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Chaos (Phoenix Undercover #2)

Page 10

by C. A. Harms

  One by one, we exited the room as we prepared for yet another bust. It was time to free some of Frank’s victims.

  “You okay to handle this?” Burton asked as we climbed into the waiting vehicles.

  I was tired of people asking me if I was okay. “I’m not gonna break, Burton. I’ve seen some fucked-up shit over the last few years. I had the shock of a lifetime when I found out about Frank’s involvement. But nothing will stop me from freeing these women. They’ll never forget the torture they’ve lived through, but they deserve to get their lives back.” I was an agent, and a damned good one. I needed to bring down the monsters who had flipped my life upside down. First we brought down Roman—or Frank, whatever the fuck you want to call him. Now we would free the innocent girls and women his people were still holding prisoner. Then Leo was going down. Come hell or high water, I vowed to make him pay too. I had to protect my family and my unborn child. And until Leo was behind bars with Frank where they both belonged, he was still a threat to them.

  On the ride to Staten Island, Burton recapped the mission and gave us our last instructions. We had no idea what would be between us and Frank’s victims, but we wouldn’t stop until we freed them.

  We slowed to a stop about half a block from our target location. Just looking at the nice, well-kept homes and other buildings, you would never have guessed that the most hideous events took place inside two of them.

  “Team one and two, you’ll take location A. Team three and four, take location B. Earpieces in, men. It’s time to fuck some shit up,” Greyson said, and we all began to exit the vehicle. Greyson, Mike, and I were together; we always were. We were a trio, and a powerful one at that.

  “You ready for this?” I asked Mike.

  He nodded as he cocked his Glock 19 and flashed his signature smirk. “Hell yeah, I’m ready. Let’s roll.”

  I shook my head and signaled to our group that it was time to move. One by one, we began advancing toward the house on the right, doing our best to hide in the darkness and using bushes and vehicles to shield us.

  As I looked for any signs of activity, I heard music faintly playing from a window to the left of the back entrance. Deep laughter followed by a few catcalls told me all I needed to know. We would be walking in on a party. One I was more than positive involved a few unwilling participants.

  When we were all in place, we waited for our signal. My heart was racing and my adrenaline was pumping. I vowed to make these fuckers pay, and I was about to get that chance.

  “We go on three,” Burton’s low voice came through my earpiece, and I positioned myself. “One, two, and…three.”

  And the chaos began. Upon entering, we found multiple men and half-naked girls, most of whom were crying. Rage filled me at the sight.

  A few men had gone for weapons, but we were fierce, disarming them before they were able to defend themselves. We caught them when they least expected it, and that was a benefit.

  Our men swarmed the house, checking every room. One by one, we led the guys out in handcuffs as another team entered and began helping the abused women cover up with the blankets and shirts scattered throughout the room.

  “Phoenix,” Greyson called from the other room, and from the tone of his voice, I knew it was something I wasn’t going to like.

  I worked my way down the hall, and as I reached the room he’d entered only moments ago, my stomach felt like it hit the ground. On the mattress in the corner were the three girls we’d met the first night we came into contact with Leo. Jillian, Molly, and Zara.

  All three of them were wearing only panties and had been beaten recently, and older wounds were covered with fresh bruises and cuts. They stared back at Greyson and me with tears streaming down their faces.

  Zara, the girl I had been paired up with at the warehouse, couldn’t take her eyes off me. Her body shook, her lower lip trembled, and the sight of it fucking gutted me. This young girl should be enjoying her life, going to parties with friends and going to college. She sure as hell shouldn’t have been trapped in this house, being used and beaten over and over.

  “You came,” she whispered as she stared up at me as if I was some sort of hero. I wasn’t a hero. I should have taken all three of them with us that night. I never should have allowed them to stay with Leo.

  “You said you would.” Her voice shook. “You came,” she said once again, and before anyone could stop her, she leaped off the bed and jumped into my arms.

