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Angel Series Books #1-2.5

Page 37

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Here, try eating some of this,” I say, handing over her toast.

  Well, that toast stayed down for exactly twenty minutes before she started throwing up again. We both spend the rest of the day lounging in bed so she was close to the toilet. Luckily for both of us, it seemed to have subsided by the time evening rolled around. We both fell asleep early as we hardly slept the night before and she was only up twice in the night.

  I felt awful going to work the next day and leaving her at home ill, but I phoned Susan on my way to work and asked if she would go around and check on Molly. Obviously, she agreed; she loves looking after people.

  Molly seemed to be back to normal by Tuesday morning so it was obviously just a forty-eight hour bug she picked up somewhere, but I convinced her to stay home again just in case. By Wednesday she was chopping at the bit to get back to the office after almost a week away. Holly popped round on Tuesday evening after work once she was sure Molly was healthy again. She was dying to hear about our weekend after seeing all the photos I sent though to her. Her and Molly spent all night gossiping on the sofa while I did some work. I kept hearing my name and it made me smile but I tried not to eavesdrop on their conversation - too much, anyway! I loved listening to Holly coo over all the gifts I bought Molly and her telling Molly how awesome I am. Okay, so I did more eavesdropping than working, in reality.

  It is now the evening of my birthday and I am sat at the bar in the strip club waiting for everyone else to arrive. Will didn’t say who was coming, but I’m sure there would be a few of us; there usually are when we go out. But I’ve now been here ten minutes and there is no sign of anyone. I feel like a right pervert sat here on my own with a beer. All of a sudden, my heart jumps into my throat as I feel someone come up behind me and wrap something around my eyes.

  “What the fuck?” I shout, flinging my arms around, trying to hit whoever just blindfolded me.

  “It’s Will; chill out, man.”

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Just because I now know it is Will, it doesn’t mean I’m any less pissed off about being blindfolded.

  “I’ve got a birthday surprise for you, come on.” He tugs on my arm and there is nothing I can really do but allow myself to be dragged along behind him, much to my displeasure.

  “I swear to god if you’ve organised some stripper to rub herself over me I’m going to be seriously pissed, Will.”

  “Oh, stop worrying, you pussy.”

  “Don’t call me a fucking pussy; you’re not the one blindfolded and being pulled fuck knows where in a strip club. Anything could be about to happen.”

  “Oh, you have no idea mate.” Brilliant. That does not fill me with confidence as to what they have organised for me. “Stairs,” Will says as we start climbing. “Left.” We keep walking for another few minutes although it feels like fucking hours because I can’t see a bloody thing.

  “Right, sit there and don’t move. Don’t even think about trying to remove the blindfold before someone does it for you. You will be punished if you do it yourself, and it will fucking hurt,” Will says before I hear him leave, laughing to himself. “Right, he’s all yours. Have fun,” I hear him say to someone.

  I sit there for what feels like forever with nothing happening. The longer I sit here, the faster my heart beats, and the more I’m sweating. I hate not being about to see what is about to happen to me.


  I’ve just watched Will pull Ryan into the room I booked for the evening. He does not look impressed. I could hear him grumbling all the way up the stairs. I couldn’t help but laugh at his obvious annoyance at the situation. He really has no idea what is about to happen, and I cannot wait to see his face when he realises it’s me. As excited I am about his reaction, I’m still shitting myself about actually standing up there in front of him and dancing. I’ve only ever had the girls in class watch me before. I’m praying I don’t fall on my arse and that I actually look sexy doing this thing. Mind you, if I’m shit I’m sure what I’ve got planned for afterwards will make him forget me making a fool of myself. I say my goodbye and thank you to Will and tell him we’ll see him tomorrow evening at our house with his girlfriend Ana.

