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Blue Blooded

Page 26

by Amanda Carlson

  The force of their combined power took me by surprise. My wolf howled as the two angels’ strength commingled with the warlock’s and shot forward, swirling inside me, entering my body from seemingly everywhere. My head arched back, my hair billowing back from the force. By everyone else’s intakes of breath, they were feeling the same thing.

  After a full minute, it died down. I raised my head and opened my eyes.

  “Now you will come and join hands,” Jeb said.

  We all obeyed, walking around our podiums. We formed a circle, intertwining our fingers. No one said a word.

  I was overwhelmed and humbled at the same time.

  “When I give the command, push your power signatures out and don’t let go until you feel your own magic come back into you,” Jeb ordered. “It knows what to do and has been waiting for this.” Suddenly, the book was back in Jeb’s hands, and he began to murmur something in another language. My hands began to tingle, my wolf howling, ready to release our power and take in the others’. “Unleash yourselves!”

  We did as he commanded.

  The power threatened to overload each and every one of us.

  “Don’t let go!” he called. “You can withstand it. Be patient. This is what you were meant to do.” He was acting like a Coalition football coach.

  The magic signatures swirled in my body, each a different specialty, all of them meant to make me stronger. My wolf was frantic, channeling it away as fast as she could. I wondered for a moment how everyone else was faring without a wolf running around in their brains.

  Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, I felt my power re-enter my body.

  “That’s it, just a few more moments!” Jeb coached. “Okay, drop your hands.”

  I shook my arms out, tingles racing along my body. I felt electric. My children were fine. The power had not infiltrated my womb. Supernatural bodies apparently safeguarded against such things, and mine had done it naturally.

  Jeb turned his back on us, facing the crowd. “I give you your Coalition!” His voice boomed louder than I’d thought possible.

  The crowd erupted in cheers.

  My family rushed in, surrounding us, Rourke hugging me, followed by my father, then Tyler. Marcy drew me into a bear hug, then separated us by an arm’s length. “How do you feel? Any different? You looked so regal up there. You guys seemed to glow a little bit there at the end. Come on, spit it out! The world is waiting for answers, and by the world, I mean me.”

  I laughed. “I don’t feel that much different,” I admitted. “But I do feel strong.” I knew I could call up the different signatures and use them to help me when I needed it. We all could.

  The Power of Five.

  Danny came and gave me a hug. He exaggeratedly sniffed me. “You smell like a drunkard,” he joked. “Like you’ve been to the well one too many times. Your power scent is overwhelming. I would wager your liver is about to burst.”

  “If I smell this way,” I said with a chuckle, “I’m certain your mate does too.”

  “That she does, but her true scent is never far from my heart,” he said, draping his arm around Naomi, who had come to stand by his side. He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek, murmuring, “You look utterly beautiful, love.”

  Nick and Lucas came up next, each giving me a quick hug. “Jess, nothing could’ve prepared me for this moment,” Nick said. “All those years ago as kids running through the woods…I can’t believe it led to this. I’m awestruck.”

  I nodded my agreement. “It’s hard to believe that all the harassment and pain we endured back then made us into what we are today.”

  “It most certainly did. It made us stronger,” Nick said. He glanced at Lucas and smiled. “We’re going to head back to the villa and get some food ready for when you guys get back. I hope that’s okay.”

  I nodded. “Sounds good. I don’t think we should be too long. The sun will be up shortly, and that means the humans will be waking. Even though this area is spelled, we have to make sure all these supernaturals have time to get out of here without notice.”

  Jeb came over as Nick and Lucas left and reached out his hand. I smiled as I clasped it. “Welcome to the new democracy, Jeb. I think you’re going to like it. It will be much more efficient. I promise.”

  “I will adapt,” he agreed affably. “My father weathered change, as did his father before him. I must admit, being able to take my cases to all of you will speed up the proceedings.”

  I was proud of Jeb for coming to terms with this so quickly. “And everyone can share in the paperwork,” I said. “Surely that’s a bonus. By the way, when does work officially begin for us?”

