Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 50

by Tracy Lorraine

  I am completely lost in his kiss and don’t realise he has moved until he sits himself up on his heels between my legs and looks down at me while he catches his breath. He is still topless from when I licked the cream off him earlier, so I can easily see how fast his chest is moving up and down with his pants. I rake my eyes down his abs before slowly letting them crawl back up his perfect chest and run over his face, taking in his now dark lust filled eyes, his slightly pink cheeks, his swollen red lips, and his messy I’ve-just-been-fucked-to-heaven-and-back hair. His is so stunning he literally takes my breath away as I lie here looking at him. “I love you so much,” I tell him when I meet his eyes again.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispers as he lowers his head, breaking our eye contact.

  “Hey,” I say, sitting myself up so I can grab his cheek and pull his eyes back to me. “What’s wrong?”

  “That,” he says waving his arm towards the door, “was just too much. My restraint snapped and I had to have you alone. I wanna be inside you and feel you coming around my cock so badly that I wasn’t thinking. I know you didn’t want them to know.” He tries to look away again, like he is ashamed of his actions, but I tense my arm and stop him turning his head.

  “Ryan, don’t be stupid. Let’s be honest, everyone downstairs already knew we had something going on. It was stupid to pretend otherwise. We are telling everyone on Tuesday anyway, and it’s not they’ll spread the news before we get to it. Now,” I say in a slightly sterner voice, making Ryan’s eyes widen a little at the change, “don’t you ever apologise for wanting me. I am with you all the way here; I want it just as badly as you do, so can we please stop this and get to what we both want.” Before I had even finished the sentence, Ryan was off the bed and pulling my dress down my legs.

  “Fuck me,” he groans when he stands back and looks at me. I bought a new set of gold lace underwear for tonight, which I kept hidden from him, but I have also added sheer hold ups with gold lace at the top. Finish that off with my gold heels and I feel like a fucking goddess, lying here under Ryan’s heated appreciative gaze. I lean back on my elbows and let him get his fill.

  After a full minute, he pulls his phone out of his pocket, “Can I?” he asks.

  “Just one.” Wow, I really have drunk too much!

  “Thank you, I’m pretty sure I’ll never forget this sight ever, but just in case,” he says with a shrug of his shoulders.

  It’s not the first time I’ve been asked to have my photo taken, but it is most definitely the first time I have agreed. I know without doubt that that photo is for Ryan’s eyes only. I trust him implicitly. I watch him as he takes the picture then puts his phone on the unit, before stripping out of his clothes. I can’t take my eyes off him as he reveals more of his perfect body for me to gawp at.

  Once he has his boxer briefs off, he looks back at me and smirks. “You like my body, don’t you, Molly?” he asks quietly.

  “You have no idea. I’d like it better if I could touch it though,” I say as I reach out to him but he doesn’t move.

  “What is it exactly that you want to touch, Molly?” The more he talks, the lower and sexier his voice gets, making my mouth go dry. I watch as he slowly lifts one hand towards his head, “Do you want to be running your hands through my hair like this, Molly?” he asks as he brings his hand to rest of the back of his neck. “Or would you rather be doing this?” he asks again, as his hand slowly runs down across his chest and down his stomach towards his straining dick. I can’t help the groan that comes from me as I watch the show he’s putting on. “Or is it here that you want to touch?” he asks, as he wraps his hand around himself and slowly moves it up and down the length. The sight of him pleasuring himself in front of me sends an electric bolt straight to my sex.

  “Oh God, that’s hot,” I groan.

  “Show me how ready you are for me, Molly. Spread your legs and touch yourself,” he demands, and I do it instantly. When my fingers touch my sensitive flesh, my moan of pleasure is drowned out my Ryan’s growl, and before I know it, my fingers have been replaced by his and I am once again flat on my back with him hovering above me.

  My orgasm is about to rip through me but Ryan pulls his fingers away at the last minute. “Nooo,” I complain.

