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Maybe Memphis (Bishop Family Book 3)

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by Brooke St. James

  "Will you please let me do it?" he asked. "Even if things change and I can't come down as often as I hoped…even if I can't keep the place. I still want to just pay for the year. Is that okay? I don't have that much on me, but I can bring it by tomorrow."

  I was totally confused. I could tell he was sweet and genuine, but at the same time it made no sense why he would want to just give away money.

  "Why?" I asked.

  "Because I want to. Can that please be a good enough reason—that I want to?"

  "Are you accustomed to getting what you want?" I asked.

  "Especially when its super-reasonable like this."

  "I don't even know your last name," I said.


  "Like J.F.?"

  "More like G.I.," he said. He had a deep voice and spoke with an air of confidence that made me smile. I was putty in his hands.

  "G.I. Joe?" I asked.

  "Gray Isaac," he said with an easy grin. "G.I. Kennedy. But G.I. Joe fits, too, now that you mention it."

  I had no idea why he wanted to do what he was doing, but I liked him, and I didn't feel the need to question him about it. I figured there was still a chance he wouldn't show up with a year's rent the following day, anyway, and if he did, I would just deal with it at that point.

  We heard the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs, and I opened the door just in time to find that my mother had climbed to the top.

  "Is everything okay?" she asked, peering around me. "Somebody just peeled out in the driveway."

  Chapter 4

  My mom leaned into the apartment and looked around curiously, and Gray came toward the door to shake her hand.

  "Gray Kennedy," he said, introducing himself.

  She smiled and reached inside to shake his hand before turning to stare down the flight of iron steps that led to the ground. She motioned for Shelby to come up. "I asked her to wait down there until I made sure everything was okay up here. Why did someone just peel out in the driveway?" Mom could see by how relaxed I was that everything was fine, but she still gave me a puzzled expression.

  I could hear Shelby climbing the steps, and I wanted to go out there so that I could watch out for her. There wasn't a lot of room on the landing, so Mom stepped into the apartment while I went out to meet Shelby on the stairs.

  "Hold on tight, sugar bear," I said, seeing her climb step by step.

  "I am, don't wowwy," Shelby said as she carefully took every step with her right foot first and then her left.

  I went down a few steps and met her when she'd come most of the way, scooping her up letting her ride on my hip the rest of the way. Mom and Gray were smiling at each other by the time I got back into the apartment.

  "You must be the famous Shelby Bishop," Gray said when he saw us come into the room.

  Shelby stared at him for a second or two, trying to decide if she knew him before looking at me.

  "This is Mr. Gray," I said. "He's gonna rent the upstairs apartment," I added.

  My mom let out a happy gasp. "You don't say!" she said. "I'm happy to hear that!"

  "He lives in Chicago, and he's only gonna be here part-time," I added as I set Shelby on her feet. "He said he could use some furniture."

  "Oh, we have a lot of stuff," Mom said with a serious expression aimed at Gray. "We can furnish this place, no problem. Just make a list of what you need, and we'll get it up here for you."

  "I really appreciate it," he said. "And I'm a fan of your music, Mrs. Bishop. I can remember my parents listening to your albums when I was a kid. They won't believe me when I tell them I'm renting a room from your daughter."

  "Jane's a better singer than I ever was," Mom said.

  "She told me the same thing about you," Gray said.

  Mom smiled. "Yeah, but I'm the one telling the truth."

  I felt shy in front of him, so I changed the subject. "The peeling out a minute ago was that guy, Greg. The one who came to look at the apartment."

  "Wait, then who are you? Mom asked, pointing at Gray.

  "Gray," he said.

  "I thought that's what you said, so I thought I had just misheard the name earlier. Are you not the same guy who was coming to look at the apartment?"

  "No," I said. "That was Greg. This is Gray."

  My mom looked as perplexed as I had been.

  "I just drove up because I saw the for rent sign, and your daughter mistook me for the guy who had an appointment."

