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Angel Series Books #1-2.5

Page 58

by Tracy Lorraine

  When we arrive at Ryan’s house, we both have to drive around the back because Molly is parked out the front, but there is also another car blocking her in. I could tell by the look on Ryan’s face behind me what he was thinking, and if he’s right and the car belongs to the guy Molly is seeing, then good luck to him because he’s about to encounter my very jealous brother’s unexpected appearance. Oh, this could seriously get interesting.

  We both jump out of our cars at the same time, and I can see that Ryan is barely holding himself together with the excitement of coming home early in the hope of surprising Molly, but now also probably with fear of catching her doing something he never wants to see.

  “You go. I’ll get our bags in.”

  “No, it’s okay.”

  “Ryan, please, go put yourself out of your misery,” I say, attempting to push him in the general direction of his front door but, seeing as he is built like a brick shit house, I’m not very successful. What happened to that scrawny little boy I used to chase around with my make up? I wonder, smiling to myself as he walks off with his usual swagger.

  It’s ten-minutes later by the time I have our bags in and am heading up the stairs to see what’s going on. I’m pretty sure I heard Ryan shouting a few minutes ago. I swear, if he caught this guy fucking Molly on the sofa or something, then I could be about to walk into a murder scene!

  The moment I walk around the corner into the living area though, my surroundings completely disappear as I lock eyes with the most stunning looking guy I think I have ever seen. I’m aware that both Molly and Ryan are in the room and that Molly has said something ,but I am completely fixated on the Sex God in front of me. I know I’m staring, but I can’t help it. I let my eyes roam over every inch of him. His hair is very dark brown and is long and shaggy hanging around his face. It’s just begging for me to run my hands through it. His eyes are the brightest emerald green I think I have ever seen, and his square jaw and full lips are just asking to be kissed, licked and nipped. The more I take in, the faster my heart and clit start pounding. My eyes run down his neck that has a silver chain around it, and attempt to take in all the ink that is covering inches of his perfect skin. I continue moving south down his smooth stomach and I follow his happy trail and the slight V that disappears into the waistband of his boxers, then his slim-fit jeans. I make my way down to his feet that are clad in black engineer boots, before slowing climbing back up.

  At some point during my perusal of this fine specimen of a man, Molly made her way over. She startles me when she throws her arms around me.

  “Close your mouth, Abbi, you’ll start drooling in a minute,” she whispers in my ear.

  “Sorry. Who is he? He’s seriously hot,” I whisper back in her ear, praying I actually said it quietly enough that he can’t hear me, whoever he is.

  “Come with me and I’ll explain,” she says, before grabbing my hand and dragging me down the stairs while shouting over her shoulder for Ryan to get us drinks.

  “Molly, you need to tell me who the fuck that is right now. If you tell me he is the guy you are seeing, then you are seriously gonna have to dump him, cos I need that, like…badly,” I say, hoping it didn’t sound as desperate to her as it did to me. I can’t help it, though. It has been so long since I’ve had a good seeing to. My taste in men, as displayed upstairs, is the bad boy fuck-you-hard-and-fast-but-leave-you-heartbroken-harder-and-faster type. I’ve been trying desperately hard to be a good little girl and do what Mummy says and find a nice guy. Let me tell you, nice guys are all well and good when they take you out for a meal and for a walk in the park, but in bed…I’m sorry, but they ain’t worth toffee. You want a screaming orgasm, then you go find yourself a bad boy. Just make sure you have plenty of tissues, wine and chocolate at home for when he leaves you high and dry.

  “No, Abs, that’s not the guy I’m seeing. Jax works for me. If you want him, he’s all yours!”

  “Jax…fuck, that’s hot!” I swoon.

  “It’s short for Jackson and yeah, he is pretty hot. I should warn you though, Ryan doesn’t like him very much, and probably even less now after what he caught us doing when he came in.”

  “But you just said…”

  Molly goes on to explain all about the tattoo she wants in memory of Hannah, and how Jax was helping her out with it when Ryan walked in and pretty much caught them both topless. I can only imagine how Ryan reacted to that. No wonder I heard him shouting from outside.