  “Right now,” he said, opening the book that popped into his arms. “The pages are filling up fast. The first assignment has to do with a reclusive band of banshees. They are encroaching too close to the human world. We must send an emissary to reason with them.” He ran his finger over the top of a page. “And there’s more.”

  “Okay, okay,” I said, holding up a hand. “It’s going to take us some time to figure out how we’re going to run things. There’s a large conference room in the villa. Let’s meet there tomorrow at nine a.m. Are we allowed to appoint other supernaturals to specific positions? As in, if we send an emissary to deal with the banshees, does it have to be one of us?”

  “Oh, you’re allowed an entire staff if you want one,” he said, his head bobbing, hair unmoving. “The actual capturing and arresting must come from one of you directly, but leading up to that, it can be anyone in the field.”

  “Good to know,” I told him as Jax came up to us.

  The blue giant engulfed me in one quick hug. “Congratulations,” he said. “It’s pretty badass you’re on the Coalition. I mean, I didn’t even know it existed before yesterday, but it’s still cool.”

  “Thanks,” I answered. “Jeb here was just telling me that I can appoint people to be on my staff, and I’m thinking you’d make an amazing sentry in the field. That is, if you’re interested in a job like that. Not right now,” I added hastily, “but eventually, once you get a hold of your powers.”

  “Like a bounty hunter?” he asked with wonder in his voice. “That would be totally awesome. I’d be up for that.”

  “More like a bouncer,” I corrected. “You’d be the muscle. Your sister is the Negotiator, so I’m figuring she’s going to need someone to back her up when she goes in to help supes work out their issues. Who better to do that than you?”

  He nodded thoughtfully. “Not as cool as a bounty hunter, but still pretty great. I’m in.”

  “Good, I’m going to have you work with Ray starting soon. He’ll have you in control of your skills in no time.”

  “What’re you signing me up for now?” Ray complained as he stuck out his hand. I shook it, smiling as Jax moved to the side. “Nice going up there, Hannon. You looked like the queen of the world. You’re going to do a helluva job.”

  “Thank you. I think. I was just signing you up to work with Jax. He needs some guidance, and you’re just the guy for the job.” I hadn’t mentioned a word to Ray about what Pandora had told me. I had no idea if he’d overheard, but so far he’d said nothing. There was a chance that Leo had masked the conversation from him so the news didn’t interfere with Fate’s plan. I was going to let him have some free time and let things fall where they may. Trying to rationally explain that he was, in fact, going to make Selene his mate sooner rather than later, and that they were going to give birth to a baby Enid, would send him over the edge.

  One baby step at a time.

  “I’m happy to do it,” he said, eyeing the large fifteen-year-old who grinned at him. “We’ll have you police-force ready in no time.”

  “That’s what I’m counting on,” I said. “By the way, Ray, I’m making you my chief officer. Not only will you go out in the field on my behalf, but I want you at all the meetings. I value your input, and having an experienced cop at the table will be invaluable. A lot of the
issues that will come our way will be of the ‘supernaturals interacting with humans’ variety. Those will be your specialty.”

  “I’m honored,” he said, giving me a little bow. “It seems like you finally get to do what you do best—solve cases and catch the bad guys.”

  “It does feel kind of right,” I agreed. “Before we start, however, I want you to take a few days off. You’ve earned it. You’ve had your hands full and have been working hard.”

  He raised a single eyebrow. “I’ll take you up on that.” He looked off into the distance, preoccupied. “This will be a good time to shore up all my loose ends at home. I left the police force abruptly, told them I was taking a long vacation. It’s time to clean things up before somebody files a missing-persons report on me.”

  And meet up with Selene, I murmured to Rourke, who stood next to me. And make some babies.

  If he knew what we know, he’d be enraged, Rourke confirmed.

  Maybe, maybe not. Love is a strange thing, I said. I think Leo blocked him from hearing what Pandora had to say, so it’s important he stay in the dark. Angels were smart. “See you in a few days, Ray.”

