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Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk

Page 5

by Lucia Jordan

  Taryn sat high above the water on the upper deck while Gio captained the boat. He stood tall, dark shades, no hat, letting the breeze pick through his dark hair. He wore a white polo shirt and white shorts. He was tanned, which came from time in the sun along with his Italian heritage. He looked relaxed. And in charge. Taryn shivered. God, she was so eager for him to take charge of her again.

  She glanced around to try and keep her mind off sex. There was a canvas roof over her head to shield her fair skin from the sun and, around them, other boats shared the day on the ocean. Gio hadn’t said much on the drive to the marina and conversation on the boat had been instructions and pointing out sights. Had he not stirred her up at her apartment, she’d never know he had plans for them.

  I’m going to fuck you on my boat—

  Get you out of my system—

  She swallowed hard. Good lord. She had a feeling it might take a lot to get him out of her system. Since he’d showed up at her door and kissed her—stroked her hot—she’d been horny as hell. If she crossed her legs, it made her clit throb to the point where she had a hard time breathing. If she sat with them open, the cool air slid up her legs and brushed her overheated core. Damn, she needed Gio to take away the ache. “Where are we going?”

  Gio glanced over at her. He removed his sunglasses. “To a nice, quiet cove I know.” His gaze skimmed over her, his eyes lingering on her breasts then arrowing down.

  Your job today is to do what I tell you and enjoy every new experience. I’ll instruct you as I go. You will not question me or bring with you any preconceived notions or beliefs.

  Holy shit. She shifted restlessly. “How long until we get there?”

  “Problem, Miss Jones?”

  Taryn glared at the impossible man. “You know damn well what the problem is!”

  He grinned. “Anticipation, pet.” He held out a hand.

  Standing, it took her a moment to get her balance. Then she went to him, sighing when he pulled her close and kissed her long and hard, his tongue sweeping inside her mouth. Everything inside her turned to mush. When he lifted his head, his arm around her waist kept her from turning to a puddle of need.

  “You are a dangerous man, Gio.”

  A pinch to her rear had her squealing in shock—and driving that bolt of need deeper into her core.

  “I’m sorry. Sir. You are a dangerous man, Sir.”

  “Very good, pet. Now, tell me about your sex life.”

  She turned her head, brows lifted. “Excuse me, Sir?”

  His brows mirrored hers. “In order to pleasure you and teach you, I need to know what your experience level is.”

  Oh yes, teach me please, her mind begged. “I’ve had sex,” she said. Good grief, how much detail did he want?

  As though he read her mind, he smiled. Embarrassed, she averted her head, staring out at the coastline, seeing grand homes dotting the cliffs.

  “Turn around and face me. You may put your arms around my neck to keep your balance.”

  Taryn stared up into his tanned face and met his amused glance. She wanted to lean into him and kiss him and be kissed. A swell in the ocean lifted the boat. The tips of her nipples dragged against his shirt. She closed her eyes and moaned.

  “Sex life, pet. Sum it up, like a report.” He bent his head and kissed her teasingly. “You’re good at reports.” He pulled back.

  “Fine. My sex life can be summed up in one word. Boring.” Especially compared to Gio. His lovemaking made every other guy she’d slept with look like a bumbling sixteen-year old teen.

  “What is the problem? Are you able to experience orgasms?” He grinned. “Not counting yesterday of course. There was no faking there.”

  She flushed then shrugged. “Only if I help things along. Most of the time, the guys I’ve known get on top of me, do their thing, and then fall off.” Some of her past lovers were no better than rutting pigs.

  “And you’re left unsatisfied.” One hand went around her waist to keep her steady. The movement of the boat brought the bulge of his erection against her mound.

  She swallowed hard. “That sums it up. I stopped expecting romance, fireworks, and rockets a long time ago.” Her hands gripped his shoulders. This man would never leave her aching for more.

  “Positions? Anything more adventurous than missionary?”

  “Not really. Once in a while, doggy style.”

  “How about back door play?”

  “Back—” Flushing, she lowered her gaze. Geez, did they have to get into the details?

