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Monster Girl Islands 5

Page 20

by Logan Jacobs

  “I should be offended,” I joked, “but I’m not. I’m going to use their underestimations to my advantage. The longer we can go letting them think I’m not a big threat to them, the longer we can keep outsmarting them.”

  I do not believe you will ever cease to outsmart them, dear one, George chuckled.

  I glanced between the cracks in the rocks, all the way back to the orc camp. A fat one stoked the fire and poked at it with a long stick, which caused smoke to rise up in a big, black plume. The orc stood less than three feet from the proudly displayed silver egg, and yet, he seemed wholly unbothered by it, as if it were nothing more than decoration.

  It was foolish and disrespectful, but I hoped to hell it stayed that way with all of them. The less attention they paid to the egg, the better our chances of stealing it back and flying under their radars were.

  We’d attack and slaughter them all soon enough. For now, I just needed the egg to stay unhatched and in one piece, until we could get our hands on it.

  Then we’d have our own weapon of mass destruction on our hands. I’d hold the figurative nuclear codes, ready to push that big red button and send the orcs up in a plume of nasty, smelly flames as soon as I could.

  If the fire breathing dragons grew at the same rate as George and Nixie, that would only be a matter of months. It wouldn’t take long for our little fire starter to reach full grown status, and then we’d fly overhead and find the orcs’ home island.

  Then, this war would be over, and I would have saved an as yet undecided number of women from the horrific acts of the brutish orcs.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I told George and Mira. “It’s time to plan out our attack.”

  Mira grinned, and George let out a low, quiet dragon hum. Water rippled away from his solid chest as if someone had just thrown a stone into a pond, and the vibration created an effect that washed up onto the sandy beach.

  Mira and I returned to our seats on George’s back and held on while he ducked back under the surface of the ocean and took us completely out of sight of the orcs.

  When we got back to the camp, Nadir and Sela sprinted up to us, with Jonas not far behind them. Ever since he’d gotten his vision about the dragon egg, he’d been anxious to know when we could get it back. I couldn’t blame him. Even I felt like every day that passed could very well have been a year, so I could only imagine it must have been twice as difficult for Jonas, since he was the one who actually had the vision.

  “Did you find a way to build the tunnels?” Sela asked at once.

  “I need something to write on,” I told her. “So, I can draw you guys a map, and we can figure out where we’re going to tunnel.”

  Sela sent one of the other women onto our ship, where we’d found paper and drawing supplies on our first sweep of the vessel, back when we’d commandeered it.

  “I fear the egg will hatch soon, Ben,” Jonas murmured into my ear as Mira and I went to dry ourselves off by the campfire.

  “Did you see something else?” I asked him.

  “No.” The old man shook his head. “But in speaking with Lezan and her people, I believe they may have had the egg for nearly one moon cycle. If we add in the time the orcs may have had it, and take into consideration how long it took George and Nixie’s younglings to hatch… ”

  Jonas trailed off as I started to do the math in my own head. George’s eggs had taken less than a month to hatch. If Jonas was correct, which I didn’t doubt for a moment, then the silver dragon egg was somewhere between one and two months old. Possibly even more, depending on how long the mother dragon had it before the orcs stole her child.

  Even with consideration to the fact that the fire breathing dragons were clearly very different from water dragons, the egg was likely to hatch sometime soon. After all, everything in this world seemed to move fast.

  “Then we’d better get a move on,” I told the old man. “I don’t want that egg to hatch around the orcs, especially if they plan to take the baby dragon back home with them once he or she is out.”

  Jonas nodded solemnly.

  A few minutes later, the woman Sela had sent off returned with a piece of paper that was torn along the edges and yellowed with age and sea air, as well as a quill and some squid ink. I felt like I’d been transported back to the sixteenth century as I spread the paper out on a large, flat rock and began to draw out a map of the newly finished orc encampment.

  Sela, Mira, Nadir, Jemma, and Jonas all hunched over my shoulder to watch me draw, while George sat himself next to the fire and listened in to our conversation.