  My gaze connected with Greyson, and I wrapped one arm around Zara to keep us both from falling. Her face was buried in my chest as she cried, and she continued to whisper, “Thank you.” Each time she did, it was like another piece of me crumbled.

  “Everything’s gonna be okay,” I assured her as I pointed toward a blanket only a couple feet away. Grey followed my gesture and handed it to me.

  Once I had Zara securely wrapped in it, I led her from the room and toward the awaiting EMTs. As we walked, she began to shake and gripped me tighter as she shook her head and whispered “no” over and over. Her body trembled harder while she dug her bare feet into the floor.

  “Hey.” I stepped in front of her and gripped her forearms, forcing her to focus on me. “Sweetheart, they’re here to help. They need to look you over, and we need to get you to the hospital.”

  “Please, no,” she begged as tears fell from her eyes. “Don’t leave me again.”

  I felt like this sweet, young girl had just kicked me in the nuts. She looked at me in a state of panic, and I had no idea what to offer her. So I did the only thing I could think of. “I’ll be right behind you. Go with them, let them check you over, and I promise you I will be at the hospital to see you later.”

  I brushed away her tears with my thumb, and she nodded as she stepped past me and walked toward the waiting paramedics.


  I jumped at the sound of Grey’s voice and turned to see him standing only a few feet away, watching me closely. “Yeah?”

  “Your job with her is done. You know that, right?” I looked back toward the ambulance. Zara stared at me through the back doors. Even as the paramedics worked on her, checking her vitals, she never looked away. “It’s not healthy to let her grow attached.”

  “I know, Grey, but I feel like I owe her,” I confessed.

  “You did all you can. Don’t do this to yourself.” Greyson stepped forward and placed his hand on my shoulder. “Let her heal with the help of professionals, man.”

  “I know, Grey.” And I did, but that didn’t make it easier. I felt like if I didn’t at least go see her, I was a liar. And after everything she’d been through, I couldn’t lie to her. She’d already had too much disappointment in her life. I wasn’t about to add to it.

  Chapter 22


  I had fallen asleep close to midnight. I tried to stay awake waiting for Josh, but it was hopeless. I was out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

  I awoke a few hours later to a freshly showered and very naked man climbing into bed with me. He didn’t speak but ran his hands over my body. The moment his lips touched mine, it was like a fire lit within me. He trailed his tongue along my jaw and slowly descended the side of my neck to my collarbone. It was so easy to get lost in him

  “I missed you, baby,” he whispered as he positioned himself between my legs and pressed his erect cock against my center. Josh was such a dominating man in the bedroom. Hell, in everything he did, he took charge. I craved it and loved when he took what he needed from me.

  “I need you,” he said as he continued to move down my body. When he stopped to kiss my stomach, he whispered, “I love you.” Knowing he was speaking to our baby made my chest tighten. I never thought our child would be able to know their father. But now that they would be able not only to know Josh but feel his love, I had never felt more complete.

  The moment his mouth reached my lower stomach and he began to slide my panties down, my body began to tremble. I knew what was about to co
me, and I needed it. God, I wanted it so badly.

  “So perfect,” he said before he kissed my inner thigh. I allowed my legs to fall open wider, welcoming him. “So fucking sexy.” A deep rumble resembling a growl escaped him, and he was on me, as if he was starving, licking and sucking, taking everything he could from me. I was so sensitive, I could feel my body tightening as my orgasm built.

  “Give it to me, Gabby, I need it,” he said as he slipped a thick finger inside me and began pumping in and out, curling it each time he pulled it out. “Let go, baby. I can feel your pussy squeezing my finger. Let go.”

  I arched my back, and a sudden rush of pleasure rolled through me. “Oh yes,” I screamed. Pumping my hips, I rode out my orgasm, and for a moment I forgot my sister was right down the hall.

