch him in a lie about their value. Second, he believed a contract for sex was unenforceable. The laws here must not allow contracts like that. I figured we’d trade me and the jewels in exchange for money, then remind him it would be illegal to follow through once we had the gold in hand.”

  “A great plan,” I said, “if Blade were the type to care about the law. I think he would have forced you to make good on that contract, even if a court of law wouldn’t.”

  “Oh,” she said. “I was so focused on bargaining against Blade that I forgot the larger circumstance.”

  “Well, it’s okay this time,” I said. “We made it out of there in one piece. But we’ll need to sleep somewhere now and buy our goods in the morning. None of the shops will still be open.”

  We wandered toward a building with a sign that simply said “Inn.” It must be a real budget type of place if they couldn’t afford a proper name.

  “Excuse me,” I said to the woman working the front desk. “I know it’s late, but do you have rooms available?”

  She stared at Cindra for a moment, then looked back at me. “That thing can’t have its own room,” she said. “Pets stay with their owners, and if anything gets ruined you’re paying for it.”

  “Cindra is not a pet,” I said. “She’s a woman and you’ll treat her like one.”

  “She sleeps in your room or not at all,” the innkeeper said. “My business, my rules.”

  “It’s alright, Arden,” Cindra said. “I’ll sleep on the floor. It’s just one night.”

  I passed the woman a gold coin and she bit into it, testing the metal. She dropped it in the register and passed me back a few silvers as change. Maybe she thought I’d leave those on the nightstand as a tip, but she should keep dreaming.

  When we made it to our room, I said, “I’m taking the floor, not you.”

  “Nonsense,” she said. “My body will adapt regardless of the surface. You’re made of bones. The floor will be painful, and cold.”

  “I’ll take a blanket,” I said. “I’ll be fine.”

  “The bed is big enough for the both of us,” she said. “I could keep you warm instead.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re in heat too,” I said.

  “Forget it,” she said. “I’m not your type anyway. I saw how you looked at that half-elf in the forest, the one covered in snakes. Your eyes lingered a while on her breasts. Mine are too big, it’s alright.”

  I laughed. Yes, Mamba had a nice rack, and yes they were smaller than Cindra’s, but Cindra had me all wrong. “I assure you, yours are the perfect size. You’re a very attractive woman, Cindra. I just don’t want to take advantage. You pledged fealty to me after all. How do I know you don’t just feel… pressured.”

  “Maybe I’m a little worked up from all of the danger we avoided today,” she said. “Sweet dreams, Master Arden.”

  “None of that!” I said. She rolled over on the bed, which looked ten times more comfortable and inviting. Was I a complete idiot for not crawling into that bed and making sweet, slimy love to a woman whose entire body was tight, and warm, and curvy?

  Maybe I was being too much of a gentleman. I wasn’t used to having the option to take things further than “hello” with most women. I was definitely afraid that I would do something wrong.

  I still hoped Cindra would decide to stay long term. She was fun to be around, a good honest companion, and becoming sharper every day about business matters.

  Plus, those curves.

  Okay, I thought, go to sleep, and next time you have an opportunity with her, man up and take it!


  The next morning, Cindra and I got ourselves together and checked out, even though all I wanted to do was sleep. We had an exhausting day and a long night behind us, with a long journey back ahead of us.

  The innkeeper from last night was gone, but a new one took her place. This one also gave Cindra a strange look. They must have had their share of messes in the guest rooms, because they seemed very wary.

  Outside, I saw that other people gave Cindra that same look. In fact, if they weren’t lusting after her lush, green body like Blade had been, they were either disgusted or afraid of her.

  I realized then that everyone in Valleyvale was the same. Pale white skin, dark hair and eyes. No elves, no beastkin, no one at all remotely like Cindra. Even I stood out, if only because my eyes were blue. It was time to buy our supplies and get the heck out.

  Cindra worked her magic on the clothing shop owner first, getting us a small discount on the clothing we had set aside the day before. Cindra was overjoyed at her new dress, especially when I told her that it would improve every one of her attributes. I glanced at my own menu to see how I was shaping up, happy that my bonuses took effect after I put on my new leathers.