  "Yeah, and then the guy who actually did have an appointment turned out to be a total nightmare. Gray really stepped in and saved me the hassle of showing him the place and everything."

  "What happened?"

  "He was just awkward," I said. "It's not what he said, so much as the way he stared at me. I wouldn't have wanted him living up here. Gray stepped in. He told him he had already decided on the place and could pay a year's rent in cash, so the guy got mad and sped off."

  Mom whistled like she was impressed, which made Gray chuckle. Mom shot me a secret knowing glance at the sight of Gray's smile, but I pretended not to notice.

  "That's weird that their names were so close," Mom said. "I was confused."

  "I was confused, too," Gray said. "I could kinda tell she thought I was someone else, but I hated to say anything."

  "And you're going to rent the apartment?" Mom asked.

  "Yes ma'am."

  "Are you in the military?" she asked.

  Gray gave her a nod. "I was," he said. He ran a hand over his closely cropped hair. "Did my haircut give it away?"

  "And the ma'am thing. I've spent some time in Chicago, and they're not nearly as big on the ma'am and sir up there as we are down here."

  "In my family we are," he said. "My parents are originally from Georgia. But yes ma'am, I was also in the Army."

  "Was?" I asked.

  He looked at me with a nod. "Not anymore."

  I was about to ask him what he did now, but Shelby walked up to him, and his attention turned to her.

  "I dwew a pictuwe fow youw fwidge."

  "I saw that!" Gray said with a sweet, excitable expression on his face. "I love that picture. It's one of the main reasons I took the apartment."

  "Whewe did you take the apawtment?" Shelby asked.

  Gray smiled. "I should have said it was one of the main reasons I wanted to live here," he said.

  "Awe you living at ouw house?" she asked. "Mistew Wandy lives hewe, too."

  "I am going to stay at your house," he said. "When I come to Memphis."

  "When awe you?" she asked.

  "I'm not sure," he said. "Probably sometimes."

  "Do you have any puppy dogs?"

  "No, I'm sorry, I don't. Not yet, at least. My mom's got a dog named Roxy. I can see if I could maybe bring her down here to visit sometime."

  "Yesssssss!" Shelby said. "What kind of dog is Woxy?"

  "A boxer."

  Shelby giggled since she had never heard of that kind of dog and the name sounded funny to her.

  "If you will tell me when you come move into my house, I will dwaw you a pictuwe of a dog."

  "I would really love another picture," Gray said, causing Shelby to beam at him.

  I knew by the way Gray smiled back at her that he was proud of himself for understanding the whole conversation, and honestly, he had good reason to be because Shelby spoke very quickly and definitely had a "kid accent". Gray had to listen intently the whole time, and he had done great.

  "I'm gonna be Wainbow Bwight at the fall festival," Shelby added.

  "I've heard of her," Gray said.

  "What awe you gonna be?" she asked him.

  Gray looked at me as if wondering whether or not he was supposed to come up with some kind of costume. I didn't offer any help. I just looked at him with a grin since I enjoyed watching him interact with Shelby.

  "The only costume I have is G.I. Joe, but I'm not really sure if adults are supposed to dress up, and I'm not sure if I'll get to go or not."

"Oh, you can come," she assured him. "It's fow ouw chuwch. You can wide with us if you need a wide."

  Gray stared up at me with an anxious expression as if begging me to save him from the cuteness. This made me laugh. Mom saw our exchange, and she gestured for Shelby to take her hand.

  "Come on, little miss," she said. "Let's go downstairs so your mom can finish up."

  "I actually didn't even bring the lease up here with me," I said. I looked at Gray. "We can just talk about it when you come by tomorrow."

  He stared at me. He knew I thought he wasn't coming back. It was true. I didn't expect him to come back. He had made a lot of big promises that weren't even necessary. I thought maybe he was doing that because he was checking me out a little bit, but I figured the reality check of seeing my daughter would have him running for the hills.

  "It was nice meeting you, Gray," Mom said. She stooped to pick up Shelby and they headed for the door.

  "It was very nice meeting you Mrs. Bishop."

