Book Read Free

Alien Revelation

Page 20

by Nicole Krizek

  “Like what?”

  “Like you’re mad I’m denying you. I only want you protected and happy.”

  “You make me happy.”

  He pressed their foreheads together again. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll still be here in two days. A week. A month. A year. We’ll have plenty of time.”

  She suddenly lost her smile and pulled back to look him in the eye.

  “What if we don’t?” she asked softly, afraid of his answer. “What if we don’t have time? What if there’s another attack on Earthers? Conall could be targeted.”

  Onalee gasped as a realization hit her. She clutched his shoulders. “Or Oliver! Brogan, what if they attack again and Oliver is hurt?”

  Brogan soothed his hand through her hair. “I’m doing everything I can to prevent that from happening. We’re going to find the bastards who did this, and we’re going to make sure it never happens again.”

  She looked intently into his eyes, and saw nothing except his determination. Finally, she nodded and settled against his chest.

  “Good. Because this is our family now. They just don’t know it yet.”

  Brogan kissed the top of her head. “I couldn’t agree with you more.”


  Conall walked out of the Sirilians’ workshop, shaking his head in mirth. He’d just delivered sandwiches to Karo and Oset, who’d spent most of the past twenty-four hours together, along with Reus.

  The three of them were a strange team.

  Reus was lighthearted and rarely serious, while Oset was like a silent shadow; he barely spoke, didn’t laugh, and usually had his eyes on one console or another. Karo was like a machine, incessantly focused on the task at hand.

  Together, the three of them had already integrated LINK into the heightened security system, and were now working on God-knew-what. Karo had tried to explain it to him, but Conall’d promptly gotten lost in the tech jargon.

  The person missing from the three-musketeers this afternoon was Reus. Maybe he finally went upstairs to sleep, Conall mused.

  That wasn’t the case, as Conall found out when he stepped into the garage and heard sounds from within one of the transports—his transport.

  Groans, moans, and a, “Reus, yes, just like that!” had Conall storming over to the sleek green vehicle.

  The windows were heavily tinted, which barred him from seeing inside—a slight miracle, since he didn’t need to see his sister’s “O-face.”

  “Oy! Get out of my transport before your bare asses leave sweat marks on the upholstery!” Conall yelled.

  “Your transport?” Ashlyn’s muffled voice called from inside after a brief moment’s pause. “Since when did you claim it?”

  “Since I’m the only one who’s taken it out of the bloody garage,” he called in answer. “Now get out! You two share a soundproof bedroom for a reason. You shouldn’t be going at it wherever the mood strikes.”

  There was rustling before one of the side hatches opened. Ashlyn and Reus climbed out, Reus holding balled-up clothing in front of himself, wearing nothing but a sheepish expression. Ashlyn wasn’t contrite; she was angry. But at least her yoga pants were in place, and her chest was covered by a tank top.

  “Bloody hell, Conall. What’s got your knickers in a twist?” Ashlyn demanded, as she pulled on her sweater.

  Conall couldn’t help but notice that she wasn’t wearing a bra. He sincerely hoped that it wasn’t still in his car, to be found later. He’d have a fun time explaining that to Oliver, or his mother. He grimaced at the thought.

  “You sure you have everything?” he asked them.

  Ashlyn sighed and planted her hands on her hips. “Aye, spoilsport, we have everything.”

  Reus began pulling his pants up his legs, and Conall’s eyes couldn’t help but glance his way. He caught sight of a lot of blue skin, covering lean legs and semi-hard genitals. Reus buttoned the jeans, and Conall glanced at his chest. It was lean as well, but muscular. He was nicely built, but didn’t spark even a modicum of interest in Conall.

  Still straight? he wondered. Either that, or he liked his males tan and built like brick houses.

  Ashlyn cleared her throat, and Conall hoped to God he hadn’t been staring at her husband for as long as he feared. His eyes swung back to his sister, who was still in a tissy.

