Book Read Free

Triple Dare

Page 6

by Lexxie Couper





  All four?

  “You really like her, don’t you?”

  Rob’s statement got him to swing his head back to his friend and give him a wry smile. “You could say that.”

  Rob laughed, placing his beer on the floor beside him before pulling the sandwich in his hand into two uneven pieces. “I could say that? Well, apart from the fact you haven’t stopped looking at her for more than two seconds since we…finished…you offered to give her your vegemite sandwich and your beer. Gotta be serious when a bloke does that.” He smiled at Joseph before taking a bite out of the meal in his right hand. “I know I’ve never given a woman my sandwich and beer before.”

  Joseph leant forward and snatched the half in Rob’s left hand. “Which is why,” he said with a wide grin, “you will die a lonely man.”

  The smile on Rob’s face faltered—a split-second twitch Joseph would never have noticed if he didn’t know his friend as well as he did. He frowned, a small knot forming in his gut, and gave Rob a level stare. “What’s up, mate? Anything you want to tell me?”

  A slight tension pulled at the edges of Rob’s eyes, almost imperceptible, and then he nodded, leaning farther back in his chair, his snow pants rustling like dry parchment. “Yeah. You owe me half a vegemite sandwich.”

  “I don’t know how you Australians can eat that stuff.” Anna walked past the table and dropped into the seat beside Joseph, stopping him from demanding Rob tell him what the hell was up. She reached behind her head, pulled the band from her ponytail, and scruffed up her honey-blonde hair until it fell around her face in a golden mess. “It’s vile.”

  Rob pulled an affronted expression, his eyebrows dipping in melodramatic, wounded pain. “Take it easy, love,” he said. “You attack vegemite, you attack Australia.”

  Joseph studied his friend. For the first time since Anna had arrived on the mountainside not ninety-five percent focused on her. The uneasy knot in his gut rolled over on itself. Rob was hiding something. Rob never hid something. Not from him.

  So, why’s he doing it now? And what is it he’s hiding?

  “You don’t happen to have any Tim Tams in that backpack, do you?” Anna gave the pack at Joseph’s feet a hopeful look. “I’ve heard they’re yummy. Especially if you suck hot coffee through them.”

  “The Tim-Tam Slam.” Rob nodded sagely. “A uniquely Australian and truly life-changing experience.”

  Anna laughed, the relaxed sound easing the knot in Joseph’s stomach. Whatever Rob was hiding, it wasn’t stopping him being his usual flippant self. Flippant enough for them all to feel completely comfortable in each other’s presence despite what they’d shared after such a short space of time. Well, he felt comfortable, and seeing as Anna hadn’t gone running for her walkie-talkie the second Joseph withdrew his spent dick from her sweet wet sex to radio for help, he kind of figured she was comfortable too.

  Actually, comfortable was the wrong word, at least to describe his current state. With every second he spent looking at her, he was growing distinctly uncomfortable. His cock was growing thicker and longer far too quickly for public decency. His snow pants were far too chaffing to sit still and take it like a man.

  He shifted on his chair, lurching a little to the side. “Bloody hell,” he muttered.

  A fine, warm hand pressed on his hip, searing his skin through his trousers, and he looked up from the floor to see Anna smiling at him. “Falling for me so quickly, Joe?”

  The question, asked no doubt in jest, sent a shard of tension straight to Joseph’s suddenly very hard cock. He stared at her like a dumb-struck teenager, lost for words.

  She gazed back at him, the smile on her lips—her full, totally kissable lips—fading.

  “I think the answer to that is yes, Anna McCarthy,” Rob offered. “Very much a yes.”

  She flicked a glance at Rob, but only a quick one, before her attention fixed on Joseph again.

  The cabin fell silent, the only sound the night wind rising outside, streaming over the side of the mountain like an icy river. Joseph looked at Anna, his mouth dry. He wanted to say something, but couldn’t. Jesus, why was he feeling so flustered? He never felt like this in corporate meetings, staring down bank managers and supply executives. Why couldn’t he think of a thing to say now?

  Because it’s important now, Joseph. It means something now. What you say next could change the rest of your life.

