Book Read Free

Blue Blooded

Page 15

by Amanda Carlson

  Rourke said nothing.

  Danny interrupted hesitantly. “Naomi has given us directions. They are in Tuscany, about two hours south of here. They are in an old deserted abbey called San Galgano.”

  “I am familiar with this place,” Leo replied.

  “My father is south as well,” I said. “As soon as we arrive, I’ll contact my brother.” I looked at my mate. “Are you going to be okay with this?”

  He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. “I’m not at all okay with losing you, so we’re going to have to make sure that doesn’t happen.” He addressed Leo. “Do you think Enid resides in the same place she is keeping them?”

  “We won’t know until we get there,” Leo offered. “Her signature is masked to most, but if I’m near enough, I should be able to detect it.”

  “Then what are we waiting for?” Danny asked excitedly. “Let’s get to the rescuing.”

  “Join hands,” Leo ordered as he spread both of his toward us. I grabbed on to his left hand, and Rourke grabbed his right. We both clutched Danny. “The journey will be swift, but you may feel ill afterward. This is one of the drawbacks of spanning time and space, even for a mere moment. But you will recover, do not worry.”

  I had no idea what to expect, but I was ready for anything.

  “Our bodies aren’t going to burst apart or anything like that?” Danny asked. “I rather like this form, and it’s the only one my mate will recognize.” There was levity in his question, but he was voicing what we were all concerned about. Wolves and shifters were very concrete creatures, wary of magic and things they didn’t understand. Popping out of time and space qualified as worrisome. If this hadn’t been an emergency, and we hadn’t been dealing with a powerful Hag, we would’ve tracked down Lucas and driven the two hours.

  Leo laughed. It sounded like harp chords being plucked, melodic and mesmerizing. “You will retain your body, I assure you. We are simply moving faster than light, space, and time. We will arrive at our destination earlier than when we started.”

  Say what?

  “That’s a bit of a mind bender,” Danny said. “Hopefully one I’ll live to tell my children about one day when I bounce them on my knee.” He appeared wistful for a moment. “I wonder what a half-vampire, half-wolf child will look like? I hope they take after her and not me. They will be beautiful bloodthirsty little fliers.”

  Before I could comment on Danny being a father, Leo said, “They will carry traits of you both and be very powerful beings. Now we go. Enid’s and Jessica’s fates await.”


  “Holy hell.” I coughed, wiping my mouth with the back of my sleeve. I was on my knees, retching. Traveling through a time continuum was not at all advisable. My stomach felt like it had a rubber band cinched tightly around it. Rourke was pale, his arm braced on a tree, head bowed, but so far he was faring better than I was.

  Danny, on the other hand, was passed out cold.

  I staggered to stand. “Are you sure he’s going to wake up?” I asked Leo. “It’s been about two minutes, and he hasn’t moved.”

  “He’ll awake very soon,” Leo said. “I don’t take many passengers with me, but in the past, some have preserved their minds by shutting them down. It’s actually a fairly intelligent way to handle the situation.”

  “Now you tell us,” I said, coughing into my fist but managing to keep what I had left in my stomach where it belonged. “You mean I could’ve just passed out and all would’ve been well?”

  “No,” he answered, humor behind his words. “Supernaturals with vast power cannot put their minds on hold. It’s a coping mechanism your body has developed to keep you alive no matter what.” My wolf barked her agreement. Even though I was puking my guts up, she was happy as could be, urging me to get on with the business at hand.

  My body was righting itself quickly, which was a relief. “As much as I’m thankful for the experience, I think we’ll be taking a car home.”

  “Agreed,” Rourke said, dropping his arm. “I appreciate the ride, but I prefer to stay within this time and space.”

  Leo chuckled. “It’s your call, of course.”

  Danny sputtered as he awoke. “Good gods! The world’s gone pear-shaped.” He grabbed on to his head. “Is everyone spinning, or is it just me?”

