Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 44

by Tracy Lorraine

  I’d been running for well over an hour before my anger subsided and I realised that what I really needed was Molly. I needed her under me, writhing and screaming my name. I needed to know she was mine, and to show her that no matter what my mother tries to do I am hers, one hundred per cent. I meant what I said to her earlier: she is it for me. So I turned around and headed for home. Unfortunately, the more I thought about what was there waiting for me, the more turned on I got, making running quite a challenge. When I did eventually make it home to Molly, the sight of her as usual took my breath away. She was sat cross-legged on the sofa, wearing her lounge trousers and a low vest top with her sketchpad balanced on her knees and her phone to her ear. When she looked up at me, I saw her eyes darken with lust, reflecting back to me exactly how I felt.

  Once I get us to the end of our bed, I throw her down on the mattress before following behind and landing on top of her, pinning her tiny body to the bed with mine. I take a second to drink her in before smashing my lips to hers, and I desperately try to put all my passion and love for her into the kiss. I try to keep control of the kiss, but after a few seconds my need for her takes over and our teeth are clashing while we fuck each other’s mouths with our tongues. She is keeping up with me though, and before long her hands are frantically pulling at my clothes. I help her pull my top off and we only break our kiss for a couple of seconds as the fabric passes our lips. I moan into her mouth when she starts running her nails down my back and around to my abs. I move my lips from hers and begin kissing, sucking and nipping my way down her neck to her collarbone. The closer I get to her breasts, the more she starts to grind her hips into mine. If I allow her to continue, it’s going to be over before it’s started where I’m so worked up, so I sit her up slightly so I can pull her top off. To my delight, she isn’t wearing a bra, so my mouth immediately goes to suck on one of her nipples, making her back arch off the bed. I give the other the same treatment before descending down her body to the sounds of her whimpering and saying incoherent words. I dip my tongue into her belly button before running it along the waistband of her trousers.

  “Ryan, please. I need you.” Molly begs breathlessly.

  “Fuck, I love it when you beg,” I say at the same time as ripping her trousers and knickers off. I stand up to remove the rest of my clothes, but am stopped by the vision laid out on my bed in front of me. I can’t believe what a lucky bastard I am. She’s lying there with her hair fanned out on the pillow, her eyes are bright and her cheeks are flushed. Her breasts are moving up and down frantically as she pants, and with her legs slightly open as they are I get just a hint of what’s hiding. I run my tongue along my bottom lip before ridding myself of my clothes and shoes. When I stand back up, I see that Molly has got bored of waiting. She has bent her legs so her feet are on the duvet and spread them wide for me whilst twisting her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. I can see her pussy is slick with her arousal, telling me she is as turned on and ready for this as I am.

  “Are you getting impatient, gorgeous?” I ask whilst taking my dick in my hand and stroking up and down a couple of times. I didn’t think it possible, but Molly’s eyes get even blacker as she watches me pleasure myself. Fuck, if I didn’t need to be inside her so badly I could stand here and get myself off watching her do the same. Maybe later. Right now, her body is calling me.

  “Ryan…I need you…now. Fuck me, please.”

  I’m between her legs and my cock is nudging at her entrance before she has even finished what she was saying. I rub myself along her folds, coating me in her juices before sliding into her until she has taken all of me. She lets out a long moan as her inner walls relax and allow me entry. I know I’m big so I give her a few seconds to get used to the intrusion before I move, because this is going to be hard. I need to claim her as mine; gentle lovemaking isn’t going to do it right now. It is pure agony waiting just the few seconds it takes her to get used to me, so as soon as I feel her hips start to move, I pull almost all the way out of her before pounding back in. I watch as her eyes shut as she arches off the bed as I hit the end of her. I continue my punishing blows with my hands holding her hips tightly to stop her moving up the bed with the force.

  “Oh…my…God…fuck…Ryan…shit…yes…yes…there…aaaaaaaargh,” she shouts as her pussy pulsates around my cock, causing my orgasm to rush through me. I fall forward and bury my face in the crook of Molly’s neck as we both come down from our highs.