  He swallowed, a numb pressure growing in his chest, his eyes eating her up. How had this happened? How had he fallen so deeply so quickly?

  Fallen where? In love?

  Can’t be. Not yet. He knew so little about her.

  A wild gust of wind slammed against the cabin, shattering the tense silence within with a squealing protest of wood. The windows rattled and Joseph jumped. They all jumped. Anna blinked quickly as she jerked in her seat, as if coming out of a trance. Rob burst out into loud, if somewhat nervous laughter.

  “So, Ranger McCarthy,” Rob said, his socked feet hitting the floor with a dull thud, “we’re obviously not heading back to Wolf Creek tonight. What do you suggest we do?”

  Anna’s cheeks turned pink, a delicate shade that made Joseph want to cup her face in his hands and place his lips on hers.

  Deep, Joseph. So deep so damn fast.

  She flicked him a quick look, her eyes reflecting something he couldn’t decipher, and then turned to Rob. “Poker?”

  Rob lifted an eyebrow. “Strip poker?”

  Joseph’s cock—rapidly growing harder than semi-hard—pulsed in approval, and he bit back a low groan.

  Anna gave Rob an enigmatic little smile. “Strip poker? Isn’t it too cold for strip poker?”

  Rob leant forward in his seat, the wood creaking beneath him, a grin playing with the corners of his mouth as he ran a deliberately suggestive inspection over her upper body. “I’m game. Are you?”

  She flicked Joseph another look, and he couldn’t miss the way her nipples pinched into rigid points. Nor the way her tongue flicked out to wet her bottom lip. “I’m good at poker.”

  Joseph wasn’t good at poker. And he was wearing nothing more than a pair of snow pants, socks and his thermal. Which meant he’d be buck-naked in about three hands.

  Or sooner if you throw the cards away and do exactly what you want to do instead.

  His cock jerked in his pants, in total, eager agreement. What he wanted to do…

  Well, do it, Hudo.

  His ass clenched as thick desire poured through his groin.

  Do it.

  He snapped to his feet, his plastic seat jolting away from the back of his thighs to tumble over. In two strides, he rounded the table and stopped directly in front of Anna to give her a level stare. “I don’t want to play poker.” He leant forward a little, combed his fingers into the golden strands of her hair at her nape and held her head still. “I want to make love to you. I want to bury myself in your sweet wet pussy and fuck you until you scream my name.”

  He lowered his face closer to hers. “And I want to do it while Rob fucks you at the same time.”

  Anna’s eyes widened, her lips parting.

  “Bloody hell, Hudo.” Rob shifted in his chair, his voice tight. “When you decide to go for it, you don’t hold back.”

  Joseph raised his head a fraction, gave his best mate a direct look and then returned his gaze to Anna. “Come on,” he said on a low whisper. “I dare you.”

  Anna’s pulse didn’t just pound in her neck, it hammered. I dare you. She licked her lips, her pussy already squeezing in damp anticipation.

  I dare you.

  There was so much in those three words: a challenge of sexual contact beyond any she’d experienced before. A challenge to release herself to the fantasy she’d harbored the moment she’d set eyes on the two Australians. A challenge to deny the apprehension of their earlier threesome. But there was more, so much more in
his eyes. In his eyes, those cookie-brown eyes she’d been drawn to from the start, she saw his desire. Not just sexual, but emotional. It made no sense. They hardly knew each other, but this man, with his sexy-as-sin accent, his caring eyes and warm wit, made her just plain gooey inside in the most wonderful way imaginable.

  Her heart leapt faster and her mouth went dry.

  Love at first sight? Who would have thought you were a romantic, Ranger McCarthy?

  She tilted her face up to Joseph’s, letting a slow smile curl her lips. “I accept your dare, Joseph Hudson.”

  “God, you have no idea how much I wanted to hear you say that,” Rob murmured, his breath warm on her neck. He ran his hands over her hips, up the flat plane of her belly, the curve of her ribcage, until his fingers found her breasts. Her sex pooled with liquid pleasure and she swayed toward Joseph, eager for him to join in.

