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From Mistress to Wife 3: Love Prevails

Page 4

by Angie Hayes

  “Yeah I enjoyed myself too. I always do when I’m hanging out with you,” I replied not knowing why I said that out loud.

  “That’s what I like to hear.” Just as she was about to get inside her car she turned around and kissed me on my lips. I didn’t even try to stop her; I just let her lips touch mines. After she kissed me I just stood there as she got in her car to leave.

  “Call me,” she said and pulled off.

  At that point, I still just stood there in the parking garage wondering what the fuck just happened? My phone vibrated again in my pocket bringing me out of my thoughts. It was Alicia again. I definitely couldn’t answer the phone now, especially since I just let another woman kiss me.



  It’s been a week since I last had that conversation with Keith, and things are still the same. Only this time we weren’t talking altogether. I was hoping that working from home would give me a distraction and keep me busy, but I couldn’t even focus on that. I realized that I was now in a bad state of depression. No matter how hard I tried to convince myself that I needed to get my act together and focus on my kids, I still couldn’t shake how I was feeling.

  I needed to talk to Alicia now more than ever, but I just couldn’t bring myself to keep crying to her about how much I fucked up my marriage. I suddenly felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach, like either my baby was moving roughly or a growl from hunger. Either way I ignored it and went to lie down. I know I haven’t been eating like how I’m supposed to, but lately I really don’t have an appetite. I drink the glass of water I had on my night stand hoping that it’ll calm my stomach and curled up in a fetal position before falling asleep.

  I don’t know how long I was out, but I suddenly was awaken up with an extreme pain in my abdomen. As I pulled the covers back I saw that I had blood all over the bed. I immediately called out to Keith but I got no answer. In a panic I grabbed ahold of the phone off the night stand and dialed 911. As the operator asked me what my emergency was, all I remember is telling him that I needed an ambulance and everything went dark.



  I’m on my way back to the barracks from chilling with Shawn. I could still taste his lips on mines. I really didn’t plan on kissing him like that out of the blue, but I’m glad I did. Shawn was eye candy when I first saw him when I came to his unit. I was scared to talk to him because he was higher rank then me, but when he was assigned to be my sponsor and show me around, I learned that he was really a cool dude. He was real laid back which made me want to get to know him even better, but my plans got derailed when he started talking about his fiancée and their daughter.

  Now normally that wouldn’t stop me from still pursuing any nigga I wanted, but I was trying to turn over a new leaf and leave my hoe activities behind me. Joining the Army was my last resort to get away from home. I’m from the small ass town called Addison in Alabama; where our population was a little more than a thousand people. My parents originally wanted me to go to the community college no too far from there, but I wasn’t having that. I wanted to get away and explore more of this big ass world we lived in and I knew the only way they would allow me to do that is joining the military.

  I had to really convince them to let me join by saying that I only wanted to enlist for three years so I could pay for college and attend a major university when I got out; which was a lie. I hated school and couldn’t wait to fucking graduate from high school, so I damn sure wasn’t about to sit in somebody else classroom if I didn’t have to! I figured I had really outgrown my town. Everyone knew me and I had already been with the finest and popular guys there, so it was time for me to move on. I had become bored and wanted something new.

  Soon as I graduated from high school I took my ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test, enlisted and requested for the earliest report date possible. My goal was to make money, travel and continue to do me along the way. I was glad to finally be done with basic training though; all that fucking yelling in my face and having minimal contact with the outside world was really working my nerves. Once I graduated from AIT (Advanced Individual Training) and put my uniform on, I realized the power my ass had on these other male soldiers every time I walked by or they saw me. I was considered a bad bitch. I stood at five-foot-three, weighted 143 lbs. and stacked in all the right places. I have a smooth caramel skin complexion with not one blemish in sight. My natural curly coils are always styled in a real short cropped cut that fit perfect with the frame of my face.

  I know I look good and could get any dude I want, but I want Shawn. When he started coming at me talking about his problems he was suddenly having at home with his girl, I knew that was my opening to get him. I played along as the listening friend and giving him advice on trying to make things work, but deep down I was just taking notes on all the things his chick was doing so I could know what not to do. Shawn is a good man and fine as all get out! I rather be an army wife instead of a solider and please him any day!



  I was sitting in the hospital room next to Keisha’s bed as she lay there motionless hooked up to tubes. I can’t help but feel like this was my entire fault that she went into early labor which resulted into her losing a lot of blood and slipping into a coma. When I received the call from the hospital that my wife was in labor and having an emergency C-section, I was just leaving work and on my way to pick up the girls from school. I rushed to get the girls and dropped them off to our neighbors and made my way to the hospital. Although I have been acting like an ass towards her, I still didn’t want anything to happen to her or the baby.

  Once I got here, I was quickly escorted to change into a cover up gown and headed into the delivery room to be by her side just as the doctor was about to perform the C-section. Keisha was already under anesthesia and unaware that I was there, but I still held her hand and prayed silently as the doctor delivered the baby. Once he announced that he had the baby out and that it was a boy, my heart stopped when I didn’t hear any crying noise.

