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Vampire's Pet

Page 3

by amy o'connor

  No, it simply wasn’t possible. She was an intelligent, modern woman. Confident and self-possessed — that was her. At least, she admitted ruefully to herself, that was her when she was nowhere near her aunt or cousin. As soon as they appeared in the equation, she reverted to a tongue-tied schoolgirl.

  So what was it about him? Why did this particular man stir feelings she hadn’t felt in years? She’d almost forgotten what it felt like to have her skin prickle with interest, let alone be hit by a 20,000 volt hot flush! Even her tummy was doing funny little flips whenever she thought of what his hand had felt like on her arm.

  Possessive. Proprietorial. His.

  She thought for a moment, trying not to be distracted by the fact that his eyes were almost certainly trained on her right now, considering her in the same way she was considering him.

  His eyes?

  That was it! It was when she’d looked into his eyes that she’d been caught. They’d somehow swept her into a deep jungle whirlpool where she’d felt amazing safe. Totally out of control, but safe.

  A jungle whirlpool?

  She risked a glimpse from under her eyelashes. Yes, his eyes really were a fascinating shade of dark green. Jungle green.

  My God! How could someone’s eyes alone give her this feeling of security? And for those eyes to be attached to someone who looked like him? It simply wasn’t fair!

  “Do you like what you see?” The interruption shattered her train of thought and Gwen felt the heat spreading rapidly across her cheeks. She chewed on her lip for a moment, then glanced up again.

  He was just standing there, watching her. No disapproval in his eyes, and no sign at all that he’d been offended by her sudden withdrawal. As she watched, he leaned back against a handy column. One hand rested on his belt, the other hung loosely by his side. He certainly didn’t look threatening. But there was something… different about him. Something indefinable.

  Something… powerful.

  Gwen narrowed her eyes, staring at him thoughtfully.

  That aside, he was certainly very well built. Her first impression had been all too accurate. There was nothing extreme — no exaggerated body-builder muscles, and he wasn’t so tall that she felt completely overwhelmed. After all, most people were taller than her. Broad shoulders, firm stomach, thick brown hair that was all his own, those eyes. What more could she possibly want?

  She wasn’t seriously considering…

  Was she?

  The last guy who’d tried to pick her up had been forty-ish, balding, and had his eyes focused firmly on her trust fund. Before him, there’d been the guy she’d met in the café where she bought her lunch most days. He’d been fine until he’d discovered she was educated, owned her own small business, and was disgustingly rich. He’d run away so fast he was out of sight before his dust trail had even settled.

  At least Todd Martin wouldn’t be after her for her money — or threatened by it. He obviously had plenty of his own if he could afford to donate that sort of cash to the shelter.

  A lock of hair drooped rakishly across his forehead, just touching an eyebrow. She wondered what his hair felt like, and whether he’d object to her pushing it back out of his eyes. Her fingers twitched.


  He’s a total stranger! a tiny voice countered. Apparently, she had a very boring — and previously unsuspected — conscience.

  And a stranger who was willing to come to my rescue…

  Maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t. Maybe he’s just trying to lull you into a false sense of security. He’ll get you home, then he’ll have you naked, handcuffed, and chained to a wall before you know what’s hit you!

  And maybe I’d like that!

  She squirmed as a vivid picture flashed into her mind. In her imagination she was sprawled across a sofa, butt naked. Todd stood over her, fully dressed, his eyes leaving trails of fire over every inch of skin they traversed. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t see any kind of restraint, but she couldn’t move. Then he was bending closer, kneeling between her widespread legs and she was writhing — no, trying to writhe — begging him to … to do what? The image faded.

  Actually, the thought of being at this powerful stranger’s mercy was somehow appealing. And it wasn’t at all frightening. She could almost feel the waves of reassurance flowing off him, wending themselves around her heart and soul, and wrapping her safely within his care.

  The whole time her mental debate had been going on, he’d been just standing there, patiently waiting for her to decide he wasn’t some kind of sex fiend.

