Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 45

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Shiiiiiiiit,” I shout as my whole body lunges forward in surprise over the sofa. Ryan’s hands immediately go to my shoulders to hold me still as he continues his punishing thrusts into my body. Within minutes, I feel my lost orgasm approaching again as Ryan hits the glorious spot deep inside of me again and again. Suddenly, electric shocks fly around my body as the pleasure radiates through me with one more stroke of his glorious cock. My entire body goes limp once I come down off my high, and Ryan has to move his hands to my hips to help hold me up.

  His onslaught on my body doesn’t falter though, and as soon as I’m strong enough again, he moves one hand around so he can tease my clit. “I want you to come with me, Molly,” he growls in my ear, bringing me close to the edge again as his fingers pinch me. He does it again as I feel his entire body tense behind me, before I feel the first twitch of his release inside of me before my second orgasm crashes through me.

  I feel his body fold over mine and his heart beating against my back as we both return to earth. After a few seconds he kisses my shoulder, stands up and gently removes himself from me. I hear him shuffle off, but my body is too weak to move. I’m just about to lift myself up when he comes back and I feel him clean me up before carefully pulling the bottom of my dress back down and covering me up.

  “Come on Molls, we’ve got a job to do; stop trying to distract me with sex!” he says, standing me up.

  “Sex addict,” I quip back over my shoulder as I head towards my bag full of goodies.

  It takes longer than I thought to carry out all our devilish plans on the boys’ bridal suite, so it’s just over an hour after we left the party that we sneak our way to the bar and join Emma for a few drinks. I can’t help but smile when I think about what Shane and Chris are going to find when they eventually make it to their room later on tonight. We have filled their bed with condoms, sachets of lube, rose petals and wedding confetti, before safety pinning the duvet to the sheet. We have put confetti in every pocket and pouch we found in their cases and clothes for them to find later, as well as covering in the floor, bed and filling the basin and bath with rose petals and confetti. I have pre-warned the hotel staff and given them a generous tip to cover the extra cleaning expense tomorrow when the boys head off for their honeymoon.

  Emma takes one look at our mischievous faces and asks what we have done. We both quietly but excitedly fill her in on what we were up to – well, not what we did first, obviously. I’m still not sure about how I feel about having sex in someone else’s bridal suite, but I guess it’s too late to worry about it now.

  We are not downstairs long before Chris announces that the disco is starting and the buffet food will be available soon. Slowly, people start heading off for some food and to dance the night away, and before long I find myself stood at the buffet table. I’m surprised that I’m hungry after the three-course meal we had earlier, but I end up trying something off nearly every plate while chatting to different guests. I look up to see Ryan is in deep conversation with a couple of Shane and Chris’ friends, so instead of interrupting them, I look around for Emma. I can’t help the wave of sadness that washes over me when I spot her sat alone, staring at her hands in her lap. I immediately set off in her direction and ask her to dance with me. I have to practically pull her out of her seat and onto the dance floor, but I am glad I do when I see her mood brighten slightly as we start moving in time to the music.

  “How are you doing, Em?” I ask while we dance.

  “Better. It’s getting easier to get though the day now, but some are harder than others. Especially stuff like this, when it was planned for her to be here with us. It just reminds me of what we’ve lost, ya know?” she says glumly.

  “I know,” I reply, thinking about how both of them should have been stood up there with me today dressed as I am, but Emma decided without Hannah she would just rather hide in the crowd and not have any attention on her. “I do wish you’d have been up there with me earlier. I understand your reasons totally, but I still wished you were there.”

  “I don’t want everyone looking at me and feeling sorry for me. Plus, can you imagine how I would have looked now in that dress?” She looks down at herself as she says this. Yes, Emma was always the curvier twin, but since Hannah’s death she has put on a few more pounds with her comfort eating. She is still as stunning as ever, but she has never been able to see it and she’s even farther from it now. Emma has always shied away from any male attention, but I can’t help thinking the love of a good man is exactly what she needs to show her just how beautiful and sexy she really is.

