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Angel Series Books #1-2.5

Page 76

by Tracy Lorraine

  “You said needed, past tense, so does that mean you can be around me now?”

  She just stares at me. I watch as her eyes roam around my face while she thinks. “I don’t think it’s the best idea.”

  “Well, I think it’s a fucking awesome idea, especially with you wearing that little red number.”

  “See, this is my problem. You need to stop that.”

  “Why, is it turning you on?” I ask, dropping my voice to a low growl.

  I get a slap around the shoulder. “Ruben,” she warns, moving with enough force that she breaks my hold on her. “I’m not the kind of girl you think I am, so just stop it.” With that said, she swims to the other end of the pool to try to get away from me. Ha, if only it was going to be that easy for her. I’ll do everything I can to show her that the kind of girl she thinks I want couldn’t be further from the truth.

  “I know exactly what kind of girl you are, Emma.” A perfect one. I don’t say that bit aloud, though. I don’t want to sound like a complete sap.


  I knew Connie was lying earlier when she said it would be just us two. I just knew he wouldn’t be able to resist coming to torture me.

  God, the way he looked at me and the things he said to me in those first few moments had me doubting everything. He’s so fucking smooth, he knows just what to say to get a girl to react to him. But then I guess that comes with years of being a player and chatting up every girl that comes your way. Damn my stupid body for its reaction to him and his perfect one. I mean, seriously, why did the first guy that showed any interest in me have to look like a fucking god? It would be so much easier if it were a fat, smelly guy that took a liking to me.

  I watch from my safe seat on my sun lounger as he pulls said body out of the pool. Thankfully I have dark sunglasses on, so I’m hoping he doesn’t know that I’m watching all the water run down his bronzed skin and over the lines of his muscles until they meet the waistband of his shorts. Ruben, Fin and Connie have spent the last thirty minutes messing about in the pool while I sat and watched from the sidelines where I escaped to after Ruben’s flirting earlier. I got out the pool as quickly as I could to get away from him, covered my thighs and arse with my wrap, and pretended to ignore them all while my body defied my brain with its reaction to everything Ruben did. It was like my eyes were glued to him, even though my brain was screaming at me to stop, to stop getting myself in any deeper than I already am with my feelings for him. I remind myself over and over again that I will end up getting hurt. Why would the ultimate player change his ways for someone like me?

  “Come and help me grab some more drinks, Em,” he says as he walks off towards the bar.

  We make another pitcher of Pimm’s and he grabs a couple of beers for himself and Fin. It’s not until we are walking back towards the pool that he speaks. “Why have you covered yourself up in that?”

  “I…uh…don’t like my thighs.” They are the complete opposite of your muscular ones, I think to myself.

  “You have amazing legs, Emma. There’s nothing wrong with any part of your body. In fact, as far as I can tell, it’s all pretty perfect.” I feel his eyes running all over my back as he says this. I don’t need to turn around to see if I’m right. I just grunt a non-committal response at him and pour myself and Connie a fresh drink.

  We spend a couple of hours enjoying the last of the sun that is on the loungers while drinking and chatting. It doesn’t escape my notice that this pitcher of Pimm’s is way stronger than the first couple Connie and I made, and I do worry that Ruben may have done it on purpose to get me drunk. The more I have of it, though, the less I worry about his motives and just enjoy an afternoon with friends. It has been a long time since I’ve spent a carefree day like this. I thought I’d relaxed since moving here and starting my new life, but today has shown me that I have still been clinging on to a part of the old depressed me. I will be forever grateful to the three people sat around me for helping pull me from that, even though they are totally unaware.

  Hannah would have loved this, I think to myself, but surprisingly it’s not a sad thought. I’m so glad I have managed to turn a corner and be able to be happy when I think about her, and not just unbelievably sad that she is no longer here. I know that she’ll be looking down on me now, smiling that I have at last moved on with my life. I also can’t help thinking that if she was here, she would be encouraging me all the way with Ruben, no matter what is likely to happen somewhere down the road. Although shy, she was also up for doing what she wanted and making the most of opportunities thrown her way.

