Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 48

by Tracy Lorraine

  “It sure is. Go on,” he says, pushing it over to me once I’m settled, pressed up against his side.

  I turn the tag over and read what it says aloud, “Happy first Christmas, gorgeous.”

  “Open it,” is all he says.

  I slowly pull the paper away, then pull the lid off, revealing what is inside. My brows draw together while I take in what is inside.

  “It’s a beach hut,” I squeal, pulling it out and hanging it off my finger, admiring the clear glass globe that encloses a little beach hut that is surrounded by sand and shells. I feel myself tear up as I stare at it, and Ryan makes me jump when he wipes a tear off my cheek with his thumb that I didn’t realise had dropped. “You made out last night that you didn’t know about my decorations, but you had this already,” I say quietly, because I’m totally amazed.

  “No, I had no idea about your collection until last night. When you fell asleep last night, I went online, and by some miracle I found this at the garden centre. I couldn’t believe it. I went and got it on the way to the gym this morning. I couldn’t let you miss a year.”

  Ryan pulls me on to his lap and wraps his arms around me as I sob into his chest, telling him how awesome he is and how much I love him in between wobbly breaths.

  When I’ve calmed down, he lowers us so that we are lying on the blanket with me straddling him. I instantly lean forward and pour everything I feel for him into my kiss. When I need to breathe, I start trailing kisses across his jaw. The feel of his stubble scratching my lips makes me squeeze my thighs together with memories of them being scratched by that stubble. I whisper, “I love you so much, Ryan, thank you,” in his ear, before going to get off him.

  His eyes fly open as he grips on to my thighs tightly, “Where are you going?” he growls.

  “To put my new bauble pride of place in the front. I’ll come back, I promise,” I say, blowing him a kiss when he releases his death grip on me.

  “Come back naked,” he says in a deep, sexy voice that makes a shiver run down my spine. “I want to make love to you in front of our first Christmas tree.”

  I quickly hang up my decoration before practically ripping the clothes from my body and lying back down so that every inch possible is touching Ryan’s body. He doesn’t waste any time in rolling us over so he is hovering over me, before letting me have the single most passionate, loving and sensual experience of my life. The last thing I remember before falling asleep in his arms later that night was how all I ever wanted was to be loved, and how I cannot imagine being loved any more than I am right now.

  “Hi angels, how are you both?” Susan chimes as we walk to their kitchen, ready to start a full day of decorating their house for Christmas.

  “We’re good,” Ryan answers, guiding me over the one of the stools with a hand in the small of my back. “You guys all okay?”

  “Yes, I’m just disappointed Dec isn’t coming up for this. All of us should be here, you know?”

  “I’m sure he would have if he could. He must be really busy to miss it,” I say, trying to lessen her disappointment, but I can’t help but agree. This is the family’s first Christmas without Hannah. I really thought he’d have made every effort to be here.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. Tea? Coffee?” Susan asks, looking between us.

  “Of course!” I say with a laugh.

  An hour later, we are all stuck in to the decorating. Pete and Ryan are outside, putting up the lights around the house and garage, and Susan, Emma, Lilly and me are in the living room, finishing off the first of three trees this house has during the festive season.

  I flop back on their sofa after putting the last decoration on the tree, and let out a big breath. “Are you okay, Molly? You look exhausted,” Susan asks, sounding concerned.

  “Yeah, I think I’m fighting something off. I’ve been tired for a few days. I’ll be fine.”

  “If you want to watch, we don’t mind,” Lilly adds.

  “No, no, I’m good. Let’s go get started on the dining room.” Lilly and I head to get started while Susan goes to make another round of drinks and to check on the boys.

  We’ve just got the branches straightened out when the rumble of a motorbike brings my head up to look out the window. “Who do you know who rides a bike, Lilly?” I ask, only because I’ve never seen anyone on a bike here.

