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From Mistress to Wife 3: Love Prevails

Page 7

by Angie Hayes

  “Hi daddy. Can I hold my brother?” Destiny asked as she ran up to me when I came down the stairs with KJ.

  “Hey there my jumping bean. Sure go wash your hands and have a seat on the couch.” I instructed her.

  While Destiny ran to the bathroom, Jasmine came and sat down next to me.

  “Are you going to go see my mommy today?” she asked with nothing but sadness in her eyes.

  “Yes I am baby girl. What would you like me to tell her today?” I asked.

  “Just that I love her and can’t wait for her to come home.” she replied

  Since Keisha has been in the hospital, the girls only visited her once. That tore them up to see her lying there like that not moving, and seeing her hooked up to those machines. Destiny couldn’t sleep that night and Jasmine stayed locked in her room for the remainder of that day. So after that I decided it would be best if I didn’t let them see her like that again. The next time I brought them to the hospital it would be when Keisha was woke. Until then, Jasmine and Destiny would give me messages to tell Keisha and I would relay their messages to her.

  Destiny came back into the room, and she and Jasmine started playing with KJ. He was eating up all the attention he was getting from his sisters and I enjoyed watching them as well. After spending the rest of the morning with the kids, I headed to the hospital to spend the evening with my wife. When I arrived, I went straight to her room where the doctor was just finishing up his routine examination of her.

  “Hey doc How is she doing today?” I asked as I took my coat off and made myself comfortable by her bedside.

  “Mr. Spencer I was just about to step out and call you to come in. Your wife is still not showing any signs of getting better. As a matter of fact, her organs are starting to fail.”

  “So what does this all mean?”

  “It means that without the help from the machines, your wife wouldn’t be able to stay alive. If you decided to keep her hooked up to them she will just be existing, but not living. I’m not trying to put any more on you than you can bare, but you really need to make a decision about what it is you want to do.” He expressed.

  “Doc I can’t just stand here right this moment and decide if my wife is going to live or die! We have kids at home as well as a newborn!” I said to him in shallow breaths.

  My body all of a sudden felt extremely hot and I started sweating.

  “Mr. Spencer I need you to take a deep breath. Nurse can you please bring Mr. Spencer some water please? Deep breathes Mr. Spencer because you seem to be experiencing a panic attack.”

  The nurse came back in the room with a new pitcher of water and handed me a cup. I took a swallow of my drink and began to calm down as I was taking deep breaths.

  “So are you telling me that there is no possibility that she’ll ever recover from this?” I asked the doctor when I finally spoke.

  “Medically speaking, it’s not looking in her favor. Spiritually, with God anything is possible. I just want you to be prepared for anything.” The doctor said and then left the room.

  I turned my attention back to Keisha and grabbed her hand. Her skin didn’t feel like its normal smooth texture that I was used to, it now felt rough and rubbery.

  “You gotta help me out baby. I know I haven’t been treating you right before all of this, but you have to know I was just hurt. I was being stubborn and wanted to hurt you, and for that I’m sorry. Just please come back to us. We now have a healthy son who is waiting to meet his momma and the girls miss you, I miss you too!” I said as I held Keisha’s hand with tears falling from my eyes.

  Man shouldn’t have to make the choice of life on this earth that should be the choice of God. If I have ever needed him before, I definitely needed him now!



  Shawn looked like a deer in head lights when I walked through the door. I made sure to drop Zaria off to the baby sitter on the way home because I didn’t want her to see me fuck him up. On the plane ride home, I kept replaying over in my head how I was going to handle this situation and what I would say to him. I cried silently when Zaria fell asleep on the plane. I wasn’t about let my daughter see me cry, especially over a man that hurt me again. I planned to raise her as a strong woman, so I had to be strong.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home?” Shawn asked.

  “Maybe you would have known if you would have answered your phone.” I replied to him calmly as I sat my things down.

  “We need to talk Alicia” Shawn said nervously.

  “That we do. But you know what, the last time you told me we needed to talk you told me you were married. So you don’t have a very good track record when you tell me this. How about I start off talking, and when I finish you can then decide if you want to talk?” I said to him sarcastically.

  I went and sat directly across from him on the other couch, and made sure I was looking him dead in his face. Shawn sat there looking at me not sure what I was about to say.

  “Let me start by saying this, my ex-boyfriend shot Troy and then killed his wife. I never told you this but I have felt somewhat responsible for it happening. Reason being is because I didn’t completely break things off with my ex before I went into a relationship with Troy. So that is why I kept trying to be cordial with him. I know it might have looked like I still had feelings for him personally, but that wasn’t the case. My mistake was not being up front and not telling you that. As far as him being in California, I knew absolutely nothing about him coming.” I felt myself getting emotional, so I paused for a moment to catch myself.

  “Alicia if you would have told me this from the jump you don’t know how much of a difference it would have made with us” Shawn said as he put his head down in his hands.

  “What difference Shawn, the difference of you not fucking a hoe in our house?” I asked calmly.