  “I want you coming around my cock, Molly,” he says, as he lines himself up with my entrance.

  He slides into me painfully slowly until he’s balls deep and whispers in my ear, “This isn’t going to be gentle. Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” I breathe. I am more than ready for what he’s about to give me.

  He pulls out almost all the way and I see his muscles tense as he prepares to slam back into me, when both of our heads snap towards the bedroom door when the sounds of Tenacious D’s ‘Fuck Her Gently’ booms through. Ryan looks back at me and we both burst out laughing.

  “I love our friends,” I say, once my laughter has died down.

  “Mmm…I love you more though.” And those words are all it takes for the song and everything else to be forgotten, and we lose ourselves in each other for hours.

  I stretch my body out the next morning when I wake up, and all my muscles pull from our late night activities. I haven’t been to our pole dancing lessons for a few weeks because I haven’t been feeling up to it, and the lack of exercise is starting to show.

  Ryan is still sleeping next to me if his soft snores are anything to go by, so I carefully roll over and go to get up. The moment I stand, my stomach turns over and I have to run to the en suite.

  I sit back on my heels after emptying my stomach and realise I feel much better for it. I’m just about to stand when I hear Ryan walk up behind me.

  “Did I just hear you being sick, Molls? Are you okay?” he asks, the concern clear in his tone.

  “Yeah, I’m fine now. I guess it was just too much food, wine and excitement last night,” I say with a shrug of my shoulders as I go to the sink to brush my teeth.

  We both walk down to the living area hand in hand thirty minutes later. No one else is awake yet, so we quietly go into the kitchen and put the kettle on so we don’t wake Jax, who is asleep on the sofa. I didn’t hear anyone go to bed last night. I’m unsure if that was because I had fallen asleep or if I was still being thoroughly distracted by Ryan. I’m sure if it’s the latter someone will say something about it, because we were not quiet about it - I remember that much.

  “Coffee please, love birds,” I hear Jax say from the sofa when the kettle pings.

  I look over to where is head is peeking over the back of the sofa at us. “Morning,” I say, smiling at him.

  “I understand why you both look so happy, but how do you both look like you have had a full night’s sleep? From the hours of noises coming from your room last night, we all know that wasn’t the case!”

  “Sleep is overrated,” Ryan mutters as he pulls the milk out of the fridge.

  “God, I miss sex,” Jax complains as he gets up and starts pulling his jeans on.

  Everyone else appears over the next couple of hours, most looking very worse for wear. I instantly understand why when I pick up the empty tequila bottle and shot glasses from the coffee table later that day.

  Needless to say, Ryan and I got no end of grief about our performance last night, and well into the early hours this morning, if what they all told us is anything to go by. Time just seems to stand still when we are together, so I couldn’t begin to guess how long we were going at it - although from how sore my lady parts are feeling this morning, I would say we were rather busy!

  After we all got up late, it was late afternoon before everyone started heading off. Ryan and I are saying our goodbyes to Jax who is the last to leave, when my brothers pull up outside the house. “No peace for the wicked,” I mutter to myself, but hear Ryan laugh next to me.

  “Hey Molls, good to see we aren’t interrupting anything this time,” Daniel says with a laugh.

  “Nah, they wore themselves out last night,” Jax shouts over to us from
his car.

  Daniel barks with laughter while Steven just looks totally out of his comfort zone, having to be part of another conversation about my sex life.

  “Jax,” I shout back, making his look up at me. “You’re fired!”

  “Yeah, whatever. You couldn’t cope without me now and you know it,” he says back, before jumping in his car and heading off.

  When we get upstairs, I notice that Steven is carrying an envelope. “Are those the papers I have to sign?”

  “Yes, it’s all as you requested. You just need to sign, then we are all set.”

  “Great,” I say sarcastically, because I’m still not completely happy with getting involved with the business, but at least I got my way with having a smaller share than my brothers.

