Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 49

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Truth or dare.”

  Well, that sounds too normal for one of Chris’ games, so there must be a catch somewhere.

  Molly is obviously thinking the same because I watch her eyebrows draw together in thought before she asks, “What’s the catch?”

  “What makes you think there’s a catch?” Shane asks, trying to look all innocent.

  “Because we know you two better than you think we do!”

  “Well, let’s just say we have already planned the truths and dares,” Chris says with a wink, which makes Emma just up from her seat next to Molly.

  “Right, I think that’s my cue to leave. I promised Mum I’d open Cocoa’s for her in the morning, so I need to get to bed.”

  “Oh come on Em, don’t be a spoilsport,” Chris pouts.

  “Sorry guys, but I’m done. I’ll see you two next week,” she says, looking between Molly and me. “Enjoy the rest of your evening guys.”

  “Hang on and I’ll come out with you,” Megan says, grabbing her bag. “I promised James I wouldn’t be late. We’ve got to travel up north to do his side of the family this weekend…yay!” she says, waving her arms around pretending to look excited but sounding anything but, making us laugh.

  Once we have said our goodbyes, Chris and Shane get us sat around the coffee table before deciding that Jax should go first because he’s the only single one.

  After nearly an hour into the game, we have discovered that Jax gets turned on by sexy lingerie and that he prefers the girl to be on top and take control, both of which I tried really hard not to take on board because I just know he’s picturing my sister as he says them. Ana looked completely embarrassed by the whole thing, and I thought she was going to combust when Will confessed to everyone that for their anniversary one year she surprised him by turning up at school with the intention on taking him to his favourite restaurant, but before they went anywhere, they ended up having sex on his desk in his department office. She hasn’t been able to look at me since, knowing that I will, sometime in the near future, go in that office. It turns out that even though Holly and Adam are the newest couple in the room, they are also the wildest. They have described, in detail, their last online order for ‘supplies’, and we have had to endure listening to Holly explain how Adam is the biggest she’s ever had. Why exactly did I agree to play this game? We have also watched Shane lick and suck every inch of Chris’ feet, which made me feel pretty sick, if I’m honest. And I have just discovered that it was the story about them getting caught at it on the bonnet of Chris’ car that was the true story that Molly was threatening to put in her groomsmaid speech all those weeks ago.

  “It was late at night and the car park was totally dark and empty…well, that was until the manager let herself out of the store, got in her car and turned the headlights on. They landed straight on us, lighting us up like a fucking Christmas tree! Needless to say, she didn’t hang around. I swear I’ve near seen anyone reverse so fast!” Shane says, laughing.

  “How old was she?” Jax asks with a smirk.

  “She had to have been at least fifty, I’d say. Her face was a picture.”

  “I’m not sure if it was shock or disgust, mind you,” Chris chips in.

  “Right, I think everyone should do a truth and say the most exciting place they have had sex now you know about us,” Chris says, looking to each of us.

  “That isn’t the rules of truth and dare,” Ana says. “Plus, you know ours already.”

  “I don’t care about the traditional ‘rules’, this my game. So…Jax, you first.”

  “Hang on, I think you should go first. Yes, you have told us about the car, but you told everyone to explain the most exciting place they have had sex, so you both must confess something,” Molly pipes up.

  “Okay, that’s easy…in our friend’s bed when we snuck into their flat because it was closer to the university than where we were living.” Chris’ eyes don’t leave Molly’s when he explains this.

  I look over at Molly to see her mouth hanging wide open before she points at herself and asks if it was her bed. Chris doesn’t even look embarrassed when he says that it was.

  “I could have you done for breaking and entering,” Molly says, making everyone laugh.

  “We used the spare key, so there was no breaking anything!” Chris says. “Jax, go on, your turn.”

  “Uh…on my desk,” he says quietly, but not quiet enough for Molly not to hear him.

  “What?” she squeals.

  “Sorry,” he says, looking between the two of us sheepishly, knowing that not only is it Molly’s office he did it on, but it was with my sister.