  Josh began working his way back up my body, and with each kiss, each touch, I continued to tremble. As he hovered above me, his thick cock rested against my sensitive clit. He must have picked up on my shaking because he began slowly moving his hips, sliding over me. “You are so unbelievably gorgeous when you come. I fucking love it.”

  I smiled through my daze. I was still feeling lightheaded, and my body vibrated with the aftereffects of my orgasm

  “Do you want me inside you?” Josh asked, still hovering above me. I nodded and he smirked. “I need to hear the words, Gabby. Tell me how bad you want me.”

  “So bad,” I said in a breathy whisper.

  He shook his head, still wearing his cocky smile. He knew just how worked up he had me. His cock had slipped between my legs, and he continued to slide through my wetness, coating himself. “I need to hear more. Tell me how you crave me. How when I’m inside of you everything else fades away.” He continued to tease me as he pulled back just enough to hit my clit once again with the head of his cock. “Tell me you want me to fuck you, baby.”

  I was now panting with need, and I gripped his shoulders as I dug my nails into his skin. “Yeah,” he groaned at the pain, “leave marks, Gabby.”

  “Fuck me, Josh. I need you inside me.” I was so close to attacking him, I needed him to take charge and fuck me into a coma, for God’s sake.

  “That’s my girl,” he said as he pulled back and found my entrance. He slid inside me with ease and let out a satisfied moan was he was completely seated. “So fucking snug. Perfect, baby. So good.” His breathing picked up as he began to move inside me, hitting so deep with each thrust.

  “Home,” he whispered against my ear before sucking on my earlobe. I knew just what he meant. Even after everything he had been through, everything I had gone through, this right here trumped it all. It was the connection we both needed to survive. He was my home too.


  I woke up to the sound of Josh’s phone ringing. Immediately, I flashed back to when he was undercover. Now that Roman, Frank, whatever, was behind bars, the FBI was still cleaning up his messes. They were also doing what they could to track Leo. With all leads going nowhere, I knew it was eating away at Josh. He was so distracted, and on most days he was distant. I just hoped they found Leo soon so we could all finally relax.

  “Hey,” Josh said in a husky, sleep-filled voice.

  He paused to listen to whoever was on the line before he spoke again. “Yes, I went. Just to check. But I only stayed a few minutes.”

  Another pause.

  “Grey, I don’t need a fucking lecture from you. I make my own choices. I had to, man. Now it’s done, so move the fuck on.” Josh sounded angry, and I wondered who he was talking about.

  ”I don’t give a fuck what you think.” Josh hung up. I jumped in surprise as he tossed his phone onto the hardwood floor. “You awake?” he asked.

  I had been sleeping on my side with my back to him. I rolled just enough to look back at him as he sat up on the edge of the bed. “Kind of hard to sleep through that conversation. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” he said as he ran his hand through his hair. “Sorry I woke you.”

  “It’s okay.” I rolled completely onto my back, and the sheet fell below my still-bare breasts. Josh lowered his gaze to my chest and stared for a few seconds. “Wanna talk about it?”

  He gaze met mine once more, and the lust that had been there only moments ago was gone. “Nothing to talk about. I do have to get to the office, though. We made a bust last night, and I have a ton of paperwork to get filed.”

  I was irritated at myself for pushing him. Had I not just ruined the mood, we probably could have had some great morning sex. I grabbed for the sheet and covered myself. “Yeah, I have to make some phone calls, and I have a closing at two today.”

  “I don’t want you alone,” he said with force.

  “I don’t need a babysitter,” I countered, and his jaw began to tick.

  “Gabby, can you please not give me shit about this? Not after the night I had. Just for one day, just fucking accept that I don’t want you alone when Leo is still out there. I can’t focus if I know you’re out in the city by yourself.”

  I bit back my attitude, because frankly he had enough for the both of us right now. But the euphoria I had felt only hours ago when he crawled into bed with me and took charge of my body was now gone. It was replaced with aggravation and the need for some space from his arrogance.

