A Wolf’s Deception (Novella)

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A Wolf’s Deception (Novella) Page 5

by Sherilee Gray

  A subtle dip of his chin was all she got in response.

  ‘Wow. Everything has been done with so much care, so much attention to detail. It must have taken you months.’

  He rubbed the back of his neck. ‘Yeah, it did. It was a labour of love. I wanted it to be perfect.’

  ‘Well, you succeeded. It’s amazing.’

  Without thinking, she reached out and touched his arm. The heat of his skin scorched her palm, the corded muscles of his forearms tensed at her touch. Those pale blue eyes turned on her, sparks of fire burning in their depths and she couldn’t pull away.

  Once that look had been hers and hers alone.

  His nostrils flared and his gaze dropped to her lips, but then he pulled his arm away and turned on the stereo. She missed him instantly, missed touching him. In that moment, that small space of time, she’d felt content, complete, in a way she hadn’t since she went away.

  And it scared the hell out of her.

  They hit a small town about twenty minutes later and Gabe pulled over to call Fletch, the alpha of Black Hills. He’d want an update and so would her mother. He climbed out of the car to talk. She couldn’t hear what he was saying, but he sounded annoyed. By the time he came back, her heart was pounding and her palms were sweaty. He looked pissed.

  ‘Is everything okay?’

  ‘Fletch had his scouts out watching the roads into Cleaverton. The Harlow pack is watching, waiting for us to show up. There’s another way in, a way they won’t know about, but that’s still a risk. We’ll stay here a couple days then reassess the situation.’

  Fear crawled up her spine.

  ‘I won’t let them take Sawyer. He doesn’t belong there. He’s not one of them. He’ll never be one of them.’

  She had to get out of the car. Right then she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. Shoving the door open, she climbed out and leaned against the it, gasping, trying to take a deep breath.

  God, I’ve messed everything up.

  Resting her head on her folded arms, she tried to calm down, but it wasn’t working. She felt like she’d burst out of her skin at any moment. She’d been locked up tight for so long, living in constant fear for years. She didn’t know how to deal with this, couldn’t rein in all this pent up emotion if she tried. She’d only just gotten away. She couldn’t go back.

  Big strong hands, hands with skin so rough and warm, hands that could do damage if need be, but right then were offering comfort, turned her around and dragged her up against a hard, welcoming chest. Gabe’s heartbeat was slow and steady beneath her cheek. All the while, those big, gentle hands soothed her, made that tight knot in her belly slowly shrivel up until she could breathe again.

  ‘You’re going to be okay, Tress. You’re tough and you’re smart. I won’t let anybody take your son away from you. Do you understand? I’ll keep him safe. I promise you that.’

  What have I done?

  A sob escaped before she could stop it, wrenched from her chest.

  She had to tell him.

  She couldn’t keep this from him any longer. He deserved the truth, even if he never forgave her. Even if he hated her for it.

  Those big hands shifted, moved over her shoulders, came up to her face. The callouses were rough against her skin and she shivered. He made her look at him. ‘It’s nearly over, Tressa. You and Sawyer will be home in a few days, I’ll make sure of it.’

  ‘Gabe…I…’ His pale gaze dropped to her lips and lingered. She froze, as lost to him as she ever was. The memory of his touch blended with the here and now. His hands on her, his mouth, that’s all she wanted, all that mattered.

  ‘Shit,’ he breathed then leaned in, gentle fingers sliding over her throat, threading in the hair at her nape. He fisted the strands of hair and she gasped as he tugged her head back.

  Her hands slid down to his waist and she grabbed onto his shirt with trembling fingers, holding him to her. His solid body pressed her into the car, one heavy thigh sliding between hers, effectively pinning her in place like he thought she might try to get away.

  Not going to happen.

  His warm breath swept across her cheek then he ground against her, his hard cock pushing against the softness of her belly.


  ‘Do it,’ she whispered.

  His nostrils flared as he sucked in a breath, but he didn’t hesitate. Closing the gap between them, his firm, warm lips brushed against hers.