  “Um…OH MY GOD!” she shouts, then takes off running. I keep my eyes on the driveway, waiting to see who it is, but it’s not long before I get my answer because Lilly launches herself at the leather clad body just as he pulls the helmet off his head, “Declan, I should have known!” I mutter to myself. I always thought Hannah and Emma were close, but they had nothing on the connection Lilly and Dec have. They are amazing to watch; they really have that freaky twin thing going on.

  “What’s going on?” I hear Susan ask as she appears at the front door. “Declan!” she says cheerily, and walks over to him for a hug. “Wait…why is my baby driving a death trap?” I watch as he just shakes his head at her and gives her a tight squeeze and a kiss on the head. I can’t help but smile when I think of the scrawny little boy he used to be, compared to the built six foot something man he has grown into. I head out to join them to say hello.

  It’s another couple of hours before we have all finished our jobs, and we are gathering around the dining table for dinner. The smell of Susan’s roast has had my stomach growling for hours. It got so bad I had to sneak into the kitchen and raid the biscuit tin when no one was looking. I felt like a little kid again. I smiled the whole time!

  “So, were you lying when you said you couldn’t come?” I ask Dec.

  “Yeah, pretty much. I’m really busy, so there was a chance I wouldn’t make it so I didn’t want to promise I’d be here, then not be able to make it. I managed to get everything done over the last few days because I knew I’d never hear the end of it if I missed today,” he says, looking at Susan, who gives him an innocent what? Me? look, which makes everyone laugh.

  “So…” Susan starts, and I can practically feel all her children groan, wondering what’s coming next, “who was that girl I heard on the phone the other day? A girlfriend?” she asks hopefully.

  “No Mum, just a…friend.” Dec says, looking a little uncomfortable.

  Susan lets out a breath before saying, “I knew from the day you were born you’d have the girls chasing you, angel, but can’t you just pick a nice one to settle down with? Not…well, you know…” she tails off, letting us fill in the blanks. Yes, it turns out Susan’s precious little boy is a bit of a player. Pete thinks it’s great, and encourages him all the way, but Susan doesn’t like how he treats women, even though Dec insists they go into it knowing nothing serious will happen between them. “If only you could get over-”

  “MUM, enough,” Dec snaps.

  “Oh Susan, leave the boy alone. He’s just enjoying his youth,” Pete says, sounding bored, because he ends up saying it every time this conversation starts up.

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  We all look at each other but quickly change the subject to try to break the tension that has suddenly settled over the dining table.

  When dinner was finished, I was made to go and sit down while everyone else tidied up. I must really look like crap if they don’t want my help, I think to myself. I eventually get bored sat on my own in the living room, and go to see if I can do something.

  “Where’s Susan?” I ask, after noticing she’s been gone for quite a while.

  “She…uh…had to make a phone call.” Ryan stutters out, making me wonder what the hell is going on, but in the end I decide Christmas is only around the corner, so it’s probably something to do with that.

  “Who is that here so early?” I ask Ryan, as the sound of our doorbell rings through the living area where we are sat at the breakfast bar. He just shrugs his shoulders at me whilst mumbling for me to go and see around a mouthful of Shreddies. “I’ll go then, shall I?” I ask sarcastically as I put my mug of tea down, get
up and head towards the stairs.

  “Morning, angel,” Susan sings when I open the door. She comes marching in with Emma and Lilly behind her.

  “W-what are you guys doing here?” I stutter with surprise.

  “No time for questions, angel,” Susan says hurriedly. “Now go get dressed in something comfortable, pack a bikini, and get your butt upstairs in ten minutes. We’ll be waiting. Now, go,” she says, pushing me into what she thinks is the room where I sleep. Luckily for me, most of my clothes are still down here, so I won’t have to sneak upstairs past them.

  “But I’ve got work,” I say, as she physically starts shoving me towards my old room.

  “It’s all sorted, now do as you’re told.”

  I stand in the middle of the room for a couple of seconds as I listen to them head upstairs and greet Ryan, before I step into action. I had already showered but had put my pyjamas back on so I could see Ryan before he left, instead of missing him while I got ready. I’m pretty glad I did, now, because it looks like it would have been a waste of time.