  A shame, really…

  Gwen flushed again. Surely by now her face must be even more red than her eyes? It was a damn good thing he couldn’t read her thoughts, though. If he had any inkling of what she was considering, she’d curl up on the spot in embarrassment.

  “Have you decided what you’re doing yet?” he asked pleasantly, apparently somehow aware her inner dialogue was finally slowing to a halt.

  “I think so.”

  “Good.” He straightened, a gracefully fluid movement with each muscle seeming to flow seamlessly into place. He held out his hand, an unselfconsciously sexy smile teasing the corner of his mouth. “What have you decided?”

  Gwen’s tongue slipped out to lick delicately at her lip. She’d consider almost anything — handcuffs included — to experience those lips on hers. No matter whether it was her little fantasy of a few minutes before that had left her feeling needy and frustrated, she wanted him.

  “There’ll be media waiting out the front, I’m sure,” he continued smoothly, “So it really would be best if you allowed me to give you a lift home. It will look better.”

  She was caught in his eyes, unable to drag hers away from their luminous green depths, and saw what she could have sworn was the tiniest flicker of relief when she nodded dumbly.

  Relief? From someone as obviously sure of his own sex-appeal as this man? Nah… She was kidding herself.

  “My sister’s here somewhere.” He looked vaguely around the curtain towards the near-empty ballroom and frowned. “At least I assume she’s still here. I’m sure she’ll accompany us if you’d be more comfortable.”

  “There’s no need.” Her voice was a thready whisper, barely audible. He seemed to hear and understand though, because he nodded and held out his hand.

  “Good. I really am quite trustworthy.”

  Gwen smiled. It was a fairly watery effort, but it was there. The fact that he’d been worried about her feelings, and that he’d offered to have his sister go with them, had made her feel immeasurably better. Those were not the actions of a serial rapist.

  If he even has a sister…

  She forced the insidious doubt down, stomping it into obscurity. She had no idea why, but she believed him. Somehow, she found it hard to believe he’d lie to her.

  * * * *

  She was so naïve; she actually trusted him! Which was rather sweet — and so very, very stupid. What the hell was she doing trusting a strange man? Worse, she was putting her faith in a vampire. Sheesh.

  He was holding on to his self-control by a thread, and she had no idea at all of the danger she was in. Even as he thought it, she leaned trustingly into him. His heart stuttered. It felt so good. So right. He was so hungry, and she smelt delicious… Nope she had no idea at all.

  Gwyneth looked shyly up at him, her eyes clear of guile. It had been forever since a woman had looked at him with that sort of blind faith — how could he possibly betray her trust? He’d been born in an era of honor, where a man’s word was his bond. Difficult as it was, he couldn’t just throw the habits of a lifetime away now.

  Todd would have groaned if he wasn’t afraid it would have scared her away. Dammit! He wanted to take her home, taste her, bury himself deep inside her and claim her as his forever.

  Forever? Whoa…

  His own blood was singing to him; one minute cajoling, the next demanding. Surely just a little taste of her would be alright — if he could s
top at just a little, that was? The way she was drawing him to her was uncanny.

  Mate. Todd hardly dared to think the word in case she disappeared, simply evaporated before his eyes. He’d lost hope centuries ago, believing he’d never find her. Was this little redhead the one? A human?

  He drew her closer, tucking her securely under his arm instead. Whatever happened next, he wasn’t going to let her escape. She was his for this weekend at least, and no one was going to come between them.

  She fitted beautifully too, the top of her head resting comfortably against his shoulder. For a second, he wondered what he’d seen in all the leggy blondes he’d taken home for dinner in the past. And she wasn’t even protesting the sudden close contact. He didn’t exactly understand it, but figured that very clear, very erotic, image she’d been projecting a few moments ago had an awful lot to do with it.