  Eventually, my legs start to go dead, so I gently remove myself from Molly and roll onto my back next to her. “That was…”

  “Amazing,” she finishes for me. “Ryan, what the hell got into you? You were like a man possessed. I loved it!” she says, moving on to her side to look at me.

  “That was a lot of things. It was relief that you never left, it was me showing you that I’m yours and you’re mine. It was me ridding the stress of the last two days. It was also me giving you an awesome orgasm - or at least, I hope that was what those moans and screams were about.”

  “Oh my God, yes, they definitely were. That was intense, and I think the strongest one you’ve given me yet. Please feel free to go wild like that any time you want.”

  “I was worried I might hurt you. To be fair, I was also worried that you would run a mile when I came in all sweaty.”

  “Are you kidding me? That was hot. You are hot,” she says as she scoots closer, kissing my jaw and flinging an arm and leg over me so that she can hold me tightly to her.

  We lie for a few minutes, lost in our own thoughts, before I remember something. “Who was on the phone?”

  “Just Abbi. I told Jax I’d try helping him out with her. We had been on the phone ages but I could barely get a word in edgeways; she was too busy coming up with every pathetic reason under the sun as to why they shouldn’t be together.”

  “Thank God for that. I just suddenly had a thought that it could have been Emma, I don’t think she’d have appreciated that.” I think back to her reaction to us before we were together in the summer. I know she said she’d try, but we don’t need to force it down her throat. “Or Lilly, for that matter.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about Lilly. From what I can gather, she’s got something seriously hot going on in Cheltenham. She won’t give me details but I can just tell. Emma would have got over it; she’s going to have to get used to it once we announce that we’re together.”

  “Yeah, speaking of that…”

  “Not yet. It doesn’t feel right yet.”

  “Okay, gorgeous, whatever you want,” I say, before leaning down to give her a kiss and to get started on making love to her – slowly, this time.

  Before I know it, it’s the morning of Chris and Shane’s wedding. The past two weeks have flown by. Thankfully we have had no drama, and no one’s stuck their noses in where they’re not wanted. Every day I have had a phone call from my mum, and every day I ignore it and let it go to voicemail. I listened to the first few messages that consisted of her crying, apologising and telling me how much she loved me, but I got bored of listening to the same thing, so I’ve since deleted them as soon as she’s left them. When I think about it, I’m still as angry as I was when I found out. I mean, really, did she really think Molly would disappear for five thousand pounds? I knew I was right all along. She doesn’t know Molly, and if she doesn’t sort herself out, she never will, either. Abbi and Liv try to tell me how she is when I speak to them, but I got fed up of them telling me she is always ringing them crying, so I’ve banned them from talking to me or Molly about her. Neither of us needs the stress.

  I’ve decided, much to my mum’s disappointment, I’m sure to stay in Oxford for Christmas and spend it with Molly and the Morrisons. Molly and I are throwing a New Year’s Eve party though, so I will get to see my sisters then. Well we will definitely see Liv; Abbi, however, is still doing everything she can to avoid Jax. I feel so sorry for him. He’s miserable but she won’t listen to any of us. To be fair, she doesn’t
sound much happier either.

  Things between Molly and me have been perfect. Everything is just so easy between us, and now we’ve got everything with Mum behind us, things couldn’t be better. The sex has obviously continued to be out of this world and, as I warned, I didn’t let Molly have a rest whilst she was on her period. If she thinks a little blood will put me off her, then she needs to think again. I did let her take the lead and pull me into the shower to do it; she soon relaxed into it though, like there wasn’t anything different. We didn’t really talk about it after, but I think I’ve converted her.

  “I hope the wedding breakfast is as good as the meal last night,” Emma says, bringing me out of my daydreams. We have been sat at the bar in the hotel for well over half an hour now, waiting for Shane and Molly to appear. The ceremony is due to start in about fifteen minutes, but with no groom - or groomsmaid, as they have insisted on calling her - to give out instructions, we are all just loitering around. Suddenly, the level of noise in the room lowers and I see Emma look over my shoulder. “About time,” she mumbles and waves.