  He gave us a small salute and backed away.

  I was just about to ask Rourke if it would be okay if we snuck out, when I spotted Eudoxia marching toward us. I smiled sweetly at my new Council member. “If you’re about to try your peacemaking skills on me,” I told her, “you might want to try another day. By the look on your face, I’m thinking yoga might help you find your inner Zen.”

  Instead of taking the bait, Eudoxia kept her expression grave. “Something has come up. It will require me to be gone for a month, maybe longer.”

  I balked. “What are you talking about? You can’t leave right now. We have to figure out how the Coalition is going to run. The five of us being together is absolutely necessary.”

  She snatched my arm and dragged me a few paces away. “I’m only going to say this once, so listen up. My people are in trouble. My fae ancestors, that is. There are only a handful of us left here, but in the last day, I’ve received word that a large population of fae were taken off plane against their will hundreds of years ago. Plans are already in place to retrieve them. I have no choice.”

  “Isn’t this something the Coalition should discuss together? This is the kind of thing we’re supposed to deal with. We can allocate resources to you and figure out together how to move effectively.”

  “There is no time.” She shook her head. “The people who have enslaved my ancestors have found out that I am in a powerful position. We have to move now. Without a surprise attack, we have no hope.”

  I’d never seen Eudoxia so worried. “Okay, but you’re going to have to find a way to send us word, or we’ll have no choice but to come after you.”

  She nodded. “I will do my best. I’ve also given my proxy vote to your pet vampire, for now. I’ve already confirmed this with Jeb.”

  “Ray? You’re giving your voting rights while you’re gone to Ray?”

  “Yes, please try to keep up,” she replied, irritated. “While I’m away, if there are matters that need my judgment, the male vampire in your service may cast a vote for me. He’s the only one of you with any sense, anyway.”

  I snorted. “That’s fine by me. I wish you well, Eudoxia. How are you planning to accomplish this mission?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “By being a Peacemaker.”

  I began to laugh, but stopped abruptly when I realized she was serious. “Honestly, I didn’t think Jeb was in his right mind when he gave you that title. I thought it was some sort of ironic selection.”

  “There are many things you don’t know about me,” she snapped. “He was not wrong. How do you think I managed to run the largest Coterie in the world?”

  “Fear and blood sport?”

  “Wrong,” she asserted. “I’ve been a diplomat since I was a young girl. My father was the Tsar of Russia. I will carry out my mission. I’m sure I can find a solution for my kin’s release.”

  “And if you can’t get there by peacemaking?”

  “I’ll rip their throats out,” she snarled. She didn’t bother to say goodbye. She just shot up into the air.

  “Good luck, Eudoxia,” I called. “Send us word when you can.”

  Romy was headed toward us, Leo at her side.

  Once they stopped, they both bowed their heads. I returned the gesture. “When I vowed to grant my protection to your sacrifice,” Leo said, “I meant it. Your children will find a guardian in me.”

  Rourke reached out to shake the angel’s hand. “We appreciate that more than you will ever know.”

  “Are you sticking around Florence?” I asked Leo.

  He glanced at Romy before answering. “It’s come to my attention that there is some unrest in my homeland, so for the time being I am leaving my options open.”

  “Same for you?” I asked Romy.

  “Yes,” she said. “The news has reached our realm about this coronation. I will wait to see how it all plays out.”

  “You are welcome to join us at the villa, for however long you choose,” I told her. “I’d love to learn more about your realm and about how an uprising in your world will affect us here. That is, if you can spare the time.”

  She grinned. “I will stop by and keep you abreast. It’s unknown what the implications will be, but I understand from the position you’re in now, it will be important for you to know all the facts as they unfold.”

  “I appreciate that,” I told her as they turned to leave.

  Danny and Naomi stepped in. “We’re going to head back,” Danny announced. “My beautiful Tracker is going to expedite our leaving by flying us out of here.”