  They don’t stay very long, which I’m relieved about. It’s not that I don’t want to spend time with them, because I do, but right now I’d much rather be cuddling with Ryan on the sofa in front of soppy Christmas films.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Christmas Eve is finally here and I can’t help it I feel like a child again. I’m going to be spending tomorrow with all my favourite people, and my amazing boyfriend. I still can’t believe I at last have everything I have ever wanted, and that the person that has given it all to me is Ryan.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  “Just excited about spending Christmas with you.”

  “I’m so glad we managed to get out of spending tonight at the Morrisons’. I don’t think they’d have been too happy with being in the same house as us with the things I have planned for you tonight,” Ryan says as he walks back over to the sofa with our drinks in hand. He places them on the coffee table before lying down in front of me and pulling me tight into his body. His lips find mine, and within seconds his tongue is exploring my mouth.

  After a few minutes, his phone starts ringing on the coffee table. I groan into his mouth and go to pull away from him, but he mumbles to ignore it against my lips and continues kissing me.

  No sooner has his phone rang off than it starts again. Eventually, I manage to unattach Ryan’s lips from mine to get him to grab his phone.

  “Ugh, it’s my mum,” he says, as he puts in on silent and goes to put it back on the coffee table, but it lights up again before he gets to put it down.

  I can see from the photo on the screen that it is Abbi this time. “Ryan, just answer it.”

  He grumbles about it as he sits himself up before swiping the screen and putting it to his ear. “Abbi, what’s-” he’s cut off by something she says, but I can’t make her out. “Shit, he’s okay though, right?” Hearing him say that gets my heart beating faster. “Are you sure she isn’t just using this as a good excuse to get me there if he’s okay?”

  I continue listening to him for a few minutes before he agrees to whatever it is they are talking about and hangs up. When he turns to look at me, a wave of disappointment washes over me, because I know what is coming from what I overheard.

  “My dad’s had a heart attack,” I suck in a breath at hearing this. “He’s fine, it was mild and he’s recovering well, but they want me there. I’m so sorry, Molly, but I’ve got to go.”

  “It’s okay, I understand. They are your family - you need to be with them.”

  “You could come?” he asks tentatively.

  “No. I’m sorry, but it’s Christmas, and I really don’t want to see your mum. Not yet, anyway.”

  “It’s fine, I shouldn’t have asked. I will be back as soon as I can, I promise.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I say sadly. “You’d better go and pack some stuff.”

  I can’t believe how in the space of two minutes all my earlier excitement has completely vanished, and I now feel empty, knowing I’m going to be spending Christmas without Ryan. I know it’s the right decision not to go with him though.

  He seems to be packed and ready to leave in no time. All I want to do though is cling onto him and beg him not to leave, but I know that is irrational, unfair and selfish. His dad is in hospital; he needs to be there for him and his family.

  “I want you to take these with you and open them in the morning,” I say as I walk up to where he is zipping up his suitcase with his Christmas presents in my hand.

  “We could open each other’s now, before I go,” he suggests.

  “No, I want you to open them tomorrow, whether I’m with you or not.”

  “Okay, if you’re sure.” I watch as he walks over to his wardrobe and pulls out a bag. “You have to open yours in the morning, then,” he says as he hands it over, and I feel my first tear run down my cheek. I was trying desperately hard to keep them in until he had left. “Oh Molls, please don’t get upset. You know I’d rather stay here with you, don’t you?”

  I just nod at him as another tear falls. I know that I need him to get going now because I can’t cope with drawing this goodbye out. I need him to go so I can fall apart on my own and not make him feel guilty for going. I wipe my tears and square my shoulders in an attempt to pull myself together. “Right…are you ready?”

  “Yeah, I think so,” he answers sadly.

  “Come on…the sooner you get gone, the sooner you can be heading back to me.”

  “I love you so much, Molly. I’m really sorry about this.”