  He wished he knew what she was thinking more of the time, though. She felt relaxed right now. Her muscles were loose and the thumb of the hand he held firmly clasped in his traced idle patterns against his skin. Actually, it was driving him insane. Between that and the scent of the blood he could clearly hear surging through her veins, he was in agony. And if his cock got any more interested, he’d never be able to walk out the door. As it was, his jeans were uncomfortably tight. Driving could be interesting…

  So… He tried to turn his mind to other things. He could read her thoughts when she was angry and, apparently, when she was aroused. But not the rest of the time. Weird.

  Being able to read her thoughts when she was aroused wasn’t necessarily the best thing for his sanity though. He grimaced, quickly turning it into a painful grin when one of the few remaining people stared at him curiously. He wouldn’t mind seeing her spread out over his sofa. Her pale skin and copper hair would be a gorgeous contrast against its soft, black leather.

  A breathless squeak alerted him that he may have been holding her a tad too tightly. “Sorry,” he murmured into her hair. “Just — “he looked around for a suitable excuse for holding her so close. “Just trying to protect you from the media,” he said as they neared the entrance. It was blocked by a barrage of camera-wielding leeches.

  A reporter from the local newspaper had been expected, but this? Damn! Apparently, someone had alerted the local TV station about the high bidding as well as the paper from the next town over. They must have broken every speed limit to have arrived here so quickly. But they were here, so he had to deal with them. And without letting them hurt his Gwyneth any more than she already had been.

  It was baffling to feel so possessive of a human. He shrugged it off. Whatever the reason, she was his to protect. With luck, after a couple of days in her company he’d be over it. After all, it was probably just his hunger talking. A few gulps of her sweet, sweet blood and he’d realize just how laughable all this emotion stuff he was feeling really was.

  * * * *

  Gwen blanched. She almost wished he hadn’t pointed out the mass of waiting media. Who would they be waiting for but them? It was probably just one more spiteful act to chalk up to Dora. Not content with trying to destroy what Gwen had left of a family life, in one fell swoop she was attempting to destroy both her reputation and her business.

  So much for keeping her anonymity. It was a bitter thought.

  As they approached the doorway, Todd’s hand firmed on hers, wordlessly supporting her. Now, if only she could learn to ignore those amazing electric tingles, she might actually be able to regain her scattered wits where he was concerned. Even in the face of the vultures who were slowly circling towards them, their beady eyes sharply focused on the amount of damage they could do to her life, she was aware of the warmth of Todd’s touch, and the comfort of having him beside her. And all this angst was so the media could increase their sales for a single day… How did they sleep at night? Didn’t their consciences bother them? Apparently not.

  It was no different to walking up onto that stage, she counseled herself. Shoulders squared, head up. Don’t let them think they had you running scared. Inwardly, she snorted. What an actress she was!

  And Todd was still there, his grasp on her arm strong and somehow sending those waves of reassurance crashing through her. Her stomach clenched. For someone who’d also felt like she was on her own, it was a weird feeling. Usually, she was the one who had to be strong. That a man — this man — could make her feel like this…

  She turned her attention to the media. If she survived them, she’d have plenty of time to think about Todd Martin later today.

  After he’d dropped her at her flat and driven off, never to be seen again? The little voice in her head was sarcastic. It was unfortunately also all too accurate.

  So I won’t let him drive away, she countered.

  Bah! As if he’d be interested in you!

  That did it! If even her own conscience, if that was what the little voice actually was, figured she had less chance of ensnaring him than the last cake at kiddies’ birthday party had of surviving intact, then she had something to prove — to herself.

  It was barely an effort to paste the confident smile over her face. She would not let Dora destroy her life. And what she would do, was take advantage of the situation. Gwen straightened her shoulders, and directed a sweetly triumphant smile at the nearest reporter.

  He blinked rapidly, then stepped backwards, stumbling over a thick lead that trailed from the camera-man’s shoulder and across the floor. The camera which had been resting lightly on his shoulder jerked, the camera-man making a wild grab to try and regain his balance as his feet slipped inexorably backwards. The abrupt wrench on the cable had thrown his balance.

