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Angel Series Books #1-2.5

Page 30

by Tracy Lorraine

  “What? You never told me that.” Molly goes on to explain while I cook us breakfast – well, lunch now, really.

  Molly is stood at the sink washing up after we’ve finished eating. I can’t pull my eyes away from her. She is still wearing my t-shirt. Because she is so short it comes to her mid-thighs. Her hair is still a mess caused by a night’s sleep with wet hair and three orgasms, her face is make-up free, and she looks stunning. I walk up behind her, sweeping her hair around to one side before I wrap my arms around her waist.

  “What’s the plan for the rest of the day, gorgeous?” I ask between kisses to her neck.

  “I was just thinking we could chill out here together. I want you all to myself for the day.”

  “Mmm, that sounds like a good idea. I don’t want to share you either.”

  I wait until she has finished washing up, which takes her longer than usual because apparently my hands roaming under my t-shirt are distracting her, before I lift her into my arms and walk out of the room.

  “Where are we going now?” she asks, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “I want to get you all hot and wet,” I say, wiggling my eyebrows at her as we head towards her room.

  “It won’t take much,” she says, before nibbling on my earlobe.

  “I don’t doubt that for a second, but that wasn’t what I meant, you dirty bitch!” I walk us into her bathroom before sitting her down on the side of the bath and turning the taps on and pouring some bubbles in.

  “Oh,” she says, looking embarrassed.

  “Hey, stop the blushing. Saying that after I’ve given you three amazing orgasms in just over twelve hours can’t possibly embarrass you.” Saying that just makes her cheeks redden even more. I just smile and shake my head at her. She can be so cute sometimes.

  I check the temperature of the water before walking over to her. “Arms up, Miss Molly.” She does as she’s told and I pull my t-shirt off her. I am still as in awe of her body as I was last night when she stripped in front of me. “I didn’t tell you last night, but watching you strip in front of me when I was in the shower was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen.”

  “Really? I thought you were too pissed off to notice.”

  “Never. There is nothing in the world that could distract me from your body, Molly. The moment I realised you came after me I forgot about being pissed off, and when you started getting naked I almost forgot what happened.”

  She stands up and lifts her hand to cup my cheek and looks into my eyes. “I am sorry, Ryan. He just came at me. I was trying to get him to stop.”

  “Molly, it’s okay. I know. I knew straight away really. You never would have had your eyes open to see me if you were into it. I just panicked. Please can we just forget about it? I think the evening ended how we both wanted it to in the end, so let’s just move on.”

  “Oh, it ended better that I could ever have imagined.” She reaches up on her tiptoes and places a kiss against my lips. I take the opportunity to lift her up and gently lower her into the bath. I quickly remove my boxers and slide in behind her so she can rest back against my chest.

  “This would be much more comfortable if your hard dick wasn’t poking me in the back, you know?”

  “Molly, you are just going to have to get used to the fact that if you are naked, or just in the room, actually, I will be hard!” I tighten my arms around her and smile. She’s mine at last.


  After Ryan washed every inch of my body as well as shampooing and conditioning my hair, he got out, much to my disappointment. He told me he had something he needed to do. He said to enjoy the rest of my bath and that he’d meet me upstairs when he was done. He was being very secretive and wouldn’t tell me what he was going to do. It was driving me nuts. We were meant to be spending the day together and now he’s disappeared to do secret things. Not happy. While I’m lying here thinking about what he could possibly be doing, it suddenly occurs to me that it is his birthday soon - two weeks, I think. I need to come up with something amazing for him to show him how much I really do love him. After only a few minutes of thinking about what I could do, it comes to me - and it’s brilliant; something he will never forget. Yes, I may be ripping Megan’s idea off a bit, but seeing as I helped her with it by going to classes in the first place, I’m sure she won’t mind.