  “Alright, so here’s their ship,” I said, and I drew a crude ship on the left half of the page, to signify the ocean. Then I drew some squiggly lines to divide the ocean and the beach before I proceeded to draw their huts. “And here’s what looks to be the main cabin for the orcs. Then, we’ve got this big old bonfire they seem to keep running all day and night. And right here is where they’re keeping the egg.”

  “So, they have separated the egg and their sleeping quarters,” Nadir observed. “Stupid. But good for us.”

  “Exactly.” I nodded. “The bulk of the orcs are going to be over here during the night. And then we’ve just got to contend with whoever is stoking the fire.”

  “They have no guards for the egg?” Sela scoffed. “They went to so much trouble to acquire it. They are all such fools.”

  “You’re telling me,” I chuckled. “Listen, Nadir, do you think you and the rest of your people can tunnel off the other side of the ravine, all the way to the beach?”

  Nadir inspected my map, and then thought about the geography we had seen when we’d crossed the ravine.

  “Yes,” she finally said. “It will take time, though. There is no other way?”

  “I’ve played the scenarios out in my head,” I replied. “If we come in on the ground, it’s too easy for them to see us either coming or going. There is a ridgeline about a thousand yards away from the camp that blocks the orcs’ eyeline, but we’d still have to cross a lot of open ground to actually reach the encampment. Heading in by tunnel and then blocking the exit behind us is really the best way for us to go.”

  “Understood.” Nadir nodded, and then she turned to Lezan, Jira, Malak, and Trin. “I would like for you to gather our builders. Memorize this map and lead the teams. Understood?”

  “Understood,” Jira replied.

  “Why must we all go?” Lezan demanded as she flicked her white and black hair over her shoulder. “I will stay here with you, and help to lead our troops.”

  Lezan flashed me a wide, sultry grin that made my stomach tie into knots of arousal. The way the woman looked at me was unapologetically sexy.

  “Because I have given you orders,” Nadir growled, and she stepped right up into Lezan’s face and bared her teeth in a feral, animalistic way.

  Lezan growled back for about half a second before she seemed to decide Nadir was the winner of their little showdown and backed off.

  “Fine,” she snapped.

  The four women bent their heads down to study the map I’d drawn before they scampered off into the woods and back to their people.

  “She has a fiery mind on her shoulders,” Nadir grumbled, more to herself than anyone else.

  “When do you think the tunnels will be done?” I asked and drew her away from the issue with Lezan.

  “Hopefully, in two sun rises,” she replied. “We will work fast and hard.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled at her.

  Now, all we had to do was wait out the next two days until our tunnels were finished, and then we could snatch away the dragon egg.

  I spent the rest of the day training with the women. We did and re-did all of the drills I’d trained them on. They ran down the beach at high sprints and sparred with each other while Mira, Sela, and I watched their forms. Every few minutes, I would hear Sela bark at one of the women when she wasn’t performing satisfactorily, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. If any of the armies
back home had Sela in command, every war would be done with faster than a person could blink.

  That night, we all fell into our beds completely exhausted. Training was hard on a good day, but it was always made more difficult by new surroundings and the immediate threat of the orcs, especially when we could nearly feel their presence on our island.

  I was just about to drift off to sleep, already in that half state between dreaming and wakefulness, when the flap of my tent opened a sliver. Red-orange campfire light spilled in and raged against my eyelids, and I blinked to see Nadir slip through the tent and pause just inside.

  “Ben, you must awake now,” she hissed sternly.

  Quickly, I sat up, and for a second panic seized my heart.

  “Is everything okay?” I demanded.

  “Yes.” The curvy woman grinned, and my heartbeat instantly slowed down. “I merely wanted to make a request.”

  “Oh,” I sighed in relief. “Of course. What is it?”

  Slowly, and with a nearly crazed smile, Nadir pulled off her skimpy fur top and let it fall to the floor.

  The sight of her perfect, round breasts nearly made me salivate. They were large, but sat high and proud on her chest, and her dusky pink nipples were small and already hard against the cold night air.