  By the time we get back upstairs, I’m disappointed to say that Jax has put his shirt back on. Luckily for me though, the rest of him is still pretty drool worthy. I had to really bite my tongue when Molly suggested he stay for dinner and then to get drunk and stay the night.

  As the night drags on, it’s becoming more and more obvious that Jax and I are making Ryan very uncomfortable. I can’t help it though, the pull I feel to him is indescribable; it’s like we are two magnets drawn to one another, and I am only happy when a part of me is touching him.

  Someone snoring wakes me up from reliving my first meeting with Jax. I was quite happy to stay back in time though. Things were much simpler then, before I had the chance to royally fuck everything up. The loud snore comes again from my right, and I shoot daggers at the curtain to whoever the woman is on the other side for disturbing me before I got to the really good bit. When I look back, Jax catches my attention. He’s still here. I know I shouldn’t let it happen, because in the morning, when he knows I’m okay, I know he’s going to leave me after all the pain I’ve caused him, but my heart is a little lighter knowing he’s by my side. The pain of losing our baby still hurts like a motherfucker, but he’s here with me. I was worried when Molly told me Ryan was going to go and get him that he would refuse to come to me. I couldn’t really blame him if he did, mind you.

  The rhinoceros of a woman in the next bed lets out another almighty snore that makes Jax sit bolt upright in the chair he’s in, and his eyes fly wide open. I watch him for a few seconds as he takes in his surroundings and remembers where he is. I see the moment that it all settles, because he looks straight to me. I have to bite down on my bottom lip because the hurt pouring from his eyes as he looks at me makes me want to cry. I desperately try to keep myself together. What’s the point in crying? What’s done is done. Crying isn’t going to help anyone.

  “Abbi, baby, are you okay?” he asks in the softest voice, which is so at odds with his appearance to the world.

  I just nod at him as I continue to hold everything in. Breaking down is only going to make him feel worse. He continues watching me closely as he leans forward and takes both of my hands in his. He lifts them both to his mouth and I watch as he kisses the knuckles on both of them. He keeps eye contact with me the entire time; it’s like he’s waiting for me to do something.

  When he lowers them, I know it’s time to pull up my big girl knickers and say what I need to say. I take in a huge breath, hoping that with it I will suck in some strength to be able to say what I need to say.

  “Jax…” I croak out. He raises his eyebrows and just waits for me to continue. “I’m so sorry.” I have to close my eyes to hold in the tears. So much for sucking in some strength - well done, Abigail!

  He’s at my side instantly, pulling me into his arms, and I can’t hold it any longer. Weeks of keeping secrets from everyone, months of keeping the man I love more than anything at arm’s length, then finally the pain of losing the one thing I had of him is just too much. I burst into tears and wail as my body trembles in his arms. I’m so loud in those first few minutes that I even manage to drown out my noisy neighbour. The whole time, Jax whispers soothing things in my ear and gently rubs my back. I don’t need to look at him to tell he is crying along with me, I can hear it in his voice, and it only makes me cry harder. I’ve reduced this amazing man to tears. He shouldn’t be here supporting me; he should be at home, hating me for what I’ve put him through.

  My sobs eventually subside, and I can feel myself falling aslee
p again. Jax must feel me getting heavier in his arms, because he shifts us so we are both lying on the bed and I’m curled up into his side while he holds me tight.

  Chapter Two


  I wake up with a start when I hear what I think is thunder. I soon come to realise that I’m sat on a chair in a hospital bay, and that God awful noise must be coming from a patient. It suddenly hits me as to why I’m here, and I look to the right to see Abbi’s tired blue eyes looking straight back at me. I can see she is on the verge of falling apart. Her eyes are full of tears, and her chin is trembling. It breaks my heart to see her suffering like this. I’d do anything to take away her pain.

  “Abbi, baby, are you okay?” I whisper.

  I want her to know I’m here for her, and that if she needs to cry then she can do it on my shoulder. I’m not going anywhere. I take her hands in mine and kiss her knuckles, hoping that she can feel the love I put into it to give her some strength.

