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Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk

Page 29

by Lucia Jordan

  He heard a faint splash from the back yard and knew instantly where Gina was. He walked over to the window and watched as she floated on the water’s surface. He groaned when he realized she was completely naked. His cock twitched in his pants. Her breasts were starting become fuller, which was amazing considering they were rather large to begin with. Her usually lightly colored nipples were also beginning to darken. His mouth watered at the thought of wrapping his lips around those nipples and sucking her until she came violently.

  There was no more twitching of his cock, because it was now straining against his pants, begging to be released. He watched her for a few more minutes, his eyes drinking in every beautiful curve of her body. Damn, he just couldn’t get enough of her. She loved to swim and, since meeting her, her skin had gone from a nearly translucent white to a beautiful golden brown. Her dark brown hair had also lightened somewhat.

  I can’t wait any more.

  Gina didn’t have to open her eyes to know Landon was watching her. There was just something in her, like a sixth sense that told her he was nearby. Sitting up, she placed her feet on the pool’s bottom and turned to face the man she loved. As her eyes settled on him, her breath hitched in her throat. Holy shit. Her mind raced as she watched him walk closer. He had completely stripped out of his clothes and stood at the pool’s edge, bathed in the fading evening sunlight. His hands rested casually on his hips as he watched her with hungry eyes. Proudly his cock reached towards his navel.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said as he began to walk down the steps. The water rippled around him as he moved closer to her. As he got closer, her heart sped up. She was so full of love for this man, her heart felt as if it was going to explode.

  Finally, when he was within reaching distance, she all but launched herself into his arms. His arms snaked around her waist as he pulled her flush against the hard planes of his body. His mouth crashed against hers as his tongue slipped between her lips and massaged her tongue. She sighed against his mouth as he lifted her.

  Naturally, her legs wrapped around his waist. His erection pressed against her, begging for permission. She groaned as the passionate kiss began to turn a little more urgent, but he broke away, leaving her gasping for air.

  She frowned at him and he nipped at her nose playfully, causing her face to split into a smile.

  “I have some news,” he said proudly.

  “Can’t it wait?” she pouted as she pressed her lips against his neck and grazed him with her teeth. To her delight he shuddered and groaned. Taking the initiative, she ran her tongue up the entire length of his neck, delighting in the taste of him. His hands tightened on her waist but he still didn’t seat himself inside her as she’d hoped.

  Poking her bottom lip out, she looked up at him.

  “You keep pulling shit like that and you won’t like the consequences,” he growled huskily.

  A tremor of excitement raced through her, causing her to almost purr excitedly.

  “Fiiiiine,” she huffed good naturedly. She tried to wiggle out of his hands but he held tight.

  “So what do you have to tell me?” she asked as she draped her arms over his shoulders and met his gaze.

  “Well, it’s about Lydia.”

  A scowl darkened her features but he chuckled.

  “Oh, you’re going to love this. So, as it happens, Lydia has been up to no good for the last little while. She’s been using her wiles with some of our clients.”

  “What?” Gina gasped.

  He nodded. “As it happened, she was extorting money out of them. She would sleep with them and then video or take pictures. After that, she would threaten to go to their families with the evidence if they didn’t pay her twice the amount of our fees, and it wasn’t just the men she was doing this to.”

  “She was extorting the women too?”

  He nodded.

  “Holy shit.” Gina gasped. “So what does that mean?”

  “Well, one, she will be disbarred and lose her license to practice law. She also has no chance of getting the firm or a penny from me. She’s facing felony charges and has been forced to give up her partnership. I own the entire company now, and Lydia has just been hauled off to jail while she awaits trial.”

  A wide smile made its way across Gina’s face. “So she is out of our life? For good?”

  He nodded. “I just have the legalities of the situation to finish up, but yes. She is completely out of our lives.”

  Gina squealed and sealed her mouth over his excitedly.

  “There is also something else I need to take care of though.”

  He shifted and sat Gina back on her feet. Holding out his hand in front of her he opened his fist. She gasped and looked up at him, tears springing into her eyes.


  “From the moment I met you, I haven’t gone a day without thinking about you. You have become such an integral part of my life I have no idea where I begin and you end. I love you more than words can really say and I want to spend forever with you.”

  He slipped the antique, diamond encrusted ring over her finger. “It belonged to my great grandmother. Please say you will be my wife.”

  Tears choked her. Her breathing became shallow. The only thing she could do was nod and whisper yes.

  He let out a huge yelp of joy before pulling her against him. He didn’t tell her but he’d asked for Bryan’s permission a week before. He was just waiting for the perfect time.

  “I love you,” she whispered as her legs tightened around his waist.

  “Woman, I love you more,” he growled as he slowly guided his cock into her entrance and filled her completely.

  She sighed as she began to rock against him, the water lapping around them. Fairy tales may not exist but wishes do come true.


  Risk Book 1

  “Mr. Hansen, you have got to do these flexes at home too. Don’t you want to get better?” she scolded.

  “Awww, come on doc. If I do them at home that means I won’t get to see your pretty face for much longer.”

