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The Love of a Lycan

Page 3

by Veronica Corbyn

  Hey. I just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about you a lot and I miss you so much. Things aren’t really going well here, and I wish you could be here with me to keep my mind off of it like you did back home. I am glad that Thanksgiving is coming up so that I might be able to get a break from everything going on here. I hope things are good with you. I love you girl and I cannot wait to see you soon!

  I hit the send button and slid my phone back in my pocket just as Veronica and her group of she-bitches surrounded me. “Well, well, what do we have here girls? Looks like we have a little lost puppy on our hands,” she hissed.

  “Be careful, Veronica. You know that dogs don’t like cats and you might bite off more than you can chew if you piss me off,” I warn as I toss my backpack to the ground.

  The past several weeks have been a whirlwind as I have gained a lot of knowledge about my ability and I have learned a lot about myself. I do not show others what I have learned so that I will have the upper hand when it comes time to defend myself against them. For now, I know it is just them judging what they do not know or understand, and I know if I can make them believe I am what I say I am that things might get better.

  Veronica and her group of harpies laugh at my remarks and tighten the circle they have made around me. “Me bite off more than I can chew? I highly doubt that will happen. You are nothing but a scared little puppy dog that thinks she’s a big dog,” she teased.

  “Well, at least you are admitting to yourself that I am some sort of dog,” I snap back.

  There is an audible gasp as Veronica looks at me with fire in her eyes. I push my way between two of the girls and headed for my class as Veronica yells behind me. By the way she is acting I can tell that no one has had the guts to talk back to her before. I get far enough away from her that I can no longer hear her shrieks of anger as my phone chirps in my back pocket. I pull my phone out of my pocket and see a message from Taylor.

  Hey bestie! I miss you so much and I am looking forward to the holidays just so I get to see you! You tell those bitches they better lay off you or I’ll come to turn them into dog food! I gotta go it’s time for science class. I will message you later. Love you girl!

  I slip my phone back into my pocket and open the door of the building my class is in. I make my way down the hall to the classroom and just as I am about to open the door, my backpack is ripped from my shoulder. I turn to see a boy that I know to be a wolf shifter running down the hall with it in his hand.

  “Hey! Give that back to me!” I yell as I run down the hall after him.

  The other students laugh as I continue chasing him down the hall and I almost run into him as he makes a sudden stop. I look in front of him to see why he stopped so suddenly and find three very handsome men standing there with their arms crossed against their chests. I take in a deep breath as I take them all in. They are all handsome in some way and I feel myself being drawn to them. I feel a heat in the pit of my stomach that I have never felt before as I look at them and I have to pry my eyes away.

  “What have we here, Jacob? Are you stealing this young lady’s backpack?” One of them ask the boy who is holding my bag.

  Without saying a word, he shakes his head and hands me my bag as he takes off running in the opposite direction. Now, their eyes are on me and I feel the heat rise in my cheeks as all three of them look me over. They share glances with each other once they finish appraising me with their eyes.

  “You must be the new girl we have heard so much about. My name is Jacques, and these are my cousins Robert and Nicolas. We are pleased to make your acquaintance,” he said with a thick French accent that makes me want to melt into a puddle on the floor. He takes my hand and kisses the back of it softly.

  “Pleased to meet you three as well. You are the first friendly people I have encountered since getting here a few weeks ago. It seems no one believes I am what I say I am,” I mutter.

  All three of them surround me like a protective wall as they lead me to my class that I am now late for as others watch us make our way down the hall. I feel the eyes of the others on me as the three men I have just met surround me in some sort of huddle. They stop at my classroom door and I smile as I grab the doorknob.

  “Thanks for the escort guys. I really appreciate it!” I say as I open the door and walk inside.

  All eyes are on me as I make my way to my seat. It is like this every time I enter a classroom. I am the freak of their kind, a freak among freaks. I take my seat and pretend I do not notice the others staring at me as the professor begins the lesson for the day. At the bell, I stand and head for the door to find the same three boys waiting for me.

  “Hi guys! What are you doing here? You don’t have to keep following me around I am sure I will be okay,” I say as I start to walk away from them.

  “We know you will be okay Mademoiselle, but we also know how the others can be and you might need back up,” says Jacques.

  They all smile as I roll my eyes and continue walking towards my next class. I fight with the feelings in the pit of my stomach as the accent warms my insides. I wonder if they are going to follow me everywhere I go then realize it might be nice to have a little protection even if I am learning how to protect myself. Things might start to look up after all.

