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Reaper of Souls: A fantasy short story

Page 5

by Holly Copella

  Reggie looked back at the distant ship. It appeared to be slowly sinking before their eyes. Horror crossed her face.

  “That little cheat,” she proclaimed then looked at her brother. “Stay here.”

  Reggie maneuvered through the maze of skeletons and partially decayed bodies. As she looked toward the ship, it sank faster. She picked up her pace. Dylan-creature suddenly wailed a warning. Reggie looked back while in the middle of the beach battlefield. The skeletons and decayed bodies were pulling themselves from the sand and to their feet. She gasped with horror and hurried for the ship. They grabbed for her while rising. She cried out and attempted to avoid them. There were several now on their feet between her and the ship in the lagoon. As they grabbed her, Reggie fought them while darting and dodging past many of them. Dylan-creature continued to wail while she fought the overwhelming number of decayed men before her. She made it to the water’s edge. Decayed hands suddenly erupted from the wet sand and grabbed her ankle. She screamed and attempted to free herself by kicking her leg. The hands pulled her into the wet sand. Dylan-creature ran for the water, leaped into the surf, and vanished beneath the water.


  Reggie’s entire right foot was now beneath the sand. More hands erupted and attempted to grab her left foot. The standing decayed bodies continued their approach. Her left foot was now pulled beneath the sand. She screamed and fought the hands. More hands grabbed her hips and waist. She fought her descend and clutched at the loose sand. Dylan-creature exploded from the water near her and whipped his tail at a hand on her hip. The skeletal hand shattered. He tossed his tail to her as a lifeline. Reggie grabbed his tail with both hands. He clawed at the wet sand in an attempt to pull her out as the creatures continued their approach. She barely budged from her trapped position. He pulled his tail from her and whipped it at the approaching creatures. They shattered and fell but were magically put back together. Reggie attempted to remain above the surface of the sand but it was now up to her waist. The decayed bodies jumped on Dylan-creature. He knocked them off but they continued to swarm him. The sand suddenly turned to dried, cracked dirt, locking the hands and Reggie in the ground.

  The water rapidly pulled back several yards, formed into a large wave, and then crashed to shore. Reggie cried out, covered her head, and screamed. The water rushed past her, Dylan-creature, and the decayed bodies with tremendous force. The water rapidly pulled back to the lagoon and carried the creatures with it. Dylan-creature dug his claws into the hard ground and left long scratches while avoiding being sucked out by the powerful undertow. When the water returned to the lagoon, Reggie, Dylan, and the trapped hands were all that remained. Reggie attempted to free herself from the ground, but she was stuck. Dylan-creature staggered dizzily and collapsed with exhaustion. Reggie looked at the lagoon and couldn’t believe her eyes. The pirate ship was trapped in the solid ground as well. Reggie again attempted to free herself with renewed vigor, but it appeared hopeless.

  A man’s hand was offered to her. Reggie looked up and saw Helsing standing over her. She accepted his hand. As he gently pulled her upward, the ground broke free, and she was easily pulled to her feet. He released her hand and met her gaze. She stared at him with surprise then suddenly threw her arms around his neck and clung to him. He appeared momentarily stunned and seemed uncertain how to react. As Reggie sobbed softly into his neck, Helsing uncertainly placed his arms around her waist and held her. He shut his eyes and gently nuzzled her head.

  “I can’t beat him,” she sobbed. “I’m no match for his powers. I can’t win.”

  Helsing gently touched Reggie’s face. She suddenly tensed, sniffed softly, and pulled back to meet his gaze. Although he showed little emotion, he gently wiped the tears from her cheek. She uncertainly looked around the beach then back at Helsing.

  “You did this? This was you,” she said with conviction. “You stopped them, didn’t you?”

  He offered a tiny smile. “Well, there are no rules.”

  Reggie smiled and laughed with relief. She again hugged Helsing in a warm embrace. He returned the embrace with less forethought. She then pulled back to meet his gaze with a puzzled look.

  “Why the sudden change of heart?”

  “I guess you’re growing on me,” he teased. “Maybe I’m not actually above mortal pleasures after all.”

