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Angel Series Books #1-2.5

Page 47

by Tracy Lorraine

  I moan in response to his words. The longer he is sat there not touching me, the wetter I can feel myself getting. “Ryan, please,” I groan, getting impatient.

  “All in good time, Miss Molly,” he says as the bed dips again.

  I feel his lips on my wrist, placing light kisses, nips and licks all the way to my armpit. I feel like I should shy away when I feel his tongue there, but surprisingly, it’s highly erotic. He moves across my chest and kisses my collarbones, but not touching my breasts that are begging for his attention. He then gives my other arm the same treatment. The throbbing in my clit is so strong that I have to start rubbing my thighs together to try to release some of the pressure. Ryan notices, though. “Molly, I’m the only one allowed to get you off,” he says, before moving so he is sat between my legs, stopping me.

  “You’re killing me, Ry, please touch me,” I say, lifting my hips, offering myself to him, but he just places his hands on my hips and pushes them back down, grumbling about restraining my ankles next time.

  I feel him lean forward again, but he surprises me by placing his lips against mine. I instantly part my lips and run my tongue along his bottom lip. “So impatient,” I hear Ryan say, before responding to my kiss. When he pulls back, I can hear him panting as much as I am. Ryan starts kissing down my neck before descending between my breasts. He then starts kissing and licking all around them, but keeping away from my nipples that are practically screaming to be sucked on.

  “Ryan…ahh…” I moan, as his tongue starts to circle dangerously close to where I want it. “Please…” I feel him pull back from me before I feel him tease the very tip of me with the end of his tongue, “Oh God, please.” I must have pushed past his self-control, because all of a sudden my nipple is being sucked harshly into his hot mouth, making me arch and writhe on the bed. He teases the other nipple between his thumb and forefinger, making me moan. “Oh yes…fuck, Ry.” His mouth releases me with a pop before he swaps over. My breath is coming out in short, sharp pants, and my body is covered in a sheen of sweat. “Shit, Ry, I’m so close and you haven’t even touched me yet,” I say between pants as he continues his ministrations on my breasts.

  He releases me and starts to move down my body. He pushes my legs wide open with his shoulders, and I am forced to wait for him to touch me. When he does, it’s not what I’m expecting. His hands come back to my breasts and continue with their pinching and pulling of my nipples. I’m instantly squirming again, so close to falling over the edge, then suddenly I feel him blow against my very ready pussy, and I fall apart as electric shocks shoot around my body, causing fireworks to go off behind my eyes.

  “Ryyyyyyyyyyan,” I shout as wave after wave of my orgasm flows through me.

  “Holy shit, Molls, that was hot. I love how your body responds to me.”

  “Only you,” I manage to pant out.

  As soon as I come down from my high, I realise Ryan has filled me with his fingers and is slowly fucking me. Once he realises I’m back with him, his mouth zeros in on my clit until my second orgasm flows through me.

  “Fuck, I can’t wait any longer,” Ryan says as he moves about on the bed, and within seconds, I feel the head of his dick pushing at my entrance.

  I’m expecting him to slide in slowly, but my eyes fly open when he suddenly thrusts forward and fills me to the hilt in one movement. “Yesssssssssss,” Ryan hisses through gritted teeth as he pulls out.

  I didn’t think I could be on the edge of orgasm again so soon after the last two, but it feels like it’s only seconds before I’m there again, and I can tell by Ryan’s almost painful grip on my hips that he is close. I feel Ryan’s cock twitch once, and I’m just about to fall into my third orgasm when I hear loud banging on the front door.

  “Fuck, Molly,” Ryan groans and thrusts forward one last time, hitting that sweet spot and sending me over. I shout his name out as I come, before I feel him flop down onto my chest.

  “God, that sounded hot, but can you come and answer the door now, please?” someone says from the front door, reminding me that someone was knocking.

  Ryan instantly sits up and pulls the blindfold from my eyes. “Was that…?”

