From Mistress to Wife 3: Love Prevails

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From Mistress to Wife 3: Love Prevails Page 9

by Angie Hayes

  After we talked, she told me she needed time and I left. Two weeks after that she called me over to the house and that’s when she told me she would forgive me. I proposed to her again that day with a bigger ring and this time we set a date. I had to show her how serious I was about making her mines, so she didn’t object. Hell I even helped her and her mom plan everything.

  I was so grateful that God has given me another chance with Alicia. This woman has been lied to, cheated on, abused physically and mentally; and yet she still finds it in the heart to forgive and keep moving forward. Alicia has taught me a lot about love and life. Who knew the little girl I use to tease in school, would grow to be the woman whom shared my rib.



  “Alicia, can you please hold still so I can finish fastening your dress in the back?” My momma said as she was helping me with putting on my wedding dress.

  I couldn’t believe me and Shawn were finally getting married! This was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, but yet I was still feeling a little down. I miss Keisha so much! She was supposed to be here right by my side making jokes and telling me that everything was going to be ok. When I got the call from Keith that day telling me the decision of taking her off of life support, I felt like all the air had left my body. As much as I wanted to beg him not to do so, I knew Keisha wouldn’t want to keep living like that.

  I packed me and Zaria up and headed to be by Keith and the kid’s side. I was holding up well until I got to the funeral and saw my cousin lying beautifully in her casket; that’s when I lost it. I felt someone grab me and help me up off the floor. When I saw that it was Shawn, I didn’t care what was going on between us, all I knew was that I needed him right then and there. I didn’t fight him on trying to console me, I just let him.

  He stayed the rest of the week with me and when we finally got home he opened up and addressed what he had done.

  “Alicia, I know you are tired of hearing this but I am so sorry baby for what I did. I never intentionally meant to hurt you. I felt like I was losing you to Troy and was gonna lose Zaria too! Every time I tried to talk to you about what was going on with y’all, you would always become defensive and we would argue. I’m definitely not trying to make any excuses as to why I did what I did, because that was all on me. Honestly baby, if I wouldn’t have seen those pictures, I wouldn’t have known that I was with her. I was drunk baby and that’s the honest to God truth! I was so fucked up and hurt from what I saw back in California. That’s wasn’t me, that wasn’t my behavior. You’ve known me since we were kids, my character hasn’t changed, but I fucked up. What I should have done was be the man that I am and just talk to you instead of letting my ego get in the way. When I came to California and saw him there playing with Zaria, I just lost it. That’s when I flew back home and called Dana, which was a big ass mistake! I had been drinking before she came over and honestly I don’t remember anything else. I’m so sorry baby I really am, and if you just give me one more chance I promise on my life and Zaria’s that I would never hurt you again,” Shawn told me with tears in his eyes.

  I told him I needed some time to think things through. I was still feeling the effects of losing Keisha and I was still vulnerable. When Shawn left, I started thinking about everything he had said. Yeah, he did fuck up big time, but I realized that I did play a part in the messiness of our relationship. I was too busy worrying about how Troy was feeling because I was still feeling guilty about what had happened to him, that I was putting his feelings before Shawn.

  I did the same thing to Shawn that he did to me, and that was not talking to him. I just let him think what he wanted. Had he came to me and told me how he felt about the way I was handling the Troy situation, maybe it would have made a difference with us. Even though it didn’t change the fact that he still slept with another chick, I still found it in my heart to forgive him.

  So after some time to myself and thinking over things, I called Shawn over and told him that I wanted us to work it out, with the warning that if he fucked up again that was his ass! He was so happy that he proposed to me again right there in the living room with a bigger ring and a date.

  As for Troy, I haven’t spoken to him since our last blowout in California. Keith told me that he was arrested and charged with second degree murder for flipping out and killing some chick that exposed him to some STD’s. He also told me how Troy had started using hardcore drugs as well. Eventually he ended up taking a plea deal and was sentenced to twenty five years in prison. I pray he gets the help he needs medically and spiritually.

  Only relief of him being gone is that I don’t have to worry about him challenging me about his name being on Zaria birth certificate. I know I’ll always have love for Troy, because without him I wouldn’t have my daughter.

  My mom had just finished buttoning up my dress when there was a knock at the door.