  Naomi leaned in to give me a kiss on each cheek. “I look forward to serving on this Coalition with you, Jessica.” She smiled. “You’ve done so much for me. I cannot begin to thank you. I will plan to continue paying my debt forward by doing my job to the best of my abilities.”

  I was so incredibly proud of Naomi. This was the first time in a long time that she hadn’t addressed me as her queen. We were equals. I watched as Naomi wrapped her arms around her mate, his face joyous, and they took off into the air.

  My father and my brother came forward. My dad embraced me again, holding me for several seconds. “I cannot tell you how pleased I am,” he said, his voice breaking. “I knew from day one that you were special. I just didn’t know how special. You and Tyler are the light of Annie’s and my life. I wish your mother was here to witness this. She would’ve been your biggest supporter.”

  Tears pooled in my eyes. “I know she would’ve been. I think about her often. My daughter will bear her name.” My father rarely spoke of my mother. Not because he didn’t love her, but because it was just too hard. Tyler and I had never met her, as she died in childbirth.

  He nodded. “I approve.”

  Tyler reached out to give me a big hug. “I love you, sis. We’re in this together. Never doubt that.”

  “I don’t,” I said.

  “I’m going to be the best uncle in the entire world,” he said. “Your kids will beg to play with me.” Kayla joined him, and he wrapped his arm around her. She gave him a warm smile.

  “You’re going to have some competition with Jax as favorite uncle,” I told him. “You’re going to have to up your game.”

  Tyler laughed. “It’s on.”

  Kayla leaned over and placed a kiss on my cheek. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and my brother. I will never forget it. This is going to take a while to sink in, but you have my word that I will be a fierce participator in this Coalition. I will always have your back.”

  “And I’ll always have yours,” I told her. “Never doubt for a moment that you’re supposed to be here, Kayla. The power chose you for a reason. You will live up to—and surpass—your potential, I’m certain of it.”

  “I’ve got a van waiting for us,” Tyler said. “Let’s head back. I don’t know about you all,
but I’m exhausted.”

  “My mate needs more sleep than usual.” Rourke grinned. “And I’m going to make sure she gets it.” Without warning, he swept me off my feet.

  I laughed, kissing him soundly. “Take me home,” I told him, my arms entwining his neck. It felt good that we actually had a home to go to, and even better that nobody was after me.

  This must be what heaven must feel like.

  “It’ll be my pleasure.”

  Three months later…

  I rolled over, my pillow pressed firmly over my head. “Do I have to?” I mumbled. “How about five more minutes?”

  A familiar laugh penetrated the feathers over my face, as two warm, firm hands caressed my legs, slowly inching up my thighs. “I can think of a few other things I’d like to do rather than let you sleep, but unfortunately you don’t have any more minutes left. The dark angel just arrived, and Ray is back. Jeb’s meeting with Tally as we speak. You need to get moving. We let you sleep in.”

  I tossed the pillow away and sat up, my gigantic belly beating me to the edge of the bed. “What time is it?”


  “Ten?” I gasped. “Rourke, I told you to wake me up at seven!”

  He grinned. “I tried. You’re like a zombie when you sleep. The consensus was to let you be. The babies are going to come sooner rather than later, and you need your rest.”

  “You’re telling me,” I mumbled as I got up and waddled to the bathroom.

  There’d never been a pregnant female werewolf before, so we had no idea what to expect. Apparently, my gestation was going to be half as long as a human’s—if that.

  Carrying two supernatural children had proven to be an incredible feat thus far. They were always active and kept me up most nights. I had no idea how my human mother accomplished such a thing.

  She was my hero.

  I brushed my teeth quickly. “I’m just going to wear this,” I told my amused mate as I walked back into the bedroom. I had on one of his oversized T-shirts. “Don’t make fun. It’s the only thing that fits.” I snatched a pair of sweatpants off the chair and stuffed my legs in, managing to cinch them at the bottom of my hip bones. A place I hadn’t been able to see in well over a month.


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