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Angel Series Books #1-2.5

Page 80

by Tracy Lorraine

  After getting another grilling for what I’ve done to Emma from Connie on Tuesday night after I finish work, I jump in the shower before dinner.

  I’m just walking out of the en suite when a figure stood in my bedroom makes my heart skip a beat. For a fleeting second, I think it’s Emma, but when my brain functions properly I realise that there is fake blonde hair and brown eyes looking back at me. My heart sinks and I’m just about to tell her to leave when she opens her coat and lets it drop to the floor.

  She is stood in fire engine red lingerie. The bra is cupless, showing me her large, albeit fake, tits. A garter belt is around her slim waist, holding up sheer stockings with lace tops. I skim down her legs until I see her black, leather, strappy hooker heels. When I look back up and see her smooth pussy that I know will be ready for me, all thoughts leave my head. Emma doesn’t want me. She keeps telling me to go and shag someone who is up for it, and here that is on a plate. I may as well take what I need. I’m still horny as hell from yesterday morning. No matter how many times I have a wank, it isn’t going away. Maybe this is just what I need.

  I stride straight up to her, grab on to her arse and push her back until she is up against the wall. There is no way we are doing this in my bed. The last woman that was on my bed was Emma. I am not ruining that memory with this trashy one. My lips instantly find hers, and I kiss her with all the passion that has built up in me from wanting Emma. I feel her hands go to the towel that is around my waist and it gets ripped from my body before she grabs on to my cock. I’m not completely ready for her, seeing as she isn’t who I really want, but after a bit of encouragement on her part, I’m ready to go. I lean over to grab a condom and roll it on.

  Danni goes to say something, but I return to kissing her, because I don’t think I can bear to hear the sound of her high-pitched voice. I return my hands to her arse and lift her, before plunging into her in one swift move. She pulls her mouth from mine as it falls back and she lets out a loud moan that has me cringing.

  Now, I’m not proud of myself. I’m usually a great lover, but this is about one thing. For me, this is about releasing my pent-up frustration over Emma. It has nothing to do with Danni, other than the fact she is the willing woman who is here right now. I have no intention of making this good for her. I know what I want, what I need from this, and I’m going to get it. If it was anyone else, I might feel guilty, but she uses me just as much as I use her, so I feel less of an arsehole.

  I haven’t had sex for so long that it doesn’t take much to get me on the edge of orgasm. Danni is moaning and groaning for England, but that doesn’t surprise me; she’s always been a loud one. I know she is faking it, though, and to be honest I don’t care. I shove my face into her neck as I let go. Don’t get me wrong, it feels good, but it doesn’t consume me like I need it to. It almost feels empty, which is a little like how I feel on the inside, knowing what I have just done.

  I let her legs drop, pull out of her and move as far away as I can. I throw her coat at her when I pass it. “Thanks, but I think you should leave.”


  “No buts. You got what you came for,” Sort of, I think as I head back into my en suite for another shower. I can’t keep the smell of her on me a minute more than necessary.

  I listen to her pull her coat on before she storms out of my room and down the stairs. I hear voices downstairs and I can only presume that her and Connie are throwing abuse at each other.

  I spin around, slam the en suite door and punch the solid oak with as much strength as I can muster.

  “FUCK!” I shout into the enclosed space.

  What the fuck did I just do?

  “You fucking arsehole,” Connie shouts at me when I appear some time later. What I don’t expect is the unopened can of Coke she was about to drink to come flying towards my head. I just about catch it before it makes impact, and put it on the side.

  “What the fuck?” I question as she comes over and starts punching me.

  “I can’t believe you fucking did that, you fucking dickhead,” she shouts as she continues punching.

  I grab her wrists to stop her. She is really angry. Her face is red and she’s shaking. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Emma was here, you dickhead. She heard the lot,” she admits at a much lower volume to the previous shouting. “She heard you fucking her.”

  “Fuck.” I let go of Connie and perch myself on the edge of one of our bar stools.