  When I’ve finished and go back into my bedroom I smile to myself when I see that Ryan has left me his Oxford Brookes t-shirt, the same one he gave me to wear the first night I stayed here with him. Once I’m dry, I pull it over my head and slip on a pair of knickers. After towel drying my hair I grab my laptop and start looking into hiring the dance studio for an hour next Thursday evening for Ryan’s birthday.

  When I get upstairs it’s empty, so I grab myself a drink and settle on the sofa in front of the TV and find some home improvement show to watch. It’s another forty minutes before I hear Ryan coming down the stairs. When he comes into the room he takes one look at me and a wide smile breaks out across his face. To my delight he is still topless, but has put on a pair of jogging bottoms.

  “What have you been up to?”

  “Just arranging a surprise. Nothing you need to know about yet. Nice t-shirt, by the way.”

  “Thanks, it’s my boyfriend’s!” I didn’t think it possible but his smile gets even wider and his head tilts to the side at my words. He looks so happy.

  “Say that again,” he says with his eyes twinkling.

  “It’s my boyfriend’s,” I repeat.

  As soon as the words leave my mouth, he is on me. I’m wrestled so that I’m lying down on the sofa with him between my legs and hovering above me with his hands either side of my head.

  “Again?” he demands, poking my nose with his.

  “Boyfrie-” he crashes his lips to mine before I even finish the word. He kisses me deeply for a few minutes. When he pulls away, we are both panting hard. He sits back and looks down at me. I rake my eyes across his naked skin, enjoying the view. I notice as my eyes drop down that his trousers are tented again. I lift my eyes back to him and raise my eyebrow at him.

  “Always,” he replies to my silent question. I can’t help but feel tingles erupt in my stomach, knowing I affect him so much by just being close. It makes me feel amazing, beautiful and sexy. I watch him put his hand in his pocket and pull my phone out before he places it on my chest. “This has been going crazy. Sort it out, will you?” he states.

  I grab my phone and see that I’ve got ten missed calls from Chris and three voicemails. I groan out load; whatever is on those voicemails isn’t going to be good, I just know it.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Three voicemails from Chris. Are you ready?”

  “Uh…” I press play and wait.

  “Oh Ryan, oh yes,” Chris practically pants. “Oh yeah, just like that. Give it to me, Ryan.”

  “Oh God!” I groan, rolling my eyes at my phone before reluctantly pressing play on the next one.

  “Oh please, Ryan. Harder Ryan, harder. Fuck me harder,” Shane says in a breathy voice.

  “Oh Ryan, that’s so good. Your cock feels so good insides me. Oh yeah right there, yeah right there. Oh, I’m gonna ahhhhhhhhhhhhh,” Chris shouts on the final message.

  “I’m gonna fucking kill those two.”

  I realise Ryan hasn’t said anything while listening to the messages. “Why aren’t you saying anything?” I say, before looking up at him. It’s instantly obvious why he hasn’t said anything - he is too busy biting his lip trying not to laugh. “Ryan!” I squeal at him and slap his arm.

  “Sorry, sorry. Come on Molls, you’ve got to admit that was pretty funny.” He can’t hold it in any longer and ends up clutching his stomach where he’s laughing so much. It’s infectious and I end up laughing along with him. When I’ve calmed down enough to speak, I grab my phone and put it to my ear.

  Chris answers on the second ring. “Hey, what’s up?” he says, laughing.

  “I wa
s gonna be nice, but after that, I’ve decided my speech at your wedding is going to include you getting caught at it on the hood of your car in the supermarket car park, you both having to be rescued after a sex swing and handcuff experiment gone wrong, and the time you had to have a buttplug removed from your arse at the hospital after Shane got too rough.” I watch as Ryan’s eyebrows go so high they almost hit his hairline.

  “Molly!” Chris shouts so loud I have to pull the phone away from my ear. “You can't do that; not all of them are true!”

  “Don’t care! I’ve still got a month, I’m sure I can make some others up.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Watch me, you fuckers!” I say, trying to keep the humour out of my voice. “I love you even though you are both little shits.

  “Love you too, Molly. Enjoy your sexy man.”