  “You know, you’ve been a real pain in the arse the past few days,” she pointed out. “I’d think getting laid would put you in a better mood.”

  Conall scowled in reply, and something dawned on her face. He didn’t like her new expression any more than her last.

  “Ohhh… so that’s it then: you’re no’ getting any.” Ashlyn’s brows knit together in confusion. “How can that be? Onalee’s practically living here now, and I know you like that arrangement.”

  “Leave it alone, Ashlyn,” Conall practically growled.

  She was a smart woman. If she kept speculating, she’d probably figure it out.

  “Is it because she doesn’t want you? No, that’s not it,” she answered her own question. “It’s obvious to anyone with eyes that she has feelings for you. And I know you like her. That’s also obvious.”

  “I’m going to let you two talk this out,” Reus commented from her side. He kissed her temple, mouthed “good luck” at Conall, and headed for his workroom, pulling his shirt over his head as he walked away.

  Damn him! Weren’t brothers supposed to stick together in the face of irate females?

  Ashlyn ignored her husband’s retreat. She crossed her arms over her chest and began to lob questions at him.

  “Is it because of Mary? Is it because Onalee’s from another planet?”

  Conall was careful to not show any reaction. Maybe if I don’t react, she’ll relent. He should have known better.

  “Oliver can’t be the problem, since I know for a fact that he adores her.”

  Ashlyn thought quietly for a moment, and the silence allowed Conall to ask himself a question of his own: why was he allowing her to continue this line of questioning? Was he secretly wishing that she’d figure out what was bothering him, and his secret would be out in the open?

  Before he could put a stop to her inquisition, she asked one more.

  “Is it because of Brogan?”

  Conall’s jaw clenched, and she whooped in triumph, actually holding her arms over her head in a victory-pose.

  “I knew I’d get it eventually!” she celebrated.

  It wasn’t long before her contemplative expression was back in place. “Wait… what’s wrong with Brogan? Are you angry because she likes him too?”

  “No,” Conall answered tersely.

  She put her hands back on her waist in a posture of annoyance. She’d be livid to know that in that moment, she looked just like their mother.

  “I don’t get it, Conall. What’s your problem with the man?” she asked. “He seems perfectly pleasant, and has done loads to help our family these past few weeks. Including, saving your hide on that ship.”

  “I don’t have a problem with him!” The statement came out more forcefully than Conall would have liked, and her eyes widened.

  “You don’t have feelings for him, do you?”

  Conall didn’t answer, but he might as well have. His damn sister. She rocked back on her heels, an expression of surprise and wonder on her face. It was like she was looking at him for the first time. He didn’t like it.

  “I had no idea,” she told him in a low voice. “How could I have not known?”

  “Yeah, well… I didn’t know myself until recently, so how could you have?”

  “But… you’re not into men.”

  She said it in a completely confused tone, and it made him laugh. Conall held his hands out wide.

  “I have no fucking clue what I am, Ashlyn,” he confessed desperately. “Straight? Gay? Bi?”

  She stopped him. “I don’t think assigning a label to yourself helps any. It doesn’t change how you feel about them.”

ng dawned on her. “Wow… you’re hot for two people.” She gave a half laugh.

  “It’s no’ funny,” he chided.

  Ashlyn held up her hands in front of herself, palms out, in a gesture of surrender. “I agree, it’s no’ funny. I’m just amazed. Here I’ve been worried about you… moving on… and it turns out you’ve fallen doubly in love.”

  “I never said I was in love with them,” he argued unconvincingly.

  Ashlyn raised her eyebrow in a yeah right gesture, but let the comment slide.

  “So, does your recent unhappiness stem from these feelings being unrequited? Or have you no’ made a move yet, and it’s blue balls that have got you cranky?”

  “God! Ashlyn!” Conall exclaimed in shock. She looked at him innocently.

  “What? It’s an honest question. Have you told them how you feel?”


  “Why not?”

  “It’s not as simple as that.”