  He’s been sitting there fidgeting for the last five minutes, so I think I’ve let him suffer long enough. I press play on the remote in my hand and the beat of a remixed Rihanna song we often practice to fills the room. The beat is slow and sexy and from the way Ryan is now squirming about in the chair I’m guessing it’s making him very uncomfortable. The anticipation must be killing him. I can’t wipe the wide smile off my face, thinking about how much he must be hating this.

  I take my dressing gown off and begin to walk over to him. As soon as he hears the click of my heels, his head snaps in my direction, like if he tries hard enough he could see though the blindfold. I walk up behind him and run my hands across his shoulder and down his arms, pressing my breasts into his back. All his muscles are clenched. I’ve never known him to be so tense. I grab his hands and have to really pull at them to get them to move, but when I manage it I pull them behind him and place them on my arse and slowly run them down the backs of my thighs. His muscles are still tense so it’s hard to move his arms smoothly. I move my hands back up to his shoulders and massage them gently before leaning into his ear and whispering.

  “You need to relax, you won’t enjoy this otherwise.” He flinches as my breath hits him but he doesn’t do anything to make me aware that he knows it’s me from my voice. I am trying my best to disguise it.

  I walk my way round to the front of him and straddle his lap before grabbing his hands again and placing them back on my arse and grinding myself in to him. I run my hands up inside his t-shirt, feeling the tensed muscles of his stomach and chest. I run my nails down them as my hands make their decent. One hand continues moving downwards and grabs him through his jeans; to my joy, he’s completely soft. He isn’t turned on one bit by having some - so he thinks - random woman dancing on him.

  “That’s disappointing, Mr. Evans,” I moan in his ear before I start kissing down his neck. He surprises me though by violently pulling away from me. Okay, I think I may have teased him enough. Before I stand up and get off him I turn around and force his hands to slide up my stomach and squeeze my breasts, then I remove myself from his lap and walk off. I hear him release a huge sigh of relief and I almost laugh out loud at how much he is hating this. Not for long though, I think to my self.

  I look down at myself. I was going to go and buy a new set of lingerie to do this in but after Ryan bought me the dusky pink set at the weekend that he loved so much I thought I’d wear those along with the shoes he bought me. My hair is curled again and my make up is light. I don’t want to look like some show girl, I want to look like me. In order to disguise myself from him I have had to use different shampoo and shower gel because I knew if I used my usual stuff he would tell it was me right away. I walk over to the pole, lift my arm above my head and wrap my hand around it before leaning my hip up against it. I take a deep breath to prepare myself.

  “Take off the blindfold,” I order.

  Very slowly and reluctantly, Ryan’s hands rise to his head and slips the fabric from around his eyes. He keeps them closed for a few more seconds before he gains the courage to open them. While I wait, I feel like my heart is about to beat out of my chest. When he does open them they go as wide as saucers, and his chin all by hits the floor.

  “I’m disappointed in your observational skills, Mr. Evans.” He is in complete shock and just sat there staring at me.

  “That was you?” he says, eventually gesturing around his body with his hands. “It didn’t smell like you.”

  “That would have made it too easy now, wouldn’t it? Now shut up and enjoy the show. And I seriously hope that by the time I get back over there you are in a…uh…harder state than you were earlier. I’ve got plans for you tonight, Mr. Evans.” I can already see his chest starting to rise and fall faster the longer he stares at me.
  I manage to dance for fifteen minutes before the pained look on Ryan’s face is too much to bear any longer. I have to go to him. I get myself back on my feet and slowly saunter over to him. I watch as his lips curl up at the corners as I get closer.

  “Are you going to willingly touch me this time?”

  “Fuck yes,” he growls at me, but before I can get to him he stands and comes to me, quickly lifting me and walking me backwards until I’m up against the wall. I wrap my legs around his waist and groan when his erection rubs my sweet spot through his jeans and my flimsy thong. I hadn’t realised how worked up I got watching him watching me.

  He continues to grind into me, obviously knowing how close I am already before his lips crash down to mine. His hands are all over me like he doesn’t know what to touch first. When he needs to catch his breath, he moves to kiss my neck.