  Lacey smiled at the silver haired older man and pushed his arm above his head. “I don’t think you’re going to have to worry about that,” she said with a slight frown when his shoulder didn’t rotate like it was supposed to.

  The old man’s forehead was dotted with sweat as he grunted and strained against the therapy. When she released his arm, he breathed out a sigh of relief. She handed him a towel and moved to stand in front of him, placing her hands on her hips.

  “George, I am telling you, you’ve got to do those exercises at home. You’re not recovering as quickly as I’d like, and if you ever want to get back out on that tennis court again, you’d better listen,” she said firmly. The old man was sweet but as stubborn as they could get, and also a little bit grabby with the hands.

  His mouth turned down into a frown. “You sure are pretty but you’re hell on me,” he grunted.

  “I know,” she said with a wink, “but I would hate to beat you on the courts because I didn’t do my job.” That won him over because he flashed her a wide grin.

  “Well, you know it would give you the edge you’d need to beat me.”

  She laughed. “We’ll see about that. Now, I want you to start out with small two pound weights, lifting them like I showed you.” She squatted and picked up the dumbbells from the floor and turned back to him. “And George, I mean it. If you don’t I’m going to have to call Doc Applegate to x-ray that arm again. It will heal wrong if you don’t do as I say.”

  “Fiiine,” he said begrudgingly as he stood. “You’re starting to nag like my wife.”

  “I get paid to nag!” she said with a wink and a broad smile.

  George ambled off, grunting and grumbling the whole way. Lacey couldn’t help but to laugh at the old man. He was sweet as could be, but could be downright obstinate. As she was cleaning up her area of the physical therapy gym, she let her mind drift aimlessly. She was extremely happy with the
way her life was going. She had finally graduated with her physical therapy certification and, on top of that, she’d gained her certificate of license for massage therapy.

  After she’d gotten both of her licenses, her professor had pulled some strings and got her a position in the physical therapy department at the Angel of Mercy hospital. She’d been at the hospital for going on three years. During her second year, another opportunity had come up and she’d been offered a job as a massage therapist at a smaller office in the medical complex. She’d been over the moon with excitement. Two jobs doing something she loved completely, while being able to save a substantial amount of money in order to open her own practice one day, made every crappy decision from her past seem worth it.

  In two more years, if everything kept going the way it was now, she would be able to open her own practice. She’d already found the perfect place and hoped that it would still be available. She took a deep breath and looked at her reflection in the floor to ceiling mirrors covering one wall.

  “You’ve got this,” she whispered as smile curved on her mouth.

  “Hey Lacey, your two o’clock is here,” Gavin, another pt, said as he walked into the gym.

  “Great! Where at?”

  “He’s in room three.”

  She frowned. “Why is he in room three?”

  Gavin just shrugged and looked at his clipboard before looking back up at her. “I don’t know. Claire just told me to tell you he is there.”

  “Okie doke,” Lacey said as she pulled free the tie that was holding her blond hair in place. She quickly made her way through the staff doors and into the women’s locker room. She’d nearly forgotten she was supposed to be getting a new client today. She didn’t know anything about him, because she hadn’t even received his chart yet.

  Quickly, she went to her locker and removed her brush. While she didn’t typically care what she looked like, she tried to make herself somewhat presentable on the first meeting. She pulled the brush through her long hair, brushing it until is fell in smooth golden waves over her shoulder. She dabbed on lip gloss and made sure her mascara hadn’t smudged.

  “Good enough,” she said as she closed her locker. She didn’t have anyone to impress with her looks, so it didn’t really matter how much makeup she wore.

  She made her way to the front desk.

  “You got room three’s file for me?” she asked the clerk.

  “Yeah, let…me…ah yes, here it is,” the short stocky woman said as she pulled a thick file from beneath a stack of other files.

  “Thanks, Marj,” Lacey said as she turned and walked down the hall.

  As she walked she flipped open the pages and began to read. “Good grief,” she muttered as she read all the surgeries and damages he’d had to go in for. “Rotator cuff, tendon damage, ligament repair…” She kept reading. This man had an impressive amount of damage fixed. She also noted that he was almost done with his therapy and he’d been transferred to her for his remaining sessions.

  As she approached exam room three, she noticed four men sitting in the chairs in the hall across from the door. She smiled but didn’t say anything to them. She lifted her hand and knocked quickly before entering the room.

  She was still looking at the file, trying to find his name. “Good morning Mr. Barns. I’m Lacey Carson and I’ll be your therapist.” She closed the file and stopped abruptly when her gaze met a pair of shockingly bright green eyes. Damn. The man sitting on the paper covered exam table was beautiful.

  His smile was wide and showed off a beautiful set of perfectly white teeth and his unruly blond hair fell in waves around his head. In his cheeks were two dimples that just added extra icing on the cake. He looked like the all-American boy next door that happened to be a surfer.

  Quickly gathering her composure, Lacey tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and cleared her throat. “I see that you’ve had quite the time of it,” she said, coming completely into the room and closing the door behind her.

