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Origins (A Demonkin Novel)

Page 11

by Sean Hayden

  "I will call your name, and you will please rise and come up to the stage to receive your diploma and your first duty assignment," Morello continued. Brian Watson had the honor of being the first victim to be called to the stage. I watched his tall gangly form stand and cross the distance to the stairs built into the dais. He entered on the right hand side and shook Walker's, Darenthalis', and Gibbs hands before proceeding to Morello to receive his diploma. Minimal clapping coming from behind us, made me guess Watson, like me, had come here without any family.

  Morello called Rose's name after Brian's, and her father stood and vocalized his approval louder than anyone else in the gymnasium. I watched her as she repeated Brian's journey into agenthood. I found it a little odd, with as much as I despised Rose I found myself smiling at her graduating. I thought about Darenthalis' words to me, and silently agreed with him; she would make an outstanding agent. I wondered where her first assignment would be. Silently I prayed for somewhere very, very far away.

  The rest of the recruits followed suit and soon nine of us had received our diplomas. I felt a little nervous being the last one, but finally Morello spouted my one name. I stood and walked across the floor to the dais and forced myself to take the steps one at a time. I looked at Gibbs and he reached out to shake my hand. "Congratulations Ashlyn," he whispered into my ear as he pumped my hand up and down. I smiled back at him and rolled my eyes.

  Darenthalis' handshake felt a little less enthusiastic but just as sincere. He didn't waste words on congratulations, he just beamed at me. I thought I saw a little pride in the corner of his right eye. Nah, it couldn't be. Walker smiled and stuck out his hand after Darenthalis motioned me on. I grasped his meaty paw and felt the warmth come from his grip. He pumped my hand three times and mouthed a heartfelt, "Good job, kid.”

  I turned and faced Morello standing behind his wooden pulpit. He too smiled at me. I remembered his words about keeping an eye on me during my training, and wondered if he had. In his left hand he had my diploma and his right he had extended for me to shake. I crossed the remaining three steps and took both. "I knew this would be easy for you. Congratulations, Ashlyn," he said, but not within range of the microphone. "Wait here for a second," he continued. He turned back to the microphone and stared at the crowd.

  "I'll like to make a special announcement," he said and I felt my heart sink into the pit I could have sworn used to be my stomach. "For many years the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been waging a battle against one of the toughest foes we have ever fought. Since vampires gained citizenship in this great country of ours, a few of them have struggled with abiding by our laws. In an effort to combat these few individuals, the FBI has made great strides in technology which helped us to fight these menaces on a level playing field. Today we have achieved our greatest goal. I would very much like to introduce you to New Agent Ashlyn, the very first vampire to join the ranks of the FBI."

  I'll admit it, I expected cricket noises, but something else happened entirely. Everyone, including Rose Gates and her father, stood and gave a round of applause. It should have made me feel special, and blush. Instead I wanted to die. I had never been so embarrassed in all my life. I felt Morello's hand over my shoulder and I fought the urge to shrug it off and turn around and slap him. I felt him lean in and whisper in my ear. "I'm sorry Ashlyn, the Deputy Director felt this would be an auspicious start and ordered me to give that speech. After graduation please come to my office. You have a press conference scheduled at the Washington Field Office in two hours."

  I should have known. I had been so intent on the FBI keeping the secret of my heritage, I didn't even consider them parading me around as their new vampire agent. I looked over at Walker and Darenthalis and saw the looks on their faces and knew without a doubt they had no clue as to what they had planned. Walker sighed resignedly and Darenthalis looked like he wanted to invite Morello for a sparring match with edged weapons. "Silly Elf," I thought.

  Their anger made me feel a little better. I looked over at Morello, and I saw nothing but guilt. His guilt made me feel a little better, too. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, and maybe pigs across America would suddenly sprout avian appendages and take flight. I took my diploma and my packet of orders and returned to my seat. My fellow New Agents slid a little further away from me, all except Brian. I had a feeling not much fazed the willowy mage.