  “I don’t think I can cope listening to that again. Don’t go for another round. Ouch!”

  “That’s our baby sister you’re talking about,” another voice says, making me realise who is at the door.

  “Shit, my brothers!” I had totally forgotten that Steven had text me to say they would be around as soon as they were both free to explain what was going on.

  Ryan makes quick work of freeing me from the bed before I throw on a hoodie and lounge trousers. I look behind me to see Ryan has pulled on his boxers and is about to leave the room, presumably to find more clothes. “Ryan?”

  “Yes, gorgeous?” he says, walking back over to me.

  “That was awesome, thank you,” I say, quickly kissing his lips and going to answer the door to my bickering brothers.

  I pull the door open and look up to see Steven with a bright red face and Daniel with a wide smile.

  “Molly, I swear, if you weren’t my sister I could have got off to that,” Daniels says, before Steven slaps him round the head.

  “I’m sorry about that…Anyway, you two coming?” I say, opening the door wider for them, but have to correct myself when I see Daniel nodding at me and smiling wickedly. “Are you coming in?”

  Chapter Fifteen


  I walk back into the living room, having put some clothes on, to find Molly making coffee for her brothers, who are now sat at the dining room table. I can’t help but notice how embarrassed Steven looks in comparison to his younger brother, who is smiling at me like I’ve just won the lottery. To be fair though, what I just experienced with Molly was a bit like winning the lottery, but I wish her brother wouldn’t look so pleased about knowing what we were up to; it’s a bit weird.

  I try to shake my thoughts of our earlier encounter from my head as I walk over to where Molly is stood in the kitchen. “I’ll finish those. You go and talk to your brothers,” I say, pushing Molly in their direction. She eventually goes over, shouting their orders to me.

  “Molly, I know you’re angry…” Steven starts, but quickly gets cut off.

  “No, I was angry when I first read their note, but I soon realised that I really shouldn’t have expected anything different, and I know I went off on you a bit, but once I calmed down I figured out that you two would have told me if you knew. I’m sorry for shouting.” Molly says, trying to explain herself.

  “You don’t need to apologise. You had every right to feel that way – hell, you still do. As I said on the phone this afternoon, we didn’t know what was going on either. I mean, we had a feeling something was up, but you know what Mum and Dad are like – it could have been anything. They asked us both over for a meeting last night, which, I guess, was after they came here. It was only then they explained to us that they were moving and handing the business over. I can’t say I’m shocked; they’ve talked about going abroad for years, but I didn’t think they’d do it quite like this,” Steven explains.

  “They are flying out tomorrow morning,” Daniel adds. “They moved out of the house this morning. They’ve had the stuff they want shipped over and the rest cleared out. Dad has taken his retirement out of the business and left it to us from now on.”

  “I’m pleased he’s given you two control. You deserve it after all the work you have put in over the years. Plus, I would much rather see you enjoy the money it brings in than them,” Molly says spitefully.

  “Right, well,” Steven says, looking sheepish, “this is really why we want to talk to you.”

  Molly stares between the two of them for a few seconds, as if she is trying to read their minds. “Go on, then,” she says sceptically.

  “We want you with us. This company is the family’s, and you are as much a part of that as we are. You should reap the rewards as well,” Steven says softly, trying to ga
uge Molly’s reaction.

  As his words settle in, I watch her eyes widen in shock, and she slowly stands, pushing her chair out behind her. “Oh no…no…no. I’ve always stayed as far away from the business as possible. I don’t want anything to do with it, you both know that. Why would you even suggest it?” Molly is pacing back and forward in front of her chair. I guess she is trying to understand where this is coming from.

  “We get that, Molly, we really do, but you distancing yourself from it was because you wanted distance from our parents, not the actual business. They are out of the picture now, and we want it to be the three of us. We don’t, and never have, wanted you to be the forgotten sibling in this family. We want you with us all the way with this.” The emotion in Steven’s voice must get through to Molly, because she comes to a stop in front of him and just stares at him for a solid minute. “Molly, just hear us out. What do you say?” he adds, to try to get her to say something.