  She stared at him with surprise then smiled timidly.

  Helsing reluctantly released her. “You’d better get your dagger. You still have to get it back to the castle.”


  The dagger was embedded in the helm of the pirate ship on the main deck. Reggie glanced at Helsing then uncertainly approached the helm. As she placed her hand on the dagger hilt, large spiders erupted from every crack in the wood and rapidly crawled toward her in a massive flood of black spiders. Reggie cried out with horror and pulled the dagger free. She quickly backed up to Helsing and looked around as they closed in on them. She was nearly paralyzed with fear as she watched the spiders rapidly approaching. Soon they’d be crawling over every inch of her body. Her body subconsciously shuddered. Helsing stared at her with a puzzled look.

  “Don’t like spiders?” he asked.

  “I’m terrified of them,” she gasped faintly. “Especially the big, hairy ones.”

  “How do you feel about snakes?”

  Reggie suddenly glared at Helsing. He casually pulled a handful of snakes from his pockets and dropped them on the floor near their feet. The snakes slithered for the spiders, which immediately retreated. Reggie watched the snakes chase the spiders from the deck then looked at Helsing with surprise.

  “You can’t imagine all that I have up my sleeves,” he announced while grinning proudly, “--and within my pockets.”

  Dylan-creature suddenly scrambled across deck and bolted behind Reggie to hide. Both looked across the main deck. Kahn stood several feet away and looked displeased.

  “You have no business interfering in my affairs, Helsing,” Kahn snarled then looked at Reggie. “Outside help. You forfeit.”

  “There are no rules, remember?” she snarled. “Which includes help from your brother. I seem to recall you weren’t supposed to interfere and use your powers. Those zombies and spiders were all you.”

  “That was before I found out you had enslaved my brother into helping you,” Kahn said then glared at Helsing. “You’re not exactly living up to the high standards of a Light Force, brother. Did she offer herself to you to solicit your help?” His tone sounded almost jealous. “You know you can’t become a Light Force while indulging in mortal pleasures.”

  “My reasons for helping her are my own,” Helsing said. “I’ve accepted nothing from her.”

  “Then that makes you a bigger fool than I thought,” Kahn scoffed. “You can’t possibly expect me to believe you’re just helping her for the sheer joy of it. You lack compassion, so something is motivating you.”

  “I admire her loyalty and devotion toward others,” Helsing replied. “I think she’s worth saving. And if it pisses you off in the process, all the better. You can’t interfere. Other than that, there are no rules. So leave us. We have a dagger to return.”

  Kahn suddenly sneered and appeared enraged. “I won’t allow it!”

  “You have no say,” Helsing announced casually. “We’re playing by the ‘no rules’ policy.”

  “Then let the games begin,” Kahn snarled. “I may not be allowed to interfere with her task, but that doesn’t mean I can’t stop you.” He suddenly vanished.

  Reggie looked at Helsing with concern in her eyes. “Your powers are equal to his, I hope.”

  “That’s not the problem. He plays dirty, and I’m not permitted to. I’d be sacrificing my Life Force rights,” Helsing replied. “We’d better go. It’s going to be a long trip back, I’m afraid.”


  Several hours later, Helsing, Reggie, and Dylan-creature walked along a worn path in the woods. Reggie appeared exhausted and Dylan-creatur
e was lagging behind. Helsing looked at his weary travel mates and stopped.

  “Perhaps we should stop and rest a few minutes,” he said. “It’s safe here. Rest while you can.”

  Dylan-creature collapsed and immediately drifted to sleep. Reggie reluctantly sat against a tree. Helsing joined her and waved his hand. A fire appeared a few feet before them and burned in the air. Reggie enjoyed the warmth then glanced at Helsing, who groomed his fire.

  “I’m really glad you decided to join me. I don’t know how much longer I could have lasted on my own,” she said gently. “With Dylan as he is, I have little emotional support. He was always my strength. We had to depend on each other to survive.”

  “I can’t say I’ve ever depended on Kahn for anything,” Helsing informed her. “He’s always been hell bent. He wasn’t exactly fun to be around all these years. Probably why I avoid him.”