  I sounded so menacing that I scared my damn self. Shawn’s head shot up and he looked at me like he knew his ass was busted.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You know muthafuckin well what I’m talking about, but here’s something to remind yo' ass,” I said as I threw my phone at him.

  He picked my phone up to looked at what I was talking about and damn near fell over when he saw the pics his hoe sent me.

  “That’s right, look at that shit and see what you fucked up home for! Now get your shit and get the fuck out! I hope that hoe got a spot for yo' ass, because we are done!” I snatched off my ring and threw that at him.

  I rushed upstairs to my bedroom, slammed the door and locked it. I then lay across the bed and buried my head in my pillow to muffle out my cries. I’m hurt and I’m tired of being hurt! Every time I try to do the right thing I always end up getting fucked over. I don’t want to become a bitter woman, but it’s obviously clear that I wasn’t meant to be a happy one either.



  “Damn Troy, you fucked me like you haven’t had pussy in months!” Veronica cried as I rolled off top of her.

  We had been fucking on the regular since the first night I called her to come over. After I fucked that first time, I was reminded of how good her pussy was. I rolled over on my back and reached over to grab my blunt off the night stand. This past week had me stressing the fuck out, so I was trying to relax any way that I could.

  My job fucked around and did a random drug test when I returned to work and I tested positive for narcotics in my system. Right now I’m on unpaid suspension until I go before the union. When I got sent home that day, I ended up calling Veronica back over and fucked the shit out of her. Afterwards she started smoking a laced blunt and passed it to me to take a pull. I never smoked weed with coke before, but the way I was feeling I needed something strong to take my mind off the bullshit I had going on.

  That night we smoked coke, popped ex and fucked each other until the sun came up. That next morning I woke up to banging on my door. I dragged myself to answer it and saw Joy a
nd my kids standing there. I was so fucked up from the night before I didn’t even realize I was standing at the door naked with my dick swinging. She quickly grabbed the kids and turned and left, and I haven’t spoken to them or seen them since then.

  “Troy do you remember what you told me the last time you were at my house before you stopped fucking with me?” Veronica asked while we were still lying in the bed.

  “Nah, that’s been about two years ago.” I said with my eyes closed. The coke and weed were starting to its taking effect.

  “When I asked you why you wouldn’t just leave your wife and be with me since I was doing any and everything you asked of me, you told me because you don’t wife hoes.” I heard her say.

  I started laughing and thinking that that did sound like some shit I would say. I first met Veronica at a bachelor party for one of my boys. She was one of the dancers there shaking her ass. She ended up letting me fuck her that night after I ran serious game on her, and I kept in contact with her after that for some free reign pussy. Just like the rest though, she started getting too attached and trying to make demands once she got hooked on the dick.

  “So you mean to tell me you never had any type of feelings for me Troy? I loved the hell out of you and I made sure to let you know that.” Veronica said now sitting up in the bed.

  I had just busted a nut and was trying to have a good high; I didn’t need this bitch blowing it with this nagging shit.

  “Veronica you knew what time it was man, so don’t try to come at me now acting all clueless and shit.”

  “You didn’t answer my question Troy; did you have any feelings for me?”

  “To answer your question, nah, and I meant what I said back then. I’m going to go take a shower, show ya self out” I told her as I got up and headed to my bathroom.

  I knew after tonight I wasn’t fucking with her ass any more. I should have left that bitch in the past where she was. After a quick shower, I stepped out to dry off and saw my reflection in the mirror. I looked at the fucked up individual I had become. I knew I had to change and get myself together, but the thing was I really didn’t have the desire too anymore. You would think after losing Cassandra and barely having my kids that would be a wakeup call for me, but it wasn’t.

  I stepped back into my room to find Veronica not there. When I walked into my living room to see if she was in there, I saw that she wasn’t. Satisfied, I walked over to the front door and locked it. Good, at least her ass followed directions and bounced like I ask. I went back into my bedroom, threw on some shorts and lay back down.

  I reached over on my night stand, grabbed my smoke and lit it so I could get a peaceful high this time. It was then that I noticed a note that wasn’t there before. I grabbed the paper and saw that it was from Veronica. It read:

  Troy, I see after all these years you still are the same selfish ass muthafucka that thinks he is God’s gift to women. I took a chance back then with letting my guard down and loving you, but you took advantage of that. Then you had the nerve to say you don’t wife hoes? Nigga you too funny! Well here’s another laugh for yo' ass, enjoy the Gonorrhea and Herpes I just gave yo' ass! That’s right, since you been fucking me RAW! Laugh at that bitch ass nigga! HA!



  When I tell you my life is at the most fucked up state that it has ever been in, I mean it! Not only did I fuck Dana, but the crazy bitch apparently set me up and took pictures of proof that we were together and sent them Alicia. Not only was I shocked as hell when Alicia showed me the pictures, I couldn’t even deny anything. When Alicia told me to get my shit and get out, I did just that without trying to reason with her. It’s now going on three weeks and I still haven’t spoken to her.