  I watch her internal fight and then her square her shoulders, as if ready for battle. I wait with baited breath for what is to come next.

  “Jax…” she says in a rough voice from sleeping. “I’m so sorry.”

  She shuts her eyes to try to hold herself together. She forgets that I know her well enough to know what she is doing. She wants to be strong, she doesn’t want to show she’s hurting, but I can see through the brave façade she puts up for others to see. I move over to sit on the side of her bed and pull her into my arms. I hold her as she cries for what feels like hours. For someone who didn’t want to break down, she does a very good job at letting go all of a sudden. I can’t help but cry with her for everything we have both been through the last few months, and for what we have lost, even though I had no clue about it until tonight.

  Eventually, I start to feel her body relax, like she is falling asleep, I shift us around so we are lying on her bed, and pull her into my side so I can hold her. I want to make her feel safe and secure. I want her to sleep peacefully so she gives her body a chance to mend itself. I don’t know about her, but when she’s next to me, I sleep better than I ever have before. I hope I can give her the same.

  “Uh...who was that?” I ask Ryan when Molly and the drop dead gorgeous blonde disappear from sight. My voice as I ask this sounds deep and gravelly, even to me. Fuck, even by just standing there, she has me seriously turned on. From the moment she stepped in the room, she was the only thing I could see.

  Her bright blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes lit up the room from the moment she entered. I continued taking in her features. Her cheeks were blushing a dusky pink and her red lips were parted as she continued her perusal of my body. My dick twitched in my trousers as I watched her tongue sneak out and wet her bottom lip. Fucking hell, I want those full lips on me. I moved down her slim neck to her shoulders that were covered in a blue and white checked shirt. The first few buttons were open, showing me a little cleavage and giving me a hint of what was hiding underneath. I followed the swell of her breasts down to her waist, then take in her denim cover hips. Thankfully, the skirt she was wearing was short enough to show nearly all of her long, toned and tanned legs. Fuck me, I’ve died and gone to heaven. She had the perfect girl next-door innocent thing going on and fuck me slowly if I don’t want to find out just how innocent she may be. Unfortunately, Molly walking straight in front of her blocked my view before she dragged her down the stairs and away from me. In hindsight, that was probably a good thing, because I could have jumped her there and then without caring if anyone was watching.

  “That was my eldest little sister, Abbi,” Ryan says, interrupting my inappropriate thoughts. His sister, fuck! He already doesn’t like me; I really don’t need to be pissing him off further by eye fucking his sister. Fuck. My. Life.

  “Your sister, okay. She’s…um…pretty.” Sexy, gorgeous, stunning, perfect. I keep the last few to myself, not wanting to overdo it. I’m well aware he could kick me out at any minute, and I want more than anything a little time to get to know the knockout that just went off with Molly. Fuck, I’m in serious trouble here.

  Thankfully, Molly got involved when they both reappeared, and practically insisted I stay not only for dinner but the night. I am counting my lucky stars as we speak.

  The entire evening, although amazing, has been fucking torturous. All I want is to get her on her own, but every time I so much as look at her, I have Ryan giving me the death stare. She either hasn’t noticed her brother’s reaction to me or just doesn’t care, because she has ramped up her flirting to dangerous levels over the last few hours. I am dying to get my hands on her, but I get the feeling that Ryan is never going to leave us alone.

  We’ve been sat on the sofa chatting for a while, and Abbi is practically sitting on my lap when Molly obviously gets bored of Ryan’s attitude and all but forces him out of the room and up to bed. He doesn’t leave without giving me one final stare before turning his back on us, though.

  I don’t get a chance to relax, because as soon as I’ve heard Ryan’s bedroom door shut, Abbi is pulling her already short skirt higher and throwing her leg over mine so she is straddling me and looking straight into my eyes with a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of her delectable mouth.