  “Eyes on me, pet. You will not hide from me. If you’re embarrassed or ashamed, I need to see that so we can deal with it.”

  She lifted her gaze. “It’s really very personal, Gio.” She sighed when he kept his gaze steady. “Once. Didn’t like it. I was sore for days.” She narrowed her eyes. “And quite frankly, you are way too big.”

  He grinned. “Proof that your partners didn’t do it right—didn’t take the time to learn what pleased you or care whether you found satisfaction or not.”

  “That sounds right,” she agreed.

  “I will always take care of your needs, Miss Jones, but you must be open, completely open, with me. Perhaps you’d like a preview of what’s to come?” His voice dropped to a throaty purr.

  God, yes. “Yes, Sir. Please, Sir.” It felt both strange to address him as Sir, yet not. He was her boss and he was clearly a man who needed to retain power, both in workplace and in his private life. Besides, if calling him Sir got her what she wanted, then she’d, “Yes, Sir” him to death!

  “Go below and bring up the black bag I left on the table down there. No peeking.” His voice was firm.

  She lifted a brow as she ducked under his arm. “Or what?” The moment the words left her mouth, she wanted to groan. Okay, she wasn’t used to obeying blindly.

  Gio yanked her back, pinned her against his chest, pulled her skirt up in the back, and smacked one cheek. “Subs who do not obey get punished, Miss Jones. I wonder what your ass would look like nice and pink after I spank it? The next time you forget your place, we’ll both find out.”

  Taryn’s yelp and shock turned to a groan. She was flush against him. His smack had her jerking her hips forward and up against his hard bulge. The sting and burn had her clenching her muscles. Good lord. She was most definitely out of her league.

  “Um, no peeking. Sir.”

  He chuckled. “Too bad. Go get it, my sweet sub. Time to start your lessons.”

  She stared into his dark eyes, noting the long, thick lashes. Her gaze flickered to his full lips, then back up. “Lessons?” Her mind was swimming. Everything was moving so fast, from unexpected, unplanned, and unsurpassed sex with him, to agreeing to a day of doing whatever he wanted—just to experience more mind-blowing orgasms. Since when had she been so consumed with sex?

  “I’m a Dom. That makes you a sub. If you want me, it’s on my terms, Miss Jones.”

  Damn, she wanted him. Now! “Um, I don’t know much about this Dom/sub stuff.”

  His fingers gripped her chin firmly. “I will teach you what you need to learn. That will be part of your lessons, pet. Go. I don’t give orders more than once.”

  Taryn fled down the stairs to the galley below.


  Gio stared after her, wondering what the hell he was doing. He shouldn’t be drawn to a woman as controlled and in charge as Karyn, yet beneath her calm control and take-charge demeanor in the office, those glimpses of her submissive nature were as irresistible to him as catnip to a cat.

  After yesterday, he couldn’t resist seeing just how submissive his new admin was. The idea of teaching her not only to please him, but helping her understand her own sexuality, was something he couldn’t walk away from.

  Gio never, ever, took on new subs, never, ever dated, or had sex with anyone who worked for him, and, fuck, he’d never brought a woman out alone on his boat. Running the family business was stressful. His time on his yacht was his and he cherished every
single moment. Just him and the ocean and his thoughts.

  Yeah, he occasionally took his family out, or clients, but never a woman—a date. So why Karyn? Why was he breaking all the rules with this woman? She came up, a black duffle slung over her shoulders. She wore her hair in a braid down her back with a fringe of bangs that fluttered in the breeze, the same breeze that shot up beneath her skirt and flashed her pretty mound.

  “Oh!” She grabbed her skirt. Her cheeks turned pink. “Here’s the bag.” She flushed. “Sir.”

  “Very good. Come here.” He drew her in front of him, putting both her hands on the wheel. “Just keep it straight.”

  “Gio!” I’ve never—”

  “I’m right here.” He set his bag on the seat and slid his hands around her waist and up. He slid the straps of her bodice down her arms, peeling the fabric away from her tits. The air struck them and they puckered hard and fast.