  “Hey, you okay?” Ruben asks quietly, pulling from my thoughts of my sister.

  “Yeah, sorry.”

  “S’okay. Here,” he says, handing me a fresh drink.

  “Thank you.”

  When we all came to sit down, the boys dragged a couple more loungers over to lie on. I look over to where Connie and Fin are lying next to each other, engrossed in whatever conversation they are having. I can’t help but notice that Fin hasn’t taken his eyes off Connie since the moment he arrived earlier, and I’m sure there was something a little more than friendly going on under the water earlier when Ruben was distracted.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You look a million miles away,” he asks, coming to sit on the end of my lounger. I tuck my legs up to give him space, but he grabs them and pulls them down on his lap. I’m weirdly comforted by his touch after my previous thoughts. It makes me feel all warm inside to think that I now have people who care how I am outside of my family.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, just lost in my own thoughts.”

  I choke slightly on my drink when I feel his hands start to massage my calves. I cough and splutter a little before I realise he hasn’t stopped, and that it feels amazing. I quickly finish my drink before laying back and enjoying the feeling of Ruben’s hands on me.

  I panic a little when I feel his hands start to go higher, but the alcohol running through my veins calms my nerves a little, and I let him continue because it feels too good for words.

  “We’re going to the Jacuzzi, as that’s the only place left in the sun. You two coming?” Connie asks, looking down over us with a smile on her face before she turns and skips after Fin, who is already lowering his body into the water.

  “You coming?” Ruben asks, as he unfortunately removes his hands from me and gets up.

  I jump up after him and look down at the wrap covering my thighs. I look back up at him and he has his eyebrow raised in question. All the Pimm’s must make me brave, because without even thinking, I untie it and throw it on to the sun lounger. The smile that lights up Ruben’s face warms my heart.

  “Confidence suits you, Em.”

  His compliment makes me blush as always, but I try to take it seriously because it did actually feel good not to worry about my body for once. Maybe his constant compliments about my body are getting through to me. As I start to head towards the Jacuzzi, I jump slightly when Ruben places his hand in the small of my back, which is only partially covered by fabric. When I feel his thumb caress my skin, I feel my temperature increase another notch. He has some weird effect on me, this man.

  He gets in the water first, then offers me his hand to help me up. It’s all going really well until my fuzzed-up brain miscalculates the width of the step and I go flying forward into Ruben’s chest. I fall with such force that he stumbles back and ends up sitting with me straddling him and holding on to the edge of the pool either side of his head. Somehow, during the whole thing, his hands manage to find their way to my arse, and with the way he is leant back slightly, my boobs are practically in his face.

  I look down at him to find him staring straight at them with his bottom lip clamped between his teeth.

  “Hey, look, Ruben’s in his favourite place - between a pair of tits!” Fin shouts, but soon gets reprimanded by Connie and everything goes silent behind me.

  I continue watching Ruben with amazement. As he swallows, I see all the m
uscles work in his neck and it causes something in me to want to put my lips there. He lets go of his lip and runs his tongue over it. I feel his hands squeeze my arse and he pulls me up higher on his lap. I suck in a breath when I feel something hit my thigh.


  I panic and go to move, but he holds on to me tightly and his eyes dart straight up to mine. His eyes are dark, even darker than usual, but weirdly, the gold is shining brightly, giving them a really naughty glint that shows exactly what he’s thinking. He squeezes my arse again, and I feel him roll his hips underneath me slightly, causing me to suck in another breath because he managed to move me up further with his arse squeeze and he is now pressing right against my core. The sensation that floods my body is like nothing I have ever felt before.

  Thank fuck for all the Pimm’s I’ve had today, because if I wasn’t slightly drunk right now, then I would be running for the hills. I suddenly hear Hannah’s voice in my head telling me to enjoy myself, and it instantly calms me.