  Morello gave his closing speech and the new agents left to be with their families. I went to my room. I had just finished stuffing the remainder of my items in my backpack when I heard a tentative knock at my door. "Come in!" Darenthalis walked into my room. I had subconsciously been expecting Walker and the elf startled me. I had never seen him leave the gymnasium.

  "Hello, child. Are you alright?"

  "Not really. Apparently I have a press conference to go to. I can't believe they did this."

  "Your three instructors and friends are more than a little angry as well. Before Special Agent Morello could go hob knob with the families of the new agents, we pulled him aside for a special discussion. Believe me when I tell you, the man had no choice. He didn't think this a wise move either, but the Deputy Director tied his hands. The FBI has a new weapon against the vampire community, and they want to show it off."

  "I know. At least I have a spiffy new outfit to wear. Thanks Darenthalis," I told him with a smile.

  "A car is here to take you to the Washington Field Office. I told the driver you would be there in one half hour, so there is no need to rush. Are you packed?"

  "Yup, I just don't know where to put my gun. I turned in the loaner holster before the exams, and I can't fit the damn thing in my bag."

  "The store sells the same rig. Did no one tell you? Unfortunately they are closed. Follow me to my office; I might have a spare you might find to be acceptable."

  I glanced around the room one last time and tossed the key on the bed. I motioned for my elven friend to lead the way and I fell into step behind him. The snow had stopped falling and left an inch or two of powdered white on the ground. I hoped it lasted the night. I found it very relaxing, and at the moment I needed relaxing. We made it to the gymnasium and entered through the back door to avoid the graduates and their families. A second set of stairs led to the second floor and we took those and were alone in Darenthalis' office in moments.

  He went to the storage closet and opened the door. He disappeared inside for a few moments and popped back out with something in his hands. It looked like leather, just a light shade of grey. He handed me the harness and I set my pack down and took my jacket off. I expected it to be heavy and uncomfortable, but it didn't appear to be manufactured from leather. It felt like suede, only softer. As I moved my arm, the material flowed against my skin like an extension of my body.

  "Thanks Darenthalis, it's beautiful. I'll return it after the conference."

  "No need, it is a spare of my spare. It's yours. Consider it a valedictorian gift since I already gifted you for your graduation. Besides, I prefer blues to grays."

  I smiled appreciatively at the elf. I reached down and pulled the Glock where I had tried to stuff it into the front pocket of my backpack. It slid easily into the holster and looked like it belonged there. Now I just needed some ammunition. No one had ever even remotely hinted to me elves might be telepathic, but just as the thought crossed my mind, Darenthalis returned to the storage locker and returned with three clips of ammunition. He pulled the gun without asking and popped the empty clip from the handle. He popped one clip into the weapon and slid the other two into two pockets on the shoulder harness I didn't even notice.

  "Now you're all set," he told me.

  I reached down and finished zipping up all the compartments on my backpack and pulled out my orders. With all the excitement I hadn't even glanced at the contents of the manila envelope. I sat in one of the elf's chairs and pulled out several sheets of papers and my official FBI badge. It sat nestled in a little black leather wallet and I won't lie, I felt a little giddy. I stuf
fed it in one of my inside jacket pockets where I had my social security and ID cards. I would have to stick them in the tiny wallet too when I had the chance.

  "Do you know where you are going after the press conference?"

  "No, I haven't looked yet."

  "Do tell, I'm interested in what the FBI has planned for you."

  I flipped through the pages and read and reread them several times to make sure I wasn't mistaken. They're sending me back to Chicago, really? I felt a little more than shocked. I thought I would end up here for some reason. I wasn't disappointed, just surprised.

  "I'm going back to Chicago," I told him.

  "Interesting," he said. "Come, child. Your chariot waits."

  Chapter 14

  My vision became spotty and blurred the minute I walked out onto the stage of the press conference. The click, click, click of the multitude of camera's rang in my ears and I started actually getting a little dizzy. Deputy Director Sanders had just introduced me to the crowd and motioned me to join him next to the podium. I left my protective covering of the hallway and made my way to his side. I hadn't even met the man before this moment, but judging by the speech he had given the reporters we had been friends for years. Shrewd didn't begin to describe the mousy looking man.

