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Angel Series Books #1-2.5

Page 106

by Tracy Lorraine

  I have been looking forward to this day with the girls for weeks now, just for some peace. I feel awful saying it, but I think some time with the boys will do him some good as well. I just hope me manages to switch off and enjoy himself. I’ll be well looked after, plus I’ll be with both mine and Emma’s mum, who have plenty of experience in this department - especially Emma’s mum, after having two sets of twins.

  I have a little catnap in the car to get some energy for the day, and we are soon meeting my mum, Lilly, Molly, Abbi and Susan in the hotel foyer to check in.

  Lilly and I head to the room we’re sharing to get ready to head down to the spa for the day.

  “How are you doing?”

  “I’m good. Fed up of being treated like glass, but good. He’s so worried something’s going to happen so I can’t be mad. Saying that, though, it’s getting harder and harder not to snap at him. It’s not his fault though. I hope he knows that when I’m being a bitch.”

  “I’m sure he does. I’m sure he’d let you get away with pretty much anything at the moment, as you’re carrying his baby.”

  “True. Enough about me. Any improvement on your love life?” I ask, trying to dig for information.

  Lilly may look very much like Hannah from the photos I’ve seen, but I see a lot of similarities in her personality to Emma. Lilly is pretty hard to read, just like Emma was when I first met her. What am I saying? Emma was hard to read until the truth came out about her twin. Now she’s not hiding anything, the dark clouds have lifted from her eyes and she is really open – well, a million times better than she was, anyway.

  Lilly gives things away, though, unlike Emma. She might not know she does, but I’ve picked up on little bits. She’s told me that she recently broke up with a relatively long-term boyfriend, but every time she says his name, she totally closes down. I haven’t figured out why, but I can only presume it wasn’t a good ending to their relationship. I can only hope she is trying to cover up a broken heart, but I have this nagging feeling it’s something worse than that.

  I’m pulled from my thoughts when she responds. “No, nothing. Wish I could say the same for Taylor, though. I feel like I should have a revolving door installed in our flat at the moment. As soon as one leaves, another enters. It’s like a never-ending train of hot men and women!”

  “Women? I thought he was gay,” I say, thinking about Lilly’s very camp best friend and flat mate.

  “Yeah, he is. Doesn’t stop him playing, though. He’s not fussy as long as he can shove his dick somewhere, I don’t think!” Lilly shouts through from the bathroom, where she is now getting changed.

  “Lovely!” I say with a laugh. I love Taylor, he’s great. He is just the type of gay best friend every girl needs.

  “Urgh, are you being serious?” I complain when Lilly reappears from the bathroom in a glamorous navy blue swimming costume. Lilly is tall, slim, and downright gorgeous. She makes me feel like a whale. I take a second to look down at myself. Okay, so yeah, I’m wearing a bikini, but my protruding belly makes it look anything but sexy!

  “Shut up, Connie. You look amazing, you have the most perfect bump and you’re glowing.”

  I make a non-committal kind of noise in response, and run my eyes over her again. Will I ever be skinny again?

  Our spa day was amazing and left us all relaxed and ready for the celebrations that lay ahead of us. Both my mum and Susan were like little Duracell bunnies with the excitement of their babies getting married. I couldn’t believe my eyes when they both started pulling penis paraphernalia out of a carrier bag. Emma had made it quite clear that she wanted a sophisticated and classy day, but they both well and truly ruined that. Emma looked mortified; it was really quite funny.

  I thought I was going to feel left out with not being able to be going in the Jacuzzi and sauna with the others, but everyone made sure not to leave me alone to get bored. Especially Lilly. I was so grateful for her; she spent nearly all day with me and didn’t mind missing out a little. I couldn’t help but feel like she was trying to keep her distance from the others. She just fobbed me off when I mentioned it, though, saying she was looking after me. I wasn’t convinced.

  Standing alongside Lilly, Molly and Abbi in our matching emerald gowns, we wait in the living room of the bridal suite, ready for our bride to appear. Thankfully, Emma chose something that would look good on all of us, and fit an ever growing Bob in. That being said, though, I do feel like a heffalump. They all look elegant and ladylike with the soft fabric flowing from the empire line down to their feet, and little fluffy shrugs covering their shoulders. I feel anything but bloody elegant and ladylike!

  When Emma does appear, I’m instantly crying. She looks amazing. The dress is out of this world. When she came out of the dressing room in it a couple of months ago, it was instantly obvious that it was the one. It’s cream, and the top half is pleated satin with a low v that Ruben will love, then it has a full tulle skirt. Emma didn’t want to try it on because of the size of the skirt; she wanted something really simple and small. She lost her argument, though, because we could all see just from the hanger how good it would look.

  “Connie, don’t,” she warns, “You’ll make me start.”

  “Sorry,” I sniffle.

  As we walk down towards the cars that are waiting to take us to the church for the ceremony, I can’t help but think that I’ve never been this happy. I’m about to watch my brother and my best friend tie the knot.

  I’ve never been one to dream about my perfect wedding and what my dress will be like. I’ve always just thought that it’ll probably happen one day and I’ll worry about it at the time. But as we head toward the church, I feel the wedding bug start to take over me as I imagine it being Fin waiting for me at the other end of this journey.