  “Lovely.” He pinched them until they were nice and red. In his arms, she moaned.

  “Gio!” She glanced around.

  “No one but me to see these pretty tits, pet. First things first, Miss Jones. As a dominant, I need control in my relationships. As a submissive, you agree to obey and relinquish control—like now. A Dom and sub practice what is called a power exchange, meaning you relinquish your power and I accept it. Think of it as you giving a gift of submission to me and, in return, I accept responsibility to take care of your every need. With me so far?” He continued to massage and play with her tits.

  “Um, yeah. I give up control and in return I get the best sex ever.”

  Gio chuckled. “That’s good enough for now. Some D/s relations are a Total Power Exchange, 24/7, but I’m not looking for that. I like independent women not afraid to tell off the boss.” He slid his finger over her ear, smoothing loose strands.

  “Okay. What about the rest of BDSM? Like bondage and whips and pain. I’m not into that.”

  “I’m not a sadist. I don’t enjoy inflicting physical pain or mental discomfort—and before you ask—spanking and paddling are not the same as hard-core caning and whippings. Some pain heightens pleasure.” He nipped the back of her neck and pinched her nipples. His dick was already hard, had been hard since before he’d arrived at her apartment. Her moan proved his words right.

  “The key between a Dom and sub is the mantra Safe, Sane, Consensual.” In his arms, Karyn leaned back into him, her head falling back onto his shoulder.

  “So I have to agree to everything?”

  “Yes. Although, part of my job, my responsibility when I take the power you give, is to teach you and help you discover your sexuality. That will mean pushing you into trying new things that maybe past your comfort zone. That is why you were told to leave your preconceived beliefs behind. This is a journey. Your journey.” And, heaven help him, he needed to see where this journey led. He pulled her skirt up in the front, an inch at a time.

  Her shiver delighted him. “What do you get?”

  He nuzzled her neck, licking a path up to her ear. “I get control. I get your gift of submission, and I get to pleasure you. In meeting all your needs, you’ll meet my needs. Hold your skirt up, pet.”

  She took her hands off the wheel and obeyed, hesitantly, her gaze scanning the water around them. Gio set the autopilot, turned, and got a pretty little pink bullet out of his bag and a strip of silky cloth. He put both items in his shirt pocket. “Ready for some fun?”


  Taryn was more than ready. It shocked her that she was so willing to put herself in Gio’s hands—sexually or otherwise. She liked retaining a certain amount of control in her relationships, never quite finding anyone she could just let go with so completely. But with Gio, she knew he was a man to be trusted. She might be unhappy with his family dealings, but when it came to business, the man knew what he was doing.

  And, as he’d proven to her less than twenty-four hours ago, he knew what he was doing with her.

  “First, I want you concentrating on me right now, not on whether anyone is near enough to see what we are doing.” He slipped the silk cloth over her eyes and tied it loosely.

  Taryn gasped in panic. She released her skirts to lift her hands to her face. Gio’s fingers wrapped around her wrists.

  “Trust, pet.”

  He released her. She drew in a deep breath of salty air. She couldn’t see where they were going, she just felt the wind whipping past. The heat from Gio’s body at her back warmed her. Her senses zeroed in on his masculine scent, his breath fanning her cheek and the feel of his heartbeat against her back.

  After a moment, she found it exhilarating to use her other senses. She knew what the ocean looked like and, without her eyes, she relied on her body to feel it as the boat cleaved through the water. She wanted to experience everything this man had to offer.

  Sucking in a deep breath, she lifted her skirts.

  “Good, girl,” he murmured. His hands slid around her waist and fanned out across her belly and slid down. Her breath whooshed out as shivers of delight coursed through her.

  At last, satisfaction. Her head fell back when his fingers slid over her mound and tunneled into her curls. She cried out when he eased one finger into her seam, pressing through her lips and finding her inner, secret lips and the secret they hid. His finger eased down and traced around her slit.

  “You’re wet, so very wet.” Gio drew her juices from her pussy and spread them upward, his finger slick over her clit. She circled her hips, eager for him to give her another fantastic orgasm. Over and over, he dipped into her, slicked her flesh, and teased her.