  “Do they know you are asking me this?” she eventually says.

  “No. They told us they want nothing more to do with the business, and it was completely ours to do what we want with. So this is our first order of business. We want you to be MD of the company with us. We are happy for you to be a silent partner; you don’t have to have anything to do with the day to day of the business at all. There is only one thing we would ask from you.”

  “And that is?”

  “We want everything rebranded. Something new, modern and fresh to reflect a new start.”

  “So, let me get this straight,” Molly starts. “You both want me to be an equal partner in the family business that I hate, so that I can get the money out of it as well, and the only thing you want is for me to do some designs?”

  “Yes, that’s pretty much it,” Daniel agrees.

  “But that means the two of you will earn less for working stupidly hard, and I’ll do barely anything and get the money as well. I don’t want any more money from them; they have just given me a cheque for half a million.”

  “Well, when you say it like that, I guess it makes us look stupid,” Steven says with a laugh. “But you’re forgetting we already take good wages out of the business. The extra money will be profit that we will share. And we will share that not because of the amount of work we have each done, but because it is a family business and we, Molly, are family. And you deserve every penny Mum and Dad give you, Molly, for the way they have treated you over the years. You enjoy that money. Go blow it on a stupidly expensive car to replace that toy one you’ve got,” I have to add my agreement to this, as I’ve been nagging Molly to get a decent car for months.

  “I guess,” Molly mumbles as she sits back down. All three of us watch as she pushes the sleeves of her hoodie up her forearms and rests her head in her hands, clearly thinking about what has just been proposed to her.

  I look away from her and see Daniel’s eyes light up. “Fuck, are they…?” he asks, pointing to the red marks on Molly’s wrists. “Dude, that’s so fucking hot,” he says, turning to me and putting his fist out for me. My eyes just widen and I’m sure my chin is close to hitting the floor; no way am I fist bumping him for having dirty sex with his sister.

  His words break through Molly’s thoughts because her head snaps up and the three of us just stare at Daniel, completely dumbfounded.

  “You know you are heading towards forty, not twenty, right?” Molly asks.

  “I don’t think it matters how old you are. Playing with handcuffs is always hot, right?” he asks, looking between Steven and me.

  “You seriously need a woman to whip you into shape, bro.” Is Steven’s only response.

  “Hey now, the only one doing the whipping when there is a woman involved is me, thank you very much.”

  “Okaaaay…so ignoring our sex-crazed brother, what do you say, Molls, you in?” Steven asks.

  “What do you think, Ry?” she asks, turning to look at me.

  “I’m not getting involved, but I think you know what I would say. This is your decision to make, Molly,” I quickly say back. I know that if I give her my honest opinion right now, she won’t agree with me. I can see in her eyes that she is still desperate not to be involved.

  The three of them spend the next hour debating the issue. Molly eventually agrees to get involved, but is adamant that she wants a smaller share. Her brothers aren’t really up for this, but Molly holds her ground until they don’t really have much choice. Once they come to some sort of agreement that they are all relatively happy with, they agree to sleep on it over the weekend and talk early next week.

  Molly is just walking them towards the stairs when Steven stops and turns back. “I didn’t say it earlier, but I’m happy you two have finally figured out that you should be together. You look after our baby sister, Ryan, she’s really quite special.” When I meet his eyes, it is clear as day how much he cares for Molly, and I can’t help but think again how lucky she is to have brothers like them when her parents are worth shit.

  “I intend to, don’t worry. See you both soon,” I say, before heading to the kitchen with the mugs.

  When Molly reappears from saying goodbye, she has a box in her arms and a huge smile on her face.