  “Why don’t I hear anything coming from him?” I asked the doctor in a panic tone.

  “We need to get him to the NICU and on breathing machine,” The doctor explained as he handed the baby to the nurse before she rushed out of the room with him.

  “Breathing machine? Why what’s wrong!” I asked in a panic.

  “Since he’s premature, his lungs still haven’t fully developed yet, and he can’t breathe on his own. He needs help from the ventilator to help him out. It’s pretty common with early term newborns. Right now I we need you to clear the room so we can work on your wife, once we’re done I’ll come out to the waiting room and get you.” He explained.

  I walked out of the room in a daze as I took off my covering gear. Not only was the baby not doing so well, neither was Keisha. I took a seat in the waiting area and put my head down in my hands as I tried to get myself together so I could call Keisha’s folks and let them know what was going on. After having a minute to digest everything that was going on, I decided to just wait until the doctor came out and let me know what was going on before I called her parents. As I was sitting there waiting, all type of thoughts were running through my mind.

  I started thinking back to when Destiny was in the hospital and needed help to breathe from a machine just like the baby is now. After sitting here for what seemed like hours, I finally looked up to see the doctor heading in my direction.

  “How’s my wife?” I asked him as I got up and rushed to him before he could make it over to me.

  “She lost a lot of blood. By the time she got here she was in and out of conscience. That’s why we had to do an emergency C-section to get the baby out before his air supply was completely cut off. Once the baby was removed we quickly stopped the hemorrhaging, but that did result into your wife slipping into a coma,” The doctor explained.

  “Coma, what do you mean coma? For how long?” I asked.
/>   “Right now it’s a touch and go. We also have to give her a blood transfusion due to the amount of blood she has loss. You can donate blood if you want, and I would also need you to sign the consent form so we can get permission to do the transfusion as well,” He empathically said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

  “Sure anything you need. How about the baby, how’s he doing?”

  “Well just as I stated before, due to him being born prematurely his lungs aren’t fully developed so he’s in the NICU hooked up to the ventilator. He’s a strong little guy. You can go down and see him right now if you want. I’ll have the nurses bring you the papers to sign and take you to give blood as well before you see your wife.”

  Once I thanked the doctor, I headed to the nurse’s station myself to schedule to give blood and sign the paperwork. When I was finished with everything, I headed over to the Keisha’s room to check on her. My heart dropped to my stomach when I saw her lying there like that. Tears instantly started pouring down my face as I stood by the side of her bed rubbing her face. I gathered myself together and stepped out of the room to call Keisha’s parents and let them know everything that had happen and what the doctor had informed me as well. They told me they were catching the first flight out and have been here ever since. I also called Alicia and let her know everything and she’s been here as well.

  It’s been a week and Keisha is still in a coma and I still haven’t left her side. Her mom and dad have been back and forth from the hospital and our house taking care of the girls, and I was able to take an emergency leave from work. Even though I have been by Keisha side, I still haven’t seen the baby. His nurse keeps me updated on his prognosis and so far he’s doing well. I still can’t bring myself to look at him because I’m afraid that if I do, Keisha’s indiscretion will be staring me right back in the face.



  Each day that Keisha remained in a coma, the more worried I became about her returning to us. When I got the call from Keith, I didn’t even let him finish what he had to say once I heard him mention the word coma. I quickly booked a flight online, threw me and Zaria some clothes in a suitcase, and rushed to the airport. I tried calling Shawn on the way there to inform him of what was going on and to have him possibly meet us there, but his phone kept going straight to voicemail. It was a Friday night so I don’t know what he was doing to have his phone off, but right now I didn’t have time to worry about Shawn when Keisha life was on the line.

  Now here it is a week later and still the same results with Keisha. Zaria and I have been staying at her and Keith’s place, along my aunt and uncle. We all have been taking turns tending to the girls and going to the hospital to relieve Keith for a while so he can shower and get some rest, but all he does is go home to quickly take care of his hygiene and come right back. Seeing Keisha like this has really taken a toll on him, it looks like he has aged ten years.

  It’s an early Sunday morning and I woke up to the smell of pancakes and Zaria patting me on my face cooing.

  “Good morning sweetie,” I said to my baby as I grabbed her and started kissing all over her face.

  I picked her up and we went into the bathroom so I could handle my business and brush her two little pegs she had. Afterwards, we headed downstairs I found my aunt in the kitchen cooking breakfast with Jasmine and Destiny at the table coloring and doing puzzles.

  “Good Morning everyone,” I greeted, as I pat the girls on their heads and gave my auntie a kissed on her cheek.

  “Good baby. Hello gorgeous,” My aunt said as she gave me and Zaria a kiss on our cheek.

  Zaria started smiling happily as I put her down at the table to join the girls.

  “Are you going to go to the hospital today?” my aunt asked.

  “Yes I’m going to go check on Keisha and then I’m going to go see little man for a while as well,” I said.