  “Don’t worry,” I said, kneeling beside him. “It’ll calm down in a minute or two. You took the smart way out and disengaged your brain.”

  “I did?” he replied. “Then why does it feel as if I’ve taken bits out and had them blended and stuffed back in?” He rolled over and got up on all fours. “Have we arrived, then?”

  “The abbey is just over the hill,” Leo confirmed, his wings fully expanded and glorious. The sun was getting ready to rise, and I knew that once the first rays hit his feathers, it would be like nothing any of us had ever seen. “Enid is cloaking herself well, no doubt trying to keep her location secret. But I’m picking up on something nearby.” He walked up the crest of a short hill.

  “So she doesn’t know we’re here at all?” I asked, following him. “She can’t even scent us?”

  “It is like we do not exist,” Leo answered, glancing over his shoulder. “Although, she will infer that we are already somewhere nearby, as she’s given us directions. She knows my method of travel.”

  Rourke came up behind us. I’m not handing you over to Enid without a fight, he told me. It can’t come to that.

  I don’t think it will, I replied. But there’s a good chance we won’t have a choice in the matter. Whatever happens today, Naomi and Jax go free. We won’t get another opportunity. If we try to run away or fight, she will kill them. And then eventually she’ll catch up to me. There’s no use running. It’s time to face her.

  We could have brought an army of wolves with us, Rourke growled. We could have at least given a show of power.

  It wouldn’t have mattered. I knew this to be true. Enid is not your typical supernatural, much like Leo is not anything close to something we can fight. If Leo decided that he wanted to incinerate us, he would. And that would be the end of it. My only chance right now is to convince Enid that there is a way to bring her sister back.

  And what way is that? Rourke asked. We haven’t been given any clues about how to go about doing that.

  I know, I said. But I have to trust Juanita. She said I had to sacrifice something, and if I did, things would right themselves. I’m ready to do whatever it takes.

  What if that sacrifice is yourself? Rourke asked. What then?

  I shook my head. It can’t be, I told him. With my death comes chaos, remember? I’ve already thought of that. It has to be something else. I’m hoping Juanita will give me some guidance once I confront Enid. Or at least a hint of what I’m supposed to tell her. We’ll have to wait and see.

  Rourke grunted. Let your brother know where we are. Have him leave the Compound immediately, if he hasn’t already. If we need backup, at least they can be here quickly.

  Tyler, I called in my mind. Are you up?

  Yep, we’re ready to go. Julian is nowhere to be found, but we discovered a van with keys in the garage.

  It wasn’t surprising that Julian had bailed. He was probably out trying to cover up his deceitful tracks or cook up something with Ceres. Talk to Ray, Marcy, and James before you leave and let them know Julian’s gone and to be careful when they snoop around. We’re approximately two hours south of you. I don’t know where Dad ended up staying last night, but when you meet up with him, let him know. I’m not going to give you our specific coordinates right now, because Enid can’t see us. I don’t want anybody else to have that information.

  What’s the plan? Tyler asked. Are you going to break Naomi and Jax out?

  No, I answered. We have another strategy, but again, I can’t tell you what it is. Just know that when we’re all done with today, I will have done my very best to try to ensure a positive outcome.

  Be careful, Jess. Tyler’s voice became serious. I don’t like
not being there, but I’m glad you are protected. We’ll be rendezvousing with Dad as soon as we can. If I have to, I can shift and make it to you in record time. My brother was known for his speed.

  My goal is to come out of this alive, I reassured him. Tell Dad there was no way to avoid this. I love you both.

  Stay safe, he said. Kayla wants me to thank you. She’s happy Jax is coming home.

  I smiled. Tell her all will be well and that she’ll be reunited with her brother shortly.

  Leo stood on the top of a knoll. We had to make our way around his wings so we could see the valley below us. “I’m getting a very faint signal from that church. It’s about a half a mile from the abbey where your friends are located.” He gestured to a dilapidated stone building in the distance. “Try as she might, Enid can’t keep herself fully cloaked. It’s because she’s still practicing magic by keeping her prisoners in a cell they can’t escape from and scrying for you. If she ceased all magic, I would have a hard time locating her.”