  “Come in,” I yelled to the door.

  It was Keith coming in looking dapper as ever. He was Shawn’s best man and lived up to the role.

  “You look beautiful Alicia,” He complimented me as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thank you Keith, you look handsome as well.” I replied.

  “I came here to give you this,” He said as he handed me an envelope with my name on it.

  “What it is?” I asked.

  “When I was packing up the house in California, I found this addressed to you in Keisha’s night stand drawer. I don’t know what it says, but I figured I’d give it to you today because something tells me she wrote you something special in it.” He replied and left the room.

  I opened the envelope and started reading it.

  Hey Alicia, I know that last time we talked things didn’t go so well. I felt like you were mad at me because of the conversation we were having about Troy. Now you know how much I love you, so I will always tell you things and show you things that sometimes you can’t see because you always do the same for me. I would never intentionally hurt you Alicia, but hear me when I say Shawn is the one! Ever since he’s been in your life, I have watched you grow so much! You look like a woman that has never had a day of hurt in her life. I have always looked up to you Alicia. You are strong, kind hearted and most of all forgiving. Everything may not always be roses with you and Shawn, but I promise you his good outweighs the bad. (Remember you told me this about Shawn when you guys first got serious?) I just don’t want you to make the same mistake I did by messing up what I have with Keith for something in my past. I love you Alicia and just know I’ll always be here for you.

  Love always, your sister for life,


  When I finished reading the letter, my makeup was ruined from the tears, but I didn’t care. The last time me and Keisha did talk, I did feel like she wasn’t on my side when it came to how I was handling things about Troy, but just like always, she just assured me that my best interest is what she wanted. If I ever needed confirmation that I was doing the right thing by marrying Shawn, Keisha just gave it to me.

  I had the makeup artist come back in and touch up my face. Once she was done, I was ready.

  “You ready to take this walk baby girl?” My daddy asked me as we stood there about to walk down the aisle.

  “I sure am daddy.” I answered him with a smile.

  After all the trials, tribulations, hurt, and losses it was evident that I was still standing. I was now evolving From being a Mistress To Wife..


  “How much is it for the full night?” he asked

  “Its $150,” I responded

  “Fuck that just give me some head.” He said as he unzipped his pants

  I got down on my knees and put his dick in my mouth. I wanted so badly to throw up from the smell of piss and musk coming from him, but I knew if I did that I wouldn’t be getting paid. I needed to make this quick $20 so I could go cop me a hit for the night. Shortly after I started sucking on this trick dick, he came quickly in my mouth. T
hank God for that because I don’t know how much more of his smell I could take.

  “Bet that up,” He said once I was done as he tossed a crumbled twenty dollar bill next to me on the floor.

  I got up and ran quickly down the block to Tank, the local dope boy on the block. I got a ten dollar rock and headed back to the trap house where the rest of the dope fiends were getting high. I went into the back room and found a corner that wasn’t occupied. I sat in a tight fetal position so no one would come over begging me to hit my shit. I took my pipe out of my jacket pocket, lit it, and started sucking on that shit like it was a dick of gold. After about three more pulls, I started feeling the effects. I began to nod my head enjoying this short high.

  “Damn Candy you not gone share?” I heard a female voice say.

  I looked up to see Shauntae, a chick that use to dance at the same strip club I did when I was dancing. She also was the one that put me on with turning tricks for money out here when clubs wouldn’t hire me because of the damage to my face. I had permanent damage to the left side of my face from when I got caught trying to steal money from this nigga pants who I had just got through fucking, and he beat my ass.

  “You too late Shauntae, I smoked it all,” I told her in a woozy tone still nodding.

  “You always do this shit Candy! Every time you cop, yo' ass always run and smoke yo' shit up by yourself, but when I cop make sure I share with you!” I heard her yelling.

  At this point I wasn’t trying to hear shit Shauntae was saying. I was trying to stay on this cloud as long as I could and not give a fuck about coming down….

  Coming Soon…

  The Bitter Taste of Candy

  Again, Thank you guys so much for taking this rollercoaster ride with these characters. Out of every character I choose to write, these guys will always remain my favorite! Who knows, maybe you’ll see Alicia, Shawn, Keith and possibly Troy in the future. Their stories aren’t over, not just yet!

  The End




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