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King of Prey

Page 5

by Mandy M. Roth

  Sachin grunted. “Kabril.”

  Kabril looked to Sachin for what felt like forever to Rayna before he sighed. “Very well. I shall wait and continue to woo her.”

  She giggled and both men’s attention moved to her. “Come on. Admit it, he’s funny.”

  “Oh yes, he is known for witty ways,” Sachin added.

  Kabril growled.

  She touched his hand and looked around the area. “It’s so beautiful here.”

  “Yes, you are.”


  He glanced over the edge of the drop. “Yes. It is lovely.”

  “Is it wrong that I don’t ever want to go home?” she asked.

  Sachin snorted. “But then how will you finish teaching Kabril to make toast?”

  “If I kick him in the shin, would it hurt things between us?” she asked of Kabril. She knew the two were very close, maybe even related, but Kabril tended to avoid talking much about how long they’d known each other or if they were blood.

  “Should you do such a thing, I would find you even more endearing and more than likely whisk you away from here and keep you all for myself.”

  She nearly melted at his words. She eyed Sachin’s leg.

  Sachin backed up. “No abusing me. Kabril does it enough for the two of you.”

  “And you goad him every chance you get,” she reminded.

  He shrugged. “It is what I do.”

  She held her lens cap to her. “I swear, around you, Kabril, I have two left feet and I’d forget my head if it wasn’t attached.”

  He paled. “Your head can detach?”

  She laughed and pushed past him, mindful of the steep ledge. “Are we going back to camp or are you two going to start exchanging weird looks when you don’t think I’m watching you?”

  No sooner did the words come out her mouth than Kabril and Sachin did exactly that. They glanced at one another. Sachin’s expression was one of amusement. Kabril’s held something else. Something Rayna couldn’t pinpoint. It was too cute not to comment.

  “See, that’s exactly what you do to me. You always make me feel like I’m missing out on an inside joke. It makes me crazy.” Lunging forward, she ruffled Kabril’s chin-length black hair. His smile warmed her heart. “There. That’s more like it. I hate it when you look like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. You brought me because you wanted to do a photo journal, documenting your studies. As much as I’m loving this vacation, I like to see you happy more.”

  Kabril caught her hand and drew it to his lips, planting a kiss on the back of her hand tenderly. Before Rayna could remark, Kabril had drawn her into his arms. A slow, racy smile moved over his face. She wanted another kiss, but not in front of Sachin. Not with the way Kabril kissed. The man was nearly X-rated.

  She swallowed hard. Her pussy responded with a spasm and she had to focus on something, anything other than Kabril or risk begging him to fuck her against the rocky wall. “We should get back to camp. It’ll be getting dark soon and I still want to take a bath.”

  Kabril perked up. “A bath?” He exchanged another long look with Sachin and nodded. “By all means, camp it is then.”

  “You are so weird,” she said, laughing softly as she fell in line behind him. Rayna’s gaze landed upon his luscious ass and she closed her eyes. If gawking at the waterfalls didn’t get her killed, Kabril’s tight butt just might.

  “Be careful of your step,” said Kabril as he slowed his pace, falling behind. She knew he wanted to speak with Sachin without her listening in.

  Chapter Eleven

  Kabril waited until Rayna was far enough in front of him before turning to Sachin. His heart was at war with his head. He’d seen Rayna nearly fall from the cliff’s edge and all he could think was that his woman was mortal and had nearly suffered a fate he could not bring her back from. All his shifter instincts screamed at him to take her and fly away home to his kingdom with her. That the human realm wasn’t safe enough for her.

  She belonged with him.

  The only problem with his plan was that he’d spent the last month lying to her—keeping his true identity and the fact he was a bird shifter from her. She thought him nothing more than a human male.

  “Thinking upon the kiss?” asked Sachin. “It is progress… the ‘her-no-longer-slapping-you’ bit.”

  Kabril’s voice shook as he spoke, “She would have died had she fallen.”