  Within eight minutes, I’m upstairs with a bag in my hand, ready to go as instructed, even though I have no clue what is going on.

  “Right, I’m off to work, you girls have a good day,” Ryan says, before giving Susan a quick hug and kiss on the cheek before doing the same to me, but he quietly whispers that he loves me, which I’m hoping he didn’t do to Susan!

  “Come on Molly, we are going too,” Emma says, grabbing my hand and tugging me back towards the stairs.

  We are all settled in the taxi that was idling outside our house before I manage to get any answers.

  “I’m sorry, but what the hell is going on?” I ask, looking at all three of them.

  “Well…” Susan starts. “I was worried about you yesterday. You looked exhausted and when I mentioned it to Ryan, he said he was concerned you were doing too much, so I organised us a last minute day at the spa. Megan is meeting us there as Oscar is at nursery today, and the five of us are going to have a chilled out day of being pampered.”

  I have no idea why, but I just burst into tears after listening to Susan explain this. I guess having people who care about me I just such a novelty still.

  “Oh angel, come here,” Susan says as she hugs me tight to her. “See, you need this.”

  Once we get to the hotel and meet Megan, we are ushered towards the changing room and told to put our swimming costumes on and get dressed in huge fluffy white robes, before being shown to a private relaxation room. It has six chaise longues, candles everywhere, soft music playing, and the hugest arrangement of continental breakfast I have ever seen. It has every kind of fresh fruit imaginable, as well as all sorts of pastries. The smell of the food has my stomach instantly growling loudly, making the girls laugh.

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes with drinks. Buck’s Fizz okay with you all?” the beauty therapist asks, and we all nod enthusiastically. “Please help yourself to food, it’s all yours.”

  “Thank you so much for this, ladies. You were right, Susan, I really do need this.” I say, once we are alone again.

  “You don’t need to thank us, Molly, we are more than happy to help, eh girls?” she asks the others, who all nod while stuffing their faces with all the goodies. “Anyway, you should be thanking Ryan. It was his idea.”

  “So how are you two getting on, living together?” Emma asks once she is settled with a mountain of food piled on her plate.

  “Yeah, good thanks. I think we have adjusted pretty well.”

  I hear Lilly mutter something like, “Yeah, I bet you have,” whilst chewing on a pastry, which makes me change the subject. I decided I wanted to tell everyone at Christmas, and that is what I’m going to do. “Is Dec back for Christmas or does he have to go back?”

  “He decided to stay, but is going straight back after New Year’s. He’s got something going on but he won’t share. It’s frustrating. But you know what he’s like - always wheeling and dealing!” Lilly explains. This is true. Ever since Dec understood how to make money, he’s always been doing something, even if it was selling sweets - or fags, as he got older in school. God only knows what he is up to down in Devon.

  Later that evening, after many luxurious hours in the spa being waited on hand and foot, and spoilt from head to toe, I’m lying on the sofa relaxing with my Kindle, waiting for Ryan to get home from work.

  It’s just before six when I hear Ryan’s car pull up. A few minutes later, I listen to his footsteps climbing the stairs and am ready to fling myself at him when he appears. As soon as I see his head appear, I launch myself towards him, not really considering the fact he won’t catch me.

  “Whoa...shit,” he shouts, startled as the bags he was carrying drop to the floor and he grabs onto me before I do, too.

  “Sorry, I just wanted to thank you for today. It was amazing. You are the best boyfriend ever,” I say, before kissing all over his face and down his neck.

  “You’re welcome, gorgeous. I guess you enjoyed yourself.”

  “Yes, and I feel so much better.”

  “Good, that was the plan. Now go sit yourself down. I’m making you dinner.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Molly seemed to perk up a bit after her day at the spa. She was glowing that night when I came home. It was good to see her so relaxed after how hard she has been working, and the stress her family has caused; not to mention her aim for Christmas perfection. I swear watching her wrap a present is like watching an artist at work. I’m going to be embarrassed handing my pathetic excuse for present wrapping to her when the big day eventually gets here.