  “Anna?” A male voice crackled from Anna’s backpack. “This is Bartowski. What’s your situation with the Australians? Over.”

  “Fuck,” Rob swore.

  Anna’s pulse rate tripled. “It’s Wolf Creek base.” She placed her palm on Joseph’s chest and gave him an apologetic look, the moisture between her legs growing at the impatient gleam of hunger in his eyes. “I better let them know what’s going on.”

  Rob laughed, sliding one hand down her stomach to delve his fingers into the junction of her thighs. “You think they might want to join?”

  She twisted in his embrace and punched her fist against his shoulder in a soft rebuke. “You wish.”

  Disengaging herself, she hurried over to her backpack, withdrew her handheld transceiver and rammed her thumb against the PTT button. “This is Anna. I’ve located the Australians and have escorted them to number four cabin. We’ll be staying put tonight. Will report back at—” she shot her watch a quick glance, “—twenty-two hundred. Over.”

  She released the press-to-talk button, the feel of Joseph’s and Rob’s impatient, hungry gazes roaming over her back almost making her squirm.

  “You sure?” Bartowski asked, his uncertainty scratched with static. “If I send out the chopper now, Hal can get to you in under an hour. Over.”

  “Negative,” Anna almost snapped, aware her own voice sounded curt. “Too risky. The winds kicking the mountain’s ass up here. I’ve got it under control anyway. The heater’s fired up, the Australians are safe and they very thoughtfully packed sandwiches before getting their asses lost. Over.”

  “If you say so. Over.” Bartowski sounded hesitant. What she was suggesting wasn’t protocol, but she was also the boss. He knew better than to question her too much.

  She flattened the press-to-talk button. “I do,” she said into the microphone. “Don’t worry about me. They’re Australian city boys with more money than sense. I’m making them regret their stupidity, trust me. Over.”

  Rob burst out laughing behind her as she released the PTT button and swung about to fix him with a steady gaze. Her heart began to thump harder. “Now,” she said, tossing her walkie-talkie onto the crumbled top of her backpack, “where were we?”

  Joseph crossed the cabin floor in three strides and scooped her off her feet before she could utter a squeal of shocked delight. He held her against his chest, his arms under her knees and back, his nostrils flaring, his stare holding hers captive. “Right about here.”

  He kissed her. Hard. Brutal. His tongue lashing at her lips, her teeth, with a ravenous aggression she reveled in.

  “And here,” Rob stated as he fisted a hand in her hair and tore her lips from Joseph’s, crushing her mouth with his.

  His kiss was equally forceful but far more playful, and her head spun at the contradiction of one barely contained with power, the other almost teasing. Both however, made her pussy weep with moisture. She whimpered and curled her arms around Joseph’s neck as his lips began to scorch a line up the column of her neck.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” he ground out in her ear.

  “Beautiful,” Rob echoed, pulling his lips from hers to taste her chin, her jaw.

  Joseph kissed her again, nipping at her bottom lip with a series of bites that grew harder and more uncontrolled with each one. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, exploring its well with increasing fever.

  “There’s no bed big enough for this,” Rob spoke, skimming a hand down her back and over the curve of her ass. His fingers stopped at the folds of her pussy, exposed to his touch by her position in Joseph’s arms, “and the floor’s a might cold, so we’re going to have to worship your body standing up.”

  His statement sent a shard of wanton excitement into Anna’s sex and she felt her juices wet Rob’s fingers. Fingers he slowly, deliberately slid into her folds. Two at once, wriggling them until he couldn’t penetrate her any deeper.

  She sucked in a breath through her nose, the scent of her pleasure filling her body, driving her faster to an unexpected orgasm.

  Oh, God!

  Her pussy clamped shut on Rob’s fingers, constricting on them, squeezing them in fast, powerful pulses.

  “Oh, yes,” Rob scissored his fingers inside her sex, plunged them in and out and wriggled them some more, “that’s my girl. Come for me. I want you so fucking wet I could drown in your cream.”

  Joseph growled against Anna’s lips at his friend’s words, hauling her closer to his chest as he sucked her tongue into his mouth.

  “She’s so wet for us, Hudo.” Rob continued to fuck her pussy with his fingers. “So very, very wet.”