  “She would have to be able to move more than ten feet from you to be in any real danger,” Sachin chimed in, sarcasm lacing his every word. “You do not let her out of your sight, my lord. Seems unlikely she would be in any real danger.”

  It was true. Kabril did not let Rayna out of his sight.

  “Had I not been there…”

  Sachin touched his shoulder. “You were there, Kabril. She is safe and well.”

  Kabril looked in Rayna’s direction Rayna. “She makes me feel things I do not recall ever feeling before.”

  Sachin seemed pleased. “We best catch up with her for fear she fall from the path—again.”

  Gasping, Kabril shot forward, tapping into his shifter speed as he rushed to Rayna, Sachin’s laughter following him all the way.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kabril stood quietly, watching from the shadows as Rayna bathed by the river’s edge, silently wishing she were his chosen one—his mate. She was the one he longed for. The one he thought about birthing his sons. Not some nameless, faceless woman the Oracle spoke of. Kabril held no feelings for whoever the prophecy mentioned. His feelings were for Rayna and Rayna alone. He liked that she was what she referred to as clumsy and that she enjoyed cooking, even if she did cook birds. He liked that she loved animals of all sorts, shapes and sizes but that she was especially drawn to birds.

  You more than like her, he reminded himself. You love her.

  He sighed. He did not want whatever woman the Oracle thought best for him. He wanted Rayna. And he would have her. He was king. He would simply make it law that she was to be his queen.

  He’d fallen behind in his duties as king but didn’t want to be separated from Rayna just yet. Sachin’s original plan had been to bring Kabril to the human realm for a week or two, introduce him to his chosen mate and then get him back to his duties.

  That had not happened. Rossi was overseeing things back home and Kabril was confidant in his brother’s ability to rule—even though Rossi was young and tended to enjoy drink and women over actual work. In addition, stirring had started about the Falco Peregrinus. They wanted more power and more land. To gain both they would need to go through Kabril’s kingdom and overtake it. He would not allow such a thing to happen. Rossi would handle affairs for now but if war broke out, Kabril would have no choice but to return home.

  Kabril had obligations to his people. Already he had planned not to carry out on the prophecy they all held so dearly. The least he could do was be there to rule himself. Not leave his brother to serve in his place.

  But going home without Rayna was simply not an option. He ached for her day and night. He thought of her at all hours. And the kiss had only reaffirmed his obsession with her. His cock was hard now as he watched her off in the distance, bathing in the fresh water. It was wrong to watch her without her knowledge.

  Sachin had pointed out as much but Kabril did not care.

  Claim her.

  He understood his ways were barbaric in comparison to what Rayna was used to, yet he could not stop the overwhelming urge to rush to her, sink his cock into her and say the words that would bind them for all eternity. She would be his then. Prophecy be damned. He was king. He could do as he pleased. He did not need to answer to anyone.

  Perhaps if I take her home, the prophecy will assume one human female is as good as the next?

  No. It would never work and he knew it. Still, it didn’t hurt to dream.

  A pang of guilt swept over him as he continued to watch Rayna bathing without her knowledge, but he had rationalized it out several nights
after arriving at the campsite. All of his kind possessed varying degrees of magiks. It was no surprise one of Kabril’s strongest gifts was that of being able to control other animals. After all, he was a leader by birth. The jungle wasn’t exactly safe to wander about alone. Bathing in the river was even less safe. So long as he was near, he could mentally will the other animals away from his mate.

  My mate. If only that were true. I would happily accept the human before me.

  The words played about in his head. Never had he thought they would sound so perfect. Then again, he hadn’t planned on finding Rayna. He’d expected something else and would no doubt get it whenever he found the mate Sachin swore was close. He’d get something other than the beautiful, loving woman before him. Rayna was divine. Everything he wanted in a wife and so very much more. Within the first week of meeting her, he’d all but forgotten she wasn’t like him. Wasn’t a Buteos Regalis. It didn’t matter. Nothing but claiming her and making her his wife did.

  If only I could.

