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Cloud Rebel: R-D 3

Page 9

by Connie Suttle

  "Now, my curiosity is certainly aroused," I said. "Perhaps I will discuss this with Breanne when I see her again."

  "I would very much like to hear what she has to say," Nefrigar offered a slight nod. His eyes were alight with speculation, however, which was wondrous to see. I think even the higher gods would pause before engaging in debate with the Larentii Archivist.

  "Very well, I shall contact Belen immediately," I agreed. "I will present your request most persuasively."

  "We thank you," Nefrigar said. He and Valegar disappeared, leaving me to ponder his words.

  * * *

  Unofficial communication from:

  Geethe Cheriss, Prime Potentate of Lyristolys

  To: Outland Commander Fisk Boralus

  Subject: Drug Survivors, Clones and Contraband Drug Supplies

  Communication received on multiple survivors and clones. It is the decision of the Hidden Council and myself that planet Earth be eliminated. Ensure that it appears to be the work of dissident members of the population. Standard protocol is engaged. Accomplish destruction at earliest opportunity. All evidence of this communication must be destroyed upon receipt.

  Fisk looked up from the comp-vid to study his team. It included a mute Sirenali, who'd had his tongue removed at birth. Keeping the Sirenali with the team ensured that the powerful would have no knowledge of his presence-as long as they remained within the Sirenali's protective range. The Sirenali had been appropriated by the Lyristolyi government after dismantling a criminal organization. He'd been subjugated by the Hidden Council ever since.

  Fisk smiled grimly. He had a job to do-and a planet to destroy. "Standard protocol is engaged," he announced and erased the message on his comp-vid.

  * * *


  Val, Rafe and I accompanied Winkler to Star Cove-at least the remnants of it. News crews were milling about-streets into the small community were tied off with crime scene tape.

  More than one journalist recognized Winkler when he stepped out of his SUV; microphones appeared in hands immediately and all of them crowded about him.

  "Was it a gas explosion?" One of them demanded.

  "Everything in the community is electric," Winkler waved off the speculation with one hand. "A gas grill certainly couldn't cause that sort of devastation," he added. "I think this was done deliberately."

  "By whom? One of your enemies?" Someone else asked.

  "I haven't owned any property here or had any dealings with this community in more than twenty-five years," Winkler replied. "If they're after me, they're a bit slow on the uptake."

  "Please, allow Mr. Winkler to pass," Rafe stepped in to act as Winkler's temporary bodyguard. The county sheriff, who'd been talking with local police and two FBI agents, began walking toward the yellow tape which flipped and bounced in the breeze off the gulf.

  He recognized Winkler, too, as did the FBI. This meant we'd be let through, while the carrion-crow-minded-media would have to remain behind.

  An FBI agent held the tape up so Winkler and his entourage could slip through. I could hear journalists shouting more questions at our backs. I considered a swift, heavy downpour over them-but that would require a bit of cloud manipulation over our heads. I decided against it.

  Val chuckled beside me.

  "We're pretty sure this was planned-the investigation has turned up evidence that a rocket launcher or some other weapon may have been used," the sheriff said as we walked toward the remnants of burned and blasted houses.

  "We just can't determine the reason this community was targeted," one of the FBI agents added. "Nobody living here should have been on anyone's hit list."

  "We need Matt Michaels here," Winkler said. "I have a theory-which has nothing to do with me, by the way-but I'd feel more comfortable explaining everything to him, first."

  "He's on the way-flew out of D.C. an hour ago," the other agent said. "Probably be here in three hours, depending on the speed of the military jet he took. Scheduled to land at the Naval Air Station in Corpus."

  Human methods of travel are so slow and mundane, Val sent.

  I hear that, I agreed. Ever since I'd been able to fold space, it was my preferred means of travel.

  At least the burned bodies of adults and children had already been removed-if that hadn't happened, I'd have been even more furious than I was as we studied the destruction caused by four Elemaiya.

  I want to kill them, I sent to Val.