  For a moment he teetered then, just as it seemed he wouldn’t fall after all, the camera slipped, crashing onto the wooden floor. Shattered glass surrounded the reporters. In the ensuing turmoil the camera-man was yanked back to his feet, the remaining journalists scattered to avoid both the broken glass and the profusion of cables that had somehow managed to snake their way underfoot.

  Todd led her calmly through the mess, apparently unconcerned by the chaos. Eyes wide, Gwen followed. Despite her bravado, she’d never really expected to make it through the reporters unscathed. That being the case, she hadn’t actually given any thought at all to just how she was going to convince this very large, very imposing and very sexy male that he should take her home for a weekend of no-holds-barred, no-strings-attached sex.


  Was she really going to go through with this?

  Her heart may have been pounding at the idea, but she was determined. For whatever reason, she wanted him. Just exactly why she’d lost her head over a stranger, today of all days, she had no idea. But she had.

  A beam of bright sunlight slashed into her eyes and she groped in her handbag for sunglasses. Todd’s eyes were already covered by dark shades but he still winced when the sun streamed over them, quickening his pace as he headed for the shelter of an underground car-parking garage on the next block.

  “Sensitive eyes?” she asked politely.

  He grunted. “Yeah.”

  So much for that conversational opening. She wasn’t sure that she could just ask him to take her home with him.

  At this speed, they’d be in the car in minutes, and another opportunity would be lost. “Um — “ she tugged lightly at his sleeve.

  “Yes?” Even behind the dark glasses, she could feel the way his eyes had focused on hers, almost like he was trying to read her mind. She shivered.

  “Would you mind slowing down a little please?” She gestured in the direction of her ridiculous shoes. “I don’t often wear heels.”

  “Sorry.” His tone was curt but he did slow a little.

  Gwen stumbled on a rough patch of the concrete, her ankle twisting under her. When she righted herself, it was to find his hands clamped around her waist, their warmth spreading rapidly through her body. It was as if there were no clothes between his hands and her skin. Her flesh was on fire, a radian
t heat that was coiled between her legs.

  “I’m sorry.” He smiled, a slow sexy smile that made her womb clench. He may have offered to drive her home, but she’d lay money on it he wanted exactly what she did. Damn, but she wished she could see his eyes right now, then she’d know for sure.

  A truck rumbled by, only feet away, and she pulled herself together. It was sweltering in the sun, and the pavement was uncomfortably hot through the thin soles of her sandals. She squinted up the block. The glare off the reflective glass of the modern high-rises surrounding them was horrendous. She could barely see the entrance to the garage anymore.

  “Should we…?”

  Todd grinned. “Yep. The sooner we’re out of the sun, the better.”

  She gasped as he scooped her up, his hands passing lightly over her clothing as he rearranged his grip on her. “You hurt your ankle,” he pointed out before she could protest his actions. “We’ll have a look at it in the car.”

  Cradled in his arms like that, she had to fight the urge to snuggle closer. She was crushed against his chest, his silk shirt soft and smooth against her cheek. The body beneath the shirt was the exact opposite. Hard and muscular, it was even firmer than she’d imagined when she’d first run her eyes over him. No wonder she kept being enveloped by those waves of calm and reassurance. He was built like a medieval knight, and she could easily imagine him with a heavy sword gripped in one of those strong hands. How could she be anything but calm when she was with a man like that?

  The scent of sandalwood wafted down to her. Until she’d got this close, she hadn’t particularly noticed just how unusual his cologne was. It was surprisingly subtle and, within a moment, had almost faded into obscurity. But not quite. When she shifted against him, unconsciously rubbing her cheek against the silk as she wondered what his skin felt like, she was surrounded by another intoxicating wave.

  Surrounded by so much hard male muscle — his chest, his arms, even the hand supporting her bottom was totally unyielding — it would be easy to be overwhelmed. Wouldn’t it be lovely to just close her eyes and relax, to forget about all those curious stares from the passers-by…


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