  Giggling behind me distracts us both from whatever is going on between us, and Ruben loosens his hold on me, allowing me to move to the side and him to sit up properly.

  He leans over to whisper in my ear, “I’m sorry, you just-”

  “It’s okay,” I say, cutting him off.


  “Yeah, really.”

  “Good. I don’t want to scare you off again, but you have no idea how badly I want you right now.” As he says this, he shifts to his side slightly so he can focus on me and, I guess, block Connie and Fin from his line of sight.

  Heat instantly fills my face from his comment. I know that he’s just as tipsy as I am, so it’s probably just the alcohol that’s talking, I rationalise. Well, that is until I feel his hand run up my thigh slowly until it stops on my waist and he slides me over into his body, and I once again feel his length against my thigh.

  “Ruben,” I warn, but it falls on deaf ears.

  He leans forward until he is running the tip of his nose around my ear. “Fuck, I wish we were alone right now,” he whispers roughly.

  His words make me look up to the other couple in the pool, and what I see shocks the hell out of me because there is only one thing that could be going on over there, and I’m instantly aware that I need to keep Ruben’s attention away from them or this day could really go to shit. Fin is leant over Connie, a little like Ruben is to me. The difference is that Connie has her head leant back against the tiles with her eyes shut, her are lips parted with a small smile on her face, and I can see from here how fast she’s breathing. I’ve read enough sex scenes to know exactly what is going on, and where Fin’s hand currently is.

  Shit, if Ruben sees, then he’s going to go crazy. I focus my attention back on him and let them have some privacy – well, as much as they can have in this situation.

  Ruben moves his lips down and starts placing small little kisses on my neck. Goosebumps prick my skin. My nipples tighten, and a tingling floods my body and heads straight between my legs.

  At the same time his lips hit the top of my chest, his hands come up to the tie around my neck and start tugging.

  “What are you doing?” I ask in panic. He is not undressing me, not here. Well, not anywhere for that matter.

  “Shhh…you’ll get…tan lines,” he says between kisses and nips to my skin.

  He’s right, I guess; I’m right in the sun, but I’m not convinced by his excuse. If he thinks he’s getting a look at any more of me than he already has today, then he needs to think again.

  When he’s dropped the straps of my costume, he pulls back slightly so he can look down at my boobs - not that he can see them with the height of the water. I guess he likes what he sees, because I hear a low growl come from him.

  “Fuck, your tits are awesome, Emma.”

  I feel his hand start to creep up from my waist and I start to panic. Well, that is until I hear Connie moan rather loudly. Ruben doesn’t seem to notice, but it’s only a matter of time. I know that I need to do something to keep his attention, and I know that I am seriously going to regret this, but I can’t allow him to know what is going on behind him.

  Without second thought, I grab his hand and, to his utter shock, if his bulging eyes are anything to go by, I place it straight over my right boob. Not much is being covered now he has undone my top, and the heat of his skin burns into me. I hear some more whimpering from Connie, and I know it’s now or never. I lean forward and place my lips against his. It takes him a second to do anything, but when he does, he lifts his other hand and threads his fingers through my hair at the back of my head and holds so tightly it almost hurts. He groans loudly as I open my lips for him, and our tongues touch for the first time. This groan is perfectly timed, because it comes at exactly the same time Connie moans Fin’s name loudly.

  I know I’m doing this for Connie and Fin’s sake, but shit me if it doesn’t feel fucking insane. I already knew having his hands on me was incredible, but kissing him is out of this world. Every time his tongue caresses mine, anther bolt of electricity shoots down my body, causing the throb between my legs to become almost unbearable. When he also pinches my nipple between his fingers, I feel like my body is going to shatter into a million pieces.

  Ruben eventually pulls back from our kiss and rests his forehead against mine. He looks straight into my eyes when I open them, and it’s like he can read every one of my thoughts.

  “It’s never going to be enough with you, is it?”

