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Vanished Pride (The Seven Sin Sisters 4)

Page 4

by Paloma Beck

  Paige pushed against him with renewed strength–immobilized by his tongue in her mouth and his cock in her core–and came with such exuberance. She broke from his kiss and screamed out his name just as he predicted, over and over, and then the crushing flex in her core pulled his release from him. Her body drew out every bit of life his body had to give. Donovan was exhausted.

  Still, his cock refused to soften, a common ailment he’d heard about from other mated breed males. It was biology assuring a complete joining by not permitting immediate separation. As his seed spread through her womb, already their mating had begun. For the rest of their time on this earth, Donovan and Paige would take their sustenance from one another. They would live and die together. Donovan remained inside her as he rolled them to lay side-by-side.

  “You screamed my name, Princess,” he spoke the words into her dampened shoulder as she lie with her leg slung over him.

  “And I’d gladly do it again.”

  Donovan laughed at his spunky mate. He was a lucky bastard and he knew it. Now he had to stay on his toes because she wouldn’t be that easy to tame.

  * * * *

  Paige woke with a feeling she’d completely screwed up. Then she took note of the large male in her bed and wanted to bang her head against the wall. She was always so careful, always making good choices based on logic and analysis of the consequences. She couldn’t believe what she’d let happen last night.

  Pulling herself together, she gently extricated herself from Donovan’s hold. Of course, moving along his body reminded her just how amazing last night had been. He’d calmed her, centered her to a place where all worry faded away, and gave her the most earth-shattering orgasm of her life. Then she’d fallen asleep in his muscular arms after that life-altering experience.

  Oh Goddess, what had she done? She couldn’t deny the events to come–the Acclimation, the Pronouncement, but she had plans. She wanted so badly to compete in the Coupe du Monde in Paris. Now she was trapped with everything completely out of her control. She paced in the kitchen and contemplated her future. She would never have the success she had planned for.

  The quick puff of swirling smoke told Paige her mother had arrived, compliments of teleportation magic. Her mother’s powers had always amazed Paige. They were extraordinary, and Paige had dreamt of attaining that same level of power someday. Paige saw by the expression in her mother’s eyes she was aware of last night’s events.

  “Congratulations, Paige.” Chiara wrapped her in an embrace. Then she pulled away and took a second look. “Why so forlorn?”

  “Mother, I truly wanted to reach my goal of master baker before I was mated. It was all I ever wanted and now my dream is over.”

  “And this is so terrible that one occurred before the other?”

  Paige blinked at her mother, surprised by the suggestion in her words. She fought to keep her voice steady as she asked, “Are you suggesting I might still compete in the Coupe du Monde?”

  “I cannot think of why you shouldn’t. If it is something you want, it should be done.”

  “But am I capable of excellence, the true excellence needed for such a competition, without the urging of my soul sin?”

  “Oh, my dearest one,” her mother reached to hold her again, “your soul sin made you prideful, even too prideful at times, but it didn’t give you your talent.”

  “I can’t believe this,” Paige responded as the tears sprang from her eyes and she allowed them to fall down her cheeks. She understood the prophecy to mean the deadly sin she held–this curse put upon them for the indiscretions of their ancestors hundreds of years ago—would be released when she was claimed by a Valendite Breed. Fulfilling their obligation to sustain this breed of men provides the women in the Magdalena Circle a long, illness-free life. She assumed it also meant anything associated with their sin would disappear when their sin did. How could she have been so wrong?

  “Neither can I, Paige. When I got news from your sisters last night that you’d discovered your mate a few months ago and asked him to wait for you, I nearly lost my mind. Surely, you didn’t believe that possible? The man has very likely suffered.” Her mother looked confused. Put so clearly before her, what she had asked of Donovan did seem quite awful.

  “I was being selfish,” Paige explained.