  Oh, God.

  Her body sparked to life, senses she’d purposely shut down roared back in full force.

  ‘Mama? I’m hungry,’ Sawyer’s sleepy voice drifted out from the back seat of the car.

  Gabe froze then his lips were gone. Breathing heavily, he rested his head on her shoulder.

  ‘What are you doing to me, Tressa?’ He slid his hands back to her shoulders and his fingers flexed before he released her. Stepping back, he shoved a hand in his hair. ‘We’d better go find somewhere for lunch.’

  He opened the passenger side door, motioning for her to get in.

  She could only nod, her vocal cords so tight there was no way she could speak in that moment.

  He drove them to a small cafe. It was a cute yellow building with a red and white striped awning. Tables sat outside so customers could enjoy the afternoon sun. There was a fair of some kind across the road, set up in a small park and people moved around the stalls, eating ice cream and admiring the arts and crafts.

  ‘We can go over and have a look after lunch if you like?’ Gabe said.

  The drive had given her time to pull herself together, but she couldn’t meet his eyes, afraid of what he might see there.

  ‘I’d like that.’

  He handed her some cash.

  ‘Go grab us some lunch. Me and Sawyer will get a table out here in the sun.’

  Her son was standing beside her, griping her fingers, but as soon as Gabe held his out for him to take, he let go. His small hand swallowed by Gabe’s far bigger one.

  ‘Come on, kiddo.’

  Sawyer chatted through lunch, making Gabe laugh several times. Watching them together, the tentative bond already forming, made her heart squeeze tight in her chest.

  After lunch, Gabe took Sawyer’s hand again and they all crossed the street to check out the stalls. While they moved through the crowd, Sawyer reached out and took her hand as well. To anyone looking at them, they probably looked like any other young family out for the day. Not a trouble in the world.

  I’d give anything for that to be true.

  They had stopped by a jewellery stand when Sawyer tugged on their hands.

  ‘You spot something?’ Gabe asked him. When Sawyer nodded, he crouched down and lifted him higher for a better look at the items on the table.

  ‘Look, Gabe, it’s a wolf.’ There was a small silver wolf on a thin strip of leather. Sawyer reached for it.

  ‘Do you want that, kiddo?’

  Sawyer smiled up at him and nodded enthusiastically. Gabe turned to the woman running the stall. ‘Can you shorten the leather to fit my little friend here?’

  The woman grinned. ‘Of course.’

  ‘You don’t need to do that.’

  Gabe ruffled Sawyer’s hair. ‘I want to.’

  The jewellery maker worked quickly, trimming the leather and re-fitting the clasp. ‘Here you go.’

  Gabe paid the woman then handed the necklace to Tressa to put on Sawyer. She secured it around her son’s neck and couldn’t help but smile at the joy and excitement on his face.

  She kissed his soft cheek. ‘There you go, baby, your own wolf. Now say thank you to Gabe.’

  His chubby little hand lifted to touch the cool silver at his throat.

  ‘My wolf.’ Then he wrapped his arms around Gabe’s neck and kissed his cheek like Tressa had just done to him.

  ‘Thank you, Gabe.’

  Gabe smiled, lines creasing the corners of his eyes. ‘No worries.’

  They looked around for a little longer th
en decided to find a motel for the night. After his big day, Sawyer was sleepy and starting to get grouchy. He seemed to need so much sleep at the moment. His face was flushed and Tressa pressed the back of her hand against his forehead. His skin felt too warm, like he had a slight fever. More than likely he had a cold coming on. Besides the tiredness and the temperature, he seemed well and happy.

  She made sure he was fast asleep then went back to the living area of their small motel room. Gabe sat forward on the couch, channel surfing.

  ‘Your mother called while you were settling Sawyer. I told her you’d call back.’

  He stood and handed her his phone.

  ‘Is he feeling better?’

