Even Sinners Have Souls TOO
Page 20
The club had a good size crowd for it to be so early in the evening. Byron had no problem scanning the room and checking out the females. He stopped his gaze halfway around the room and locked eyes with Percy. Byron could feel his temperature rising with each passing second.
Percy was the first to break the stare and flinch at the hint of physical harm. He swallowed the last of his warm beer and headed for the exit. He took in the hateful look Wilson was giving him once his feet hit the sidewalk and he started his foot journey away from the bar.
Kanesha didn't know how to feel, or respond when she looked up from the cash register to find Byron standing before her with a stupid smile plastered to his face. He looked so silly that she had no choice but to crack a smile.
"I haven't seen you in a minute. Where's your flavor of the month? Oops, I mean of the week?" Kanesha asked snidely.
"Ah, don't even start with all that. Look, I'm sorry about what went down. You didn't deserve to be hurt like that. I hope you don't hold it against me," pleaded Byron.
"The old Kanesha would have cracked you upside the head with one of these bottles by now, but the new Kanesha accepts your apology," Kanesha said with sincerity, after hearing God whisper in her ear, 'Judge not less you be judged.' She was trying her best to let go of the past and that included all the hurt she endured by the fathers of her children. "So what really brings you in here tonight? I know you didn't drive all the way across town just to say you're sorry."
"I know Moms told you about my recent stay at the steel motel," joked Byron. "I left a few things at ya crib and I need to get them. You didn't throw anything out, did you?"
"No, it's all packed in a box. I put it in the back of Malisha and Jordan's closet. Are you going to chill here until I get off?"
"Naw, I got to get back on the grind fo' sho. Can you trust me enough to let me get the key and I'll bring it right back to you. I promise to lock up behind myself, and I won't even raid the refrigerator," said Byron jokingly.
Kanesha thought about the request before answering Byron. Shoot, what is he going to do? I don't have much and what I do have ain't worth catching a case over, thought Kanesha. After taking her house key off the key ring, Kanesha put it in Byron's extended, open palm.
"Make sure you don't forget to bring my key back; I mean it."
"Right back; I promise."
An hour later, Miss Yolanda and Kanesha were busy keeping the customer's glasses filled. The bar patrons were having a good time dancing, drinking and socializing. The bar was standing room only, and by the time last call for alcohol was announced, Kanesha's tip jar was overflowing with money.
"Tonight was crazy busy, but I ain't complaining. Look at all this money," said Kanesha. She sat counting her tips after closing down her cash register and helping Miss Yolanda wipe down the bar.
"It looks like you made enough money to go on a nice little shopping spree," Miss Yolanda yawned.
"I'm putting this money up for emergencies and unexpected necessities the kids might have. Maybe I'll treat them to a day at Chuckie Cheese or skating one day soon. They will love that."
"I'm sure they will."
"And they'll be even more days like that to come."
Kanesha smiled as though she was keeping a secret.
"Oh, yeah, and how is that so?" Miss Yolanda put her hands on her hips, waiting for Kanesha to spill the beans.
"Miss Yolanda, I've wanted to share some great news with you. Now seems as good as any," Kanesha smiled and continued. "I applied for a home health aide position. I have an interview this Tuesday. I figure it will be my first step into the medical field. The surgical tech class starts in a couple of weeks, so if I'm offered the position, it will be on a part-time basis."
"Kanesha, I am so proud of you. Come, give me another hug, girl." Miss Yolanda beamed with pride at Kanesha's great news. She was happy to see the positive changes the young girl was making in her life.
Kanesha wanted to be a positive role model for her children and decided to take the steps toward that goal. There was one major aspect of her children's lives that Kanesha felt she had failed them; she had not intro- duced them to the Lord. Unless one of their grandmother's had attended church services, there had been no consistent routine in showing her kids just how great God was.
Miss Yolanda finished up her paperwork and had Wilson follow her into the office to put the night's money into the safe. While her two co-workers were in the back, Kanesha tried to reach Byron on his cell phone because he had not returned with her house key.
"Where ya dude at, Kanesha?" asked Wilson. "He didn't make it back with your key yet?"
"He's probably on his way if he's not out in the parking lot already," Kanesha responded.
"Naw, I was just out there breaking up a fight. After all that commotion died down, the parking lot cleared out," explained Wilson. "The guy who started it is drunk off his feet, so I took his car keys. He's aware enough to tell me where he lives, so I'm going to drive him home."
"Maybe Byron got caught up with something. Did you try his cell phone?" inquired Miss Yolanda, catching the tail end of their conversation.
"Yes, ma'am, but it's going straight to voicemail. I even called the house, but he's not there either."
"Well, don't worry. He's probably somewhere playing cards or something and just forgot to bring it back," Miss Yolanda stated matter-of-factly. "I have your extra key in the safe. "Let me get it for you."
"You're probably right. Let me try him one more time."
Kanesha got a strange feeling as Byron's voicemail picked up again. She feared Byron may have gotten arrested again while out on the grind.
"Miss Yolanda, will you drive me home tonight? Wilson has to drive that drunk patron home so he won't get behind the wheel and kill somebody. I don't feel like riding with them. I'm tired and just want to go home and fall out," explained Kanesha.