  I’ve been keeping my distance and giving her some space. Truthfully, I didn’t know what to say. I acted out on some revenge type shit all because I didn’t go to her and talk it out. Even though I felt like she was portraying the situation to look completely different, as a man I still should have addressed the situation better than I did. Then there’s Dana. I’ve been back at work for a week now and I still haven’t seen this bitch.

  It’s Thursday evening, and since we have a four day week end, me and a couple of my soldiers decided to go play some pool. I was staying in the barracks and didn’t feel like being in my room tonight looking at my phone hoping that Alicia would call.

  The fellas and I were talking shit and having us a game when Dana walked up behind me.

  “Hey Shawn how you been?” she asked.

  I turned around and saw her standing there with a smile on her face as if shit was all good. I swear if she was a dude I would knock her ass out right then and there where she stood. I didn’t speak back; I just turned back around and watched the pool game.

  “You know it’s rude not to speak back when spoken to.” I heard her say.

  “And it’s fucked up to send pictures to a man’s fiancée. Crazy ass lil bitch!” I responded getting loud. I was on my fourth beer and a little tipsy.

  “Oh now I’m a crazy bitch? I wasn’t a crazy bitch when we were fucking though!” she said matching my tone.

  By now the guys I was with and the two chicks that came with Dana were all looking at us to see what was going to happen next. Since I was of higher rank and she was my solider, I knew that if any word of this got back to my commander I could be disciplined for this. Dana already made me lose my family, I couldn’t allow her to make me lose my career too. I lightly grabbed her by her arm and headed outside.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you! Why the hell did you send my woman those fucking pictures?” I asked as I got in her face.

  “Oh so now she’s your woman? She wasn’t acting like your woman when she was paying her baby daddy more attention then you! Or she wasn’t your woman every time you came to me talking about her!” Dana said.

  “Dana why did you send Alicia those pictures?” I asked again this time calmly. It was taking everything in me not to wrap my hands around this silly bitch’s neck.

  “I sent her the pictures Shawn so she could see that it’s someone else out here that wants you.” She said in a lower tone as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

  I snatched her hands from around me and backed up to create distance between us.

  “If I would have known what you were on, I would have never confided in you about shit! I’m a take full responsibility for this cause I slipped up big time with you, but hear me and understand me when I say this; I ain’t never fucking with yo' ass no more!”

  I walked off and left Dana there calling my name. I can’t believe I actually jeopardize what I had for this bitch. Now I don’t even know if I could get my home back.



  “Daddy do you think momma Keisha would like me in this dress today?” Destiny asked as she came into the room twirling around showing me dress.

  “Come on baby let’s go finish getting dressed and let your daddy get himself together. We’ll see him downstairs.” Keisha’s mom said as she came in and grabbed Destiny’s hand leading her out the room.

  She looked back at me and gave me a faint smile and nod.

  I sat on the edge of the bed still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I was burying my wife today. After the doctor told me I needed to make a decision about what it was I wanted to do, I decided to at least give her body enough time to generate. I wanted so badly for Keisha to pull through so she could come home to me and the kids. I’d planned to work back on us. The problem was the longer I left her hooked up those machines, the more I saw that my wife was deteriorating. We never had a discussion as to what we wanted if anything like this were to happen, but I knew Keisha wouldn’t want to live like that.

  So I had the discussion with her parents and we all came to the conclusion that this was the best thing. Like the doctor said, she wasn’t living, she was just existing. The hardest thing I ever had to do was sign those papers to have my wife take
n off of life support. Now I have to watch her go into the ground and never come back. I put my head down in my hands and started crying.

  “Keith the cars are here to pick us up.” Alicia said as stepped inside the room.

  I looked up and saw that she too was already crying. Her and Keisha were more like sisters then cousins and she had been taking this very hard as well since I informed her of Keisha’s passing.

  “Thanks, I’m coming just give me a minute.” I told her as I finished putting my shoes on.

  “Ok.” Alicia said and turned around and walked away.

  I went into the bathroom and threw some cold water on my face. I put my shades on and headed downstairs to head to the church. The ride over there felt like I was on the green mile heading to my execution. I was in the car with Keisha’s parents, Jasmine, Destiny, and Alicia. KJ was left with a family friend. All the adults had on sunglasses, but you clearly see the traces of tears coming down our faces.

  Finally we pulled up to the church and I saw that it was packed. I decided to have my wife’s body flown back home to Florida where those that loved her could say their final goodbyes and bury her here. We all stepped outside the car to line up and proceeded to walk inside the church.

  “Let us stand.” I heard the Reverend instruct as we entered the Sanctuary and the organist started playing.

  The girls and I walked in first followed by Keisha’s parents and Alicia. Jasmine started gripping my hand tighter the closer we got to the front of the church. Soon as Keisha’s beautiful face came into view, Jasmine snatched away from me and threw herself across her mom casket.


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