  “Molly,” he pants, “that was the sexiest thing I have ever seen. I almost came just watching you.”

  I can’t help but moan at his words. I’m so close. He must realise because he leans back a little and slides one hand down between us and into the fabric of my thong until his fingers are circling my clit. Within seconds, I am screaming my release into the room.

  While I ride out the waves of my orgasm, Ryan goes back to kissing down my neck and across my chest. When my heart rate starts to slow he removes his hand and sucks his fingers into his mouth.

  “You taste so sweet, gorgeous,” he says after he slides them out. I drop my legs from around his waste and let go of his shoulders. He lets me go so I slide down the wall until I am sat on my haunches in front of him. I palm him through his jeans and listen to him moan at my touch.

  “That’s much better,” I say with a smile. He leans his forearms against the wall and looks down on me.

  “Only for you, gorgeous girl.”

  I make quick work of undoing his jeans and push them and his boxers down his thighs just enough to release his cock. I waste no time and slide my lips around him while grabbing the base of him with my hand. He is as close as I was just from dry humping me against the wall, so I know this is going to be quick. I pull back and run my tongue around the head of his dick before slowly sucking him back in to my mouth. It only takes me to repeat this a couple of times before I feel the tell tale signs that he is about to come. I grab his balls with my other hand and suck hard on his dick.

  “Aaaaaarghhhhhhh Mollyyyyyyy,” he groans as he orgasm washes through his body. When he’s finished, I sit back and wipe my mouth.

  “Come on let’s get out of here. I’ve got more plans for you at home, birthday boy.” I stand up, grab his hand and drag him over to the door.

  “You can’t go out there like that,” he says in a panic.

  “I’ve got a coat hanging up by the door, you muppet!”

  “Thank fuck for that, I don’t want anyone else seeing you like that,” he says, looking a little more relaxed. “Hey, what happened to Will?”

  “He went home. He was only here to help me get you up here. I rightly thought you wouldn’t come willingly.”

  “Damn right I wouldn’t have done. I wasn’t happy about it as it was.”

  “Yeah, I got that from how tense you were. You didn’t like having what you thought was a random woman rubbing herself over you, did you?”

  “No, I didn’t. I wish I knew it was you sooner.”

  “I thought about it but I just knew you wouldn’t let me go once you got hold of me. I wanted to tease you a bit though.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

  We make our way out of the club and go to get in my car to head home. I’m just pulling out of the car park when Ryan looks over at me, smiling.

  “What’s up with you?”

  “Just so you know, that is the best birthday present I’ve ever had.”

  “It’s not over yet, baby.”

  He smiles at me again before sitting back in his seat. He’s quiet for a while before he suddenly speaks, making me jump a little.

  “You need to get a new car. I hate the thought of you driving this when it’s icy outside. If you have an accident there is nothing to protect you.”

  “I’ve been thinking about getting something bigger.” This makes Ryan laugh so I raise my eyebrow at him in question.

  “Well, you could hardly get something smaller!”

  “Yeah yeah, you carry on taking the piss. This little car has done me good and it’s cheap as chips to run.”

  I texted Holly when we were leaving the club so everything should be set up at home by now. I’m glad that her car isn’t still parked outside the house when we get there. I grab my bag from the back of my car while Ryan opens the front door for us.

  “Don’t go upstairs yet,” I call to him when I see him disappear inside. I quickly follow him and dump my bag by the front door and shrug out of my coat, making Ryan’s eyes go wide again like he’d forgotten I only had my underwear underneath. I grab his hand and pull him up the stairs behind me. I can feel his eyes burning into my arse as we climb towards the first floor so I look back to make sure I’m right - which I am, of course.

  “Enjoying the view?”

  “Very much,” he replies, without moving his eyes.

  He moves like he is going to go into the living room, but I continue pulling him up the next set of stairs. When we get outside our closed bedroom door, I can’t help but smile at how Holly did exactly as I asked. I turn around before I get to the door put my hands to Ryan’s chest and, to his surprise, slam him back into the wall.