  “Ryan, stop apologising, this is not your fault and you are doing the right thing. I love you too. I don’t think I can watch you go though, so can we just say bye here, then I can just focus on you coming back.”

  “Okay,” he says as he pulls me in for a hug. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. I love you,” he says again.

  “I love you too. Send Abbi and Liv my love.”

  “I will.”

  And with one final kiss, I listen to him walk out of our bedroom and out of the house. I couldn’t bear to watch him walk away from what had promised to be my best Christmas ever.

  It takes nearly thirty minutes for my sobs to subside enough for me to make my way back down to the living room and the glass of wine and DVD of The Holiday that was waiting for me. I curl myself up under the blanket and try to forget about everything and let Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet distract me from my misery.

  The film is nearly over when I hear noise coming from downstairs and the door slam shut. My heart starts pounding in my chest, thinking that he has come back. I sit up straight on the sofa as I hear footsteps heading my way. My heart feels like it breaks in two when the person that comes into view isn’t Ryan. I immediately burst into tears and run at Susan, who holds her arms out for me.

  “Oh, Molly,” is all she says as she leads us back to the sofa and holds me until I calm down.

  I pull my face from her shoulder and look into her kind eyes. “Ryan won’t be here for Christmas,” I tell her in a steadier voice than I was expecting.

  “I know, angel,” she says softly and wipes a tear off my cheek. “He rang and asked me to come and make sure you were okay. He told me I wasn’t allowed to leave you here alone and that you were to come back with me.” I just nod at her because the lump in my throat is stopping any words coming out.


  I understand why Molly couldn’t watch me leave, but I really could have done with those few extra seconds with her. I hated leaving, knowing that she was just going to break down. I never want her to be upset, and knowing that I was causing it just broke my heart. I know how much she has been looking forward to this Christmas, and I’ve just totally ruined it for her. I need to make sure she’s okay, so I ring the only person for the job.

  “Hi, angel.”

  “Hi Susan. I’m sorry to put this on you on Christmas Eve, but I’ve had to go to Liverpool because my dad has had a heart attack. I’ve had to leave Molly at home and she’s really upset. Would you be able to go round and make sure she is okay for me?”

  “Oh course I will. Is your dad okay?”

  “It sounds like he will be fine. I didn’t want to leave her but it’s my dad, you kn

  “Of course, and Molly will understand that.”

  “She does, she convinced me to come. Listen, please will you take her home with you so she’s not alone?”

  “No problem. I wouldn’t leave her alone on Christmas Eve. If you need anything Ryan, please ring us.”

  “I will. Thank you for doing this, Susan. I’ll see you soon.”

  “I’m on my way out of the door now. See you soon, angel.”

  A couple of hours later, I’m pulling up on the driveway of my childhood home. Abbi rang thirty minutes ago to say they had been kicked out of the hospital because visiting hours were over, and that they would meet me at home.

  When I get there, Abbi explains everything about Dad’s condition. Everything is positive; he should make a full recovery but needs to make a few lifestyle changes once he is discharged from hospital. Mum is already fast asleep in bed. Abbi says that today has really taken its toll on her, and they made her go to bed the minute they got in because she was so exhausted.

  The three of us spend the night chatting and catching up on everything since we last saw each other at my birthday.

  I wake up the next morning to the sounds of Mum crashing around in the kitchen like I used to as a kid. When I eventually get down, I see that Abbi and Liv are already there and Mum is just dishing up our traditional Christmas breakfast of pancakes. It has always been one of our favourite parts of Christmas; okay, maybe not when we were children, but as the three of us got older we appreciated it more and more. My stomach has been grumbling the whole time I’ve been getting ready, knowing what was happening downstairs.

  “Ryan,” Mum shouts when I appear in the room. She walks over and holds on to me tightly, “I’m so glad you are here…I’ve missed you so much.” Her voice cracks on the last bit and she quietly starts sobbing in my arms. As much as I have hated her actions towards Molly, she is still my mum and she is upset, so I soothe her as much as I can.


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