  "Call me Ivy, please."

  "Nice to meet you Ms. Ivy. And you too, Miss Shelby. If I don't see you ladies before I leave, then I'll see you soon." Gray looked at me. "I don't mind signing a lease tonight if you wanted to take care of it," he said.

  I smiled. "You didn't tell me you were in the Army," I said.

  "You didn't ask."

  There was a long pause where we just looked at each other. His expression was completely unreadable. I had no idea what he was thinking.

  "So, you're not in the Army anymore?"


  "What do you do now?"

  "I guess I'm still trying to figure that out."

  I let out a little laugh. "Aren't we all?"

  There was another extended pause where we both just stared at each other, both seeming content and even willing to be awkward.

  "Tell me another fact about you," I said.

  "I know Judo," he said.


  He shook his head.

  "Judo. It's different."

  "What do you do in Judo? What are you able to do better than me because you know Judo and I don't?"

  "I know a lot of ways that I could get you from a vertical position to a horizontal one—throws, hip-tosses, and trips—things like that. Basically, I can tackle you to the ground, but with technique and a little grace."

  "You mean just throw me on the ground where I land straight on my back?" I asked, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.

  He smiled and nodded at me.

  "I don't want you to Judo me," I said.

  He laughed. "Well I'm not going to. I would never do that." He glanced down at the linoleum floor beneath her feet. "Not on this surface, anyway. It's for self-defense. It would really hurt—especially if you got thrown hard. If you want to learn, you'd train on mats."

  "Yeah, I definitely don't want you to try any of that out on me," I said. "And if you want to know a fact about me, I'm a twin," I added. That was always my first fact to share if the person didn't know it already. "Jesse. A boy. I have a brother—a twin brother."

  "Is it just you two?"

  I nodded.

  "Does he have kids?"

  I shook my head. "He's just getting married next week. I was really young when I had Shelby."

  "That's why it's so impressive that you have so much going for you."

  "Thank you, but I've probably had a lot handed to me compared to most people."

  "You don't act like it."

  I smiled at him. "How do you know what I act like?"

  He stared at me seriously for a few silent seconds before his face broke into a slow grin. "Because I'm standing here talking to you."

  "You don't know what kind of person I am just from being over here thirty minutes."

  "Sure I do."

  "What kind?"

  "You're a good mother and daughter. You're kind and compassionate, and you steer away from confrontation. You're humble to a fault, and you're..." He hesitated, shaking his head like he changed his mind about what he was going to say. "You have a lot of other stuff going for you, Jane, but that's just a few of the things."

  "You're a charmer," I said, feeling utterly charmed.

  He threw his hands up in surrender and shook his head. "I'm not trying to flatter you. I'm just stating facts."

  I took a deep breath since I had absolutely no idea what to say next. I knew I needed to get back on track with the whole rental property thing, but I found it difficult to concentrate.

  "If you want to come back tomorrow, we could go over the lease agreement and everything. It's pretty straightforward."

  "What time?" he asked.

  "I work until three, so maybe about what we did tonight… seven or so. That'll give me time to make dinner and feed Shelby and everything."

  "What are you cooking?" he asked.

  "Probably something easy. Maybe hamburger macaroni, or something like that. I'm sure I'll make broccoli and cheese even though I'm the only one who eats it."

  Gray smiled and nodded slowly at me, but didn't say anything. Again, he just regarded me. His quiet confidence had the uncanny ability to make me feel like I needed to squirm. I shifted my stance just to have something to do with my feet.

  "Would you like to eat hamburger macaroni with us?" I asked shyly.

  He smiled. "I definitely won't turn you down if you've got enough," he said.

  "It's just macaroni from a box with ground meat mixed into it," I clarified.

  He smiled. "That sounds really good. Can I bring anything? I mean, besides the rent money, obviously."

  I shook my head, feeling swept away. "You better make it six if you're joining us for dinner, though. We stay on a pretty tight schedule."