  I sob the whole way down the aisle and through the entire ceremony. So much so that I watched it all as a blur through my tears. The ceremony was gorgeous, and the look on both Emma and Ruben’s faces as they said their vows were like nothing I’ve ever seen before. If anyone needs any evidence that happily ever afters exist, then surely they are living, walking proof that they do.

  I glance over to my man, who is stood by Ruben’s side in his navy tails, and my stomach twists. I didn’t think I would, but I’ve missed him so much the last two days. I desperately want to be wrapped in his arms, and as much as I don’t want to wish the rest of the ceremony away, I need it too badly.

  I begin to sob even harder when the vicar announces that they are husband and wife and that Ruben can kiss his bride, and before I know what’s happening, I feel him behind me.

  “You’re such a softie. Have you been crying all morning?” he whispers in my ear as his arms wrap around me. I let out a huge breath and lean back into him as we watch Emma and Ruben make their way over to sign the register.

  I didn’t really see Ruben as a church kind of guy, but when Emma started explaining about the church in our village being where her nan and grandad got married years ago, he didn’t really have a choice but to agree. Not that he would ever say no to Emma, anyway!

  “I guess we should be doing this next,” Fin says as we head out of the church for photos.

  I stop dead in my tracks, causing him to crash into me, which then makes him panic that he’s hurt me and Bob. I ignore his concern, though, and rewind to his previous comment.

  “That had better not be you asking me to marry you, because I may not really have any desire for the whole princess wedding thing, but you are not getting away with that as a proposal, Finlay Willis.”

  He opens his mouth to respond, but we get interrupted when the photographer calls for the wedding party. The smile he gives me does make me wonder, though.

  Okay, so maybe that was a little harsh. In reality, it doesn’t matter to me how, when, or even if Fin proposes to me, because I have at last got everything I could ever want. I have Fin, the only man I have ever wanted. We have Ruben’s approval and love, and we have Bob - or will, soon.

  “Smile,” the photographer shouts, and I look around at all the people I love while rubbing my hand over my bump.

  Life couldn’t get any better.


  I’ve been praying that this moment somehow won’t happen, but here I am, sat at the head table, looking at a happy Ruben as he nods at me to start my best man speech. I’m not usually one to get nervous, but I’m seriously feeling the pressure right now. I’ve read every article I could find online about how to write a great best man speech. I’ve written and rewritten what I want to say. I’ve rehearsed on my own, in front of a mirror and in front of Dad and Connie. I couldn’t be more prepared for this moment. That doesn’t help me not wanting to run for the exit as fast as my legs will carry me, though, as I rise from my chair and take in all the apprehensive and excited faces in front of me.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  You can do this, you can totally do this. You talk all day every day. This should be a walk in the park.

  I pull my notes out of the inside of my jacket and unfold them. The room is in silence as they wait for my words.

  I glance at my first bullet point, and I feel Connie give my hand a squeeze. It helps to ground me; she’s there right by my side where she belongs.

  I open my mouth to start, but nothing comes out. I look back down at my notes and realise that the words on there aren’t me. They haven’t come from where they should. My heart.

  So, in a moment of pure madness, I screw the paper up in my hand and throw it behind me. I hear a couple of gasps from around the room, but I manage to ignore them.

  I take a very big breath and begin.

  “I’ve known Ruben for as long as I can remember. We’ve gotten ourselves in to all sorts of trouble over the years. I could go into it, but I don’t think that’s important. If you do want to hear embarrassing stories about the groom, though, feel free to ask me, I’ll be here all night!” I get a couple of sniggers, but I push them away and continue.

  “What I think is important is to discuss what this lovely lady has done for my best friend. Being my best friend, I always thought that Ruben was pretty awesome. I never knew, though, that a part of him was missing, and it wasn’t until he received a photograph of a certain someone when we were in Australia earlier this year that I realised. The look on his face as he stared down into a pair of brown eyes was nothing I had ever seen before.

  “I knew then and there that I’d lost him. Gone were our bachelor days. He was getting whipped right in front of my eyes. Emma has given Ruben something I don’t think he ever thought he would have. She’s given him her love, and he is only a better person because of that.

  “Both Ruben and Emma have had things to overcome to get to where they are, but I know without doubt that it was worth it. Seeing the smiles on their faces today is proof of that.

  “I don’t want to bore you all for much longer, but I want to say this. Ruben, you are the best friend I could ask for, and as you embark on a new life with your wife, I will be here, taking care of the other woman in your life.” I look down at Connie and give her hand a squeeze, “And I truly hope that, in the near future, you’ll have as many lovely things to say about me to a roomful of people. Because I am well aware that if I were to embarrass you in front of all these people tonight that the payback would definitely be painful and I intend on following in your footsteps very soon.

  “So, without further ado, will you all please raise your glasses to the happy couple, Mr. and Mrs. Foster. I love you both, and I wish you a lifetime of happiness together.”

  I look down at Connie once I’ve had a sip of my champagne, and can't help but laugh at the tears running down her face. It’s pretty much how she’s spent the day. She still looks beautiful, though. Until the comment I made earlier in the church, neither of us had said anything about marriage, but I fully intend to make her Mrs. Willis in the not top distant future.