  “I intend to. Bye,” I say quickly, hanging up the phone. I look up at Ryan after putting it on the coffee table. He is thinking so hard I can almost see the cogs turning behind his eyes.

  “Which ones are true?” he asks.

  “I’ll let you think on that. Come here, I want to be in your arms,” he instantly moves over and pulls me into his side.

  We spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and watching the TV. I’ve just got up to decide what to make for dinner when Ryan's iPad starts ringing on the coffee table. Thinking is probably either Abbi or Liv FaceTiming, he grabs it quickly so he doesn’t miss them.

  I hear him groan behind me before he starts speaking. “Hi Mum.”

  I also groan hearing that, but am careful to keep mine internal. I look over my shoulder to make sure I’m out of her sight.

  “Ryan, for goodness’ sake put some clothes on, you’ll give that girl the wrong idea if you’re walking around half-naked.” I can’t help but suck in a breath at her words.

  “Mother!” Ryan admonishes. “Can we please have a conversation where you don’t say anything bad about Molly? I don’t know how many times I have to tell you how wonderful she is. You need to get over your first impressions and get to know her. You’ll love her, I know you will.”

  “I don’t need to get over anything. As you have said many times, she is your friend, not mine; I just have to put up with her.” I hear him moan again.

  I can’t help but wonder what she will do or say when she finds out we are together. Will she tell Ryan to get rid of me? Shit, will she give him an ultimatum? And if she does, what would he do? I know how important his parents are to him. I have to shake my head to snap myself out of it and focus back on dinner.

  “So… How’s dad?” Ryan asks to change the subject. I zone out of their conversation while I start to make a chilli con carne for dinner. I’m just about to add the tomatoes when something Ryan's mum says catches my attention.

  “Have you met the guy Abbi is seeing? Doreen said she saw her with some bad boy type in town yesterday. She should know better than that.”

  I quickly make my way round behind the iPad without getting seen my Ryan’s mum and start waving my arms around, trying to tell Ryan not to say anything. I know for a fact that Abbi will not appreciate Ryan gossiping about her and Jax to their mum.

  “Uh no, sorry, can’t help. Abbi’s a big girl now, she can make her own decisions. She won’t let history repeat itself; she’s learnt her lesson.”

  “I hope you’re right, but Doreen said he had tattoos and everything.”

  “Mum, will you stop gossiping? Abbi is her own woman and can make her own decisions,” he repeats. “Mum, I’m sorry, but I need to go. I’ll ring you when I have a bit more time in the week.”

  “Oh, aren’t you coming up here for a few days?” From the sound of her voice I would put money on her pouting as she said that, trying to guilt him into it.

  “No, sorry, I’m busy most of the week.”

  “With her?”

  “If by that you mean Molly, then yes, a lot of it I will be spending with her.” I hear his mum huff at that announcement. “Speak soon, Mum. Bye,” Ryan says, sounding pissed off.

  “I love you son. Bye.”

  I watch Ryan from my position behind the iPad disconnect the call without saying anything else. He throws himself back on the sofa and runs his hands through his hair and leans his head back with his eyes shut. I walk over towards him, sit down next to him and place my hand on his thigh. He flinches at my contact and looks at me. His eyes look a little wet and he has disappointment written all over his face.

  “I’m so sorry, Molly. I just wish she would give you a chance; she doesn’t even know you. I hate how judgemental she is. I just know that she would love you if she gave you the chance.”

  “It’s okay, Ry. She just wants the best for you and she doesn't think it’s me, obviously. We’ll just have to show her how wrong she is.” I try to sound optimistic as I say this, which is hard because inside I have a real fear she will never accept me. I also keep in my thoughts about how Ryan has been almost as judgemental about Jax. I don’t think he will appreciate hearing that right now.

  Chapter Three


  My mum really managed to put a dampener on the rest of our evening. Even though Molly was adamant she was fine after listening to our conversation, I could tell she wasn’t. She wasn’t as carefree as she had been all day. I could tell it was playing on her mind.