  I turn around to look and see Shane stood in his navy suit like I was expecting. What I wasn’t quite expecting though, although I don’t know why, is Molly stood next to him, looking like sex on legs. “Holy shit,” I mumble quietly to myself as I run my eyes all over her. She is wearing a skin tight black dress, which has a low cut square neckline showing off her cleavage perfectly. It makes me want to run over and stick my tongue in it and, from look of the other men in the room, it is what they want to do as well. The dress stops just below her knees, showing off her muscular calves which are topped off with some crazily high black strappy shoes which, to be honest, would like right at home with a pair of handcuffs and a blindfold. I shake my head slightly stopping my inappropriate thoughts, and take in the rest of her. Her hair has been left down but curled loosely, and she has a little top hat perched on the side of her head, along with a bowtie around her neck. She had told me about this outfit, but I didn’t really think much of it. Seeing it though is another story. She looks fucking unbelievable. I have to grip onto the inside of my trouser pockets to stop me walking straight over to her and carrying her back upstairs. It may have only been a couple of hours ago that we had sex before she headed off to get ready, but my dick is threatening to go full mast again just looking at her.

  I jump when I feel a hand touch my arm; I had completely forgotten I was stood with Emma. “Calm yourself down, Ryan. I can practically see the thoughts that are running through your mind in your eyes. But yes, she does look amazing.”

  I turn to look at Emma and she just smiles sweetly back at me, like she didn’t just say what she did. “I need a drink,” I mutter, before turning back to the bar and ordering a Jack Daniels…neat. It’s going to be a long day.


  It’s been a beautiful day. Everything has gone exactly to plan - not that I expected otherwise after the boys’ meticulous planning. They have both looked on top of the world all day. The moment when Shane looked back to see Chris walking in was so intense I don’t think there was a dry eye in the place. The same can be said for the moment when they both said ‘I do’ and slid each other’s rings on the other’s fingers. Shane looks stunning in his fitted navy suit with a white shirt and red tie, and Chris looks amazing with his matching shirt and tie but dark grey suit. And I have to say, after having months worrying about my outfit, even I think I look good. As do Chris’ sister, who has the same on minus the top hat, and her six year old daughter, who has a slightly more child-friendly version.

  We have had a mouth-watering wedding breakfast and, thankfully, my speech went really well. Much to my disappointment, but Shane and Chris’ pleasure, I didn’t discuss any embarrassing sexual acts that they may or may not have been involved in; I just couldn’t do it to them. Instead, I reminisced other funny stories from their time together, and wished them well in their marriage. We are now stood in the grounds of the hotel, having our photos taken by the photographer. I don’t know how the boys have kept the wide smiles on my face all day. My cheeks are already hurting from all the smiling.

  “Right, I just want the grooms, everyone else go and get a drink,” the photographer shouts over to us all after a whole group shot.

  I turn to whisper in Ryan’s ear after we have all moved away slightly, “Right, it’s now or never. Wish me luck.” He just winks as me before I head towards the happy couple.

  “Guys, please could I have your room key? I left a bag in there that I need.”

  “Really?” Chris asks with a raised eyebrow.

  I lean into him so he’s the only one to hear. “Yes, I’m on my period and my tampons are in that bag. So unless you happen to have some on you that I could use, I need your key.”

  “Right, okay.” He lets out a sigh and looks around the room. “Be quick, and don’t give it to anyone else. I don’t trust anyone else with it.”

  My heart flutters a little hearing this, but I swallow it down and take the room key that is handed to me. I say thank you and kiss his cheek before heading to the stairwell to meet Ryan.