  Since Keisha has been in a coma Keith has been by her side, but he hasn’t been down to see the baby in the nursery or named him yet. From what Keisha has told me before, she knew Keith was feeling some type of way about her pregnancy thinking that it could be a possibility that baby might not be his. Regardless of the fact, the baby doesn’t deserve to be going through this alone. After we finished breakfast, I got myself situated and headed out the door heading to the hospital while my aunt and uncle watched the girls.

  Once I got to the hospital, I went straight to the nursery. I changed into my gown and sat down on the chair besides his incubator and grabbed his little hand. He was so tiny and frail but he always seemed to smile whenever he felt a touch.

  “Hey little man. Make sure you show that smile to your mommy when she wakes up and see’s you,” I told him as I rubbed his smooth silky hair.

  After spending the next thirty minutes in the NICU, I decided to go and checkup on Keisha and relieve Keith so he could go home for a while. I proceeded to the elevator. Once the elevator finally came, I stepped on, punched in my floor number, and took a big sigh. I’m mentally and physically drained. I checked my phone to see if I had any missed calls or texts from Shawn. I smiled when I saw that I had a text message from him. The elevator stopped and as I was stepping off trying to check the message at the same time, I bumped into the last person I expected to see, Troy.



  I hit Keith up a couple of days ago just to see what was up with him since I haven’t heard from him in a while, and it was then that he informed me of what happen with Keisha. I told him I would tie up some loose ends with work and be on my way out there to California. Even though he rejected I still assured my boy I was gonna be by his side. I wasn’t able to be there when shit went down with his daughter because of that crazy nigga Rodney, but I was able to now. The last person I expected to see when I got there was Alicia.

  “Hey,” She said surprised as she stepped off the elevator shocked to see me, as I was to see her.

  Although I had been asking her when she was coming to visit so I could see my daughter, I never knew what I would say once I saw her. This was the first time we saw one another since the shooting incident and my feelings were all over the place.

  “Hey,” I replied back coolly.

  “Uh I didn’t expect to see you here,” Alicia said looking nervous as if it was her first time ever meeting me.

  “Keith is my brother so I don’t know why not,” I replied trying not to sound irritated.

  “I didn’t mean anything by that Troy. I just meant I didn’t expect to see you at the hospital the same time as me that’s all,” She said trying to clean the shit up.

  “It’s cool, where’s Zaria?” I asked.

  “She’s at Keith and Keisha house with my aunt and uncle. I decided to come and visit the baby and Keisha today, and give Keith some time to himself,” She explained.

  “Well I was just on my way to the cafeteria to grab me something to eat since I came straight here from the airport. Keith is in the room, I’ll talk to you later.” I turned and walked down to the hall to the cafeteria.

  I didn’t want to continue to stand there looking at Alicia and have conversation with her. I wanted to hate her. Until I met her, I never knew a woman can cause so much havoc in your life. It seemed like Alicia was my karma for the way I treated my wife and now that Cassandra was gone and Alicia was still here, it was a constant reminder. I knew I was fighting theses demons inside of me. Demons that wanted nothing more than for me to make Alicia feel the same pain and hurt that I was feeling. Question was, would I be able to fight these demons?



  Alicia had called me back to back that night, but I refused to answer. I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I let another woman kiss me and possibly enjoyed it. Ever since Dana kissed me in the parking garage, I’ve been avoiding her and Alicia. I never had any intentions cheating on Alicia ever, let alone with one of my soldiers. I’m not that type of man, but lately I felt like I h
ave been pushed to my breaking point in my relationship.

  When I checked my messages and heard that Keisha had gone into early labor and slipped into a coma, I called her immediately. By the sound of her voice on over the phone, I could tell she was more than scared. I wish I would have just answered my phone when she kept calling, but my selfish ass ways caused me to miss being by her side. So when I told her that I would be on the next flight out and meet here there, she flat out turned me down which pissed me off!

  This was another problem we seemed to be having, her accepting me being there for here. I knew from the beginning that she had a hard time accepting anything from a man because of her past, but you would think she would be past that now; especially since I was her fiancée. So I called Keith instead to check on him and told him that I would be coming out. This was the first time we talked since our blowout on the phone, but none of that mattered at this point.

  That Monday I put in for a family emergency leave and had to wait three damn days for the commander to sign off on it. While waiting, I tried my best with avoiding Dana much as possible. The day I got approved for my leave, I was on my way to pick my form up when she cornered me.

  “So you don’t know how to respond to messages or return calls?” Dana asked in a loud voice with her arms folded across her chest.

  I looked around before responding hoping no one heard her. It was against regulations for a higher rank in charge to be messing around with a lower rank soldier under his command.

  “Dana I’ve been tied up with work and home,” I responded in an impatient voice hoping she’ll get the hint and move the fuck on.

  “And! That didn’t stop you before from calling me or returning my messages. It seemed like after we kissed you started acting funny with me.”

  “Look Dana, that kiss caught me off guard and I apologize for letting it get that far,” I said.


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