  “How angry is she going to be when we show up on her doorstep?” I asked. “Will I have time to negotiate, or will she strike me down the moment she sees me?”

  “You will not approach her alone,” Leo said. “That would be folly. When we get close enough, I will drop my cloak and call out to her.”

  “Can you protect Jessica from Enid’s magic?” Rourke asked. “I need to know before we reach her.”

  Leo appraised my mate. “You are a mighty warrior from the days of old,” Leo said. “You are from the fiercest clan of the fiercest cats. That is why you—and you alone—have endured. Between us, we could hold Enid back. But she will not negotiate with us. Her terms will be with Jessica alone. It is unknown if she will allow us to accompany Jessica inside. We must wait and see.”

  Rourke tensed. “Are you telling me there’s no real way to back her up if Enid wants to talk to her alone?”

  “I’m not saying that exactly,” Leo answered carefully. “Jessica is a warrior in her own right, with great power. Her wolf will help fortify her, and she will be able to fend for herself until we can arrive to back her up. I would not allow a lamb to walk willingly into slaughter. That said, there are no guarantees. Enid is a powerful being. But there is no other way around this.”

  I agreed. “I can’t keep running. This meeting has to come eventually, and I’m glad I get to have it on my terms.”

  “You are very brave,” Leo said, appraising me. “I have no way to tell which way Enid will lean, but she would have to outright ignore your strength and power to harm you, which I don’t believe she will do. She is passionate, and angry, and fearful, but she has never been stupid. She is one of the oldest supernaturals ever to be created. We have to hope that she will see what her sister does. Now, would you like to walk there, or shall I take us?” He grinned.

  “Walk!” Danny shouted, answering for all of us.

  We made our way down the hill toward the church.

  I contemplated my next moves. First and foremost, I had to reason with Enid and implore her to listen to me. Rourke was right. I had no idea how to bring her dead sister back. Instead, I would have to convince her of my willingness to make a sacrifice. If she didn’t believe me, or take my words to heart, she wouldn’t keep me around, and that would be the end of it.

  My heart felt heavy with the risk we were walking into, but I knew I was headed in the right direction. “Juanita,” I muttered under my breath, “I could use your help about now. I know you said you wouldn’t interfere, but if Enid doesn’t listen, what am I supposed to do?” Immediately, one of Rourke’s back pockets buzzed, and I arched an eyebrow at him. “Do you have a Pack phone on you?”

  “I do,” he answered as he reached around. “Unlike you, I can’t talk internally with anyone but you.”

  I held my hand out. “I think Juanita is trying to get a hold of me.” She was using the same tricks she’d used before.


  Then the words disappeared and new ones popped up.


  I glanced up at the sky as dawn broke over the rolling hills of Tuscany. “I’m glad you’re with me,” I said, “even if you can’t be here in person. I hope your sister hears me out.” Then I looked at Leo. “How come Juanita knows where I am, but Enid can’t see me?”

  “You and Juanita have a very special bond,” he answered. Then he shrugged. “And I may have left a little doorway open for her to get through. She’s crafty, that one. I only knew her in another form when she went by the name Pandora. She chose to go through a rebirth so she could watch over you. It’s very rare for a supernatural to do that, but the process has strengthened her. She has been immersed in human culture for a long while now. It has made her more amenable to change, as she knew it would.”

  I almost tripped, launching myself down the hill. “Pandora? As in Pandora’s box?”