  “You could say that. Hi, I’m Trevor,” he said holding out his left hand.

  She took it and smiled. As soon as their hands touched, her stomach fluttered nervously. She let go and cleared her throat again. “So, it looks like you were seeing Dr. Amar in Jacksonville?”

  “Yeah. Got moved so I needed to find a replacement. Heard you were one of the best in the city.”

  Lacey wasn’t sure why, but she flushed under the compliment. “I don’t know about that, but thanks. Dr. Amar is one of the best in the field,” she said as she placed the file on the sink and began to wash her hands. The entire time she lathered her hands, she could feel Trevor’s eyes burning into her back, and when she looked up into the mirror in front of her, she hadn’t been wrong. Her gaze met his and the fluttering in her stomach intensified. Why in the hell was she suddenly feeling so nervous?

  “Okay. I’m going to see what I’ve got to work with here and then we’ll go from there. If you will, remove your shirt, that way I can assess.” She tried to keep her voice as professional as possible and prayed her nerves weren’t showing through. Why was she suddenly nervous?

  For a moment Trevor just stared at her, his green eyes glittering with mischief. A slow and very sexy smile tilted his lips as he slid from the table. His gaze was locked with hers, making it feel as if the oxygen in the room had somehow vanished.

  Her tongue seemed glued to the roof of her mouth as he slowly reached behind his head to grasp at his shirt. The hem came up slightly, revealing a tawny streak of hair that disappeared beneath the top of his low slung jeans. Still his eyes remained locked on hers, challenging her silently to be the first to look away.

  As his head disappeared inside his shirt, Lacey breathed a small sigh of relief and used it as a chance to become overly engrossed with whatever the piece of paper in her hand was. Her heart was racing and she was fairly certain that her panties were just a bit moist. She had no idea how that could have possibly happened without Trevor saying a single word. He did it all with his eyes. Damn him. When she looked back up, he stood in front of her, his hands resting on his hips. Her eyes nearly bugged from her head as she stared at his toned body. She’d seen dozens of men shirtless and not a single one of them looked as perfect as this one did. Her hands itched to run over the defined pecs and rippling abs. Were they as hard and firm as they looked? Her throat went dry.

  Whoa, girl. Easy there!

  He pushed his shock of hair back off his forehead but a stubborn piece fell right back in place. The smile on his face looked almost like an impish grin. “Where do you want me?” he asked. The corner of his mouth tilted up in a sly smirk, waiting to see her response.

  I can think of a few places! Her mind screamed. “How about the chair. You’re quite a bit taller than I am. I’m afraid the table will put you too high,” she said as she indicated to the chair beside the table.

  Trevor took his seat, sitting up straight. Lacey flexed her hands, trying to shake away the nerves she suddenly felt. Why in the hell was she nervous? It wasn’t like she’d never seen a shirtless man before. Well, maybe not one that looked like a Grecian god carved out of very tanned and toned marble.

  Focus. She put his charts on the tray table and walked over to stand beside him.

  “Okay,” she began. “It looks like the incisions from your surgeries have healed quite nicely.” She pressed the tips of her fingers to the warm skin around the slightly puckered scar. Trevor trembled a little, causing her to pull her hands back.

  “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” she asked, looking down at him.

  He chuckled. It was a deep sound that made her heart jump. “No. Your hands are cold.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief and laughed softly. “Oh, sorry about that.”

  “It’s not a problem. I’m not having any pain, actually.”

  “Hmm, that’s good. Okay, I like to start out with a few simple exercises just to see what I am working with and to see how far you have progressed. I’d like to get
myself up to speed.”

  “You’re the one in charge,” he said lightly. “Do with me what you will.”

  Lacey groaned internally. Was he trying to get a rise out of her? Because comments like that were causing her mind to take very unprofessional turns.

  She smiled but concentrated on the task at hand. Her hands glided smoothly over his shoulder and down his arm, pushing and pressing different areas. She then slid her hands down the back of his shoulder, checking the muscles for damage. She smiled when she found none. As she became familiar with his injury and range of motion, her nerves fell away and she fell into the comfortable routine of her job.

  “So,” Trevor began. “How long you been in physical therapy?”

  “Three years now. Lift your arm like this?” she said as she helped him raise his arm. “Good, now rotate. Whoa, be careful,” she said when he tried to move too quickly.

  “Have you lived in Florida long?”

  “A couple of years. Now hold your arm out straight.”

  He did as he was told. “Where were you before here?”

  She shifted uncomfortably. What was with all the personal questions? “Around. Now lift your arm above your head.”

  Again, he followed her commands.

  “How did you hurt your arm?”

  “Work,” he said simply. His gaze met and held hers for a minute. The look there was hard to read.

  “What kind of work do you do?” she asked as she pressed her fingers along the muscles.

  “I pitch,” he said simply.

  “That’s nice,” she said absently, not really paying attention to his answer but the work she was doing. With his arm held straight up, she used both hands to run over his arms. Her hands glided over the smooth ripples and contours. Her heart rate began to pick up as she wondered what it would be like to have that strong arm wrapped around her.


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