  “Brilliant,” I mutter under my breath. “Can we move on, please. Holly?”

  We all watch as Holly and Adam look at each other. I can only assume they are trying to think back over their recent activities.

  “Oh, I know…in the changing room of my favourite clothes shop,” Holly says excitedly.

  “Mmm…yeah, that was hot, but what about that time in that café by my work in the disabled toilets,” Adam adds.

  “Oh yes, and the woman in the wheelchair from the next table spent the whole time we were in there banging on the door. I tell you what, though,” Holly says, looking around at us all, “Those handles they have in those toilets are fucking useful!” I can help but laugh. What I’m hearing from Holly tonight is so at odds with the sweet, caring woman I have come to know over the past couple of months. I guess a good man can do that.

  “Will, it’s your turn,” Jax says, before Holly starts going into much more detail.

  “It’s not very original, but I guess the toilets of a nightclub.”

  “Who the hell with? Because it certainly wasn’t with me. I like to think I have a bit more class than that.” Ana says, looking pissed off with his confession.

  “Sorry baby, but I was young, horny and stupid,” he says while smiling at her sweetly.

  “So what’s changed?” she spits out.

  “Um…I’m not young anymore,” Will replies, trying to look cute so he’ll be forgiven.

  “Ryan?” Chris asks, trying to take the focus away from Will and Ana.

  “Hot tub,” I answer.

  Molly immediately goes to correct me, “But we didn’t-” she quickly realises what she is saying though, and shuts her mouth. I know full well we didn’t actually have sex, but it’s the best I had other than admitting we did it in Chris and Shane’s bridal suite.

  “Interesting,” Shane mumbles, looking between the two of us, while Chris and Jax sit there with smirks on their faces. Will and Ana didn’t pay any attention because he’s still trying to sweeten her up.

  “Okay, so Molly, your turn.” Shane prompts.

  I look over at her, wondering what she is going to say, because we haven’t had this kind of conversation before. I watch as a wide smile spreads across her face and I can’t help but dread what is going to come out of her drunken mouth. “I’ve had sex in someone else’s bridal suite.”

  And there it is!

  I look around the room as every head snaps up to look at her in total disbelief. Maybe I should have listened to her that day when she said it was wrong.

  “Oh my God, you had sex in our hotel room the day of our wedding?” Chris says, in total shock.

  “Now…I didn’t say that, did I? I’ve been to plenty of weddings over the years; it could have been any one of those.”

  “Name one,” Chris demands.

  “Uh…Steven’s?” Molly says, but it comes out as a question.

  “Yeah, whatever you say, you dirty slut!” Chris says with a smile, showing us he’s taking it lightly.

  So other than that, Molly and I have managed to get away quite lightly. I’ve had to explain the disaster that was my first time and Molly so far has only had to confess that yes she has kissed another woman, which came as no surprise to Chris, Shane and me because we watched Hannah and Molly do it a few years ago during another of Chris’ stupid games. We g
ot very drunk that night but I have never forgotten that part and I don’t think I ever will. I have a fear though, from the looks that Shane and Chris keep giving each other, that they have got it in for us, and I am equally excited and dreading what is coming next.

  “Right, Molly, you’re next…truth or dare?”

  We all watch as she finishes her drink before slamming it down haphazardly and shouting, “Dare.”

  I watch Chris’ eyes sparkle as he looks at the card in his hand before reaching behind him and pulling something out of a bag. He looks between the two of us before placing what I now see is a can of whipped cream on the coffee table. “You, Molly, are to lick this off Ryan’s chest.

  I turn to Molly and see a huge grin break across her face, “Oh hell yeah!” she squeals, before launching herself at me, and begins to pull my shirt from my shoulders. I can tell by her eagerness and by how she is swaying a little in front of me that she is more than a little drunk.

  I look up to see seven sets of intrigued eyes on us, all of them obviously wondering how this is going to play out. I look back to Molly when I feel her start to lift the bottom of my t-shirt; I take pity on her lack of coordination and help her pull it over my head.