  Then Nadir waltzed forward, chest first to tease me, and the shit eating grin on her face told me she knew exactly what her body did to me.

  “I want you to do for me what you have done for your other women,” she announced. “You, Ben, will give me strong and clever babies.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The moment the words left Nadir’s mouth, I went impossibly hard in my pants and nearly couldn’t breathe. Then a lump of arousal knotted itself in my stomach as the leader of the Coonag people knelt down, and she started to crawl over my mattress toward me with her ass high in the air and her fluffy striped tail waving hypnotically.

  The thin piece of cloth that covered her pelvic region was nearly non-existent now, since it had buried itself in her ass crack as if it wanted to give me an unobstructed view of the perfect, round flesh.

  When Nadir had made it all the way up the mattress, she paused as she hovered over me, and she stared into my eyes with those alluring steely gray orbs of hers.

  “Will you do as I wish?” she murmured.

  I trailed my hand over her furry little ears and down her smooth neck before I let my fingers come to rest on her perfect nipples. A hum of appreciation formed in her throat, and I smiled at the sexy sound.

  “You don’t even have to fucking ask,” I told her.

  A feral moan erupted from her throat, and Nadir tossed her head back and thrust her chest forward in a silent order for my touch.

  Of course, I complied.

  I kneaded her breasts between my fingers and pinched her nipples just hard enough to elicit a loud moan of appreciation, and I was barely cognizant of the fact she’d be loud enough for the entire camp to hear.

  Not that I cared. I wanted the sounds of our fucking to be rampant and take over the entire island.

  “Oh, my gods, yes, Ben!” Nadir keened loudly.

  She lowered her head and looked at me from under hooded eyelids, and then she shifted down my body and yanked my pants off with so much force I actually heard them tear.

  I didn’t care, though. I’d sacrifice fifty pairs of pants to fuck this gorgeous woman.

  My cock stood at attention in front of Nadir’s face. Her gray eyes sparkled with excitement, and she barely gave herself time to grin before she dragged her tongue up my shaft.

  Her mouth was warm, and wet, and knew exactly what to do to create the perfect amount of suction around my cock. The sounds of her slurps mixed in with the animalistic sounds of both of our moans created a cacophony of sexual noises that were good enough to warrant a record deal with Universal.

  “Gods,” I moaned, and when I tossed my head back in pleasure, I could see the stars through the hole in the center of the tent, right where the center pole poked through and held it up.

  Nadir’s tongue circled my cock with practiced precision, and I realized the woman was a regular genius in bed. She knew when to slow down and pull back to draw out my pleasure even longer, and when to speed up to make me see stars.

  And not just the ones that sparkled in the sky above us.

  Finally, I thought my balls were about to explode from pleasure, and I couldn’t take Nadir’s teasing tongue any longer.

  “Get on your back,” I growled, and I almost surprised myself with how feral and serious the order sounded. It was like nothing I’d ever said in bed before, but Nadir just shot me an excited grin and scrambled to yank her panties off her legs.

  Within seconds, she was completely naked and on her back, with her legs spread wide to reveal a glistening pink pussy that made me drool. Her body was thick and rounded in all the right places, and lean and toned everywhere else. Her body kind of reminded me of the short and beautiful Latina women who would prance around Miami with equal parts sexy and sass.

  “Give me babies, Ben!” Nadir groaned, and her steely gray eyes were already partially closed in ecstatic anticipation. “Put yourself inside of me and make me scream.”

  “I’m already doing that,” I hissed into her ear as I hovered over her glorious body, and I let my fingers trail up and down her taut, warm stomach for a moment before I snaked them between her legs.

  Both of us let out a loud, long groan when the pads of my fingers drifted through the sticky wetness that just about poured out of her.

  “Please, Ben,” Nadir begged, and she finally opened up her gray eyes to look back at me imploringly.

  “As you wish,” I told her.