  “What’s that?” I ask, as I walk towards where she is placing it down on the coffee table, carrying a glass of wine for her and a beer for me. While she was downstairs, I rang and ordered a takeaway, as it’s getting late and I’m starving.

  “My Christmas decorations,” she says, smiling, looking like the stress with her parents the last two days hasn’t happened.


  “What’s ‘oh’ for?” she asks, with her eyebrows drawn together.

  “Sorry, I just assumed you didn’t have any. You didn’t have a lot of stuff when you moved in, so I just assumed…” I trail off, feeling like an idiot.

  “Hey, it’s alright,” she says, putting her hand on my thigh. I would have thought the same. These,” she says, going back to the box and opening it up, “are the baubles my gran bought me. She used to get me one every year. Mum hated them and refused to put them on our ‘designer’ Christmas tree, so my gran bought me a small tree to go in my room so I could put them all up. When I moved out, I made sure I had them with me. They mean a lot and hold some really good memories. After my gran died, Hannah would get me one every year instead. I guess this year will be my first without one,” she says sadly, but is soon distracted by a cupcake tree decoration she pulls out the box. It looks like I need to get another present for Molly. “She would somehow always find out what day we would put the decorations up and she would always come round with my new one. I used to get so excited,” she explains. Shit, if I’m going to keep up that tradition, I need to get organised, seeing as we are putting the tree up tomorrow and I want to surprise her.

  While I think about how and what I’m going to get, Molly pulls each decoration out one by one and explains its importance. I love listening to her happy stories from her childhood. I’m so used to hearing bad ones, it makes a nice change, and it makes me happier, knowing she did have some good times as a child.

  Luckily, Molly fell asleep after we’d eaten our pizza last night, giving me a chance to do some research. I couldn’t believe it when I found exactly what I wanted on the website for our local garden centre. She was also still asleep when I got up this morning, so I quickly dressed in my gym clothes and left a note, explaining that was where I was going, and that I’d pick up stuff for breakfast on my way home. That wasn’t a total lie, because I was going to do both of those things, but I also had to get her surprise.

  When I got home a few hours later, she was up and cleaning the living area, ready for the addition of our Christmas tree.

  “Hey gorgeous, did you sleep well?” I ask as I walk towards her and give her a kiss.

  “Yes thanks, I feel much better.”

  “I thought we could have bacon and egg sandwiches, then I need to have a shower before we head out.” I say, putting the food out on
the counter.

  “I’ll make them while you shower, then we can get out earlier. We don’t want all the early birds getting all the good trees,” she says, deadly serious, which makes me laugh.

  “You’re so cute, Molls,” I say, before giving her a quick kiss on the nose and heading upstairs.

  The tree is up and we are stuffed full of the party food Molly insisted we ate whilst decorating. I have to admit, the room does look really good. All Molly’s different decorations give it a real old fashioned, cosy look. I’m really glad she has something that makes her so happy in the house. I often worry it’s still more mine than ours. I’m trying to get her to put her stamp on it, because as far as I’m concerned, this house is ours.

  Molly stands back and admires her handiwork with her hands on her hips. I walk up behind her so my front is to her back, wrap my arms around her waist, and rest my chin on her shoulder. “You happy, Molly?”

  “I really am. Thank you for letting me put my decorations up.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way. Plus, it wasn’t like I actually had any in the first place.”

  “I’m going to have a bath, then we can watch that film. I won’t be long,” she says, before scurrying away. I let her go because as we were stood there, an idea came to me.


  I walk back into the living area after my bath, and the sight in front of me takes my breath away. There are candles everywhere, and laid out in front of the tree is a blanket with loads of pillows on, and Ryan laid out across it in only his boxers. My mouth waters and my clit instantly starts pounding.

  “Come here, baby,” he says, holding his arm out for me.

  I quickly walk over and grab his hand as he gently pulls me down to him. My knees are just about to hit the floor when I see the little box that is sat in front of him. I look back at him smiling, “Is that for me?”


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