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Page 35

by Merel Pierce

  “Now!” The childish stomping of her foot drew a chuckle from the male.

  “No one’s stopping you, then.”

  She rolled her eyes, trying to focus as his hands slid up to cup breasts that were tender and eagerly welcomed the soothing heat of his palms. “I took a nap this morning.” The male feigned a noise of interest, his tongue flicking out to taste her skin as his fingers gently kneaded at her breasts.

  “It might interest you to know that Fabrizio Mancini is going to have an accident tomorrow. He’ll be out of the picture for a while and isn’t too confident about his partner’s ability to handle their client load.” She angled her head, giving the male greater access to her throat. “He may be looking for someone reliable to unload the more important clients on. Your name might have come up in the dream.”

  The male purred, pressing the stiffening rod of meat his pants currently concealed against the curve of her lower back. “More good news.”

  “Mhmmmm.” Since the pregnancy had begun, December’s gift had grown stronger, producing more visions that might influence their lives.

  Despite her reluctance to lose the contact, she forced herself to unwind from his grasp and take a few steps away. “Also, I had an idea I wanted to show you.” The male quirked a brow, blackened eyes following her with more intensity than normal as she returned to the table to retrieve her sketch pad.

  She clutched it to her chest as she made her way back to him, chewing her lip self-consciously. “You know how you keep mentioning that you need another community betterment project to improve your image?”

  “I remember.” Nikolai nodded.

  December took a breath, both to steady her nerves and cool the heat he’d inspired in her cheeks. “I’ve been working on it for a few weeks,” she admitted almost bashfully. Seeing that she was serious, the male smoothed his hair and straightened his jacket, offering her an encouraging smile as he came to stand beside her.

  “May I see?”

  She handed over the art pad, fidgeting as he looked down at the first page. “It’s sort of like, a multipurpose facility. A woman and children’s shelter, educational facility, and community center. I thought that warehouse you had downtown might be a good place, since it’s got rooftop space for a garden or playground and already has a secure perimeter.” She paused, scrutinizing his face closely as he studied the paper.

  “There are several shelters in Meron already.” The male pointed out evenly. She nodded, having expected that statement.

  “Have you ever been to any of them?”

  “I have not.”

  “Yeah, well. I wouldn’t advise visiting. Most of them are horrible. There isn’t enough staff to make sure everyone is following the rules. Substance abuse and rape are pretty common. Violence too. They aren’t safe for anyone, especially kids. I think this could be different.”

  He moved to sit down, still studying her drawings. “I’m listening.”

  Encouraged, she moved to stand behind his chair, pointing to different aspects of her drawings and explaining her ideas.

  For the next twenty minutes, they discussed her vision, the male voicing any concerns he could find to challenge her with, she responding in kind. While he stumped her once or twice, she’d been able to quickly address most of the possible issues he presented.

  Finally, he sat the pad aside and drew her around to sit in his lap. She came willingly enough, draping her arms around his shoulders as he situated her astride his thighs. “It needs a bit of work, but the principle is sound. Expensive,” he elaborated. “but sound.” He tugged at the bottom of the braid hanging over her shoulder, twirling its end around his finger. “I might consider using the idea, on one condition.”

  She frowned. “What’s that?”

  “You must be the one to oversee project development.”

  December’s eyes widened. “Me? Really?” She couldn’t help feeling a little like he was teasing, but the serious expression on his face suggested otherwise.

  “Yes, really. My mate is quite a capable woman.” He purred, his expression turning languid as he rolled her braid around his fist. “Personal investment in the idea will make you that much more determined to see it succeed, and I believe first-hand experience will trump formal training when it comes to the specifics of how a facility like this would need to be designed.”

  “But I don’t know anything about business,” she pointed out with a frown.

  “I will provide you with the resources and assistance to develop a formal business plan and structure design, if you’re serious about it, that is.”

  Stunned by how little it had taken to earn his cooperation, December nodded fervently. “Yes, yes! I’m serious!”

  A slow, wicked smile formed as he slid one hand beneath her knees while the other curled the other around her back. “Very good. It’s settled, then.” He stood, sweeping her into his arms once more. “Now, I believe we have a bit of unfinished business of our own to tend to. Would you like to retreat to the bedroom for our meeting, Miss?”

  December let her head fall back, groaning in mock annoyance as he toted her from the room. “Yes, bed!”

  Her carried her as if her weight were nothing, and not even the several dozen stairs leading to their room had him winded. When they reached the door, he angled her so that she could input the code while still pressed to his chest, nuzzling at her neck while she did so.

  Once inside, he swung her around to code the door closed, bending at the knees to make the keypad easier for her to reach.