  Chiara turned her head to look towards the kitchen doorway. Her head tilted as if she’d heard something. A moment later, Donovan stepped into the light. “It was her soul sin controlling her behavior. She meant no harm and we’ve moved past it,” Donovan spoke as he moved further into the kitchen. “Mrs. Sinster, I’m Donovan,” he extended his hand and when her mother placed her own hand into it, he raised it to place a kiss.

  “It is a pleasure, Donovan. Though I believe we’ve met informally at events, it is nice to meet you as another one of my sons-in-law. Paige is a lucky woman.”

  “I am a lucky man,” he winked at Paige before turning back to Chiara, “and now that I have everything in hand, including your daughter, all is as it should be.”

  Paige flushed. Oh Goddess, if her mother only knew he meant that quite literally.

  “This is good. It is prophesied that the Valendite breed that could eliminate her prideful ways is meant to be your life’s mate. Therefore, you have found one another. It isn’t a destiny with which we can argue.” Chiara looked pleased as she took in Donovan now standing beside her daughter.

  “Now I’ll leave you two to your privacy. We will have time to talk later, my dearest one,” the words slowly faded as her mother continued to move away from her. Chiara stepped back with a slight bow before leaving the room.

  “Thank you,” Donovan spoke with sincerity though Paige wasn’t sure for what he was thanking her.

  Donovan wrapped her hand in his and she followed behind him silently as they returned to her bedroom. Her skin was prickling again under his touch; her body was ready for this delicious man to take her again.

  “You will not leave our bed again without my knowledge and permission.” Donovan’s words shocked her, but the tingling sensation in her lower belly shocked her even more, as did the sudden pressure in her core. Paige liked what he’d said. It was oddly comforting and freed her from worry.

  She’d need to think on this later when her mate wasn’t guiding her towards their bed.

  Chapter Four

  “Did anyone talk to her?” Amelia asked her sisters as they sat around the kitchen table eating the muffins Paige had left. Amelia couldn’t help being angry with Paige for leaving without any explanation. When would she see her sister next? They were best friends, closer than they were with any of the other sisters, but she couldn’t take just a moment to let her know what was happening. To hear the full story from Layla left her furious. Paige had been hiding the truth for months.

  During the Acclimation, separation from a mate was unbearable, so Amelia knew Paige would likely go away together. The newly mated couple would need time alone to become accustomed to the special bond Valendite Breeds share with their Magdalena mate. Goddess, she should be more understanding.

  “She didn’t say,” Gracie answered, seeming all too unconcerned for Amelia’s liking.

  “What did she say, Gracie?”

  “Donovan is sending someone to get her things and have them moved. They’re staying in his home. He left his address.” Gracie pointed to the folded paper in the middle of their table.

  “He used to live with Seamus. Layla told me last night,” Sadie added. “I guess it makes sense for them to live there with Seamus over in Italy with Gemma now.”

  “I wonder if we could help her move. Then we’d get to see her,” Amelia suggested, raising her eyebrows suggestively. “I want to see her new place. She always demands the best. Can he live up to that standard?”

  Sadie and Gracie shook their heads. “Poor man,” Gracie giggled. “He probably has no idea what he’s in for.”

  “If he’s her mate, he’s not likely to care.” Sadie shrugged. “An
d mother seemed pleased when we told her last night.”

  “And if mother approves,” Gracie said before her other sisters joined in, “all is as it should be.” With exaggerated rolls of their eyes, all three laughed.

  * * * *

  Paige took in the industrial look of this monstrosity of a house. Modern and containing any amenities known to man, it surpassed even her standards of excellence. Though she still felt out of sorts, she also had an odd sense of coming home. She’d worried he lived within the Santucci compound, but just before they got to the vineyard, Donovan had turned into a long driveway.

  “Welcome to our home,” Donovan’s deep voice startled her. He was standing just behind her in the three-story foyer. She realized she had stopped dead as she took in her surroundings.

  “I can’t believe this place,” she said, still unmoving even as he moved around her.

  “Is that good?” Did she hear a hint of uncertainty from her overly confident mate?

