Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 23

by Tracy Lorraine

  “I was just going to come and wake you. I’ve made breakfast,” Molly says, as I enter the living area the next morning. Fuck, I’m glad she didn’t. She would have caught me jerking off, again. Every time an image from last night pops into my head, my dick is instantly hard and I can’t get rid of it.

  I look over to where she is stood over the hob, and take in what she is wearing. My life is a little easier now it’s colder. Gone are the little shorts and vest tops in favour of jeans, long sleeved t-shirts and jumpers. She still looks hot as fuck, though. This morning she has on her baggy jeans and a white, long sleeved t-shirt. It’s simple but sexy. Her curves are more toned since she has been going to the dance classes, making my hands itch to touch her again. I shove them in my pockets to stop them moving of their own accord.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Great, only a little sore. You’ve got magic fingers.”

  “You have no idea what I can do with these,” I say suggestively, while pulling my hands back out and wiggling my fingers at her. I watch her cheeks redden before she turns her attention back to the breakfast.

  We spend the day together like we used to. Last night might have been all kinds of painful, but it seems we have had a breakthrough in our relationship and we are almost back to normal. When I say normal, I don’t mean pre-Molly-moving-in platonic friends, I mean post-Molly-moving-in, awkward and full of sexual tension and chemistry. Every time we touch, tingles shoot around my body. Every time she is close and I smell her, my dick twitches. Every time I look at her, I have an internal fight with myself not to reach out and touch her.

  Next Saturday is Shane and Chris’ stag do, so we spend the day out shopping, trying to decide what the hell we wear to a ‘pimps and hos’ party. Normally, I hate going shopping with women, but today is a different story. Molly has been trying on teeny tiny slutty outfits. I tried to convince her she needed photographic evidence of each so she could make an informed decision, but for some reason she didn’t want me taking photos on my phone. Every time she came out of the dressing room, my dick got a little harder. She went through the entire range of outfits: schoolgirl, French maid, nurse, police officer, army woman. You name it, she tried it on! I was in my fucking element.

  I knew my favourite as soon as she came out in it, but I refused to tell her what it was. She reckons she could tell by my reaction, but is refusing to tell me which one she chose. She made me leave the shop before she bought it. I’m not sure if it will be a good thing or not if she gets the right one. Yes, she will look sexy as hell and I will enjoy it immensely, but she’s going to the damn party with Adam so it won’t be me that gets to have his hands all over her. So maybe her picking one I liked slightly less will be a little easier. Let’s be honest though, she looked incredible in each one. It’s going to be a torturous night no matter what she has picked.

  After getting a lot of stick from Molly for copping out, I decided to just wear my suit with a tank top under it. She did convince me to buy some ghastly chain to wear around my neck, and some God-awful shiny shoes. God, this party is going to suck. I’ve got to dress like a dick while she walks around like sex on legs.

  Once we have everything we need, we head to the supermarket. Molly insisted on cooking a meal for us, so I’m just letting her get on with it while I push the trolley around behind her, trying not to just stare at her arse.

  We have a really good night together, chatting and laughing like we used to. It was almost like the last few weeks of awkwardness never happened. Molly talks about work and how busy they are. She tries to tell me about Jax and Abbi, but I put my fingers in my ears and make her stop. I’m still not totally sure about Jax, but I came to realise over the past few weeks that he is a really good guy, and I think my problem with him is that I’m jealous of how much time he spends with Molly and how well they get on. If anything good can come out of him and my sister, it’s that I know he isn’t after Molly, which was my initial concern about him. Molly only ever has good stuff to say about him, so I think I just need to get over myself and be nice. I tell her all about school and the stupid things the kids have done - and a few stupid things I have done!

  Once we’ve eaten, we sit and watch a couple of films together. It doesn’t escape my notice that the whole evening Molly has tried to keep a bit of distance between us. She doesn’t come and sit next to me as we watch the film like we used to. Whenever she needs something in the kitchen, she won’t lean around me and just grab it, she asks me to move or get it for her. I’m undecided on whether her keeping space between us is a good thing or not, but I guess she doesn’t want a repeat of last night. As the credits roll up on the second film, Molly announces she is off to bed.