  She rolled her eyes and sighed. “It is that simple. I know that Onalee adores you—that’s plain to see, since the woman doesn’t have a deceptive bone in her body. Brogan’s more difficult to read, but even so, you’re a great guy most of the time, and Arathians are bi-sexual. It’s safe to assume that he’s into you.”

  “Jesus…” Conall sighed, but Ashlyn ignored him. She was on a roll.

  “I’m not exactly one to judge, seeing as how I fell in love with an otherworlder, and moved our entire family to another planet. But now you have me beat: you’re ‘seeing’ my alien husband, and ‘raising’ me another alien, with a side of homosexuality.”


  She started to laugh. “Come on, you have to admit that it’s pretty funny.”

  It was. He chuckled, which turned into genuine laughter.

  “You know, Mum and Da’ respect the hell out of him,” Ashlyn assured him. “I’m sure that given a little time, they’ll get used to the idea that you’re sharing a bed with two people.”

  She was right, but there was another person in Conall’s life who was even more important than their parents.

  “And Oliver? What about him?”

  Ashlyn smiled. “Your lad adores Onalee. Every time I go into her room, he’s in there with her; and I’m certain that the feeling is mutual. As for Brogan, when Oliver’s not in class, or in Onalee’s room, he’s shadowing him.”

  “Brogan’s letting him go out on patrol?” Conall asked.

  Ashlyn scoffed. “Of course no’. I mean around the house. It’s like when he was spending every day with Reus. They’re good for each other.”

  “I still don’t know…”

  “Conall, stop trying to fight how you feel, and go after what you want. If you don’t, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”

  Her face scrunched up into a peculiar expression. “Oh god… I sound like Mum.”

  Conall laughed at the way she said it: as if sounding like their mother was a criminal offense.

  “You do, but at least you were making a good point.”

  She mock shuddered. “Just promise me that if I start poking my nose into everyone’s business, you’ll make me aware of it.”

  “Done,” he promised with a smile. “But apparently poking into my business is fair game?”

  “Oh, aye,” she replied. “Especially when you need a swift kick in the pants.”

  They laughed, and she began to walk away. She turned one last time.

  “You better?”

  He waved her on. “Aye, your good deed for the day is done.”

  She feigned relief. “Oh, good! Now I can go take a nap for the rest of the afternoon.”

  She was nearly to the door when she threw over her shoulder, “By the way, you can have the green transport. I liked the blue one better anyway. It’s my favorite color, you know.”


  Two days of lying around all day in bed, and Onalee was about to go out of her ever-loving mind.

  She didn’t exactly lead an active life, but at least she wasn’t trapped within four walls. She had her aviary, her plants; she walked outside, and more recently, took frequent trips to the MacLeod house.

  It wasn’t that she was lonely. Everyone had come to spend time with her, so she was rarely alone. But she was tired of being sedentary.

  When the doctor arrived early that morning to look at how she’d been recovering, and deemed it alright for her to be up and about, Onalee couldn’t wait. She could shower, leave her room… even go to the bathroom by herself! It was a small victory.

  Even though she was excited, there was a part of her that worried the MacLeods would expect her to leave once her brace was removed.

  She knew she shouldn’t overstay her welcome in their home, but she didn’t want to leave. It was like she was a part of the family.

  She loved living in the same suite as Oliver and Conall, and loved that Brogan was currently assigned there. He’d spent every night in her bed with his arms wrapped around her body—keeping her protected.

  How could she go back to living in Forkan’s house? Sleeping alone in her cold bed? Not having Oliver, Conall, and the others in her daily routine? How could she go back, when she knew what she’d be missing?

  Oblivious to her thoughts, the doctor passed his scanner over her body several times. She remained still while she feared what was to come.

  Brogan quickly walked down the halls towards Onalee’s bedroom. The doctor was currently with her, following up on her injury. He knew because he’d been on duty monitoring the house when his transport had requested entry onto the property. He’d been the one to grant the doctor access.

  Now that Iliona had relieved him, Brogan was determined to hear what the doctor had to say. He and Conall had done their best to keep Onalee put, but she’d been restless the past day, and he was worried she’d aggravated her injury.