  Skillmeister View of:

  Arden Hochbright

  Base Attribute / XP to Next / Intended Change / Total XP Cost


  5 Constitution / 125 XP to Next / none / Total XP Cost: 0


  5 Vivacity / 125 XP to Next / none / Total XP Cost: 0


  6 Strength + 6 Bonus / 150 XP to Next / 6 –> 7 / Total XP Cost: 150


  6 Hardiness + 4 Bonus / 150 XP to Next / none / Total XP Cost: 0


  5 Focus / 125 XP to Next / none / Total XP Cost: 0


  5 Resolve + 3 Bonus / 125 XP to Next / none / Total XP Cost: 0



  Stats Affected by Change


  [Constitution] Health Points (HP): 500/500


  [Vivacity] Action Points (AP): 100/100


  [Strength] Phys. Damage Inflict Range: 120-146 –> 130-159


  [Hardiness] Phys. Damage Block Range: 54-76


  [Focus] Mag. Damage Inflict Range: 50-61


  [Resolve] Mag. Damage Block Range: 43-61


  Skills For Weapon Class: Polearm


  Piercing Blow 1. Damage multiplier of 2.0. [20 AP to cast] [Requires: Strength 5].


  Improve to Piercing Blow 2 for damage multiplier of 2.2. [20 AP to cast] [Requires: Strength 7] [250 XP to improve].


  Intended Change: None

  Cost Subtotal: 0


  Skills for Special Class: Skillmeister


  Precision Training 1. Reduce the XP cost of skills and attributes by 1%. [Passive] [Requires: Focus 5, Resolve 5].


  Improve to Precision Training 2 for XP cost reduction of 2%. [Passive] [Requires: Focus 6, Resolve 7] [750 XP to improve].


  Intended Change: None

  Cost Subtotal: 0




  Available XP: 421

  Cost of Intended Changes: 150

  Precision Training Discount (1%): 2

  Total Adjusted Cost: 148

  Total Projected Remaining: 273

  Confirm?: Yes / No


  I was surprised to see how much XP had accumulated after a little combat and some skillmeistering. I increased my Strength once, enjoying the added muscle mass that brought, but I saved the rest of my XP in case I’d need to improve something costly next.

  When I surprised Cindra with the bow she had her eye on at the weapon shop, she gave me a kiss on the cheek with soft lips.

  The one thing I hadn’t expected was how heavy everything was so far. “We’re going to need a way to get everything back to the temple.”

  “Leave that to me,” she said. “Yoo-hoo! You there, yes you, the handso
me one with the vegetable cart.” She walked away with four of my gold coins and came back with a donkey and a wooden cart that would seat two people and stow a lot of gear.

  “Do you feel at all guilty about that?” I asked.

  “It was a fair trade,” Cindra said. “And yes, maybe I do feel a little guilty for chewing him down to four gold coins, but what’s done is done.”

  “I want to make one more stop before we leave,” I said. “We can’t spend every evening hunting down birds for dinner.”

  “Nor can we spend every dinner pretending Vix is a good cook,” she said.

  “Bingo,” I said. “We need supplies.”

  We walked into a provisioner’s shop and I threw my last 200 gold coins on the counter. “We’ll take a few hatchets, torches, all of your fresh bread, two jugs – no, barrels – of your finest wine, and whatever cured meats and cheeses we can afford.”

  “This is going to wipe out my store,” the man said.

  “Oh,” I said. “I’m sorry. Should we buy less?”

  “No,” he said, “that means I can close early!”

  The man dragged crate after crate of food to our cart and loaded it in the back. Then someone outside screamed.

  Cindra and I ran outside to find a woman covered in blood standing outside the inn. It was the clerk who had checked us out that morning. She stared at her dripping, bloody hands like they weren’t her own. Guards rushed toward her.

  “How much longer will these supplies take to load?” I asked.

  The shop owner grunted as he heaved a cheese wheel onto the cart. “Just another twenty minutes or so.”

  Guards waved other guards over until the whole security force of Valleyvale centered on that one woman. Then she pointed at me.

  Uh-oh, I said to myself. Be cool, Arden. The fuzz won’t stick if you didn’t do anything wrong.

  “You’re not from here,” a guard said as he walked toward me.

  Strike one.

  “No, I’m the head priest of a temple in the forest,” I said. Turns out, I’m the type of person who uses a title like that to try to get out of trouble. I said it with more confidence today than I had yesterday though, now that I was dressed in fresh clothes and had tossed my old, torn ones into the trash.

  “Where were you last night?” the guard asked.

  “There, at the inn,” I said. “I slept through the night.”

  “And before that?” he asked.

  “The Grippersnout,” I said.

  Strike two.

  He looked up from his scroll and I knew I had mis-stepped. I could have said anything, but instead I told the truth. What a dumb thing to do.


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