  “Is it because of his evils that you want to be a Light Force?”

  “No, it has nothing to do with him,” he replied. “I suppose one of us should make our parents proud.”

  “Where are they?”

  “They’re Light Forces,” he announced then pointed up with a grin. “Out there somewhere. I’d really like to see them again.”

  “I’m sure you will.”

  “I’m beginning to wonder,” he said with a sigh. “You’ve managed to completely throw off my focus and scatter my priorities.”

  She laughed and playfully clung to his arm. “Dylan says women curse men in the nicest possible way.”

  Helsing stared at her nestled against his side and the playful smile on her face. He smiled and shook his head. “I’ve been in contact with mortal women before without any conflict, so naturally I’m having difficulty understanding my behavior around you.” He uncertainly placed his hand on hers and gently caressed it. “I’m bothered that I’m enjoying it.”

  Reggie smiled timidly, removed her hand from his arm, and straightened. “I’m sorry,” she said gently. “With all your help, it’s not fair that I should compromise your moral commitments.”

  Helsing studied her a moment longer, moved closer, and kissed her warmly but passionately. Despite her surprise, she returned the kiss. He slowly pulled away, met her gaze, and smiled gently.

  “I just needed to get that out of my system.”

  She blushed and hid her grin “Happy to have helped.”


  Helsing, Reggie, and Dylan-creature continued along the path in the woods with less exhaustion. Dylan-creature suddenly stopped, looked around, and smelled the air through his open mouth. A soft gurgle escaped his throat. Helsing and Reggie stopped and looked around to his warning. There was no sound and nothing moved. Several creatures no more than two-feet-tall seemingly stepped out of the background they blended against and jumped on top of Helsing. Four of them tackled him to the ground. As he kicked and tossed them off him, one bit him on the neck. He held out his hand and the creatures were violently projected off him and through the air. He held his bleeding neck and slowly moved to his knees. Reggie hurried to his side and attempted visually to assess his injury.

  “Helsing, are you okay?”

  He looked at the blood on his hand then appeared concerned. He quickly stood and pulled her to her feet alongside him. “Kahn fights dirty. That thing bit me for a reason.”

  “Some sort of infection?” she suddenly asked.

  “We need to hurry,” Helsing announced. “Having me turn on you would be just his style.”

  Reggie stared at him with a look of horror. He hurried her along the path and for the nearby beach. They ran along the sandy beach behind the fast moving Dylan-creature. Helsing suddenly slowed, clutched his head while swaying, and then collapsed to his knees. Reggie attempted to pull him to his feet.

  “It’s just another mile or two, Helsing. You can fight it.”

  He slowly shook his head. “You need to keep going. Get as far away from me as possible.”

  “I can’t leave you like this,” she gasped.

  “You have too. Your freedom depends on you getting that dagger to the castle.”

  Dylan-creature nervously paced before them. His tail swished as if in panic.

  Reggie suddenly groaned with frustration. “This isn’t fair.”

  “You’re right,” Kahn announced. “It’s completely unfair.”

  Reggie and Helsing looked at Kahn, who casually leaned against a nearby tree. He frowned and shook his head while watching Helsing. Dylan-creature darted behind Reggie and hid.

  She glared her loathe for him. “He’s your brother. Look what you’re doing to him. What kind of monster are you?”

  Kahn straightened and appeared innocent. “Not me. I’m not the beast who bit him.” He sighed deeply. “Sad, though. That poison is lethal and the only antidote is back a mile.”

  “Poison?” she gasped with horror.

  Helsing appeared equally surprised.

  “You probably saw some purple flowers growing on that ledge back there,” Kahn said. “He’ll need to ingest those within sixty minutes or he’s finished. I can’t imagine he’ll make it back that far in his condition.”

  “You’d kill your own brother?”

  “Again, it wasn’t me who bit him.”

  Reggie knelt in the sand alongside Helsing, who glared at Kahn. “Can you use your powers to get back there?”

  He slowly shook his head. “No, I’m too weak.”

  “You’d better hurry, my dear,” Kahn teased with a mocking grin. “You only have one hour to return that dagger--unless you’re feeling sympathetic toward Helsing.”