  Once at her door, Brogan entered without knocking, since it’d become his room, too, over the past couple of days. His eyes went to Onalee, where she sat up in bed, hands clasped in her lap, politely waiting.

  The doctor had already removed her brace and was running a scanner over her thigh.

  Brogan’s eyes flitted over the room, and wasn’t surprised to see Oliver on the bed next to her. Conall stood by the headboard, eyes carefully watching the doctor.

  He glanced up as Brogan entered, and gave a slight jerk of his head, calling him over.

  Brogan crossed the distance to stand at Conall’s side, their shoulders touching. Onalee held out her hand to him, and he gave her palm a reassuring squeeze. The three of them waited silently while the doctor concentrated.

  “Let’s see how you do standing,” he told Onalee.

  She reached out for Conall, who supported her while she maneuvered her legs over the side of the bed. She stood, gingerly letting her weight settle on her left thigh. The doctor knelt in front of her and palpated the muscle. He gave a nod.

  “Try walking a few feet,” he instructed her.

  Brogan moved to her back just in case, but she was steady. With Conall at her side, Onalee took a few steps away, then returned to the bed.

  “How does it feel?” the doctor asked.

  “Fairly good,” she answered. “But the muscle is a little weak, and I feel a deep ache.”

  “That’s completely normal this soon after your injury, and should be gone after a couple of weeks,” the doctor consoled her. “Go ahead and have a seat again.”

  Brogan stepped back to allow Conall to ease her onto the bed. She kept ahold of his hand.

  “You’ve healed very nicely,” the doctor told Onalee. “I recommend you go slow for the next few days to regain strength in your muscles, but you should be able to return to your normal daily routine soon. If you have any pain, numbness, tingling… anything more than what you feel today, please contact me.”

  “Should she be left on her own?” Conall asked.

  “I’m sure she’d like a little privacy after the past couple of days,”
the doctor replied, causing a slight blush to break out over Onalee’s cheeks. “But I’m not forcing her to stay here.”

  He turned to Onalee. “As long as you have people that can help you if you feel weak or unsteady, you’re free to go home.”

  The doctor began to pack his equipment away, and Brogan looked to his companions. Both Onalee and Conall had unhappy expressions on their faces.

  Onalee was looking down at her lap, and Conall was watching the doctor with a scowl. Brogan had to keep himself from chuckling at the ridiculousness of the situation. Neither of them wanted her to leave. The solution to the problem was plain to see… if he could just get them to talk about it.

  Soon the doctor was escorted out by Ozgur, leaving the four of them alone.

  “Are you feeling better now?” Oliver asked.

  Onalee gave him a wide smile, and reached out to ruffle his hair. “Yes, I am. Much better.”

  Oliver didn’t look relieved or pleased. “The doctor said you could go home. Does that mean you’re going to leave?”

  Silence permeated the room. None of the adults answered right away, and Oliver looked from one to the other, having no clue why the question was such a big deal. Conall answered for them all.

  “The three of us need to talk about what’s going to happen now that Onalee’s better, but we’ll let you know.”

  Brogan added, “What would you like to see happen?”

  “I want her to stay,” Oliver declared. “I like having her here.”

  Onalee smiled at him and took his hand. “I like being here too,” she told him.

  “You can have this room, right Da’?” Oliver turned hopeful eyes to Conall, and they all looked at him.

  Conall cleared his throat. “Of course she can, but…”

  “Da’ says you can stay here with us,” Oliver told Onalee.

  She chuckled and shook her head. “There are many people living under this roof, Oliver. It’s not just your father’s decision. Plus, I’m not one of the family.”

  Oliver’s brows drew together in question. “Reus lived with us, and he wasn’t family yet.”

  The child made a good point. Brogan crossed his arms, a smirk on his face, and waited to see how Conall and Onalee would respond. It was sort of fun to see them flounder, but they needed to talk about this with just the three of them.


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