  “Yes. It’s amazing.”

  “So you’ll be happy here? Wait. Don’t answer that. Let me show you the kitchen.” Donovan sounded like a child at the Winter Solstice, excited for someone to open his or her gift.

  She smiled at his excitement and then followed him through a large sitting area and into the kitchen. Now it was her turn to be excited. She flitted from one appliance to the next, taking note of the multiple ovens, porous cement countertops and all the natural light from skylights above. Never in her life had she been in a more perfect kitchen. Even her own at the café wasn’t as well done.

  “This is fabulous. Your kitchen is beyond anything I could’ve imagined I’d find in a bachelor pad,” Paige confessed as she continued touching and inspecting everything.

  Donovan laughed. “I didn’t intend it to always be a bachelor pad. We thought we’d bring our mate here.”

  “You mean, your mates?” She questioned his singular form of the word mate.

  “Actually,” Donovan paused and looked uncomfortable. “Seamus and I shared everything, including women. We always assumed we would even share a mate.”

  Stunned, Paige stood silently and scrutinized him. She was at a complete loss for words.

  “You shared women? H-how? I mean, I know how,” Paige rolled her eyes at how stupid she sounded, “but, oh Goddess, I thought that only happened in books. I’m so naïve.”

  “I like you naïve,” Donovan assured her as he made his way to stand toe-to-toe with her. “It never felt right for either of us alone with a woman. Seamus and I were perfect complements to one another. Until Seamus mated, he’d never been alone with a woman.”

  “And you?”

  “Yes, I had, though I admit it didn’t do it for me. So we found a formula that worked – Seamus and I. Then we built this house as a fortress for us to live with our mate someday.”

  “Wow. I don’t even know what to do with that.”

  “Just know that I have never felt more fulfilled than I did with you last night. Never.” Donovan’s sincerity dripped from his words as he implored Paige with his eyes.

  She stretched, reaching up to gently press her mouth to his. “I believe you. But now, this house belongs to the two of you?”

  “No. I bought out Seamus’ half when he mated. Since he’s been assigned to the Italian base right now, they don’t know what they’re going to do. But even if they move back to the US, they’ll get their own home.”

  Paige nodded, and then had to ask, “So you and Gemma?”

  “No,” Donovan interrupted. “Seamus would likely kill me if I’d even thought it. But it was truly incredible to see him with her at their Pronouncement. I’d never seen him interact much aside from flirting with a woman before Gemma.”

  Paige couldn’t help but smile, partly relieved he’d never been with her sister, and partly knowing Gemma was with her mate and experiencing this same joy. She was going to live the life of her dreams. “Can I see more?”

  “Absolutely,” Donovan beamed at her enthusiasm. “I’m just hopeful you’ll have that same enthusiasm later. I can think of better ways to enjoy it in our bedroom.” Donovan’s eyes filled with mischief and Paige knew he was purposely antagonizing her. Her mate loved to play.

  He tugged her through more rooms on the first and second floor that appeared to be designed straight from a magazine. Neutral gray tones dominated the space, but were accented with shades of blue and green. The home was surprisingly warm for once being a bachelor pad; even the game room was well decorated.

  “You didn’t decorate this, did you?” Paige asked skeptically.

  Donovan laughed, “No. Mrs. Santucci gave us a hand. We gave her decorators full access with just a few requirements and this is what we got.”

  Paige would have to thank Mrs. Santucci someday. She was so pleased because she would be proud to live in this spectacular home.

  “It’s all yours now so if you want anything changed, it’s done,” Donovan hurried to assure her when Paige didn’t say whether she liked the décor.

  “I love it. It’s quite well done,” Paige shrugged. “I wouldn’t change a thing.” She tugged his hand to stop their ascent up the stairs to the third floor, and met his gaze. “Thank you, for everything but most especially for not giving up on me when I was so stubborn and selfish.”

  His wide smile was breathtaking and his eyes warmed as he reached his fingers down to stroke along her jaw. “We’re still going to have bumps. And I still plan to be quite firm.”