  “Spread your legs, pet. Nice and wide.”

  She obeyed and felt him shift, one arm around her to hold her steady, the other slipping between her legs. Two fingers thrust inside. She cried out, saying his name and moaning as he drove her close. She whimpered in protest when he withdrew those clever fingers.

  “I have something you’ll like, pet.” His breath ticked her ear.

  Taryn felt something pushing into her pussy—something soft, yet firm. Gio popped it all the way inside. Her muscled walls clamped around it.

  “You may let your skirt fall.” He removed the blindfold and took the boat off auto. “Hands back on the wheel. I’ll guide you.”

  “That’s it? That’s all you’re going to do?” Her voice rose to a wail. She had to admit, the object felt strange, but it didn’t lessen the ache deep inside her.

  “For now.”

  “Gio—” her voice ended on a strangled scream when the object began vibrating inside her.


  “Ah, is that enough for you, my sweet sub.”

  She put her feet together and contracted her muscles. Gio made a tsking sound and his foot shoved hers apart.


  Taryn felt as though she was going to fly apart. She gripped the wheel and hung on as the toy inside her shoved her hard and fast toward her climax. She closed her eyes, gathered herself, prepared to let go and fly. And the vibrations stopped.

  “No! God, don’t stop.”

  A sharp tug to her braid made her gasp out the words, “Please, Sir, I need to come.”

  “Let’s continue our lesson, Miss Jones.” He placed his hands over hers and adjusted their course. “One of my rules is my subs do not come without my permission. If you come without permission, you’ll be punished.” He planted his feet on either side of hers, his front flush with her back. He shifted his hands from wheel to her breasts.

  “What?” His crazy rule broke through some of the haze clouding her mind. “How can I stop that?

  “You’ll tell me if you’re close and I’ll decide whether or not to let you come.” He shifted his hand and pushed a little pink button on his remote.

  Once again, vibrations filled her and echoed inside her, spreading from her pussy up through her body. She moaned, circled her hips, and felt his erection behind her. It thrilled her to know he was just as horny, even if he was in total control. She d
eliberately rubbed her ass against him. Let him deal with being unfulfilled, she thought.

  His breathing quickened and she felt his fingers twitch on her breasts. “Trying to make me fuck you, pet?”

  “Yes, Sir. I want your cock.”

  “Down on your knees, Miss Jones.”

  Taryn turned when he stepped back. He placed a cushion on the floor and pointed. She knelt, watching him unbuckle his belt, unsnap his shorts then lower the zipper. Her eyes went wide. He wore a white thong, the front a silky sack. His erection stretched the fabric. Her finger twitched to take him in hand and free him, but she figured she had to wait. No sense in being denied what she wanted because she tried to take it too soon.

  “Mouth only.” He pulled his dick free and let it arrow out toward her.

  Eyes wide, she allowed herself to just look. He was every bit as big as she remembered. His shaft was long and thick with ropey veins that pulsed with blood. His hand wrapped around his shaft, holding out that glorious, purplish, mushroom cap. A drop of precum beaded and gleamed.

  Taryn met his dark gaze. She’d never found much enjoyment in blow jobs, especially when a guy rammed his cock down her throat, controlling her, using her, fucking her. She didn’t mind giving pleasure, but never found it pleasurable in return. But she’d give Gio the best she had to give and hope he wouldn’t be disappointed.

  “Um, I’m not very good at this.” She didn’t want to disappoint him, not when he knew exactly how to pleasure her.

  “Then I’ll instruct you. Right now, do what you want, however you want. I want to feel your mouth on me.”

  His deep baritone voice slid through her, humming through her bloodstream like the vibration of the boat beneath her knees. Whatever she wanted? Leaning forward, she rested her palms on his hips for balance as the boat continued to motor over the ocean swells. She licked his cock head and swiped the tip of her tongue across his weeping slit. He tasted as salty as the air. She swirled her tongue around that fat knob, loving the feel and taste of him.


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