  Leo chuckled softly. “That is an old myth, indeed. But, technically, yes, she is that Pandora. Pandora was the first woman created by the gods, but there wasn’t just one woman. Three sisters were tasked with keeping a watchful eye over Fate for both the humans and the supernaturals. Pandora’s box was said to contain plagues and diseases and all the evils of the world and that Pandora unleashed them by opening the box. But that is far from the truth. The sisters were forced to watch as the diseases came, sometimes wiping out entire civilizations, along with wars, death and destruction, famine, all of which led to civilization as we know it. And they could do nothing to stop it. Pandora’s box, as I know the origin of the myth, actually contained her tears and sorrow. Of course, it’s not a physical box, but a metaphor for her emotions. But the tellings of tales get twisted through the ages, as to be expected.”

  That was incredible news.

  Juanita was Pandora.

  It was hard to believe that she had been reborn to protect me and keep me from harm so this day could come. It felt momentous. “I don’t know what to say,” I answered truthfully. “It seems the supernatural world is much larger in scope than I’d ever imagined. Growing up, I heard myths and tales about angels and demons, gods and goddesses, from all walks of life. But even for a supernatural, it’s hard to grasp that those myths are actually truths.”

  “Indeed, it is,” Leo agreed. “As a leader on the Coalition, you will be privy to every detail of this world and every realm contained within it. There will be a lot to learn. There are a lot of creatures and beings that have thought to have been extinct, but who still exist. Your job will not be an easy one.”

  Rourke said, “She won’t be alone. Her family will stay by her side.”

  Leo nodded, his face contemplative. “The Coalition has been made up of five females for as long as it’s existed. They interact and share power, but each has her own job to do. Jessica will bring new dimension by opening up the Coalition to others. I believe this is the right thing to do, as it’s been stagnant for far too long. I believe this will be the most successful Coalition ever created. Supernaturals will be forced to obey the laws, not just by five, but by many.”

  “Why has there been such a long time between the last Coalition and this one?” I asked. “I was told my birth was late, but that I killed Ardat Lili too early. I don’t understand how it works.”

  “Fate is incredibly complicated,” Leo said. “I don’t think anybody is really meant to understand it. Not only were you born late, but so was the vampire you seek today. But it had to happen that way, for she met with Enid long ago. And when Enid took her this time, Enid remembered her from those long years ago, and what she had said to the vampire. It’s all part of the fabric.”

  We were almost to the church. “Do you feel Enid inside?”

  “I do,” Leo replied. “In fact, she has let me know she is expecting us. She has deduced that we would come here, even though she had no prior knowledge.”

  When we got within fifty yards, the church door swung open.

  A lone f
igure stood in the doorway of crumbling bricks, the sun just poking its rays over the treetops.

  She was dressed in a simple white gown. Her hair was also white, flowing freely down over her shoulders. Her face was aged, but not overly so. She looked to be roughly sixty human years. She glanced at us and swung her arm toward the interior of the church. “Won’t you come in?”


  I was unsure what to do. I was relieved Enid was here and willing to talk, but I looked to Leo for guidance. He didn’t hesitate as he moved forward with grace, tucking his vibrant wings tightly to his back. I’d been right—as the first rays of sunlight glinted off them, they shone the purest white. In contrast to his olive skin, it made him look ethereal.

  “I trust you have been well,” Leo said as he approached Enid. “It has been many years since we last encountered each other. You have not changed overly much.”

  “Nor have you, Angel of Light,” Enid agreed. Her voice was softer than I’d imagined. I’d expected the wicked witch and instead got a grandmother. She turned her gaze on me, her irises contracting. Her power was tightly coiled, but I knew if she unleashed it, all would be lost. “I had not expected such a blatant play on your part.” She inclined her head. “I would’ve kept my word and would have exchanged you for my prisoners.”

  “That’s still the deal,” I said. “But instead of a complicated runaround, I decided to show up at your doorstep.” I placed a hand on Danny’s shoulder. “If you set them free now, my second will retrieve them and move away from this area.”

  Her eyes landed squarely on Rourke. “But this one stays,” she stated. “I can see that he will not be moved from this place.”

  “He stays. I hope you can see that I will continue to cooperate,” I said. “And I’m willing to discuss matters civilly.”


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