  I hear a gasp from the other side of the room before Ana says, “If you two go to the gym together, why don’t you look like that?” and looks at Will.

  “He puts in way more effort than I do. Sorry baby, but this is as good as it gets,” Will tells her, patting his toned stomach before pulling her on his lap for a kiss.

  “I need a close up so I’m doing the cream,” Chris announces seriously, before walking over and instructing me to lie back on the sofa.

  Chris really goes to town with the cream by squirting it over every line and indentation on my chest and stomach. My eyes have been locked on Molly the entire time, watching hers get darker and darker as they run over my exposed skin. I had to contain a groan when she bit down on her bottom lip a few seconds ago. This whole situation is turning me on way more than I’m sure it should, seeing as we are surrounded by our friends.

  “Okay, I think I’m done. All yours Molly, you lucky bitch,” Chris says, giving her an evil look.

  I watch as Molly pulls her skirt up her thighs and throws one leg over my thighs so she is straddling me. I’m quite grateful for the move because it shields me slightly from the prying eyes of everyone watching my torture. It also provided a great view straight down the front of her dress for me.

  Molly starts at my neck and her moans of pleasure when she tastes the cream on my skin shoots straight to my dick, making it twitch. Fuck, this is going to be hell! She makes her way slowly down to my pecs, where she spends her time licking around my nipples, teasing me. Her eyes are on mine the entire time, showing me how turned on she is. I know for a fact that if I wanted to, I’d be able to slide into her tight little body instantly, because I know she is soaking wet for me. That thought causes my dick to press against the tight confines of my jeans, even more making it really uncomfortable. I try to give myself a talking to about letting my thoughts wander, but it’s just too hard to control them in a situation like this.

  I’m pulled from my thoughts when I feel Molly’s tongue circle around my left nipple, making me shiver like always. She smiles up at me playfully before giving the other one the same treatment, then beginning to lick up the cream that is covering all the lines of my stomach. Every time her tongue touches me, my muscles flinch, and it makes her smile wickedly at me, showing me how much she is enjoying this. Fuck, how I wish we were alone and she could continue her descent until she has her mouth where I truly want it.

  I watch until Molly has completely cleaned me of the cream and I think she is going to sit up, but she surprises me with one last swipe of her tongue. She starts at the right, placing her tongue against the skin just above the line of my boxers, before very slowly licking across to the other side. By the time she is halfway across, she has managed to get her tongue under the fabric and I cannot stop a groan that rumbles up my throat. I’m so fucking turned on it’s painful. I have to shut my eyes to try to keep myself together, as if this whole thing wasn’t embarrassing enough, I really don’t need to shoot my load in my boxers in front of everyone like a little school boy.

  When she is done, she shifts herself back up until she is straddling across my crotch, lining her scorching heat up with my throbbing dick. I press my head back into the sofa and keep my eyes squeezed tightly shut. Everyone is silent around us and I can feel their eyes on me the longer I lie here, not moving.

  Ana eventually breaks the silence by announcing that they are taking the remainder of the can to bed with them, and then breaks into a fit of giggles. She has obviously now drunk so much she is no longer embarrassed. I hear Will groan in response, before I presume he does something inappropriate, because Chris and Shane start telling them to get a room. Good, that means I am no longer their entertainment. I open my eyes to find Molly’s heated gaze staring right back at me, making me wish I’d kept them closed.


  Fucking hell, if that wasn’t the hottest thing I’ve ever done! The alcohol buzzing around my system mixed with the taste of the cream and the manly sexy scent that is uniquely Ryan has my entire body ignited and begging for attention.

  Ryan is still lying completely rigid underneath me. From the rate his chest is heaving up and down, and the feeling of his rock hard erection beneath me, I’m guessing he’s trying to rein his body back in. If he is feeling half as turned on as I am right now, then it’s going to take a few minutes.

  Luckily, everyone gets distracted by something Ana says behind me, but I’m completely focused on the pained expression that is on Ryan’s face and all the inches of perfection that are before me to pay them any attention.