  “Have you been thinking about what we’ll call him?” He rumbled sweetly, his teeth tugging playfully at the lobe of her ear.

  “Um,” she paused, focusing briefly on the number sequence before returning her attention to the man who was purring against her shoulder. “I was actually thinking maybe we could name him after your brother?”

  For the second time that day, her alpha’s expression was transformed by absolute happiness, though now it was tinged with the slightest melancholy of his memories. “I believe he would have liked that.” He crossed the room and sat her on the bed before promptly beginning to shed his clothing.

  December smiled up at him as she shimmied out of her panties and leggings, aware of how his eyes never left her face even as he undressed. “Aleksei is a nice name. A good, strong name for an alpha.”

  He paused in the process of unbuckling his pants, motioning at her to take off her sweater with the upwards flick his fingers. “Is there a vision you aren’t telling me about? Dynamic cannot be determined in the womb, little wolf.” December bit her lip as she tugged the garment over her head obediently, huffing a little with the effort of pulling it off. By the time she had, the male was already naked.

  “Call it women’s intuition.”

  Insecure about her belly despite his constant reassurances, December crawled onto her knees and turned around on the mattress. Behind her, the male growled. She couldn’t help groaning, her body twitching and trembling as slick trickled between her legs and overflowed onto her thighs.

  The mattress dipped as he came to his knees behind her raised ass, a very masculine noise of approval rumbling free of his throat as she presented for him. “Whatever his dynamic, I will love my son,” he declared resolutely.

  His hands came to her hips, the warmth of his fingers spreading tiny threads of electricity across her skin as they slid down the sides of her thighs and back up over the swell of her ass. She arched beneath his touch, pushing backwards in a blind search for his cock.

  When he retracted his hands, she opened her mouth to protest, but yelped instead when his palm came crashing down across one ass cheek in a stinging slap. She jolted forward, only to have a forearm dip beneath her hips and bar her escape. He came over her then, the heat and harsh angles of his body pressing into her from above.

  She gave an obligatory grunt of disapproval, pouting as he nuzzled at her ear. “That, sweet one, was for making me wait so long to find out the sex of o
ur child.” He rolled his hips lazily, the head of his cock slipping easily through her wet folds and passing against an already engorged clit. December whined and wriggled, lifting her ass higher in a silent plea.

  “You’re a jerk.”

  Another brisk slap landed against the side of her ass, followed directly after by a second growl and the slow push of his glans breaching her already sopping pussy. “And yet, you adore me.”

  She hummed, snickering as she tried to pull him deeper, her muscles milking and tugging at his cock. “Well, I don’t know about that…” Her intentionally antagonizing comment was answered by a fist tangling in her hair and a sharp thrust that had his meat buried in her sheath to the hilt.

  “I do.”

  She giggled when he angled her head to one side and set his mouth over the claiming mark on her throat. “You really are an arrogant prick.”

  The alpha’s reply was given in the form of teeth pinching skin, his tongue darting out to lap and soothe the sting of a bite that would no doubt bruise. With her nerves alight with the electric current of their combined chemistry and their bond singing completion in her chest, she surrendered to the feeling and let it drown her. As the male began a rhythmic, wild assault, she begged with whimpers and groans designed by nature herself to spur the male on.

  When his fingers slid up the front of her throat to angle her head back, December moaned a breathless question. “Do you think it will always be this way?” His pace increased, the sound of skin on skin filling the air with a clapping so loud it nearly rivaled the slaps he’d given her backside only moments before.

  The alpha nipped at her ear, tucking his nose against her throat and inhaling deeply as he continued to plunge into her over and over. Under his onslaught her mind began to fragment, the first of many orgasms already cresting and threatening to shatter her into a million pieces.

  “You are my mate,” he murmured huskily. “My heart and soul. I will live and breathe to love you for the rest of my life. It will always be this way. Always.”

  Merel Pierce

  Merel Pierce was born and raised in the Midwest, USA. Ever the country girl, her hobbies have evolved to include nature photography, animal care, and exploring the great outdoors.

  She is a crafter/art hobbiest, who spends her time writing, working on art projects, and keeping her two rescue dogs; a Schipperke mix and a Jack Russel, out of trouble.

  She has always been drawn to the duality of life, learning early on to appreciate both the light and the dark of what the world has to offer. She believes there is beauty and meaning to be found in both the struggles and joys life brings and strives to share that with her writing.

  Merel most enjoys writing dark, complex tales with raw, realistic characters. Her stories may not always close with a happy ending, but she will always make you feel something by the time it’s done. Whether that feeling is horror or happiness, you’ll have to wait and see…


  I am so excited to be taking this journey with you!

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