  Paige blushed at the inference and nodded. Then she turned from him and continued up to the third floor. She hadn’t yet seen their bedroom and the warm sensation in her tummy was telling her it was time.

  Opening a massive set of double glass doors, Donovan showed Paige into their bedroom. The room filled the entire third floor. It was painted in the deepest blue she’d ever seen, and an enormous four-poster bed stood in the center of one area of the room with a sitting nook at the far end. Wispy drapes and linens of white fabrics decorated their bed and the large windows. Everything in the room was blue and white, including the en suite she found off to the side with a soaking tub big enough for a party. It was every woman’s fantasy.

  “This is beautiful,” It was all she could say, the only words that would form.

  “You are beautiful.”

  “I think you are beautiful,” Paige returned the compliment.

  Donovan raised an eyebrow. “I prefer something a bit more masculine.”

  “Something like hot, hunky, handsome. Wait. How about stud?” Paige was laughing at the faces Donovan made as she threw out the choices.

  “I am a legend, Principessa. I’m immortal, nearly invincible,” Donovan held his face in a serious, nearly angry expression and Paige shivered. “I think Master Stud might be most appropriate.” His entire face lit up as he grinned at her then. Oh, Paige loved his playful side.

  “Master Stud it is,” she agreed.

  Donovan wanted to do a dance in celebration at how well this day was going with Paige. He’d brought her to his home with trepidation, praying she’d accept it. He knew she had high standards, but he’d also known they built this home with the best of everything. When he saw the look of satisfaction in his mate’s eyes, he wished for a moment that Seamus were there to give him a high-five. Despite his seeming ease with being separated from Seamus, it was still something he was getting used to.

  Paige snuggled into his arms as they stood in their bedroom. He felt a strong desire to strip them both and experience their bed, but he wanted to take today at her pace. She hadn’t yet asked about the baking competition he’d heard her talking with her mother about, and he wondered if he should bring it up.

  “You living here now sure will make it easier on me as your bodyguard.”

  “Is that why you brought me here?” Paige’s eyes were sparkling with mirth.

  “And what if it was?” Donovan quirked an eyebrow but kept his face solemn. Then he watched the color drain from her face. “I’m jus
t teasing back, Princess. You have to trust me. You must be able to feel the truth of what I say.”

  Paige nodded. He knew something else was on her mind. Maybe now she’d bring up the competition. After biting her lip, she asked, “Why do you call me princess?”

  “Sometimes because I want you to know that’s how I’ll treat you. Then there’s other times when you’re acting like a spoiled one.”

  “I-I can’t believe you said that,” Paige cut him off, looking indignant. “I do not act spoiled.”

  Donovan couldn’t help himself from snickering at his tiny mate with her hands on her hips and her attempt at a frowning scowl. Then he raised one eyebrow back up and watched her. He waited as he saw her begin to consider his words.

  “Okay. Maybe occasionally I can be stubborn.”

  “Do you remember when I put you over my knee?”

  “How could I forget?” She rubbed at her bottom as she stuck out her bottom lip. Donovan wanted to suck that lip into his mouth, maybe even nip it a bit.

  “That was because you’ve been so spoiled that you made a decision based solely on your immediate desire instead of considering the consequences. I plan to help you see the consequences, Princess.” Donovan stared her down, daring her to contradict him.

  Much to his surprise, she tilted her head down, nearly submissively, and nodded. He almost came in his pants right there at that gesture. Goddess, help him. He grabbed her up, holding her off the ground against him and claimed her mouth in a bruising kiss. After tasting his fill of her swollen and reddened lips, Donovan bit her lower lip and drank in her rich flavor. He licked along the seam of her lips until she opened again to invite him in. He ran his tongue along her teeth, sucked and licked her lips again. He craved the taste of her and had plans to taste her entire body before this day was over. They had nowhere to go and nothing to do. To hell with talking. Today, he would sate his hunger for her.


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