  I have it all planned out.

  And it will be perfect, just like her.



  “Dance with me,” I say to Fin when the familiar sound of Usher’s Love in this Club starts booming out from the DJ’s speakers.

  “No, you’re meant to be taking it easy,” he scalds. I’ve spent all day, apart from being in the church, sat on my arse. I’m fed up. I need to move.

  “Oh, come on, don’t you remember this song from my parents’ anniversary?” I say, thinking back to that night earlier in the year.

  We’d been dancing together, hiding behind the others on the dance floor for a while. Fin was very conscious that Ruben could see us at any moment. Me, though? I was too drunk to care at that point. I just wanted some fun.

  Thankfully, Ruben disappeared with Emma at some point, leaving us to do as we pleased, and when this song started playing, Fin didn’t stand a chance. I don’t think the song had even finished by the time he was pulling me out of the function room. Somehow, we made it to my room without stripping each other on the way.

  I’ve never panicked as much as I did the next morning. Lack of sleep probably added to my sheer panic when someone started hammering on the door. I thought we were busted and that it was Ruben on the other side, ready to rip Fin’s balls off. I pushed him in his half-asleep state into the bathroom to hide while I answered the door. The relief that flooded me when I saw it was Emma was unbelievable.

  I eventually convince Fin to dance with me, but it’s nothing like the last time, unfortunately. There is no bumping and grinding, just kinda swaying back and forth with him reaching around the bump to get to me. Sexy!

  “Shall we get your stuff from our room before it gets too late?” Lilly says a while later, when I’m once again sat on my arse at a table, watching everyone else have fun.

  “Yeah, sure, as long as you don’t mind leaving the party.”

  “Of course not. Plus, I need to get out of this dress. The bones are digging in something crazy.”

  “Okay, let’s go. Won’t Emma moan if you get changed?” I ask, but I see Emma as we leave the room swaying around and hanging off Ruben’s arm. “Second thoughts,” I say, nodding in their direction, “I don’t think she’ll even notice!”

  “Are you okay while I go get changed?”

  “Yes,” I say, trying not to sound pissed off. I know everyone is only looking out for me. I watch as Lilly grabs her change of clothes, and I continue packing my stuff so I can move it to the room I’ll be sharing with Fin tonight.

  “Oh fuck!”

  “Shit, what’s wrong?” Lilly asks as she comes flying out of the bathroom. If my toe didn’t hurt so much, I might actually laugh at her panic that I could be giving birth right this second.

  “It’s alright, calm your tits, I just stubbed my toe on the bed.”

  “Thank God for that, I don’t know the first thing about delivering a baby,” she says with a laugh.

  It’s only now that the pain has dulled down that I look up from my seated position on the edge of the bed. Lilly is stood in just her underwear, but what really catches my attention is a scar across her lower abdomen. It looks relatively new.

  “What’s that?” I ask, without really thinking. I’ve known both her and Emma for quite a while now, and neither has mentioned any recent surgery.

  I see the colour drain from her face the second she registers what I’ve said. She looks down and immediately puts her hand over the scar.

  “Fuck,” she mutters, before putting her hands up over her face and turning around.

  “Lilly, what’s wrong?”

  “Connie, please,” she begs, but stops.

  “Please what?”

  “Please don’t tell anyone. Please,” she gets out, before she breaks down sobbing. I instantly stand up and put my arms around her.

  “Hey, it’s okay. Whatever you want,” I whisper in her ear, trying to soothe her, while my imagination runs wild about what could have caused that scar that she doesn’t want anyone knowing about. It isn’t a standard
surgical procedure, that’s for sure.

  Find out what Lilly is hiding on the 25th August.


  Firstly, thank you to all of you for your love of Emma and Ruben. The comments you made after reading their story blew me away. I wasn’t expecting you all to relate to Emma so much and to cry along with her. Connie peaked your interest in Emma, and I’m so pleased that many of you have been begging me for her story. It means so much to me that you love my characters as much as I do. I hope she didn’t disappoint.

  Thank you to everyone who has posted, shared and pimped for me in the run up to Connie’s release. Especially Deanna and Dawn - I really appreciate all your support.

  Pam, as always, thank you so much for the hours you put into helping and listening to me go on about my crazy bunch of characters.

  Thank you to Evelyn at Pinpoint Editing for proofreading Connie and making her as perfect as possible for me.

  Thank you to my husband and baby girl for putting up with me being either attached to my laptop or my phone at all hours.

  Up until Connie, I’d kept my writing secret from most people. When I started out, it was important to me to see if I could do it myself and to not have a number of my reviews written by my friends and family. But after four successful books, I thought it was time to come clean. So, a huge thank you to my best friend, Lindsay, for not thinking I’m any crazier than she already thought I was, for supporting me without question, and diving straight into my books. I am beyond thrilled that you loved them and now sit and talk about my fictional friends with me like they are real people.

  So, obviously, Lilly’s story is next in the series. What is that scar all about?! But I’ve also got something else up my sleeve, so watch this space…


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