  “I’ve got loads of marking to do tomorrow, so you probably won’t see much of me,” I say, letting her know my plans.

  “Okay, I’ve got Jax coming over to work on something anyway. I’ll see you tomorrow. Night.” She leans over and kisses my cheek.

  “Goodnight, gorgeous.” I don’t know where this comes from, but I feel as shocked as Molly looks, if her wide eyes are anything to go by.

  I wait for her to leave before tidying up then heading up to bed myself. I can’t help but look to the other half of my bed and wish that she were laid there, not downstairs on her own.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Goodnight, gorgeous.” His words keep repeating themselves in my ears. He’s called me a few sentimental names over the years, but never have I had the reaction I did when he just said that. My whole body warmed and tingles spread from my chest as the word tumbled out of his mouth. He looked just as shocked to say it as I was to hear it. I let out a big sigh before getting myself ready for bed.

  I quickly check my phone as I sit down on the edge, and notice a message from Emma. I still haven’t heard from her since my birthday. I have been to two more Morrison Sunday dinners, but she didn’t come to either. Ryan keeps asking if I’ve heard from her like he knows something I don’t, but every time I question him he just shrugs and passes it off.

  Emma: I’m sorry I haven’t been around but I’m ready to talk if you are.

  I just stare at my phone in shock. Is she really ready for me to tell her about Ryan and how nothing – well, sort of nothing - has happened.

  Molly: I can only do Thursday night, unless you just want to pop to the office when you are free.

  Emma: I’ll meet you in our usual seat at 5. See you there.

  Okay, so I’ll be meeting Emma Thursday evening then. I wonder what she is going to say, and ,come to think of it, what I am going to say to her? Although nothing major has happened with Ryan, I’d be lying if I told her nothing had or that I hadn’t thought about something happening. I have loved every minute of today with him, spending time together like we used to. I’m starting to wonder if maybe us giving something a go wouldn’t be such a bad idea. I mean, I pushed so hard for us to just be friends that I basically lost him for the last few weeks anyway. What if we were always meant to be together? Everything happens for a reason, right?

  I wake up the next morning to my phone ringing. I pick it up and see Jax’s face smiling back at me.

  “Morning,” I croak out.

  “Okay, that answers my question. I was going to see if you were up and wanted me already?”

  I quickly glance at the time. “Jax, it’s seven-thirty on a Sunday morning. Why on earth would you think I’d be up? And why are you up for that matter?”

  “Uh…I’m…sortofabitnervous,” he says, so fast I almost miss it.

  “Hang on, confident and cocky Jackson Parker is so nervous about posing for me that he couldn’t sleep?”

  “Shut the fuck up, don’t rub it in or I’ll cancel and you’ll have to find some other mug to get naked.”

  “Fine, yeah, sorry. Well, I’m awake now if you want to head over. I’ll get the garden set up.”

  “The garden?” he asks nervously. “It’s freezing outside. You cannot be serious?�
�� I can’t help but laugh.

  “No, I’m not, I was joking. You’ll be laid on my bed, don’t worry. Hey, I’ll even put the heating up for you. Don’t want you getting cold while you are in front of me, naked!”

  “Molly, I’m warning you.”

  “Sorry, you’re just making it too easy, Jax. Get your arse over here now; I’ll be ready.”

  I can’t help but smile to myself as I hang up the phone. Jax is probably the most confident person I know – well, I thought he was. Turns out I was wrong. He is just as self-conscious as the rest of us when it comes to his body. Fuck knows why, he is fit and I always thought he knew it, but obviously not.