  His loins burned with the need to possess her. Thoughts of bedding Rayna plagued his dreams and remained a constant in his waking hours. The woman’s scent alone was enough to drive a man insane.

  Roses and sandalwood.

  Even now Kabril could still smell her lingering scent on him. His cock dug painfully at its confines and he swallowed hard, hoping his erection would go down on its own. Seeing her naked wasn’t helping matters.

  Rayna wore her long hair pulled into a loose bun at the top of her head, as she always did when she bathed late at night. His preternatural eyes could see perfectly in any light. The tiniest of freckles graced her nose and tanned shoulders whenever she’d been in the sun too long. The caramel look the sun’s rays left her with was intoxicating. Kabril wanted to lick every inch of her, see if she tasted as delicious as she looked.

  She will taste even more divine.

  Glancing over her shoulder, Rayna stared in his direction. Kabril knew the darkened shadows covered him and didn’t bother to move. He let his gaze rake over her slowly, taking in the sight of her breasts. Her nipples were dark and puckered as if waiting for him to take them into his mouth. Reaching down, he undid his pants and slipped his hand in, fisting his rigid cock. He needed release or he’d risk the beast side of him taking over and possibly claiming Rayna—not bothering to wait for this mate Sachin swore he was close to finding. A mate he did not want for he only wanted Rayna.

  Kabril seriously considered simply plucking Rayna from Earth, taking her to his home and demanding she submit to him. Sachin was right. The ways of old would not work with an Earth woman. Especially not one as headstrong as Rayna. No, she would have removed vital parts of his anatomy. Though, dying by her hand would be acceptable.

  He stroked his cock, staring at the small swell of her lower abdomen and imagining his tongue there, licking, tracing its way to the juncture of her thighs. Kabril knew Rayna had only a small thatch of well-maintained hair upon her mound because he spent many a night assuming the form of an Earth-sized hawk and watching her. It was not exactly comfortable to take on the form of a creature so much smaller than his normal shifted form, but he did it all the same. At six-foot-six in human form, Kabril was even bigger shifted, quite a difference from the size of an Earth hawk. Also a significant difference between Rayna and himself in normal form.

  Rayna seemed so tiny to him, so petite, that at times he worried if he would harm her should he sink his cock into her and claim her for all time. Sachin assured him all would be well when the time came, should his actual mate prove to be Rayna’s size, but Kabril couldn’t think past her. She was who he wanted in his bed, swelling with his sons and ruling by his side for all eternity. Thoughts of hurting her didn’t sit well with him. Since Sachin had a tendency to wander from Accipitridae to Earth when he assumed Kabril wasn’t paying attention, and bed human women, Kabril trusted his judgment on the matter.

  Kabril watched her closely as he continued to stroke his cock. Every muscle in his body was tight, hungry for Rayna. Her gaze remained locked on his area. Could she see him?


  That was foolish.

  She was but human and lacked the extraordinary vision of the shifter races. Still, her gaze remained. As he ran his hand down the length of his shaft, Rayna touched her stomach, the same place he’d envisioned licking. As her fingers trailed their way to the apex of her thighs, Kabril’s breathing grew shallow. Would she touch herself as well? Better yet, would she think of him while doing it?

  That’s it, ta’konima—my love. Touch yourself. Show me how you wish me to touch you.

  Rayna cupped a breast with one hand and let the other hand slide between her legs to the place Kabril desired to be. As she parted her slit, he had to fight off his orgasm. He should last longer than he did while masturbating. It was almost embarrassing how quickly even the thought of Rayna could make him lose control. Holding the base of his cock firmly, Kabril managed to narrowly avoid spilling his seed. The sight of Rayna fingering herself, rubbing her clit while she stared in his direction was too much. He palmed himself and stroked as fast and as furious as he wanted to take her. He wanted to pummel his cock into her silken depths until both their bodies were spent and his seed planted in her.