  He looks at me with a questioning expression on his face. I try my best to keep the smile off my face, but in only a couple of seconds I can feel my lips twitching and I can’t fight it. I hold up the room key and wave it in front of him. “Hook, line and sinker,” I say, strutting past him and over to the lift. As we stand waiting for the doors to open, Ryan grabs my hand. With the way he is stood slightly behind me, no one would be able to see, but it still makes my heart rate pick up a little. I know it’s irrational, because I’m pretty sure everyone knows there is something going on between us, but I’m enjoying keeping Ryan to myself and having him as my little secret.

  When the doors do eventually open, I step forward and pull him in with me. I am just about to turn and push him up against the wall when another hotel guest waves his hand in front of the closing doors and steps in. I can feel Ryan’s eyes on me, so I turn to look up at his knowing smirk. Fucking know-it-all; he knew exactly what I was thinking. Just like I was earlier when his eyes ran over every inch of my body when I appeared for the first time with Shane before the ceremony. I could practically read his thoughts; the look of pure lust that was on his face had me rubbing my thighs together to try to dull the ache, but despite my best intentions over the past few hours, my need just keeps growing and growing. Tonight cannot come soon enough, as far as I’m concerned. Yes, today so far has been amazing, and as much as I want to spend the night celebrating my friends’ union, I also want to get this sexy man into my hotel room and have my wicked way with him.

  We head to my room first to grab the supplies before getting back in the lift and heading to the boys’ bridal suite. This time the lift is empty, and Ryan is on me the second the doors shut.

  “God, you look so fucking hot Molly. I don’t know how I’ve kept my hands off you,” he growls in to my ear before running his tongue around the edge and nipping my lobe. He starts kissing down my neck when the lift dings, signalling our arrival, and the door opens. Ryan picks up the bag I dropped when his lips touched me, and my hand, then practically drags me down the corridor to their room.

  I let us in, keeping an eye out that we aren’t seen, then we both sneak inside. I kick the door shut behind me and go to walk into the room, but the wind is knocked out of me as I’m slammed back against the door.

  “Wha…” I start to question him, but as soon as my mouth is open, his tongue is in it and stroking mine. All thoughts leave my head and I give myself over to him. I feel his hands run up the outside of my thighs, taking the fabric of my dress with them. Once he has the material around my waist, I feel his hands roam around my arse and waist. He then groans into my mouth and I can’t help but smile as he kisses me.

  “Did you forget something this morning?” he asks, then he pulls back to look at me.

  “No, I don’t think so,” I say innocently.

  “So, not only have you been walking ar
ound teasing me, looking like this all afternoon, but you’ve also been walking round with no knickers on.” He puts his hands behind my thighs as he says this, and lifts me up against the door. My legs automatically wrap around his waist and my arms go around his neck to hold. One of his hands moves round from my arse and I feel him run a finger over my folds, making me gasp.

  “Oh, Molly, if I’d have known, dinner would have been much more fun,” he says while circling my clit, making my head fall back. When he pushes a finger into me, I can’t help the loud moan that escapes my throat. “Fuck, Molly, you’ve had me walking around this place hard all afternoon. I need you.”

  “Oh God…Ry, we can’t…we can’t have sex in someone else’s bridal suite.” I suck in another breath when I feel him slide another finger in. “Sur…surely it’s bad luck or something.”

  “Molly, I don’t give a fuck.” He removes his fingers suddenly and starts walking us towards the bed.

  “No,” I shout panicked. “Not the bed.” I look round the room quickly, “over the back of the sofa.”

  “As you wish, gorgeous.”

  He changes direction and places me back on my feet, before turning me around and harshly bending me over the sofa. I hear him let out a breath through his teeth as he takes in the sight in front of him. “You’re so fucking hot, Molly. This will never get old,” he says, before I hear a thud, and then jump out of my skin as I feel his breath on my sex, swiftly followed by his tongue running the length of me.

  “Oh God,” I moan as he continues to torture me with his teasing tongue. My orgasm is right there when he suddenly pulls away of me. “Ryan,” I complain, before I hear a zip and the rustling of fabric behind me, which fills me with excitement for what is to come.

  Within seconds, I feel the head of his cock against my entrance, and before I’ve even braced myself, he slams balls deep into me in one swift thrust.


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