  “Emma, you’re gorgeous, and don’t even try to convince me otherwise. I’ve seen guys checking you out today. You’re just too stuck in your own head to notice.”

  “Molly, I’ve managed twenty-five years without a man; I neither want or need one in my life.”

  “That may be the case, Em, but I think one would do you the world of good. Let me give you a piece of advice a very good friend said to me one day.” I think back to our time in the beach hut in Cornwall before saying the same thing to Emma that Ryan said to me while we were there, “Your Prince Charming will come when you least expect it. I promise.”

  “Hmmm.” Is all she gets to say before Ryan appears in front of us, asking Emma if she would mind if he cuts in.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Molly, it’s time to get up,” I say softly. I have been up for half an hour. I’ve showered and dressed already, but as far as I’m aware, Molly hasn’t stirred at all with my movement. She was so exhausted at the end of last night, I ended up carrying her to bed. She insisted that she had to be last up, ensuring all the wedding guests were sorted for the night, but she could hardly keep her eyes open. I think the stress of the last two days has really taken its toll on her.

  She makes me laugh when she groans at me and rolls over to the other side of the bed, pulling the covers over her head. I try to pull them back down but she has hold of them tightly. “Molly, it’s already half past eight, we told everyone we would meet them for breakfast for nine. And don’t forget, you’ve convinced me to spend all day with you Christmas shopping once we see Shane and Chris off.” This has a bigger effect; as soon as the words Christmas shopping come out of my mouth, Molly is sat up in bed, getting ready to dive towards the bathroom. Apparently, it was a tradition that Hannah and Molly had to start their Christmas shopping on the first of December, and seeing as that was today, I had begrudgingly agreed that this year I would be her shopping partner. My feelings are torn about it; on one hand, I’m excited about spending the day with Molly, but on the other I can remember how much stuff they used to come back with, so I know it’s going to be a full-on day of shopping, and I hate shopping. Just like most other guys, I like to do my shopping last minute and fast. Molly managed to sway me by saying we could do joint presents for people, which suits me down to the ground because it means I don’t have to think about what to get everyone; I can let Molly get on with it and just chip in half the money. Perfect!

  I give Molly a kiss on the forehead before she gets up and heads towards the bathroom. She stops just before she gets to the door and grabs on to the doorframe. “Are you okay, Molls?” I question as she is looking a little fragile.

  “Yeah, my stomach’s just feeling a little delicate. Not sure why though, I wasn’t drunk last night. I hardly had anything all day I was so busy.”

  “You’re probably just exhausted. Let’s go get a fry up in you, and you’ll be all set for my day of torture!” She smirks at me over her shoulder before she disappears into the bathroom.

  “Oh look, here they are!” Chris shouts above all the other wedding guests that are already seated for breakfast. “So, I guess you two think you’re funny, don’t you? Do you have any idea how long it took us to unpin our bedding last night so we could actually get some sleep?” I chance a glace at Molly who is stood next to me, and see that she is fighting really hard not to burst out laughing.
/>   “Sorry Chris, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say, trying my best to make it sound innocen,t but I know I’m failing.

  “Yeah, whatever, Evans. She,” he says, pointing at Molly, “was the only one to get hold of our room key yesterday, claiming she needed her ‘lady’ products that she left in there. I knew I never should have trusted her!” His lips are starting to twitch into a smile as he finishes talking, which causes Molly’s laughter to erupt. It soon spreads around all the guests, causing everyone else in the hotel restaurant to look our way.

  “I would say I’m sorry guys, but I’m really not,” Molly says as she walks over to both of them and gives them a hug and kiss on the cheek.

  “You just wait, Molls…we will get our revenge one day!”

  “Oh, I don’t doubt that at all!” she says back. She takes one of the two empty seats next to the happy couple and gestures for me to join her.