  Rayna rocked against her hand, riding it to the point it glistened with her cream. The scent of her arousal permeated the air, filling Kabril not only with lust but with the carnal knowledge that he would take her and soon. It was no longer a choice. Between his obsession with her and the news coming from Accipitridae of the Falco Peregrinus’ repeated attempts to take power, Kabril had to return for good—and soon. Leaving without his mate wasn’t an option.

  She’s not my mate, he reminded himself. But if I have any input in my affairs, she will be my queen.

  It mattered not what the people thought of him should he return home without his destined bride. All that mattered was that he could not survive without Rayna in his life.

  He loved her and he could not recall loving anything in his very long life.

  Rayna shook her hips slightly as she arched her neck. From the tiny whimpers to the way her body twitched, he knew she was coming. Stroking his cock faster, he didn’t fight it when his body wanted release. Instead, he came with her, sending come jetting from his body into the brush before him, all the while keeping his gaze locked firmly on Rayna as pleasure ripped through her body.

  Something rustled across from him, on the other side of Rayna, and Kabril fought with his still erect cock to get it back into the confines of his pants. Rayna apparently heard the noise as well, which was strange considering how faint it was. She dressed quickly, pulling on her shirt and slipping into her shorts. The knowledge she wore no undergarments would consume him the remainder of the night. Visions of her coming by her own hand would grip him for centuries.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Rayna glanced in the opposite direction of camp and did her best to focus in the darkness. If it weren’t for the light of the moon, it would have been pitch black. The jungle had been eerily silent while she bathed, right up until she’d given in to the urge to touch herself. Spending her days and her nights near Kabril was proving to be too much for her. Back home, she could at least get away from the lure of him because he had his practice and she had work. Since he was a veterinarian and her passion was photographing animals, it seemed fitting they spend time together. She’d spent months in various remote corners of the Earth, chasing down that perfect picture of whatever animal it was she’d been sent to shoot.

  After being charged by two very angry tigers, Rayna had decided to avoid anything bigger than her for a while. In fact, it was Kabril’s idea she take some time from her normal work and aid him with his research. He’d even tried to pay her much more than she’d ever dream of charging. Rayna wouldn’t hear of taking his money. While she wasn’t rich, she was comfortable.

  Looking around at the beauty of the tropics, Rayna knew she’d made the right decision in c
oming on the trip. The environment was soothing and she couldn’t imagine being away from Kabril for the month he had planned to be away. That, more than anything, had prompted her to accept his invitation. She’d grown accustomed to seeing him daily, hearing his laugh and simply knowing he was close.

  She even enjoyed time with Sachin. His odd sense of humor complimented Kabril’s, making him a welcome addition. He also seemed to watch over Kabril. It was out of the ordinary but Rayna never questioned it.

  The sound of a twig snapping and leaves rustling grabbed Rayna’s attention. Nothing seemed off, yet her inner alarms were going off. She squinted in hopes it would help her see whatever was there. Thoughts of jaguars and other jungle predators filled her head, making her jerk back as fear crept over her.

  She stepped onto the shore and dressed as quickly as she could. Her shorts clung to her wet body as did her shirt. As Rayna bent down to grab her boots something splashed in the water. No part of her wanted to dwell on what wildlife called the river home. Still, the urge to glance over at the water bordered on overwhelming. It appeared still and what little moonlight made its way through the canopy of trees managed to reflect off the water’s surface.

  Something splashed again, this time sounding much closer than the last. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end and the urge to flee was great. Never one to back down from a challenge, Rayna hesitated, sure her mind was playing tricks on her. Taking a deep, calming breath, she nodded.

  It’s probably a frog or something.

  Rayna turned to head back to camp and ran face first into what felt like a truck. A really warm, muscular, fantastic-smelling truck.


  “Rayna?” Kabril asked, the sound of his voice making her feel safe.

  Relief swept through her and she tossed her arms around his neck. He stood tall, taking her with him. She dangled for a moment and went to release him. Kabril didn’t allow it. He wrapped his large arms around her and held her off the ground.


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