  Dearest, can you find them-by Looking? I fear you cannot, he replied. I have already attempted it. They are hiding behind a Sirenali, now, I think. No idea how they managed to capture one, nevertheless, it is done. Perhaps one of the gods will assist us in our search, Val's words were enigmatic.

  Then I hope he gets here soon, I grumped.

  The gods appear in their own time, and not by any plan or desire of others, Val quoted.

  I suppose that's in a Larentii book somewhere, I said.

  Dearest, you have not had time to read all of them, yet. I'd just made him smile.

  So a god is coming to save our asses? I went back to our original conversation.

  Our asses, as you put it, do not need saving. Human asses, on the other hand, do.

  Right. What about those ass-hats from Lyristolys? The other ones we can't find? My mental voice sounded petulant. That doesn't even include the clones and any drug survivors with less than stellar intentions.

  We are assisting with those searches, and doing what we can to keep those about us alive and well. Far more than most Larentii are allowed or willing to do.


  Dearest, when we get back to the beach house, I hope you will allow me to take your mind off all this.

  How do you propose to do that?

  I shouldn't have asked, especially in that tone of mental disbelief. The wave of sexual desire that washed over me almost sent me to my knees. Val took my elbow to prevent that. Unfortunately, his touch only made the desire more acute. If I'd known what sort of sexual mojo a male Larentii possessed, I'd have kept my mental mouth shut.

  Something wrong? Rafe's voice sounded in my head.

  Nothing to see here, I grumped as Val sent another wave of desire in my direction.

  What the hell was that? Rafe demanded.

  You were mentally connected to Rinnelar when we ah, were being frisky, Val replied. I suspect you have an erection at this point.

  None of your business, Rafe snapped.

  That remains to be seen, Val snapped back.

  You'll not be seeing, Rafe began before another wave of desire hit both of us. Rafe stopped still, looking as if someone had sucker-punched him in the gut.

  Honey, please stop. I don't want to have a climax next to the FBI, I wheezed in mindspeech.

  Very well. The moment I have you and Rafe to myself, Val said.

  Rafe lifted an eyebrow but didn't comment. Perhaps he was feeling the effects of intense sexual arousal after more than a year without, just as I was.

  "I'm sending images to Matt," Opal said, breaking up our mental foreplay. It was just as well, I tended to be noisy while having an orgasm.

  "What did I miss?" Matt Michaels walked up. Well, somebody didn't take the time to finish his flight.

  It's Mr. Foldy-Space Pants, I silently accused.

  I really wish you'd give me a break, he whined back.

  Come on, you know that's funny, Opal intervened.

  All of us stopped still as Val sent another wave of pleasure, silencing even Matt.

  Chapter 7

  All of us returned to the beach house feeling depressed. After Val's last bit of tomfoolery, we'd witnessed first-hand where people had died. Thoughts of the children, some of them sleeping at the time of the assault, enraged me.

  It shocked me, too, that Val held one hand while Rafe gripped the other when I was ready to become tall, blue and violent.

  I wasn't ready to ask how Val had accomplished that feat with Rafe, because I didn't want to know. Not now, any
way. I still felt angry and depressed over the attack on Star Cove. Those Elemaiya were going to die if I ever found them again.

  "Papa," Katya came to Rafe, "Opal says we can't go anywhere without Val or Rinnelar," she leaned her head on Rafe's shoulder.

  "What is it, little moth?" he asked, rubbing her back.

  "Cabin fever?" I offered.

  "I think so. Sergei is feeling restless. I think we both need to get out for a while."

  "Is there something in particular you want to do or somewhere you want to go?" I asked.

  "I now own a villa in Italy," Rafe said. "Would you like to see that? Provided Rinnelar doesn't mind taking us?"

  "I wouldn't mind," I breathed, once the shock wore off. He'd bought it, because that's where we'd spent our short honeymoon.

  "I will provide transportation," Val said immediately.

  "Where?" Matt said. "Just asking," he held up a hand before I could say anything.

  "I was going to answer your question," I replied. "Not jump all over you."