  ‘He’s still warm, but he’ll be fine.’ Nerves fluttered madly in her stomach. She’d barely spoken to her mother these last few years. Her father had forbidden it and as always, her mother did what her tyrant of a mate demanded. Tressa didn’t know if her mother was even capable of an independent thought. Had she ever been? Or had she always been the subservient female Tressa watched being pushed around her entire life? More than likely her asshole father had beaten it out of her early on in their relationship.

  She squeezed her eyes closed, trying to push the memories from her mind of her petite mother cowering and her father looming over her, fists clenched.

  ‘No, daddy.’

  He spun around, face distorted with rage. She wasn’t quick enough and the back of his hand connected with the side of Tressa’s face, knocking her to the ground, her mother’s sobs ringing in her ears.

  The image changed, she was in her home in Harlow.

  Dan had her up against the wall, hand wrapped around her throat. Sawyer walked into the room, his cry of alarm at seeing her being hurt, drew Dan’s attention.

  ‘Piss off you, little shit,’ Dan snarled.

  Sawyer kept coming, lower lip quivering, arms extended for her. Dan raised his hand to hit her baby.

  No fucking way. Tressa unsheathed her claws and scratched his face.

  He spun back to her, blood trailing down his cheek, soaking into the collar of his shirt.

  ‘You’ll pay for that.’

  The force of his fist hitting her stomach knocked the wind out of her, the next blow had her falling to the ground.

  But Sawyer was gone. He would be hiding.

  He was safe.

  ‘You all right, Tressa?’

  She opened her eyes and Gabe was standing in front of her, concern on his face.

  ‘You don’t have to talk to her, you know. If you’re not ready.’

  The shadow of her memories hovered, still as fresh as if they had just happened and she had to take several deep breaths before she could speak.

  ‘Sorry, yeah. I’m fine.’

  ‘You’re not…shit, you’re bleeding.’ He used his thumb to swipe across her bottom lip and it came away stained with her blood.

  The iron taste filled her mouth and she realised she’d been biting her lip so hard she’d broken skin.

  ‘I’m not sure what happened. I ah…’

  He lifted his thumb and sucked the blood off, like he was licking ice-cream off a spoon, without conscious thought. It was like tasting her blood was second nature—like he was her mate.

  She knew the minute he realised what he’d done. His eyes changed to his beast, the colour flashing from blue to cat yellow. He sucked in a breath and the moment ended.

  ‘I’m fine.’ She was so far from fine it wasn’t funny. ‘Thanks.’

  She wasn’t sure what she was thanking him for. She was finding it hard to think right then.

  He frowned down at her. ‘Where’d you go just now?’

  She forced a smile. ‘Sorry, just wool-gathering.’

  He didn’t believe her, not one bit. He didn’t take his eyes off her, waited for her to say more. When she just stood there like an idiot, he pressed his phone into her hand. ‘Okay, well it’s up to you. Your mother knows you’re safe, she can wait another day if you’re not ready.’

  The male could read her mind.

  Besides her call for help, Tressa had given up trying to get through to her. Her father had all but exiled her and her mother had stood meekly by and allowed it to happen. From a cub, Tressa had known no one would protect her from her father’s rages. She’d kill for her son, do whatever it took to protect him from harm, and had turned Dan’s anger on herself the few times it looked like he might go after Sawyer.

  Her mother had always looked the other way.

  She carried the phone out to the small balcony and dialled the number for home.

  The phone barely rang twice.

  ‘Hello.’ Her mother’s voice was soft, cautious and she almost felt guilty for her earlier thoughts.

  ‘Hey, Mom. It’s me.’

  ‘Oh Tressa, I’m so glad to hear your voice. I’ve been worried sick about you.’

  And just like that, the old resentment reared up.

  Really? You’ve actually given me a second thought?

  She pushed it aside, hurting her mother would solve nothing, would change nothing.

  ‘We’re fine, thanks to Gabe.’

  She dropped his name on purpose. She didn’t want to hurt her, but she needed to know that even after everything, he was the one who would bring her home.

  ‘Right. Yes, Fletcher dropped by to see me.’ She made a snuffling sound, followed by a muted sob.

  ‘I’m glad…I’m glad Gabe was able to get you to safety, sweetheart.’