"Of course, honey," replied Miss Yolanda.
"Do you want me to follow you up the street before I take dude home?" asked Wilson.
"Thanks, Wilson, but I'm sure everything is okay. Like Miss Yolanda said, Byron is probably somewhere playin' cards or rollin' dice. I'll be fine." Kanesha tried to convince herself there was a simple explanation for Byron's disappearance, but she had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. "Just call me after you drop the guy off. I'll wait up for your call."
After closing down shop, the three exited the bar and headed their ways.
Kanesha asked God to make everything be as it should be as she opened the door of Miss Yolanda's car and got in. The closer Miss Yolanda drove to her duplex, the more her stomach hurt. Byron's car was parked outside of her place, so Kanesha relaxed a little.
"He might have just made a run or something first before coming here to collect his things," reasoned Miss Yolanda. "Don't be too hard on him; at least you're not locked out."
Kanesha thanked Miss Yolanda for the ride as she exited the car. She walked up the rickety stairs and thought she heard weird noises coming from the other side of her front door. It's probably just the television, Kanesha tried to convince herself. Kanesha took in a deep breath and unlocked the door. Nothing on God's green earth could have prepared her for the sight before her.
Chapter Nine
Dis Youngstown, Partner,
You Ain't Know?
"Oh, my God! What are you doing?" screamed Kanesha.
The sight of blood pooled on the floor was the least shocking thing before Kanesha. Byron lay on his side with his arms and legs hog tied behind him and duct tape covering his mouth.
"Byron!" Kanesha screamed and ran to him. Tears drained from her eyes like an open water faucet. She ripped the tape from his mouth.
Byron opened his mouth to warn Kanesha of the impending danger behind her just as the blow landed on the back of her head. Kanesha saw darkness as she fell to the floor.
When Kanesha opened her eyes, she prayed it had all been a nightmare. The piercing headache, mixed with her i
nability to move her limbs and the sight of Byron hog tied next to her, let Kanesha know she was actually living the nightmare.
"Why are you doing this to us?" demanded Kanesha. "Did you think it would be that easy to get rid of me?
Y'all two witches thinkin' y'all betta 'den me," snarled Percy. "Naw, y'all ain't nothin'." Percy stood over his two victims and kicked Byron in his side.
Kanesha had paid no attention to Percy leaving the bar but even if she had, nothing like this would have crossed her mind. There was no telling how long Byron had been in the midst of this horrible situation.
"Percy, we ain't done nothing to you. Why are you doing this?" Kanesha tried the best she could to speak to Percy in a calm voice. She thought that by hiding her fear, Percy would be more receptive to her pleas.
"You threw me out like a piece of trash. And this punk laying here treated me like I was less than nothing," Percy growled.
"I don't owe you anything, Percy. While we were together, all you did was use me, take from my kids and hit on me like I wasn't nothing!" Kanesha was so upset she didn't realize she was screaming at her attacker. She was angry and frightened for both her life and Byron's. Kanesha was so upset that her body shook and her teeth chattered.
"Shut up! I ain't tryna hear all that. You always tryna' talk down to me like you my mama." Percy bent down on one knee and punched Kanesha in her face. Blood shot out from her nose. She screamed out in pain. Byron lay helpless on the floor next to Kanesha, struggling to free himself.
Wanting to prevent Kanesha from screaming out for help, Percy decided it was time to shut her up. He tore Kanesha's shirt and stuffed it in her mouth before slapping duct tape on her lips.
"Since you and that man are so in love, why don't I make y'all suffer together?" He was obviously unaware of Kanesha and Byron's break-up. Percy applied the duct tape to her mouth with so much force; Kanesha thought her front teeth may have chipped. "Come on Byron, protect this piece of trash now," taunted Percy. "Now, Kanesha, I've planned an eventful night for da three of us." Percy's voice sounded demonic and threatening.
Kanesha's eyes grew as wide as saucers when Percy crept closer to her with a knife in hand. She began to squirm in vain as Percy cut what remained of her shirt. He then cut her laced bra. His eyes grew dark as his lips curled into an evil smirk as he concentrated on cutting all of Kanesha's clothes from her body.
Kanesha cried and tried hard to free herself with each cut of her clothes. Byron's rage seemed to reach a boiling point as he watched what Percy was doing to the mother of his child. Kanesha watched Byron struggle to come to her aid, but it was all in vain. She took her eyes off Percy and looked into Byron's eyes, pleading for him to do something. She knew Byron was in no position to save her this time. The subdued couple mumbled and swarmed around on the floor, to no avail.
After cutting off Kanesha's white laced panties, Percy began his reign of torment on her. "Look at you now. Laying there with no choice, but to spread ya legs for me," smirked Percy. "You would never be a freak for me when I wanted you to," Percy looked from Kanesha over to Byron and let out a toe curling laugh, "but it looks like you don't have a choice tonight."