  “Fine,” I said as I sat up and grabbed for my robe at the end of the bed. “I’ll ask Brook to tag along.” I slipped my arms into the silk material and crawled out of bed before wrapping it securely around me.

  “Gabby?” Josh said as I walked toward the adjoining bathroom.

  “It’s okay, Josh, I’ll see you later,” I said just before closing the bathroom door.

  I didn’t want to argue. I just wanted to defuse the problem, and I felt this was the easiest way.

  Chapter 23


  The days and even the nights began to blur together as we kept hunting for Leo. Now that Frank was behind bars, we were finding the locations where he kept his drugs and the women he tortured, but Leo was still escaping us.

  Even Nicolay, Leo’s number-one man who was also an undercover CIA agent, had not seen Leo since the night he and Leo took me. We were worried he too had been compromised. It would appear Leo no longer trusted anyone. Every man we had brought in since Frank’s arrest attested to Leo’s absence. No one had seen him. He had fallen off the grid, and that left one hell of an ache in my gut.

  I knew he was out there. Something told me he was well aware of what was going on and was just waiting for the right time to attack.

  “Josh, you got a minute?” I looked up to find Burton standing in my doorway.

  “Sure.” I motioned him in as I leaned back in the chair at my desk. “Come on in.”

  He took the seat on the opposite side of my desk and scanned over the papers on top of it. “I wanted to speak with you regarding the senior agent position.” That gained my full attention. “Agent Andrews and Agent Turk would like to make a decision by the end of the week. With the recent events surrounding Frank, they feel this location needs some stability as soon as possible. In fact, they wanted this handled immediately, but with me being here as the active fill-in, they’ve held off.”

  “Are you offering me Frank’s position?” To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I knew they would eventually fill it, but in all honestly I thought they would bring in someone from Washington who had more seniority.

  “Yes, Josh, we are. With your credentials and dedication, you’re the best candidate. We all agree,” Burton said without any signs of hesitation.

  “I’m honored, truly,” I said, still a little shocked.

  “So I take it that’s a yes?” he asked with a huge smile.

  “Yes, sir. That’s a firm yes,” I added as we stood at the same time. He reached out, and I shook his hand.

  “Congratulations, Josh. We’ll announce it this Friday in our meeting,” he said before turning on his heel and leaving my office.

  I had just been promoted. It was som
ething I had been working toward my whole career. I hadn’t expected it to be a possibility for years to come because Frank seemed to be doing such a good job, but it was mine now. Not under the best circumstances, but still it was mine.


  I’m not saying what I did was right. In fact, I knew it wasn’t, but I couldn’t help it.

  I found out Zara had no family. Her father ran off before she was born. Her mother died of a drug overdose when Zara was twelve, and she lived with her grandmother until she was taken. But her grandmother passed shortly after her disappearance. Now she was left with no one.

  I felt drawn to her, like I owed her. She’d had so much taken from her, and I just wanted to show her someone out there cared. So every day since we freed the women at Frank’s Staten Island house, I had gone to the hospital to see her. She was usually asleep, but on occasion she would wake up long enough to know I was there.

  We talked about the things she had been forced to do. I wished she would talk to a counselor or someone who was trained in these things instead, but she said she only trusted me, and I thought if she could open up to me, she might be able to eventually open up to someone else.

  Today when I arrived, I found her sitting up in bed and staring out the window. As I stood in the doorway looking at her, I thought that today she seemed different. Better, even.

  As I shut the door, she turned to face me, and a smile covered her mouth. “Hi.”

  “You look like you’re feeling better,” I said as I took a step toward her.

  “I do, actually. Dr. Franklin said I may be able to leave in a couple days. My ribs are healing, and my results came back clean.” She was referring to the tests they’d run to make sure she didn’t have any sexually transmitted diseases, either from unprotected sex or the dirty needles Frank’s people had used to drug her.


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