  He looks down at me with wide eyes.

  I run my hands up and under his t-shirt so I can feel his warm skin. I push it up high and he gets the hint and removes it. I give him a quick kiss on the lips before moving to his neck and kissing across his neck and chest, making sure to run my tongue around his nipples. I’ve noticed it makes him shiver. I run my hands over his stomach and start undoing his jeans before pushing them down his legs. He then takes over by toeing his shoes off and pulling his socks and jeans off.

  “Much better; you were way too overdressed.” He raises his eyebrow to me in question but I just grab his hand and pull him towards the door.

  He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist as I go to grab the handle. When the door swings open, we both gasp in surprise. Him, because he wasn’t expecting it; me, because it looks more beautiful that I could have imagined.

  Chapter Eight


  I can’t believe my eyes. Our bedroom is glowing with what looks like a hundred candles and there are dusky pink rose petals covering the floor and the bed. I feel Molly lean to the side so she can look up at me but I can’t take my eyes away from the room; it looks like something from a film. I have the sudden feeling that I should be getting down on one knee or something. I quickly shake that thought out of my head; one thing at a time, Evans.

  “Are you ready for this?” Molly asks me. I take my gaze away from the room and look down at her looking nervously up at me.

  “You…um…we…” Oh for fuck’s sake, pull yourself together, man.

  “Is it perfect enough?”

  “You’re kidding, right? As long as I’m with you, it’s perfect.”

  I lean down and place my lips to hers for a sweet kiss. She turns in my arms, grabs my arms and pulls me into the room. I kick the door shut behind me so only this room and us exists.

  Now we’ve moved in to the room, I see there is a bottle of champagne on ice. I laugh to myself when I see a few cans of beer in the ice bucket and a picnic basket next to it.

  “Are we having a picnic?”

  “If we have time,” she says, smiling seductively at me and walking over to pour us both a glass of bubbly. She carries them over to where I’m still stood. I’m a little shocked by the whole thing, if I’m honest. I really did not see this coming. She hands me a glass, then raises hers.

  “To a very memorable birthday,” she says, touching her glass to mine.

  “Oh, it is definitely that, gorgeous.”

  We both have a sip of champagne before I watch as she takes my glass back and places them on the bedside table. She turns back and grabs my hand.

  “Are you okay?” she asks, looking a little worried.

  I don’t know why I’m suddenly nervous; I’ve had sex plenty of times. I know what I’m doing and I know I’m good. It’s just that it’s Molly I’m about to have sex with, and it means so much. I love her so damn much it hurts and I want every second of it to be perfect. “Yeah. It’s crazy I know, but I’m a little nervous.”

  “So am I,” she whispers. “I’ve never made love to anyone before.”

  That does it, it completely snaps me out of it. I grab Molly and lift her so she has to wrap her legs around my waist. Her arms instinctively go around my neck and she grabs onto my hair as she crashes her lips to mine. I walk us forwards until my legs hit the bed, before I reach up and undo her bra, gently lowering her down. I let go of her and drop her bra on the floor before leaning back over her body and taking her lips on mine. I’ve been waiting for his moment for what feels like forever, and now it’s here I can’t quite believe it.

  “I’m going to worship every inch of your body, Molly. When I’ve finished, it will be like I was the only one here, ever,” she groans at my words. We both want to wash away her bad old memories. I feel like we’ve already got rid of a few, but tonight I’m going to rid her of a few more. Show her how this should be done and make her feel more loved that she ever thought possible. I put my lips back to hers and I put every ounce of love I have for her into it before I trail kisses across her cheek and nibble on her earlobe. Her hands are holding tightly onto my back. I can feel her nails digging in and I haven’t even done anything yet. I begin kissing down her neck and listen as her breath comes out in fast pants.

  “Ryan, I don’t think I can wait for you to take your time,” she pants impatiently.


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