  I have no idea what he means, and I’m too buzzed from the mixture of alcohol and Ruben to really care.

  “Woohoo, get in there, dude!” Fin helpfully shouts from the other side of the Jacuzzi.

  I’m mortified that they just watched that. I lean forward and bury my head in Ruben’s neck to hide my red face, wondering why I’m the one that’s embarrassed from just a kiss after what they had been up to.

  “Ignore him; he’s a dick,” Ruben whispers to me, then adds, “That was incredible, babe.”

  “I think it’s time we go and start getting ready,” Connie announces not long later. I’m seriously grateful, because it means I can get away from Fin’s smug smile. I have no idea if it’s caused by his own accomplishment earlier or mine and Ruben’s kiss, but I have no intention of finding out.

  I tie my costume back up and follow Connie out of the water after receiving a sweet kiss on the cheek and a see you later from Ruben.

  Chapter Eight


  “What the fuck was that?” Connie asks as we enter her bedroom.

  “Me? You want to know what I was up to? That’s rich, you little slut!” She does have the decency to look a little sheepish. “I was trying to distract your brother from killing Fin when he saw what the two of you were up to!”

  “Oh. Was it that obvious?”

  “You’re kidding, right?” She just shrugs at me. “Not only did it look bloody obvious, but do you have any idea how loud you were?”


  “Loud, Connie. You were loud! Kissing him was the only way I could think that might not result in another fight. Do you go out of your way to try to wind him up, or is it just a natural talent?” I ask with a laugh.

  “You’ll be surprised to hear that I hardly do anything to piss him off. This week has been a one off. I didn’t sleep with Elliot to get to Ru; he was just here when Ru and Fin weren’t, and filled a hole, if you know what I mean!”

  “Ugh, Con!”

  “And Fin…well he’s just Fin, ya know?”

  “Uh…no not really. You’ve never said anything about him, but it’s been obvious to me since he came back that there is something there. Care to share?”

  “Not really, it’s old news. We just have this pull, and as much as I know Ru hates it, sometimes I’m just not strong enough to leave him alone.”

  “You’re kidding, you’re seriously not going to explain?”

  “I will, just not now. We’ve got just over an hour before I wan
t to head out for food, drinks and dancing. I don’t want to ruin our night with that.”

  “Fine,” I concede, but I will be finding out about them soon.

  “Sooo…Miss Morrison, how was that kiss, then? It looked pretty hot from where I was sitting.”

  “I’m surprised you noticed!” I mutter, as I slump down on Connie’s bed and put my head in my hands. She comes over and sits down next to me and gently pulls my hands away.

  “I know we haven’t really talked about Ru that much, but you do like him, right?”

  I stare at her for a few seconds while I think about what I want to say. “I guess, but-”

  “No buts, Em. If you like him, then go for it. Let go and enjoy yourself for once. From what you’ve said about your past, I’m guessing that hasn’t happened often.”

  “No, it hasn’t,” I reply sadly. “But he isn’t what I want, Con. He’s a player. I don’t want to be fucked and chucked, so to speak. Plus, he’s your brother. That could make things seriously awkward around here. I won’t lose you because something stupid happens with him.”

  “Aw, Em, you’re not going to lose me. I’m gonna ask you a question. You don’t need to answer if you don’t want to, but I’ve got to ask.”

  Oh God, I dread what is coming next.

  “Have you been with a guy before?”

  I look up at her from under my lashes and gently shake my head.

  “I thought as much. So, is that why you’re so against anything happening?”

  “Yes, no, I don’t know. I think more than anything I just don’t want to be hurt, and I just know that he will end up doing that, whether he means to or not.” I admit, feeling stupid.

  “Wow, you really have fallen for him, haven’t you?”

  I throw myself back on her bed with a growl. “This is so fucked up,” I groan.

  “I promise I won’t tell him anything you just told me.”

  I look up at her, shocked. “I didn’t think you would, but thank you.”


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