  "Here she is, Agent Ashlyn," he played to the crowd like he had just introduced Miss America. I noticed he left off the "New" in my title. I guess "New Agent Ashlyn" isn't as dramatic.

  A chorus of voices making my name a question flew from all over the room. I guess everyone wanted to be the first to question the freak with the badge. I ignored them and looked at the Deputy Director to see what he wanted me to do. Before I took the stage I had been debriefed by another Agent who never gave his name on what I could say and what I couldn't, but I wanted to see if he wanted me to speak. He nodded for me to speak, but he got to pick who asked the first question.

  "Go ahead, Miss Brown," he pointed to a robust woman with brownish hair sitting in the front row. He must have known which news entity she worked for because she wasn't wearing any identifying news agency paraphernalia.

  "Agent Ashlyn, could you tell us how long you've been undead?"

  "Eighteen years since October," I replied.

  "So how old are you then, Ashlyn?" I guess they weren't limited to one question apiece like in the movies. Fortunately the agent with no name told me I could lie or not answer this one.

  "A lady never tells her age, Miss Brown," I quipped and drew some laughter from the audience. Maybe this wasn't going to be too bad.

  "Alright, I see you Mr. Thomas, what's your question?" The Deputy Director pointed at another person in the second row.

  "Which office are you going to be working out of?"

  Again, a question they told me to avoid. Maybe this wasn't going to be too easy after all. "My office will be here in Washington, and then I'll be dispatched wherever I'm needed," I told the man. I saw Sanders nod in approval at my prepackaged answer. I guess they didn't want anyone to know I would be on my way to Chicago right after this press conference.

  The remainder of the questions ranged from "Are you in a relationship?" to "What made you want to join the FBI" to "Are you a Master Vampire?" to "Who made you?" and I answered them all truthfully to the best of my ability. I did lie and tell them I was a Master Vampire and told them my creator had perished two years after turning me, but again I had that answer memorized before I went on stage.

  After the questions of my lineage and abilities finished the questions became very personal. These came mostly from the tabloid reporters who voiced their questions rudely over those who had been chosen, or before someone had been chosen to ask their question. Most of the time their respectable peers ignored them, and sometimes they asked a question the rest of the room wanted to know the answer to. Some even had theories I had been created in a lab by the FBI, or the FBI had paid a vampire to make me so I could work for the FBI. I set the record straight and stuck to the story the FBI had concocted.

  For the most part the conference went well. Never in all my life had I thought I would ever be a topic of interest, let alone the focus, at a press conference. I just hoped it would be the end of it. It would be pretty hard to do my job with reporters tagging along all the time or following me. Every time I had ever watched a newscast on the television, my heart always went out to the people being interviewed by moronic reporters. "Excuse me, ma'am, but your son was just decapitated by a train, how do you feel?" or "When you were being robbed at knifepoint, did you feel afraid?” I always wanted to know who wrote the questions for the reporters.

  After the last question, I waved to the reporters and left the stage. I could hear my name being called again repeatedly, but the Deputy Director had dismissed me to make another one of his long winded statements. The agent who debriefed me smiled and gave me a "Good Job" as I entered the hallway. "Please wait here, the Deputy Director wants to speak to you before you head to Chicago." I suppressed the urge to say "oh goody" and just smiled and nodded.

  I listened to the Deputy Director's speech and then he too told the reporters goodbye. I heard the click clack of his shoes as he came up behind me."Agent Ashlyn, I thank you so much for consenting to the dog and pony show. You did a phenomenal job. Are you all set to get to Chicago? You're greatly needed out there. They are having quite a trouble with their Master of the City. Anyway, thank you so much again. If you have any trouble out there, be sure to contact me and I'll help you anyway I can," he said and shook my hand. I felt dirty after shaking it though. He had a soft grip and sweaty palms, gross.