  Joseph broke the kiss and stared into her face. “I want her wetter.”

  Rob chuckled, a low, dirty laugh. “No worries, mate.”

  He slapped her ass. A swift, sharp slap that made her cry out in surprise.

  Stinging heat branded her ass cheek, but before the pain could register in Anna’s mind, Joseph pressed his lips to her temple. “Do you want him to kiss it better?”

  She nodded, her breath hitching in her throat.

  She sensed Rob move beside her, his hand sliding over her butt, caressing the spot he’d smacked until it wasn’t his palm on her skin but his lips.

  And then, his lips weren’t on her ass cheek but on her folds, his tongue flicking at her clit, his fingers delving into her slit.

  “Does that feel good?” Joseph whispered, his stare holding her still in his arms.

  “Yes,” she panted. “Yes.”

  “I want you so wet there’ll be very little pain when Rob enters your arse.”

  Her heart slammed into her throat, her rock-hard nipples aching. She gazed into his eyes, knowing she should feel something other than absolute trust and blissful rapture. She didn’t.

  Rob’s tongue rolled over her clit, already swollen from her last orgasm, and she hissed in a gasp.

  “I can’t hold on much longer, Anna.” Raw tension wrought Joseph’s statement into a strangled groan. “My dick is so hard and I want to sink it into your pussy so much.”

  “Then do it,” she rasped. “Do it. Please.”

  He shook his head. “Not yet. Not until you are ready for both of us.”

  As if Rob knew exactly what Joseph wanted, he placed his hands on her ass cheeks and spread them apart, dragging his tongue from her pussy to her anus. Smearing her hole with his saliva and her cream.

  She clung to Joseph, a distant part of her mind in awe of his physical strength—he’d held her for what must be a lifetime now—a more elemental part of her mind more aroused than ever by it. “Oh, Joseph.”

  It was the first time she’d called his name during their sexual contact and he let out a shaking groan, his eyes clouding with desire. His arms tightened around her and he slanted his lips over her mouth.

  Rob laved her anus with his salvia, dipping his thumb into her pussy as he did so. She thrust her hips upward, her inner muscles constricting, another climax mounting. Fast.

  It hit her. An explosive tension shuddering through her body.

  Bringing with it fresh moisture from her s
odden sex.

  “Hmmm,” Rob hummed against her ass. “You taste so good. My face is so wet with your come.”

  He lapped at her ass, stabbed at it with the point of his tongue, fucking her pussy with his fingers. Smearing her juices to her anus.

  “I think she’s ready for us, Joe.”

  The statement uttered against her backside made Anna’s ass squeeze tight with a wanton thrill she’d never experienced before. Her heart quickened faster still and she wrapped her arms around Joseph’s neck with desperate need.

  She was ready. More than ready.

  Without a word, Joseph removed his arm from beneath her knees and her feet hit the floor with a soft thud.

  Rob was there immediately. From the time it took to remove his mouth from her ass and straighten to his feet, he’d stripped himself of his snow pants and shirt. She heard a condom packet tear and then he pressed his naked body to her back, smoothing his hands under her thermal. She drew in a shallow breath, the feel of his warm skin on hers almost as wonderful as the feel of his rigid erection nudging the crevice of her ass. He skimmed his palms over her belly, her ribs and breasts, a taunting journey that made her knees wobble before he embraced her in a firm hold and tugged her backward.

  The tips of her toes brushed the floorboards a split second before Joseph stepped in front of her—now gloriously, proudly naked, his thick erection stretching the condom he wore—and gathered up her legs, draping her knees over his bent arms. Hooking them in the inside of his elbows.

  He met her gaze, a small smile on his lips. “To the hilt,” he whispered.

  He moved. Raising her knees higher and leaning into her body with fluid grace. His massive cock first pressed and then parted her folds, separating her sex until, with a groan and a clenching of his jaw, he sank his length into her very core.

  “Oh, yes!” She threw back her head, the surreal sensation of being suspended on Joseph’s arms while being impaled on his cock almost driving her mad. She’d never felt anything like it, like she was connected to the world even as she hung above it.


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