  She didn’t know what she expected her mother to say, but her easy acceptance of the man they’d forced her to abandon cut to the quick. She’d been sent away, her unborn child threatened because Gabe was the one who had gotten her pregnant. And now everything was all peachy keen?

  Her temper flared.

  ‘Really?’ It came out a snarl and her mother’s indrawn breath was a sucker punch to the chest. Her mother was finally free from her father. She didn’t need someone else making her feel worthless.

  Tressa knew first-hand how that felt, had her whole life.

  ‘I—I’m sorry, Tressa, for everything. I wish…I wish, I’d stood up for you more. I…’ Then her mother dissolved into tears and she felt like a bigger asshole than her father.

  She dropped into one of the chairs on the small balcony. Her eyes stung and she tried to blink it away, but it didn’t work. The tears began to flow.

  ‘It’s okay, mom. We’re going to be okay.’

  Chapter 6

  Gabe couldn’t just sit there as wave after wave of pain flowed from Tressa. She clutched his phone so tight her knuckles had turned white.

  ‘It’s okay, Mom. We’re going to be okay.’

  Her words were loaded with so much anguish and hurt.

  All the time he’d known her, the McCrays had always seemed like a tight-knit family unit. So much so, he’d found himself envying what Tressa had. He’d craved what she seemed to take for granted. Now he knew better, he remembered what had Fletch had told him about Tressa’s father, about the guy’s true character, and realised she’d held back from him. She had kept a lot of things from him about her home life. That chafed more than it had right to.

  She’d never trusted him, he already knew that. Still it pissed him off. He’d been in love with her and he’d probably been nothing more than a way to get back at her folks; to rebel against the tight hold her father had over her.

  So the fact he was going to her, that he had no other option, frustrated the hell out of him. When he got closer, he saw the tears glistening on her cheeks and was powerless against the urge to comfort her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and she stiffened, just for a split second, then relaxed against his hold. It pleased his beast, the side that knew this female was meant to be his, even though the man knew it could never be.

  For that one moment, he decided to indulge the beast. He needed to feel her under his hands, feel the warmth of her body against his palms.

  It was so stupid, so foolish, but he
didn’t let go when she ended the call with her mother. She turned in his arms and looked up at him with those dark, exotic eyes.

  ‘You were always there for me, Gabe. I never told you how much I appreciated you for that.’

  Not love. Appreciation.

  ‘You’ll have to forgive me for not believing you.’

  Though the words sounded harsh, he didn’t remove his hands. If anything he tightened his grip, pulling her closer.

  She bit her lip and turned away, looking out over the quiet street below. When she looked back at him he tried to harden his heart against the pain in her eyes, the unshed tears making them appear like highly polished marble. Black, streaked with the darkest amber bursting through.

  ‘I never wanted to hurt you. I’ve regretted the things I said to you that day more than anything else in my entire life…I…’

  He placed a finger over her lips. He didn’t want to hear anymore of her lies, afraid he’d believe them. He knew he couldn’t believe a word that came out of that pretty mouth. Shit, he wanted to taste her. Her trembling lower lip was dark pink and slightly puffy from biting and sent a shock through his body, straight to his groin.

  He shook his head. ‘I don’t want to hear another damn word.’

  Molten embers ignited in her eyes, bursting through. God, he wanted to punish her for what she’d done to him back then and how she made him feel even now. Before he knew what he was doing, he slammed his mouth down on hers.

  Her hands flew to his shoulders and she made a strangled sound, trying to shove him back, then in the next breath pulled him closer. He nipped her swollen lower lip and when she gasped from the sting, he slid his tongue inside, demanding her surrender. The hands on his shoulders quit fighting, quit clawing at him, trying to pull him closer. She stilled, her nails biting into his skin and he knew, right then, she was his for the taking.

  When he licked across her lower lip again, he tasted salt. The dampness of her cheeks registered. She was crying, harder than before, and he tried to step back.

  She grabbed his face in her hands. ‘No, please don’t stop. I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…’

  ‘What’s going on, Tressa?’


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