  Slowly I watch as Ryan reveals his stunning eyes to me. A dark navy has replaced the usual bright blue. The sight of them makes my breath catch in my throat.

  He looks like he wants to say something, so I lean forward and he whispers in my ear, “Are you trying to kill me, woman?” I can’t help but laugh, which brings everyone’s eyes back to us.

  “Ah Ryan, you’re back with us!” Jax laughs. “Did you enjoy that?” he asks, with a knowing quirked eyebrow.

  “Fuck off,” is Ryan’s only response.

  “Okay, Ryan, you are having a dare, I’ve decided,” Chris states.

  “Brilliant!” Ryan mutters as he sits himself up properly after I have removed myself from his lap.

  “I dare you to do a body shot off Molly,” Chris says with way too much excitement, making Ryan groan next to me.

  “Fine,” he says, as if he’s trying to sound totally unaffected by the whole thing. His voice comes out as a deep rumble though, so if that was what he was going for he’s failed, miserably.

  “Right, put Molly on the worktop.” Chris then looks at me before saying, “You’re going to need to unzip your dress so we have some skin to work with, Molls.” I nod at him before Ryan stands and scoops me up in his arms and carries me towards the kitchen, where he places me on the edge of the worktop. His hands go the zip at the back of my dress, but he looks down at me before he moves it, getting my approval. I’m drunk enough that I don’t really care about getting half naked in the kitchen with our friends watching.

  Chris appears at our side with a bottle of tequila and a saltshaker. I’m starting to get the impression this has been well planned out by his organisation. “Right Molly, lie back.” I do as he says, now that the top of my dress is around my waist, revealing my gold, strapless bra. Chris places a lemon wedge between my lips before wetting his finger with a little tequila and running it up the line of my cleavage. I can’t help but giggle when I hear Ryan growl as he watches Chris touch me. He looks murderous for a few seconds before I guess it registers that Chris is very much gay and is of no threat at all. Chris then shakes salt on the trail and gets ready to pour some liquid in my belly button. “Okay, so once I’ve poured some, Ryan, I want you t
o lick the salt, lap up the tequila, then take the lemon. You ready?”

  Chris’ preparation and explanation seem to take forever. All I want is Ryan’s mouth on me. The longer I lie here waiting, the more impatient and turned on I’m getting at just the thought of what he’s about to do.

  After what feels like hours, Chris eventually pours a little of the cold liquid onto my belly, making me flinch. He tells Ryan to go, but his face is already well towards my tits before the words leave his mouth, showing Ryan’s impatience.

  “Oh God,” I moan when I feel his tongue run slowly up between my breasts, making my already peaked nipple press against the confines of my bra. When he moves south and starts lapping at the tequila sitting in my belly button, I have to press my legs together in an attempt to stop the throbbing that has now increased to a seriously uncomfortable level. When he’s happy he’s got it all, I feel him move, and then his lips brush mine as he bites into the lemon. To my surprise though, he doesn’t move away from my lips. Instead, he takes the lemon and spits it on to the floor, before crashing his lips to mine for a scorching hot kiss. Whoops and hollers sound out around the room, but I barely hear them because I’m so lost to his kiss.

  Eventually he pulls back, but only enough so his nose rests against mine and he looks straight in to my eyes before he says, “I’m sorry guys, you all know where you’re sleeping so I’m sure you can sort yourselves out.” Before I have a chance to realise what he means, he has me in his arms and is racing towards the stairs. I hear more cheers behind us as we start to climb the stairs and everyone disappears from my sight.

  When we get to our room, Ryan carries me straight over to the bed and drops me on to it before following me down and laying his body on top of mine. His lips instantly find mine and he continues to kiss me with the same all-consuming passion that he did downstairs, only this time we don’t have any spectators. One of his hands tangles in my hair and holds me tight to him, while the other runs up and down my side, before settling on my breast once he has lifted himself up enough to allow the movement. My hands move of their own accord all over his smooth, perfect skin, and come to a rest, tangled in his hair.


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