  “Thank fuck they’ve gone,” she says in a low voice before she crashes her lips to mine and all but forces her tongue into my mouth. Now, don’t get me wrong - it’s not that I’m not willing, I’m just completely dumfounded at the forwardness of this amazing woman now rubbing herself against my rock hard cock as she fucks my mouth. In a matter of seconds, I get with the programme and kiss her back with the same intensity. My hands go into her hair, loving the silky smoothness of it as it runs through my fingers. I drag my hands down her sides, gently caressing the sides of her breasts with my thumbs, making her groan in my mouth. When my hands get to her thighs I push them under her skirt and lift it around her waist. I grab her hips and pull her down as hard as I can to me, which causes me to be the one moaning. With her skirt out of the way, I have easy access to the part of her I want the most, so I join in with her and grind my hips up. I line my cock up with her clit and hold her tight as she begins to squirm against me.

  “Oh my God, Jax, make me come,” she says as she pulls her lips away from mine so she can catch her breath. My eyes lock with hers, and what used to be bright blue eyes are now deep and full of fire. I let go of her hips briefly so I can undo the buttons on her shirt and rip it from her body.

  “Fuck, baby,” I groan out as I take in her white lace bra. It’s so sheer I can see her perfect pink pebbled nipples through it. My mouth waters at the thought of sucking on them. She arches her back, pushing them towards me as if she knows what I’m thinking. Before I do exactly that, though, I reach behind me and pull my shirt off over my head. Her hands instantly go to my chest and her nails scratch downwards, causing my entire body to flinch.

  Fuck, this woman is going to kill me.

  I place my hands back on her hips and pull her down with such force that I’m sure I’ll leave bruises, before I lean forward and pull one of her nipples into my mouth. The moment my tongue flicks her tip, I feel her body still before she flinches violently in my hands as her orgasm takes over. She leans forward, bites on to my neck and screams as her body continues to ride her seemingly never-ending pleasure.

  When she’s back, she removes her teeth from my neck and sits back to look at me. Her eyes are bright and glistening, her cheeks are flushed and her lips are parted as she pants to catch her breath.

  “Fuck, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” I say, more to myself than her, but the smile she graces me with makes my heart turn over in my chest in a way I’ve never experienced before. Fuck, is this it? Is she the one I’ve been waiting for?

  I watch as she slowly and elegantly gets off my lap. A little bit of panic creeps in that she is going to leave me here, but the moment I see her hands reach for the button on her skirt, I relax. Her fingers efficiently pop it open, and
I watch, mesmerised, as she wiggles her hips and pushes the skirt to the floor. I can’t help the loud groan that escapes as I look at her stood there in her white lace bra and tiny thong. I was right earlier - I really have died and gone to heaven.

  “God…I’ve wanted you since the moment I walked through the door earlier. I’ve already fucked you six ways from Sunday in my head. I bet my imagination pales to the real thing, though.”

  “Holy fucking shit,” I groan. “Where have you been all my life?”

  “Waiting, baby. But luckily for you, the wait is over,” she says as she lowers herself to her knees between my legs.

  Fuck, please don’t let me embarrass myself by coming the moment she touches me. I’m so close to the edge right now that it is a real possibility.

  She leans forward and runs her tongue around my nipple before biting down on it.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  She pops the buttons on my jeans with as much ease as she did her own, and within seconds, I am lifting my hips to allow her to pull them and my boxer briefs down. She slides them down my legs but leaves them gathered around my ankles. Apparently, she is too impatient to remove them completely, because she is back up and grasping me in her tiny fist almost instantly. My head drops back against the sofa at the sensation, and I have to grind my teeth together in an attempt to reign my body in.

  The moment I feel her tongue touch the tip, my hips are off the sofa. “Whoa, easy soldier,” she says looking up at me through her eyelashes. “You gonna be able to handle this, big boy?” she challenges.

  “I guess there’s only one way to find ouuuuuuuuttttttttt,” I groan, as she takes all of me in her mouth in one foul swoop. “Hoooooooly fuuuuuuck, babyyyyyyyyyy.” My hands go into her hair and I hold gently as she sucks me into her hot mouth again and again. She must feel the moment just before I’m about to come, because she sits back on her heels and removes all contact from me.


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