  Everyone is busy chatting away about the events of the day before, when Emma leans over towards Molly to speak to her. “Where have you been? I knocked your room before I came down but you weren’t there, so I presumed you must have already been down here.” I feel Molly tense next to me. I know she doesn’t want everyone to know about us yet, but we both know must people have figured it out, but I think she is more concerned about Emma making a scene.

  “I…uh…went to go wake Ryan up. You know what he’s like for turning his alarm off and going back to sleep.” Molly says unconvincingly. We had booked our rooms before we got together; I was all for cancelling one, but Molly wanted to try to keep up appearances and try to not have people notice, so we kept both but decided to stay in mine because it was slightly bigger and not next door to Emma’s room, where she could potentially hear us. I wouldn’t normally care about that sort of stuff, but I did agree with Molly that we didn’t want to do anything to upset Emma.

  “Right, okay…” Emma was just about to say something else when Chris distracted her with a question about her work.

  Just over an hour later, we have all checked out of our rooms and are saying our goodbyes to the happy couple and wishing them a fantastic honeymoon in the Maldives. As a surprise, Molly had arranged for a limousine to take them to the airport. I don’t think I’ve ever seen two fully grown men act like excited little girls as much as those two did when the limo turned into the hotel driveway.

  “OH MY GOD! Molly, you’re the best,” Chris screeches as they both sandwich her in a massive hug.

  “So, I’m forgiven?” she asks them both.

  “Damn right you’re forgiven.”

  Before long, we have said goodbye to everyone, and I have our luggage loaded into my Honda before heading to the city centre to hit the shops.

  “Please can we stop for coffee now?” I plead. We have been shopping for hours. I am laden down with bags, my feet are aching, and I’m dying for a drink.

  “Let me just pick out all the girls’ favourite cosmetics and a perfume, then we can go to the coffee shop next door.”

  “Do you need me for that? I could go get the drinks and grab us a table while you sort all that out,” I beg.

  Molly shakes her head at me before agreeing. I make quick work of the escalator before heading in the coffee shop and ordering myself a large cup of caffeine to help me through the rest of this trip.

  I’m deep in thought about what I can get for Molly when she flops down on the chair in front of me with another two full bags of shopping. “You get everything?’

  “Yeah, but on the way out I saw this necklace that I think Liv would love. I wanted to run it by you though, so I thought I’d come get my drink before it got cold, then we can go back.”

  “I’m sure if you think she’ll love it then you’re probably right.”

  “It will be a present mostly from you though, Ry, so it’s important you have an input.”

  “Okay, we’ll go back. How much more have we got to do?” I ask, praying we are nearly there.

  “Um…I just want to go to the toy store to get something for Oscar, then I think that’s it for the day. I still need to get Pete’s but I’ll go to the garden centre by us for that another day.” I try my best not to look relieved that we are nearly done, but I don’t do a very good job because Molly chastises me for not making the most of something that only happens once a year. How could I have forgotten about her acting like a hyperactive Santa’s little helper every year? Oh God, my house is going to look like an elf has thrown up in it!

  Before long, I’m back on my feet and following Molly back in to the department store that I thought I had escaped from. I agree that Liv would love the necklace she saw; I mean, of course I was going to agree, Molly has great taste and it’s jewellery. What’s not to like? Molly is just paying when I wander over to the watch stands. I’m staring at the Tag Heuer’s when I feel her come up behind me. “Done?”

  “Yes, you planning on buying yourself a present?” she asks with a laugh.

  “No, just dreaming. I always told myself that when I got my first teaching job I’d save up and buy myself a Tag, but life has a way of always making sure I have no spare money,” I shrug before taking the new bag from Molly and heading to the exit and towards what I hope will be the last shop.

  After two laps of the toy shop with Molly to-and-froing about what to get Oscar, I eventually convince her that you can never go wrong getting a little boy Lego, so we have chosen a set that you can make a farm yard out of because he is obsessed with animals at the moment, and we are heading towards the till when Molly suddenly stops. “What is it?” I ask as Molly reaches up to touch a teddy bear on the shelf in front of her.