  “One moan from Barbie and she was running to the bathroom to throw up. You’ve fucking done it this time, bro. I hope the plastic princess was worth it, because I think that could be it for Emma.”

  “ARGH,” I shout into my hands as I scrub them over my face and pull my hair back tightly. “I’m going for a run.”

  “Don’t you dare go and see her. There is no way she wants to see you anytime soon, trust me.”

  “I won’t.” And I mean it, I won’t go chasing after her this time. I know I’ve fucked up badly. I don’t think there is anything I can do to convince her that she’s the one I want now.

  I run for miles trying to figure my shit out. It doesn’t help, though. I still hate myself for fucking Danni, and I still can’t get Emma out of my head. The thought of what she felt when she heard me with Danni makes me feel sick. I was meant to be showing her I wanted her. I was meant to be fighting for her.

  I end up stood outside Emma’s house. No surprise there. I have no intention of knocking, or even seeing if she’s in. I just stupidly thought that I might find out if she’s okay by just being here.

  Well, that was the intention, but as I stand in her front garden, it’s obvious even from here with her open windows that she’s crying.

  And now I feel even more of an arsehole.

  Chapter Eleven


  The moment I heard Molly’s voice on the phone the other night, I burst into tears. No not just tears - full on ugly sobs. I felt so stupid at the time, and I still do now, about my reaction to Ruben sleeping with someone. He’s not mine. I’ve told him time and time again that I don’t want him. I should not be this gutted about losing him. Losing him, ha, I never had him in the first place to claim as mine. We’ve had what, like two kisses. I’ve fought against my feelings for him because I knew I’d get hurt, and look what has happened anyway. I’m the one crying into my pillow while he is losing himself in another woman.

  I blink back my unwanted reoccurring tears as I shut down my computer. I promised Molly I’d go round and have dinner with her and Ryan tonight. She wants to try to cheer me up, and to be honest, I really need it. I need a friend, and I hate to say it, but I don’t want to see Connie. Not yet. She just reminds me of him and I can’t bear the look of sympathy that I know will be in her eyes.

  I head home first so I can get changed. I look ridiculous in my boring work clothes now I have lost some weight. My black trouser suits hang off me. I need to go to town to get some new ones. I’m sure my colleagues think I’m weird enough as it is; I don’t need to be walking around looking like I’ve borrowed my grandmother’s wardrobe.

  I’ve just turned the car off when my phone starts ringing. When I see it’s Connie, I have to fight with myself to answer it. I know I shouldn’t, and that she has no control over Ruben’s actions, but I’m not liking her much at the moment.

  “Hey, how are you?” It comes out sounding way too happy and high-pitched.

  “Uh, fine. You?”

  “Yeah great, just finished work.”

  “I was hoping you could pop into the shop. I need a favour.”

  “Yeah sure, but I’m going to Molly’s for dinner later so I can’t stay long. Let me just get changed and I’ll be there.”

  “Awesome, thank you.”

  Thirty minutes later, I’ve found somewhere to park and I’m walking into Connie’s packed coffee shop.

  “Wow, it’s busy,” I say when I eventually get to the counter.

  “I know, a load of coaches came f
or a day trip and now there is a water leak at the entrance to the car park. No one can leave until they’ve fixed it. They’ve all been here hours.”

  “Good for business, though. What do you need me to do?” I watch as she reaches below the counter and hands a phone over to me.

  “This is Ruben’s. He left it here earlier. It’s been going crazy. Please could you drop it at the house?” She must see the reluctance on my face. “He won’t be there. He’ll still be at work, I’d imagine, but at least it’ll be there when he gets back. Some of the phone calls are from big clients, and I don’t want them waiting too long if it’s important.”

  “As long as I only have to drop it off.”

  “Of course, I wouldn’t put you in that position, Em.”

  “I know. Okay, have a good evening. I’ll see you tomorrow, what time are you picking me up?” Connie has booked us both in to her usual hairdresser. She insisted that it was time I did something with my locks, and seeing as Saturday is her parents’ anniversary party, that I haven’t been able to get myself out of, it’s the perfect opportunity.