  "Truce?" he asked, holding out his hand.

  "I guess," I sighed and clasped his hand to shake on it.

  "Good. Opal and I would like to come with you, then. Bekzi will stay here to protect the others."

  "I want to have dinner at Gino's while we're there," Rafe said. "That means we spend the night tonight and perhaps tomorrow night as well."

  "Is that the restaurant you always talked about?" Katya turned a hopeful gaze on Rafe.

  "It is," he smiled at her. "The food is wonderful."

  "I'll be coming with you," Leo announced, cutting his eyes toward Sergei. I wanted to sigh. I didn't. Leo wouldn't include himself unless it was important to Sergei's health, mental and physical.

  "All right," I shrugged. "Pack your duds. We're going to Italy."

  "Duds?" Sergei blinked at me.

  "Clothing," Rafe explained. "An American idiom that defies explanation."

  "It derives from Middle English," Val began.

  "Honey, they don't care about that," I patted his arm. "They just want to go somewhere."

  I understood that he wanted to comment on short attention spans, but didn't say it. I rubbed his back to console him. Matt, the cheeky bastard, snickered.

  "Don't be a jerk," Opal swatted at Matt. I snickered, that time.

  They want to have energy sex, Val informed me.

  I thought so, I replied. I just didn't want to embarrass anybody by saying it aloud.

  You, my love, have never experienced energy sex. They have. They know to anticipate it greatly.

  While I feel like an awkward virgin, I snapped. Sorry, didn't mean it to come out quite like that.

  I will make sure you are cared for afterward, he observed.

  I need care afterward? Now I was starting to worry.

  The ecstasy is so great, the participants generally lose consciousness. If we are not on the Larentii homeworld, then other Larentii must be present to ensure the safety of all participants.

  What. The. Hell. Are. You. Talking. About?

  You'll see. Val smiled gently.

  And so will they, I huffed. I don't want a bunch of strangers watching me while I'm making whoopee.

  Dearest, it's not like that. They know to be discreet if anyone involved feels uncomfortable.

  Right. Who's coming? Anybody I know?

  I just sent the call-there have been several replies. I expect them to work it out among themselves.


  Dearest, you're repeating yourself.

  On purpose.

  Ah. I assure you, I understood the first time.

  I'm not questioning your understanding. I'm beginning to question my involvement in energy sex.

  Please, dearest-I have been looking forward to this since the moment we met.

  All men are alike, no matter what planet they're from, I grumped.

  I call your attention to the fact that I am Larentii. Men are, by definition, human.

  Fine. Didn't mean to ruffle your tail feathers.

  I do not have, he held up a hand.

  I know, I know. I should have said males. My bad. As for Larentii having tail feathers, it's only an expression. Wait, you're just yanking my chain, aren't you?

  Dearest, you make me laugh, he said.

  "I think this is the most interesting conversation I've never heard," Katya interrupted.

  "Young one, we didn't mean to converse at such length and exclude you," Val smiled. "We are-as you might say-merely poking at one another."

  "Corinne had such a look on her face," Katya grinned.

  Rafe went crazy, trying to get to me. If Val hadn't been there to intervene on my behalf, he could have done me harm. I was too stunned at first to recall that I could place a shield about myself when he came after me with murder in his eyes.

  That meant I was forced to watch as he destroyed everything surrounding my hastily erected shield in an attempt to kill me. When the tears came, that's when Val put a stop to it and rendered Rafe unconscious.

  * * *

  "There was no harm done, young one," Val attempted to soothe Katya. "I merely placed your father in a healing sleep. He will wake shortly with his obsession in check."

  "I didn't mean to say her name," Katya brushed tears away.

  "Honey, don't cry-this really isn't your fault. A Sirenali did this to us," I said. My voice shook, but I was determined to keep Katya from having a breakdown.

  Val and I hadn't yet cleared away the destruction Rafe had caused with only his fists and strength. It made me glad he didn't have his warlock abilities wakened-the damage could have been much more severe-to the house and to me.