  Helsing glared at his brother. “She’s not that stupid, Kahn, and you wouldn’t be so bold as to kill me.”

  “Again--not me,” Kahn said while smirking.

  Reggie looked back at Helsing with concern. He met her gaze with a stern, serious look.

  “Return that dagger, Reggie,” he said firmly. “Don’t worry about me. Just go.”

  She slowly stood while studying Kahn’s mocking smile then looked back at Helsing.

  Helsing glared at her and sharply raised his brows. “Take the dagger back now.”

  She turned and ran in the opposite direction for the antidote. Helsing appeared horrified while weakly attempting to stand.

  “Reggie, no!”

  Kahn laughed and vanished. Dylan-creature slid beneath Helsing’s hand and helped steady him as he stood. He leaned heavily on the creature and stumbled along the beach. It was nearly an hour later. Reggie ran along the beach with a fistful of purple flowers. Helsing lie motionless on the sand while Dylan-creature lie sadly at his side. Reggie fell to her knees near him and extended the flowers.

  “I got them, Helsing,” she gasped while out of breath. “You have to eat them--please.”

  He weakly took a flower and ate it. A bright light approached them on the beach. Helsing stared with surprise, weakly lifted his head, and watched the light get closer. Reggie clutched the dagger and appeared concerned. Dylan-creature scurried behind Reggie and hid. The light appeared in the form of a woman with only light as her features.

  “Mother?” Helsing gasped.

  “Yes, my son,” his mother, Leola, replied. “You’ve made your father and me very proud today. You took the final step toward securing your future as a Light Force by willingly sacrificing your own life for another. You will be joining us for eternity.”

  Helsing slowly sat up with Reggie’s assistance and stared at the female light before them. “I’m honored, mother, but I can’t.” He weakly pulled himself to his knees. “I have to deal with Kahn in the only way he’ll understand, which means I’ll have to forfeit my rights to become a Light Force. I’ll see him dead before I ever allow him to harm Reggie.”

  Leola suddenly groaned. “What did your brother do this time?”


  Kahn was casually seated in an elegant chair in the hallway while watching the grandfather clock only seconds away from noon. Begley anxiously s
tood near the kitchen doorway and stared at the front door with anticipation. Chrissy peered over the second floor railing near the stairs while wrenching her fingers together with her attention on the door. Kahn grinned while waiting for the minute hand to move to its final position. The front door suddenly opened to reveal Reggie with the dagger in her hand. Kahn stared at her with shock and bolted up from his chair. Begley and Chrissy appeared stunned while making their way closer then abruptly stopped.

  “That’s not possible. You couldn’t have made it back in time,” Kahn announced then turned angry. “You cheated!”

  Reggie stood calmly within the foyer and showed no emotion. “There were no rules. How could I cheat?”

  “Helsing transported you here,” Kahn announced. “He brought you back. You needed to come back on your own.”

  “Helsing didn’t transport me here,” she informed him while playing with the dagger. “I came back on my own.”

  “That’s not possible! How could you have gotten here so fast?”

  “If you must know, I ran,” she replied while grinning.

  “You let Helsing die?” Kahn suddenly asked with surprise.

  “No, he’ll be along shortly.”

  Kahn shook his head with hostility. Begley and Chrissy slowly closed in from both the hall and the stairs to witness the scene.

  “You couldn’t have run that fast,” Kahn informed her. “You cheated. You lose!”

  “I didn’t. I win,” she calmly announced. “You’re the one who cheats. Dylan told me about his deal with you. He pledged his life to you if you’d spare me from the fire that killed our parents. I wasn’t even aware I’d been home when it happened. Some sort of memory trick you used on me. You saved me from the blaze when he couldn’t reach me.” Her eyes suddenly narrowed as she approached him. “But then he found out that you were responsible for starting the fire in the first place.” The look in her eyes was venomous. She stood only a few feet away from him and stared into his eyes with hatred. “You killed my parents, you son-of-a-bitch, just to claim my brother’s life for your pathetic kingdom. It’s over. My brother and I will be leaving just as soon as he gets here.”


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