  “Oh, nothing,” she says, walking off again. “I just had a bear like that when I was a kid. It was my favourite.”

  “What happened to it?”

  She looks down at the ground before answering so quietly I really have to concentrate to hear her. “I got upset one day because I wanted to stay in to work on a school art project I had. I was about seven, I think, but Mum and Dad had friends coming round for dinner and wanted me out of the house. I ran to my room in tears and was cuddling my bear when they came in behind me and told me I was going out, and that I was too old to be cuddling a stupid toy. My dad tried to take it away from me but I was holding so tightly that when he pulled, he ripped half of his head off. I remember sobbing uncontrollably because he broke the one thing I loved the most in the world, but he shouted at me that I was being pathetic and to get myself together. I ran out of the house in tears with my bear and went straight to the Morrisons’ house. Susan was instantly there, telling me everything would be okay and there was nothing wrong with finding comfort in a teddy. She told me all about a doll that she still had that meant everything to her. She went and got her sewing kit and put him back together for me. I ended up sleeping there after Susan rang my parents to ask if it was okay. It was a short conversation from what I can remember, so I guess they just said yes and were happy I was out of their hair.

  “One day a few weeks later, I came home from school to find the builders and interior designer in our house again, but I couldn’t see anything different downstairs so I went to see which room my mum had got bored of upstairs, to find my room had had a makeover and all my old stuff was gone. Mum explained that they stripped it out just after I left that morning, and everything had gone to the dump. I didn’t care about most of it, but I’d left that teddy bear sat on my bed before I went to school that morning like I usually did, and he was nowhere to be seen. I got really upset and my mum told me to grow up. I’ve never let myself be sentimental about anything since then; I guess that’s why I don’t really have much stuff.”

  By the time Molly has finished telling me this, she is physically shaking from where she is trying to stop herself crying. If I’m honest, I feel pretty close to tears myself. How could parents do that to their child? I drop the bags I have in my hands to the floor before taking a step towards her and wrapping my arms around her. A sob erupts fro
m her once she is in my arms so I just hold her tightly until she manages to get herself together. When she feels like she can make it out of the shop, I let her go and wait outside while I quickly pay for Oscar’s present. The drive home is silent as we are both lost in our own thoughts. I make a pit stop to the fish and chip shop near the house, so we don’t have to worry about cooking and can chill out for the evening.

  We have eaten and are cuddled up on the sofa watching a nature programme, when I think of something. I get myself untangled from Molly before telling her I’ll be back in a few minutes. I go into the biggest of the spare bedrooms and find the last box that needs unpacking. I shoved it at the back of the wardrobe out of the way when the furniture was delivered. I find what I want on the top and grab it before heading back down to Molly.

  “What are you hiding?” Molly asks as soon as she sees I have something behind my back. I walk over and sit next to her, before revealing what I went to get.

  “This is Bruce,” I say, sitting the tatty looking bear on her lap. “My grandad gave him to me the first time he came to see me at the hospital just after I was born. He has been everywhere with me. I mean everywhere: every holiday, scout camp, sleepover at a friend’s, uni, here. Yes, I feel bad because I just had to go in a box to get him, but he’s here. I don’t care how much of a pussy it makes me sound, but this bear was my best friend as a kid. All my fondest memories have him in it.” I notice Molly’s eyes have got wet again as she sits and stares at the bear in her hands. “Now, I expect you to always come to me if you need comforting, but if for whatever reason I’m not here when you need it, I’ll let you share him,” I say with a smile, hoping she’ll join me.

  It breaks my heart when I watch her hug him to her chest. I used to have nightmares as a kid about losing him. I can’t imagine how it felt knowing her parents had thrown her bear away. Suddenly, she launches herself onto my lap and we hold each other for the longest time with Bruce squashed between us.


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