  I didn’t give her a chance to say anything else. I just positioned my cock at her entrance and then drove myself into her, completely unapologetically. I didn’t worry about being careful with Nadir. I wasn’t sure what it was about this beautiful, strange woman, but I didn’t feel the need to take care of her, like I did with Jemma or Mira.

  She wanted it rough. No, she needed it rough.

  I pounded my cock into her relentlessly, and I relished in the cries of pleasure that came from both of us. The sounds of our wet fucking filled the tent and probably the entire camp, and impossibly sexy expressions rolled across Nadir’s face whenever my cock hit that perfect spot inside of her.

  “Harder, Ben, please!” she screeched.

  I obliged.

  Sweat poured from my forehead, pooled on the bed, and turned the tan mattress a darker brown.

  Suddenly, Nadir’s eyes popped open as a grin split her face, and she flipped us over with more strength than I thought she possessed.

  “Stay,” she growled, with her hand on my chest.

  And then the woman started to ride me.

  She tossed her head back and let her black hair flow down her shoulders as she bobbed up and down on my cock, and she slammed her hips down against mine with enough force to keep me in one place.

  Not that I wanted to move at all. The view from down on the mattress was fucking exquisite.

  “Gods,” I groaned as I reached a hand up and cupped her breasts so I could relish in their soft fullness. The tightness in my balls had reached astronomical levels, and I knew I was close.

  So, I grabbed Nadir’s hips and started to bounce her harder and faster, in search of my own release now more than anything.

  “I’m… going… to,” she panted out, but the racoon-woman didn’t even finish her sentence before she squealed out a long, low sound and nearly collapsed on top of me.

  I felt her inner walls clench deliciously around my cock, which sent jolts of pleasure all the way up my spine and through my muscles.

  That was enough for me.

  I clutched tightly to her hips while I sprayed a pint of my seed inside of her with a loud grunt, and stars swam in front of my vision. My hips pulsed up and down with the aftershocks of my orgasm, while Nadir shivered and clenched on top of my cock as sh
e attempted to regain her breath.

  When we both came back to consciousness, she slowly rolled off me and plopped down on the mattress next to me.

  “That was fucking amazing,” I breathed.

  Nadir looked at me from under hooded lids, but all she could do was nod and gasp as my white cream dripped from between her splayed thighs.

  “Oops,” she giggled after a second, and she glanced apologetically down at my chest.

  I followed her gaze and saw the woman had left scratches all over my chest and stomach. I’d been so in the moment I hadn’t even felt her fingers dig into my skin, but there was absolutely no way I could complain. The wounds were shallow and would heal easily, and to me, they were just a sign of the wild, crazy life that lived inside of Nadir.

  “You can do that to me anytime,” I whispered as I rolled over to spoon her.

  “Good. I want all of your clever babies.” Nadir instantly curled up against me and pressed her ass against my hips, and she wiggled them slightly in a purposeful tease.

  “Are you trying to go for another round?” I demanded. “Because I will fuck you again if you keep teasing me.”

  “I want that.” She shrugged playfully, and then continued to press her ass against my cock. “My womb is very fertile, so this is a good time to pour your seed into me as much as possible.”

  Within seconds, I was hard again, even after the massively blissful orgasm I’d just had.

  “Oh, you had better get ready,” I chuckled huskily. Then I flipped her over roughly and yanked her ass in the air.

  By the time we were both exhausted and had fallen asleep, I completely lost count of how many times we’d fucked and how much seed I’d sprayed into her womb. If Nadir wasn’t pregnant already, I would have been absolutely astonished. The sex was wild and loud, and both of us ended up with scratches and bruises in all sorts of places when we were finished.

  But I fucking loved it. I’d have sex with Nadir any time, day or night. The woman was an absolute animal in bed.

  I didn’t know how long we slept for, but it was one of the best nights of sleep I’d had in far too damn long. It was one of those sleeps where I was nothing more than a dead log the entire time. I didn’t even remember dreaming during it. I was deep in the clutches of rest the entire night, completely unaware of the passing of time. Even my body’s natural clock didn’t seem to want to wake me up, and instead just let me sleep it off.


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