  I quickly get up and dressed. I go for comfortable, and just grab a pair of lounge trousers and a tank top. I’ve just told Jax I’ll put the heating up, and I don’t want to melt. I pull my hair on top of my head in a messy bun, and leave my face clear of make-up. I make my bed and grab the silk fabric I bought for this. I wanted something soft and feminine to contradict Jax’s bad boy looks. I have cut a bit off the end so that I can drape it over him to cover him up, as he is being a wimp about being totally naked for me. I shove some cushions under the fabric to give it some definition. I can scrunch it up where needed once he arrives and gets in place.

  I’m just coming back down the stairs with a tray filled with tea, coffee and pastries I bought specially when I hear the door knocked quietly. I put the tray in my room before coming to back to open the door for him.

  When I do, I’m shocked by what I see. Jax is stood there looking back at me, but his face is a little green. He has his hands twisting around each other in front of him, and his foot is bouncing on the ground. Fuck me, he is nervous.

  I open the door wider for him to enter before closing it behind him. He turns to look at me with the same scared deer-in-headlights look. I move over to him and wrap my arms around him.

  “Jax, don’t look so scared. It’s only me.” I start rubbing my hands up and down his back in comfort.

  “I know, I just can’t stop the nerves. I feel like I’m gonna be sick.”

  “Yeah, you kind of look it. Come on, I’ve made coffee and got breakfast. We don’t have to get started straight away; let’s chill for a bit first.”

  “Yeah sure…okay.”

  I grab his hand and pull him into my room. He sits on the side of the bed and sips his coffee. I can see how tense he is, but I don’t really know what to do to help him other than get started so he can see it’s really not that scary.

  Thirty minutes later, Jax is stood in front of me in his boxers. I’ve just finished faffing about with the silk sheet and I’m ready for him to get into place.

  “Right, you take this.” I hand him the smaller bit of fabric. “I’ll go in the bathroom while you get yourself sorted, then give me a shout.”

  “Do I really have to get naked? Can’t I just chuck this fabric over me so it covers my boxers?” He looks at me with pleading eyes.

  “No, I want as much on show as possible. Come on, Jax, it will be fine.” I walk away from him into my bathroom, and wait.

  “You seriously owe me one for this, woman,” Jax mutters before I hear the bed move, but he doesn’t say anything else.

  “Are you done?”

  “Ugh, yes. Let’s get this over with, then never speak of it again.”

  I walk out and look over to him. His face that was green with fear is now bright red with embarrassment.

  “Stop looking so worried. You look hot. Abbi is gonna love it, and I’m sure her reaction will make this well worthwhile for you.”

  “You’d better be bloody right.” I go over to him to adjust the sheet around him. “Careful, pull that any lower and I may as well not have it over me.”

  “Chill out. Trust me when I say I have no intention of seeing your dick, Jax.” He still doesn’t look convinced. “Trust me,” I say again, hoping it might make him relax.

  “You know, you could be wearing less,” he says teasingly, and I’m pleased when I see his usual cocky grin.

  “Uh, no. If you ever take up life drawing I’ll repay the favour, but I need to focus on this.”

  “Spoil sport!” I just stick my tongue out at him.

  I’ve been drawing for a couple of hours and Jax is starting to complain he’s uncomfortable. I keep telling him to suck it up but I know I’m being mean. I’m going to have to let him move soon.

  I’m so engrossed in my sketch that I don’t hear the footsteps coming towards my room. Jax obviously doesn’t either, because we look up as the door swings open.

  “What the fuck?” Ryan says, taking in the scene before him. “Dude, what the fuck are you doing?” I look over to Jax and see a mixture of shock and embarrassment wash over him.

  “You said he was busy upstairs and wouldn’t come down,” Jax growls at me.

  “Uh, yeah, I said he was busy; I didn’t promise anything else.” I shrug apologetically.

  “Molly, why is Jax naked on your bed? I swear to God, every time I walk in on you two, you are doing something inappropriate.”

  “I’ve been doing a life drawing class on a Wednesday night. I’ve got to do a final piece and Jax agreed to be my model.”