  We had her delicious chilli for dinner before spending the rest of the night sat in front of the TV, watching all kinds of rubbish. Just after ten o’clock, I watched Molly start yawning. I sent her up to my bed while I tidied our mess and locked the house up for the night. I was as quick as I could, because knowing Molly was waiting for me in my bed had my already twitching dick standing to attention. I take the stairs three at a time once I’ve checked the front door and join her in my room. She looks so tiny in my huge bed. She is curled up under the covers, looking like a vulnerable little animal. She looks up at me when I enter, and all I can see in her eyes is sadness. I quickly drop my trousers and slide under the covers in front of her before pulling her body into mine.

  “What’s wrong, gorgeous?” I ask soothingly.

  She looks like she could cry at any moment. She just shakes her head at me.

  “No, something is wrong. Please tell me.”

  “It’s nothing, I’m just being silly.”

  “I don’t care how silly it is, if it makes you look like this then it’s important. So come on, out with it,”

  I watch her look down before she opens her mouth to say anything. “What if your mum never accepts me? You’ll end up ditching me because I don’t fit in with your family and your mum’s wishes for you.”

  My chin drops open at her revelation. Is that what she really thinks? Does she really not know how much she means to me? I suddenly feel wetness on my chest and I know she is crying. I roll her over onto her back so I can look down at her. She needs to see in my eyes how much I mean what I am going to say. She refuses to look at me and moves her head to the side. I gently place my hand on her cheek and pull her head back so she has no choice, but she closes her eyes.

  “Molly,” I whisper, “do you really think that just because my mum doesn’t like you I would dump you?” She just shrugs her shoulders and I catch another tear that falls with my thumb. “You really have no idea how much I love you, do you?”

  I watch her eyes slowly open, and when they look into mine I see a little hope creeping in. “Molly,” I start, unsure what I’m actually going to say. “I wasn’t expecting to feel this way about you. After Hannah died, you were my rock, but I never once thought of you as anything more than an amazing friend. All the time we spent together then, all the time we spent in each other’s arms, but nothing. I guess I was too full of grief and sadness to feel anything else.” She nods at my words, telling me she felt the same. “Then you moved in and something changed. I guess we had both changed since her death, and somewhere along the way we became perfect for each other. My attraction to you was instant and it scared the
shit out of me. You were my best friend and I shouldn’t have been feeling that way about you.

  “Our holiday was the best week of my life. Having you to myself and being close to you was amazing. Even though we went for a sad reason, it was just prefect. It was kinda like the end of the old me and the beginning of the new me in a strange way. I struggled with my feelings for you for a long time. Not only did I not understand where they came from, but I also felt so guilty because you were Hannah’s best friend. How could I do that to her? I felt so guilty because it wasn’t long before I realised that I was in love with you, and the love I feel for you is so different to the love I felt towards Hannah. Yes I loved her, and she will always own a part of my heart, but the love I feel for you? Shit, Molly, it’s all-consuming. I feel like my heart is going to explode at any moment. When I’m with you, I want to be closer. When I’m not with you, you are all I can think about and my body actually aches not being with you. I hate to admit out loud that I didn’t love Hannah like that, but I can’t deny the truth and I know that Hannah would understand. And I do believe that everything happens for a reason, and maybe she was meant to bring us together and she is now smiling down on us happy, because she managed it.” At some point during my little speech I closed my eyes. I pull my eyelids up and look down at Molly to see tears now streaming down her face and her biting on her bottom lip. “I love you so much, Molly. Hell, those words don’t even begin to explain how I feel about you. No one is going to be able to get me to give you up: my mother, or anyone else who has an opinion about us. She will either learn to love you, or I won’t be seeing her very much. My sisters already love you and I know my dad likes you, even though he has to put up with my mum going on. We will win her round Molly, and if we don’t then fuck her; this is my life, not hers, and I will spend my life with the woman I love.”


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