  “Five. See you tomorrow,” she says as she starts serving her next customer.

  I quickly head to her place with the intention of leaving the phone on the kitchen worktop and getting the hell out of there before I run into Ruben.

  The house is in silence when I let myself in with the spare key. I breathe out a sigh of relief that he isn’t here.

  I go over to the kitchen worktop, but something tells me to take his phone up to his room. I have no idea where the little voice comes from, and I have even less idea why the hell I listen to it. He’s not here, though, so I can put it on his unit and then leave. He’ll find it faster that way, I rationalise to myself.

  I start questioning my decision as soon as I begin ascending the stairs, but I carry on nonetheless. As it hit the top step, a noise starts buzzing in my ears as I think about what I’m about to do. I should not be entering Ruben’s personal space without permission. He has no idea I’m even in his house, let alone about to go into his bedroom.

  The door is ajar when I get there, so I slowly push it open. What I find inside is not what I was expecting at all, and it has my feet rooted to the spot.

  Although my body is frozen, my eyes flick back and forth between the TV and the back of Ruben’s head and shoulders in complete shock.

  I’ve never watched porn. People might say what I read and write is porn, but they are wrong - that is romance, not just meaningless fucking. I look down from the very graphic scene on the TV and back to what I can see of Ruben, which admittedly isn’t a lot, but I can still tell what he’s doing. As well as the back of his head and naked shoulders, I can also see the top of his naked knees where they are slightly bent. He is sat on the floor, leaning back against the bed, and the slight movement in his body gives him away instantly.

  Suddenly, making me jump, he throws his head back on the bed and grunts loudly. He stays there for a few seconds while he catches his breath, I guess.

  I must make a noise that I’m completely unaware of, because he turns his head, snaps his eyes to mine and holds them for a few seconds. It’s almost like he thinks he’s dreaming, that I can’t possibly be stood there looking back at him.

  It feels like hours that we are both stock still just staring at each other. My heart is racing in my chest, and I know that I really should be leaving. I have just seriously invaded his personal space and caught him doing something that I’m sure he really didn’t want a spectator for.

  He eventually breaks eye contact with me and begins to move, but before I know what is going on, he is stood in front of me in his boxers. Luckily, he covered himself up before walking over here.

  He reaches out, grabs on to my wrist and pulls me into the room before closing the door behind me. I step back away from him but soon bump against the door. He steps into me, but not before I notice that he has a serious bulge in his boxers already. So much for needing recovery time, I think, before I’m distracted when he presses the length of his body up against mine.

  I suck in a breath as we continue to stare at each other. Even more heat rushes down between my legs, and I feel it start to throb in a way I’ve never felt before. I’m sure the quiet moans and groans that are still coming from Ruben’s TV aren’t helping the situation.

  “You’re going to run again, aren’t you?” he growls in my ear.

  All I can think about is kissing him and having his hands on me. This is totally at odds with how I felt a few minutes ago, never wanting to see him again after the other night, but being here with him changes everything. He’s right, I should run, but that rational side of my brain isn’t firing right because all I can hear is let go, take what you want, what you need.

  I can’t form any words, so I just shake my head at him and bite down on my lip nervously, because I have no idea what is going to happen if I stay. It could be the biggest mistake of my life. Or it could be the best thing that has ever happened to me, a voice says from somewhere deep inside me.

  “You should. I’m not good enough for you. I’ve treated you so badly. You deserve better than me,” he whispers, while running the tip of his nose around my ear.

  “I know,” I manage to say back. My voice sounds all gravelly and weird when it comes out, though.

  “Fuck, I need you,” he says as he rubs his erection into my stomach. “Jesus, I need you so bad. Only you.”

  I sense some sort of apology in those words for what he did the other night, but I can’t be sure, and to be honest, I don’t really care at that moment.

  “Fuck it,” he exclaims, before his lips touch mine and I feel his tongue pass them in search of mine.