  “I got bullied in to it. I didn’t agree easily,” Jax mutters under his breath.

  “How did I not know you were doing a life drawing class?”

  “You haven’t really been about much, or talking to me much. It wasn’t a secret. I actually signed up because of that conversation we had on holiday.

  “Oh, I’ll leave you to it then,” he says, before walking away.

  “Well, he looked royally pissed off,” Jax says once Ryan is upstairs.

  “He is trying to like you, Jax. But I guess he’s right, we do get caught in some compromising positions!”

  I sketch for another hour before I think I’ve finished. I’ve done it in charcoal so it’s all black and white. I’ve managed to capture Jax’s ink as I wanted it, and I’m really pleased with the result.

  “Right, I’m done,” I turn my sketch around to show him.

  “Holy fuck, that’s good, Molly.”

  “See I told you to trust me. Right, I’m gonna head upstairs so you can get dressed. Thank you so much for doing that for me, Jax.” I walk over and place a kiss on his cheek.

  “No problem. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, actually.”

  “Told you so. You can do it again sometime then! I’ll see you in a minute.”

  I go upstairs before he can answer, and head straight for the kettle. I’m dying for a cup of tea. Ryan is sat at the table surrounded by folders he is marking, with a deep frown on his face.

  “Hey, do you want a coffee?”

  “No thanks,” he says, stroppily.

  “Molly, I’m gonna head off. I’ve taken a picture of your drawing and sent it to Abbi. She says she wants it framed!” Jax says, shaking his head and smiling at the mention of her.

  “No problem, I’ll get it sorted for her after I’ve handed it in. Thanks again, Jax, I really appreciate you doing that for me. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Yeah, bye. Bye, Ryan,” he adds before he leaves the room, but Ryan just grunts in response.

  I make my tea before heading over to him and leaning my hip against the table right next to him. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” he snaps.

  “It doesn’t look like nothing. Tell me.”

  “Him,” he spits, gesturing to where Jax was just stood.

  “What has he done now?”

  “You asked him to model for you.”

  “Yeah, well I didn’t want to use whatever model we end up with on Wednesday. Plus, I wanted to sketch his ink. Wait…are you jealous? Did you want me to ask you?”

  Ryan lowers his head as if embarrassed. “You know what, yes I am,” he says, raising his eyes back to mine. “Molly, I thought I was your best friend. Not only did I not know you were taking this class, you also didn’t ask me. I hate that we
have drifted apart. I miss you.”

  “You didn’t seem too up for modelling when we spoke about it in the summer, so I didn’t think you would do it anyway.”

  “We were just messing about in the summer. I’d do anything for you, you know that.” He reaches out his hand and grabs my free one, caressing the back with his thumb and sending tingles up my arm, so much so that I have to put my tea down so I don’t drop it. “I hate that you’ve been staring at him practically naked all morning.” Shit, he really is jealous.

  “It was art, Ry. I was looking at him like I would a bowl of fruit.” I can’t help feeling warm inside at the thought of him being that jealous.

  “That may be true, but it doesn’t help me.” He stands in front of me and cups my cheek with his other hand. “I don’t want you having some other guy’s body in your mind,” he says quietly.

  Whoa, what do I say to that?

  “How would you feel if the situation was reversed?”

  I don’t even have to think about it; the thought alone makes me feel sick. “Uh…”

  “Exactly.” He moves his hand from my cheek around the back of my head, and pulls me towards him. For a second I think he’s going to kiss me, but at the last minute he presses his lips to my forehead.

  I have to clear my throat before I can say anything. I’m totally choked up with emotion. “Have you got much more to do?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “Yeah, I’ve barely started.” He drops his hands from me and steps away.

  “Okay, well I’m going to see if Megan is home and go see her.”

  After drinking my tea, I leave Ryan to his work. I text Megan to see if she is home, before getting changed and heading over to hers.

  I need to talk about Ryan and how I’m feeling about just going for it with him, because it is freaking me out.


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