  He turned and left me there and the aid who debriefed me, smiled and turned to follow. I figured I had a little over an hour to get to the airport and catch my flight. The FBI wasn't footing the bill for a private aircraft for me this time, I got to fly coach. I needed to haul some serious ass.

  I left the building and walked out to the street to find a cab. The gods of travelers must have been with me because as soon as I stuck out my hand one pulled to the curb and I climbed in. I told him to get me to the airport as soon as possible, my first mistake as an official agent of the FBI. The traffic and driving etiquette in DC is worse than it is in Chicago. We did make it to the airport on time, but my fingers hurt from gripping the armrest of the door so hard. I'm not joking; I dented the metal under the foam and plastic covering of the handle you use to close the door. I just hope the cabbie didn't notice before I left.

  Eleven o'clock on a Friday night and Dulles was a madhouse. I presented the ticket I found included with my orders to the frazzled looking woman behind the counter and skipped through airport security (thanks to my brand new FBI badge) and on my way to gate twelve. I had never been on a commercial airline before and hoped it would be as nice as I had seen on television.

  * * *

  I cursed the airline company as I got off the plane and made my way up to the terminal. I have never been so uncomfortable in all my life. When the stupid teenage girl sitting next to me noticed my gun, I thought she would give birth to a litter of kittens. Oh well. Next time I'd pay the difference and upgrade to first class. I still had quite a few un-cashed paychecks plus a lot of my own cash. I needed to go shopping and open a bank account.

  I exited the terminal since I didn't have to hit the baggage claim. Out front waited a row of taxis, so finding a ride wasn't a problem. The cab driver blinked at me in the rearview when I told him the address and told him I wanted to go to the FBI field office in Chicago. I had just spent two hours on an airplane from Dulles to here and I gained an hour from the time change so it had to be around midnight Chicago time. Maybe I should just check into a hotel close by and report later tonight. I thought better of the idea and decided to at least check in. I could get everything settled and stay in one of the overnight rooms, sounded good enough to me.

  We pulled up to the front door almost a half an hour later. I paid my fair and tip and walked into the front door. One of the FBI police officers sat behind the desk
, so I flashed him my badge and told him I needed to see Special Agent Reese or Agent Michaels if they were available.

  I expected him to pick up a phone and call, but he punched a few buttons on his computer instead. "Special Agent Reese is expecting you, Agent Ashlyn, somebody will be down in a minute," he said and flashed me a smile.

  I waited in the reception area for a few minutes and then I heard the telltale "ding" of the elevator. Agent Michaels stepped off and looked around. He saw me and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. I smiled back at his goofy grin. I dropped my bag and had my arms around him before he even stepped off the elevator. Even the FBI Police officer hadn't seen me move. I heard Michaels' oomph and I picked him up off the floor."Put me down girl!" He sounded outraged, but I could hear the happiness in his voice, and the smile never left his face. "Come on kid, let's get you settled."

  I went back and grabbed my bag and followed the big doof into the elevator. He questioned me non-stop about my time at Quantico and my experiences there. I told him everything from start to finish, including the stupid press conference on television. He already knew about it and confessed he had it on Tivo and had already watched it. I punched him on the arm.

  The whole time we had been talking, we made our way upstairs and he got me settled in a desk I could use while on duty in this field office. He asked if I knew how long I would be in Chicago, and I confessed I had no clue. I would have to talk to Reese about it tomorrow."Well Reese expected you tonight and told me to tell you you're not on duty until tomorrow." He glanced at his watch and added, "I mean tonight. He also told me to take care of you and get you settled. Is there anything you want to do?"

  "I need to go buy some clothes and find a bank. Is there any open this late?"

  "B of A went twenty-four hours about ten years ago, so yeah. C'mon, let's go shopping," he said in his best "gay" voice. I laughed at its absurdity; he really needed to work on it. Just by looking at the man you could tell he suffered from terminal heterosexuality. He dressed way too sloppy to be gay.


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