  Chapter Eight

  Three weeks later, the holidays were approaching quickly, and I am a bit sad at the thought of being without the Moreau cousins in my shadow. The boys and I have grown closer over the last few weeks and they have helped me grow into my ability more than I think I can on my own. Classes are winding down for the holiday break, so most of the students are on the courtyard goofing off and practicing their shifting. As the boys and I make our way across the courtyard, Veronica, who has moved out of my dorm room, and her posse of moronic cats makes their way my direction.

  “Well, lookie here, the puppy princess and her big bad wolves are here,” she sneered as her friends surrounded us.

  “Come on Veronica, I don’t have time for your bullshit today,” I say as I try to push past her.

  Veronica shoves me and before I realize what is happening, my wolf comes roaring out of me. I land on all fours growling at them. I can see the shock on their faces as they finally see I am what I had said I was. A second later, they had shifted into their panther forms and stalk towards me. I look all around me as I see them closing in on me but to my relief, the Moreau boys shift and stand at my side. Those boys have helped me through so much since we have gotten to know one another it is almost like I have three male Taylors. They showed me how to bring on my shift without being angry which is sometimes hard to master.

  Watch out for Symphony on your right. Robert says in my head as I turn to see Symphony heading for me. I growl as I run towards her and raise myself onto my hind legs slapping her with my front paw. She tumbles to the ground as I turn to face the other panthers and they take off, tails between their legs. I stay in wolf form and continue running. The wind feels good as it whistles through my coat and I can sense the boys running behind me. I can hear them trying to control their thoughts as I can tell what they are thinking. I know that they are all attracted to me and I am attracted to them as well. I know that it would be wrong to start anything with any of them knowing they all have feelings for me, so I try my best to keep those kinds of thoughts far from my mind.

  As I run, I can feel my feelings for the three of them deep inside me. I feel more open to them in my wolf form, but I know I must keep my feelings a secret from them for fear of ruining their bond with each other. I can tell they all have feelings for me as well and it baffles me that they, the hottest guys on campus, would want anything to do with me in that way.

  We finish our run through the woods and exit the tree line at the back of my dorm. I enter the back door before shifting back into my human form and making a beeline for my room so I can get clothes on. I dress and exit the building through the back door, finding the boys still in wolf form waiting on me patiently. As I w
alk with them towards their dorm, a group of male shifters from their buildings come close to us.

  “There she is the only female shifter to be born in the last fifty years. It must be hard knowing that you are going to have to do the shifter world a service and birth pups from every shifter bloodline isn’t it?” The man in front sneered as Robert growled at him.

  “W-what are you talking about? I’m not having babies for anyone,” I say as I try to push past the group of men.

  They keep me from passing and suddenly a very naked Jacques, Robert, and Nicolas appear. Before any words can be exchanged, Robert punches the guy in front knocking him over allowing me to step past them. We hurry to the dorm so they can dress and get out of the public. I sit on the couch in the living area of the dorm and wait for the three boys to get their clothes on. Nicolas is the first to emerge from his room dressed in dark jeans that hugged his round ass just right and a t-shirt that hugged every muscle he had. He sits on the couch beside me and protectively puts his arm around my shoulders.

  “This place must be a lot different than where you came from isn’t it?” he asks.

  I laugh a small laugh as he smiles, and I feel a strange feeling deep in my stomach when I look at him. I know I am attracted to him slightly more than I am to the others, but I also know that all of them are attracted to me and if I were to start any kind of relationship with any of them, it would cause a rift between them and I did not want that at all.

  “Yeah, this place is pretty different but at first I thought it was going to be the same. I got bullied a lot where I lived before and I only had one friend to help keep me sane. Of course, that was before I knew about my ability. If I had known, I wouldn’t have let the bullies get away with half of what they did,” I say with a smirk on my face.

  Nicolas laughs out loud as he nonchalantly places his left hand on my knee. I pretend not to notice as the other two emerge from their rooms and join us on the couch. For the first time since arriving, I feel as if things will finally work out for me and I am starting to like my life.

  Chapter Nine

  We sit on the couch in the living area of the boys dorm with our textbooks in our laps as we all study for the finals that are coming up in a week. Robert distracts me with the sound of his chewing on a beef jerky stick. I try my best to ignore the sounds of his chewing, but it isn’t long before I cannot handle the sound anymore.

  “Robert, can you please stop making all that racket with your food. I am sure your mother taught you better manners than that,” I say, snapping a bit harsher than I intended to.

  He looks at me with a shocked expression on his face as he shoves the rest of the beef jerky in his mouth chewing quickly. They all look at each other before glancing at me, then turning their attention back to their books. I sit my book down and get up to find a bathroom. I find the bathroom down the hall and go in. I come out of the bathroom and head back down the hall and realize I am creeping up on a conversation about me. I hear my name and I stop and lean against the wall so they cannot see me.