  He and I-we should be together on Karathia. As it was, that had been stolen away from us. My sigh was shaky and I was close to tears.

  "Are we still going to Italy?" Katya quavered.

  "I'll see to it," Val said gently. "We'll bring your father around. Please, someone take over for me-Rinnelar needs my attention," Val announced.

  "I will." Opal sat next to Katya on what remained of a sofa.

  "Come, dearest," Val said, gripping my hand and folding space.

  * * *

  "I wish I could say there is no cause for tears, but that would be an untruth," Val wrapped large, blue arms about me. Without a word, he'd convinced me to remove my human disguise once we arrived at a secluded spot next to a waterfall on one of the Hawaiian Islands.

  Before I could wipe away the next tear that fell, he did it for me. "Hush, dearest. He loves you very much. That is why the obsession is so violent. If he could, he would turn that destruction upon himself, instead."

  "I don't want him to do that," I quavered. "He doesn't deserve this."

  "And neither do you. Wicked Sirenali have been a curse since their creation. If your Ilya had his way, you would be in his arms while he soothed your hurts and fears." A hand stroked and massaged the back of my neck-exactly where the tension was. I buried my face against Val's chest and sobbed.

  * * *


  The room was dim when I woke. I had no idea that Val or any Larentii could leave a mental or physical message waiting, like anyone might leave on a phone, a card or any other communication device.

  She is most upset, the message came. I have repaired the bones in your hands. Do not make me regret that act by destroying your bedroom and harming yourself a second time.

  I cursed myself instead. Val was correct-there was no sense in allowing my anger to surface a second time, just so I could destroy more of a house that did not belong to me. And the harm I'd brought to her, well, I feared that would never be repaired or forgiven.

  All it had taken was the mention of her true name. The obsession had surfaced after that, destroying all of Val's good work at keeping it submerged in my consciousness. Yes, I realized he'd been secretly working to hold it back. I wanted to thank him and curse myself again in the same breath.

  "Papa?" Katya's voice came from a corner of the room. I'd
failed to see her sitting there, waiting for me to wake.

  "Little moth, I am better now," I reassured her. "I hope I didn't frighten you when the obsession manifested."

  "They told me that's what it was. I didn't understand until now." I could hear the closeness of tears in her voice.

  "Come," I sat up on the edge of my bed and beckoned to her. "Sit with me. We will talk about this."

  "But," she began.

  "No, my precious girl," I said. "I will never harm you. The obsession only makes me violent toward-you know." I gritted my teeth as I said the words.

  "You love her," Katya said and rose from her chair.

  "I do." I studied my hands in the dim light. Val had repaired most of the damage, just as he'd said. All the cuts and abrasions were healed; only a few small bruises remained of the wreck I'd made of my fists.

  "This makes me afraid," she took one of my hands in both of hers while shaking her head. "If this obsession thing can make the strongest person I know do things he would never do," she didn't finish.

  "I know, my little moth," I sighed, grasping her fingers with mine. "And I would never do that. Never."

  "Papa, I was hoping she wasn't dead. That you would be together, and you would be happy. I know you weren't for a long time-not after Alexi's death. I worried about you going to the Americans. I worried that they'd only use you and then toss you away. She made sure that didn't happen, didn't she?"

  "I think she had much to do with that," I agreed. I almost smiled when she said it, too. After all, if I hadn't been treated well and if I hadn't fallen in love with her, I would have found a way to escape.

  Colonel Hunter had turned out to be an honest man. Those were rare, in my experience.

  "What do you think it would have been like-if you'd been reborn on the world meant for you both?" Katya asked.

  "I don't know," I said. "I can only hope that it would be as beautiful as I have imagined it. Now, who told you these things?"

  "Opal. I like her, Papa. She answered most of my questions, and some I didn't know to ask."

  "I get the idea that Opal-and Director Michaels-are much more than most think," I said. "I've heard her referring to it often."

  "I hope a day will come when you can say her name again, Papa."

  "As do I."


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