  Chapter 5

  "You're looking at me like you're surprised to see me," my soon-to-be sister-in-law, Rose, said the next evening when she stepped into the living room.

  She could see me through the window and knew it was okay to let herself in, but I was up to my elbows cleaning the house, and her arrival took me off guard. It registered, after a few seconds, that she was at my house because she thought she was watching Shelby for me as she always did on alternating Thursdays when I had band practice.

  Only I didn't have band practice that evening.

  I had been moping the floors in the kitchen, and I noticed the baseboards needed attention, which led to the windowsills. I had been cleaning for the last hour. My hair was in a ponytail, and I had on long yellow gloves with a dishtowel in one hand and a squirt bottle in the other.

  "Did you think you were babysitting?" I asked.

  Rose had crossed the living room to meet me in the kitchen. "Yeah," she said. "Where's the peanut?"

  "She's playing in her room. We don't have band practice tonight. Remember? I reminded you when I saw at the shop the other day."

  "Oh, I totally forgot you said that! I had about ten things going on when we talked."

  "I'm sorry," I said. "I should have called and reminded you. We have that gig this weekend, so we canceled practice."

  "It's fine," she said. She opened the lid on the hamburger macaroni and smelled the steam that wafted from the pot.

  "Can you please stir that?" I asked, finishing the window.

  Rose picked up a nearby spoon and stirred the pot. "Can I have some of this?" she asked.

  "Of course," I said. "Get a plate."

  Rose lifted the lid to the other pot—the one that contained broccoli. "Wow, gourmet!" she said, noticing my broccoli was fresh and not frozen. This made me laugh.

  Rose scooped a small helping of the macaroni onto her plate along with two spears of broccoli. "Thank you," she said, leaning against the counter as she took a bite. It was steaming hot, so she did that thing where you breathe in as you chew to cool it off. "Are you having somebody over for dinner?" she asked after a bite.

  "A tenant, actually," I said, glancing at the clock as I finished the window. "He'll be here in ten minutes."

  "Who, Ra
ndy?" she asked.

  I stashed the cleaner and gloves under the sink and turned to face Rose, shaking my head. "A new guy. His name's Gray. He's gonna be renting the upstairs apartment."

  She looked around. "And you're having him over for dinner?"

  "He's signing the lease and bringing some rent money over here. I think he's in town alone. He basically invited himself."

  Rose began eating quickly in an effort to get out of my way. "Is he fine?" she asked in between bites.

  "No," I said, too quickly and too nervously. "Why would you even ask that? It's not like that. He's just… he's not even… he's barely even gonna be in Memphis. He may not even show up tonight. He doesn't even live here. It was all really weird how it went down last night. I don’t even know how to get in touch with him. I just assume he's coming at six. He might not."

  I glanced at Rose and realized by the way she was looking at me that I was probably saying way too much and talking way too quickly. The truth was, I was really nervous about Gray coming over. It'd been a long time since I had been nervous about a guy, and I wasn't very good at hiding it. I took Rose's fork out of her hand and helped myself to a bite of her macaroni. I hadn't tasted it yet and I needed something to do with my hands.

  "Is it too salty?" I asked after I took a bite.

  "No," she said. "And you look beautiful."

  I glanced at my own appearance. I hadn't changed since work, so I still had on my teaching clothes. I wore one of my favorite outfits to work (light gray slacks with a burgundy blouse), and I just left it on afterward. I usually changed to comfy clothes once I got home, but today I left on my work attire. My shoulder length hair was pulled into a high ponytail.

  "Thank you," I said, touching my hair to make sure everything was still in place after my cleaning spree.

  "You look great," she assured me. "And you obviously have a thing for this guy."

  I shook my head as I stirred the pot and then turned off the burner. "I don't," I said. "He is super hot, but I don't—"

  "Awwww, I knew you liked him, I could tell!" Rose said.

  "I don't like him. I don't even know him. I just wanted to warn you that he was handsome in case he came pulling up. I didn't want you to give me a hard time about it. He's fine. There I said it. He's a soldier though, and I don't date soldiers."


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