  “I know you both like her and well, so do I. That poses a problem doesn’t it?” I hear Robert say.

  “Yeah it does and what is with you putting your hand on her leg earlier, Nicolas? You had to know that was going to raise our hackles,” Jacques snaps.

  “She knows that we all like her and I feel a stronger connection to her than you two. You both are too busy wanting to be the tough guys and the life of the party you don’t see what she truly needs as I do,” Nicolas says.

  I can feel the tension rising between them and this is exactly what I wanted to avoid. Anger wells up inside me as I listen to them argue over me like I am some toy from a carnival. I come around the corner with a look on my face that tells them I heard their conversation and I begin gathering my things.

  “I am going to go back to my dorm and study guys. Good luck on your finals,” I say as I head for the door listening to them protest my leaving.

  “Madison wait! Please don’t leave. We didn’t mean anything by it,” Nicolas yells as the dorm door closes behind me.

  I have never felt so lost and alone as I do at this moment. I head towards my dorm with tears stinging my eyes. I fight to keep them inside, but my body begs to release them. As a cold rain starts to fall so do the tears that I have been holding in. I unlock the door to my room and close the door behind me as I fall onto the bed and begin to sob. When is my life going to change for the better? How long do I have to wait to mean something to someone other than Grams and Taylor without ulterior motives attached? I need answers to those questions, but I know they might never be answered. At least I will be home for the most important time of the year.

  IT HAS BEEN A MONTH since I have seen the Moreau cousins as I have made sure since being home from the holidays to avoid them. I catch glimpses of them as they cross the courtyard going to and from their dorm, but none of them try to approach me. I decide not to worry about them and concentrate on surviving the rest of the year at this crazy place. The bullying is better, but Veronica still tries to make everyone think she is the alpha when it comes to the females. I have stopped letting her bother me and she hates it. I decided to go to the library and study for a test in shifting class after my last class of the day. When I step outside of the building, I see Nicolas by the fountain in the courtyard. He catches me looking and I look away quickly. I head in the direction of the library as I hear him behind me.

  “Go away Nicolas, I have nothing to say to you. I heard everything you guys said before and I am not some possession to be argued over,” I say as I quicken my pace.

  Nicolas keeps up with me and follows me to the library, standing in front of the door. I am bothered by this and I let out a low growl.

  “Is that supposed to scare me, Madison? It doesn’t I can tell you that for certain. Please talk to me, mon amour,” he begs as his hand is against the door.

  “Okay, fine. What do you want Nicolas? I need to study,” I say.

  He takes my hand and leads me into the library and up the stairs to the left of the entryway. We walk down a long hallway to a large door. Nicolas pushes the door open and we walk into an abandoned section of the library. He pulls me to a corner hidden by shelves and pulls me down onto a big bean bag chair.

  “I am terribly sorry for the things you heard me, and my cousin say. It has been a horrible time without you in our lives, especially for me,” he says as he leans closer to my face.

  His eyes drop to my lips and I know what he is about to do. I smile as he leans closer and presses his lips to mine. Instantly, a fire is lit inside us both and passion consumes us. His hands begin to roam my body as I try to pull his clothes from his. I freeze as his fingers find their way inside my dripping folds and I whimper in anticipation as he begins to rub my pulsing nub.

  “I have wanted this with you since we first met. Mon Amour, I want to feel your body against mine. I want to feel your wetness around my hardness. I want to make love to you,” he pants as he continues to make me moan and squirm.

  “I-I have never done that before, Nicolas. I am a virgin,” I admit.

  “That is okay, my dear. For now, I will just pleasure you this way,” he says as he quickened his pace on my clit causing the sensations to send me over the edge.

  I moaned loudly as the orgasm wracked my body. I pant as my body continues to convulse and I lean up to place a kiss on his lips. “That was wonderful, Nicolas,” I panted as he situates his clothes.

  He smiles as I move to pleasure him, but he puts a hand on mine stopping me. He shook his head and I stuck my bottom lip out. I did not understand why he did not want me to.

  “What is the problem? Is it because I said I am a virgin?” I ask.

  Nicolas shakes his head as he stands to his feet. “No, Madison. It is the fact that my cousins need to know about us before things go any further between us,” he says as he grabs my hand.

  I sigh and follow him out of the library. I guess that means I won’t be
studying. I know I should resist and go back to study, but I know deep down being with them is a lot more fun. I’ve been good all year long and I decided in that moment that it is time for me to let myself be a little bad for once. After all, what’s it going to hurt?

  To be continued

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