  Tonight is the night of our Christmas party. I thankfully finished school at one o’clock, which gave me time to go shopping and get all the food and drink, as well as helping Molly make sure the house is tidy and the guest rooms are set up as Chris, Shane, Will, Ana, Holly, Adam and Jax are sleeping at ours so they can all drink. Emma and Megan are also coming, but they are both going home. I invited my sisters but Abbi is still doing anything she can to avoid Jax, and Liv has already headed up to Liverpool, but both promised to be here for our New Year’s party. I’m pretty sure Abbi has started something up again with Caleb, her childhood boyfriend, as she has mentioned him a lot recently. I’ve said to Molly about it and she has sworn me to secrecy because she knows Jax will be crushed when he realises she has moved on.

  “Are you nearly ready, Molls? They’ll be arriving any minute,” I call through to the en suite where Molly is still faffing around. I’ve been ready for nearly an hour. I’ve done my first lap of the buffet and had two cans whilst I’ve been waiting for her.

  “Yes, stop getting your knickers in a twist,” she calls back with a laugh. “Right, what do you think?” she asks as she appears in the doorway.

  My heart pounds in my chest when I look up and see her stood there in a dress so fitted it looks like a second skin. It’s flesh coloured with black floral patterns over it and gold sequins. The top has thin straps and the neckline is shaped around the curve of her perfect breasts, showing off a cleavage I want to bury my face in. I run my eyes down over her tiny waist and curved hips to where the dress stops just shy of her knees, then continue my descent to her glittery gold fuck-me heels. Eventually, my eyes make it back up to hers and she raises an eyebrow at me, reminding me she asked me a question. “I think it’s going to be a long night,” I say, in a voice that sounds deep and gravelly even to my own ears.

  Her lips twitch up at the corners and she slowly saunters towards me. She doesn’t stop until her body is flush against mine. When she feels my arousal pressing in to her stomach, she tilts her head to the side and flashes me a wide smile. “I presume you like the dress, Mr. Evans!” she says as she gently rubs herself against me.

  I lean forward to whisper in her ear, “You look incredible Molly, but if you don’t stop what you are doing, tonight is going to turn into a private party for the two of us.” I place my lips against the sweet s
pot under her ear and I feel her goosebumps against my lips. I sneak my tongue out between my lips and gently run it along her skin, causing her whole body to shiver in my arms, but before I can tease her some more, the doorbell rings, ending our moment. “You had better go and answer that…I need a few minutes before greeting our guests.”

  Molly looks me in the eyes for a couple of seconds before standing back and looking down at the obvious bulge I’m sporting in my jeans. I haven’t dressed up as much as Molly tonight, but I have put on my smartest jeans and layered a shirt over my t-shirt. My hair is in its usual styled mess and I have my slightly smarter boots on instead of my very worn yet very comfortable ones, or my standard Converse. I thought I looked okay, but the heat in Molly’s eyes when she first saw me earlier told me everything I needed to know. It’s going to be a long night for her as well, especially as she is still set on not telling everyone about us until next week. So I am going to have to spend the whole night trying to keep my hands off her, even though the majority of people who are coming tonight already know about us. “Women,” I mutter to myself as I try to think about anything I can to sort myself out before going to see who is here.

  “We have a game for us all to play,” Chris suddenly announces when there is a lull in the conversations around the room. Everyone has been here for a good few hours now, and those of us who are drinking are getting nicely buzzed. We have had a great time so far listening to Shane and Chris’ honeymoon tales, and general catching up with everyone.

  A series of groans sound out around the room at his announcement as those of us that have known him for a number of years know his games can be somewhat on the embarrassing side.

  “Go on then, what is it?” Molly asks from the other end of the sofa. I have had to resort to keeping as much distance between us as possible, otherwise the need to touch her is too over powering. I have noticed us getting strange looks from everyone - I guess they were expecting us to just be together, or maybe make an announcement. No such luck!


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