  I repeat his two words in my head, and tilt my head to the side to accept his kiss. The groan he emits when our tongues touch spurs me on, and I lean into him more. His hands that were gently resting on my cheeks skim down my sides, and I feel him lift up the hem of my vest top so he can touch skin.

  He continues to kiss me passionately while he rocks his hips back and forth into me. His hands caress the skin of my stomach. I’m aware that I should be self-conscious that he is touching a part of me I hate, but it’s only a fleeting thought. Having his hands on me again just feels too good to care.

  He pulls his lips from mine and starts to kiss down my neck. His breath, like mine, is coming out in fast pants. I guess his heart is racing just like mine.

  His hands slip my vest up and over my boobs, exposing my white lace bra. He crouches down so his face is right in front of them, before shoving it right in my cleavage. I feel his tongue lick and his teeth graze my sensitive skin while his hands squeeze my boobs and his fingers flick over my nipples, sending tingles all around my body.

  My breath catches in my throat when I feel him pull the fabric of my bra cup down to expose my nipple. The cool air of his breath makes it pebble almost painfully, until I feel the incredible heat of his mouth wrap around it. The feeling is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. The electric shocks shoot out all around my body. I even feel it in my fingertips and toes. I slump back more against the door as my body tries to deal with the alien feelings he is creating.

  Ruben continues to suck and tease my nipple with his tongue. I’m aware I’m panting like a dog, but I don’t have a care in the world right now. I’m totally putty in his hands. If he’s worried I’m going to run, then he shouldn’t be, because I don’t have the power to walk away from what he is doing to me.

  “ARGH,” I shout involuntarily when he pinches my other nipple. At the same time, he sucks hard, and I swear nips with his teeth.

  “Fuck, Em, you’re so hot. You have no idea how long I’ve been dying to do this for. I’ve needed my hands on you since that first day I saw you in the coffee shop. I’ve dreamt of how you’d taste, what your tits would feel like. You’ve been fucking killing me.”

  I can only whimper back at his words as his attention goes back to my boobs.

  I feel his hand ru
n down my stomach, and I don’t think anything of it until I feel it slip under the waistband of my skirt.

  “Ruben?” I question.

  “Shhh. Trust me.”

  I don’t get time to even think about a response, because I feel his fingers part me and he grazes my clit gently. My whole body flinches at the contact, making Ruben chuckle to himself.


  Well, tonight isn’t going exactly as I planned. I’ve still been horny as hell and beating myself up about what I did the other night. I’d decided to finish work early tonight as I couldn’t find my phone anywhere, and go and see if Emma would talk to me. I needed to explain that I was a huge twat for giving into temptation when I should have been fighting for her and showing her how much I wanted her. I wasn’t expecting her to forgive me anytime soon, but I needed to at least try.

  I decided it was best to try to rid myself of my constant hard on before I headed over to her house, so I stuck the adult channel on the TV and settled myself in front of my bed to hopefully achieve the release I needed to tide me over for as long as possible. That woman has messed with my head as well as my body. It’s like it’s got a mind of its own now.

  What I was not expecting to find when I did eventually hit climax was Emma leaning against my doorframe with a wide-eyed, shocked look on her face as she stared at me.

  I tried my best not to get my hopes up, because she has a way of shattering them every time I have been hopeful before. I need to take any time I get with her for what it is. Luck.

  As with my previous experiences with Emma, she is hesitant until I take charge and show her how much I want her. Except this time, I could tell she was mine when I started giving my favourite part of her body some attention. Her tits. Fuck me, her tits are better than I could ever have imagined. And her nipples, fuck, they are fucking perfect. Jesus, I want her naked and waiting for me so badly. Just the thought of her laid out on my bed completely bare for me takes me that little closer to coming again. I’ve always had a pretty good recovery time, but even I couldn’t believe how fast my cock popped back up when I saw her stood there earlier. It’s like she has complete control over it. If that is what is meant by pussy whipped, then fuck me, I’m all for it.


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