"Man, Byron, would you look at this," said Percy while he stared into Byron's eyes, enjoying the tormented look on his face. "For a broad as young as her, don't you think her body is sickening? I've never seen a woman with so many stretch marks," teased Percy. Kanesha would only have sex with Percy with the lights off because of the toll having babies had taken on her body. Kanesha never thought that Percy would use such personal information to hurt her. Byron would always tell her that her body was designed by the wisdom of time and she had nothing to be self-conscious about.
Listening to the things Percy was saying made her more embarrassed than she already was. She had heard hateful things about her body come out of Percy's mouth before, but with another man in the room hearing his evil tirade, Kanesha wanted to bury her head in the ground.
"Call on me and I shall answer," God's voice echoed in Kanesha's head. She searched for strength to survive each passing minute.
"Let's get started," announced Percy.
Kanesha shook her head from side to side as her eyes begged Percy not to hurt her. Percy stood over Kanesha and slowly unzipped his pants. Byron continued to move about in hopes of loosening his restraints.
The room filled with an odor of rotten eggs and spoiled fish when Percy lowered his pants. Kanesha thought she would choke on her own vomit from the offensive smell. Percy held the six inch knife in his left hand and began massaging his muscle with his right.
"Pray for strength, child. Call out to me and I will hear your cries," instructed the strong, dominate voice. For the last few months, Kanesha was hearing the teachings from her mother speaking to her but as she lay on the floor, terrified of what might happen to her, she knew the only voice ringing in her ear was that of a higher being. Kanesha's heart and soul told her that the Lord was talking to her.
Kanesha tried to regain composure when she realized her fear empowered Percy. She was able to find enough strength inside of her to stop the tears from seeping from her eyes. Her ability to do so was not over- looked by Percy.
"Oh, you ain't scared no more?"
Percy released himself and grabbed Kanesha by the hair. He chopped off a handful and threw it on Byron. Kanesha refused to cry out, even when Percy banged her head onto the floor. All of the will power in the world is what Kanesha needed to keep herself from giving her attacker the satisfaction he was after.
"What? You think you bad now? That's okay because I got something for ya stupid behind."
Percy lay on top of Kanesha and rammed himself inside of her. Kanesha screamed on the inside, but refused to allow Percy to see any more fear from her. She focused her eyes on the chipped paint hanging from the ceiling. Each thrust caused an out of shape Percy to lose his breathe.
"You, stupid broad! I'll teach you to treat me like I'm some piece of trash you have to step over to get to where you going." Percy raped Kanesha and called her defiling names. Byron lay next to them with his eyes closed tightly. The lack of reaction from Kanesha and Byron infuriated Percy even more.
Kanesha listened to the voice in her head reminding her to never give an enemy power over her. 'Fear is the most powerful emotion we have. Being fearful of an enemy gives them complete and total control over you. Call upon me child, I will never forsake thee.' Kanesha could feel the Holy Spirit hovering over her giving her strength.
Percy thrust in and out of Kanesha for what felt like forever. Unwilling to scream, cry or beg, Kanesha prayed for help and strength.
"You ignorant broad," spat Percy, "ya so stupid you don't even know to cry while having ya dignity took."
Kanesha continued to stare straight up at the ceiling. Byron lay next to her squirming, trying to free himself.
Percy withdrew from inside Kanesha and snatched the duct tape from her lips. He pulled out the piece of material from inside her mouth and put the knife up to Kanesha's neck.
There was a sound just outside of the front door causing Percy to apply more pressure to the knife he held at Kanesha's neck. "If you say a word or try to scream for help, I'll cut your throat from ear to ear," Percy threatened.
Kanesha remained as quiet as a church mouse but Byron chose to use the situation to their advantage by moaning in agony as loud as he could.
"Shut up!" Percy yelled in anger as he kicked Byron in his ribs. "Ain't nobody here to save you."
All of the will power Kanesha used to remain quiet also gave her the courage to follow Byron's lead by making as much agonizing moaning and groaning as she could.
Percy began to panic and grabbed her by the hair again. He snatched her head to the side and forced her to sit up. One tear escaped her eye from the pain. Her instinct was to touch her head where it throbbed, but her hands remained tied behind her back.
Percy yanked Kanesha's head back and scraped the dull blade across her throat. Again, Kanes
ha screamed out in pain.
"Shut up! You ain't hurt."
"Please, Percy, I'm beggin' you. Please stop," cried Kanesha.
"Oh, you still think I'm playin' wit you," Percy snarled. "Let's see how you like this." Percy reached over and rammed the knife into Byron's leg. Byron threw his head back in agony as Percy twisted the blade before pulling it out.
Kanesha's cries grew louder as she witnessed Percy's cruelty.
"Shut up, witch. Why you cryin' anyway, this is ya fault!"
"Please, Percy, don't hurt him anymore. I'll do whatever you want me to, just don't hurt Byron."
"Don't act like you got a choice. I know you gonna do what I tell you to."
Kanesha fell back onto the floor in tears wondering what was taking help so long to rescue them. The sight of Byron in agony and the thought of never seeing her kids again was more than Kanesha could take. Her mind raced, trying to find a way to get Percy to stop what he was doing. At that moment, Byron's well being was more important than that of her own.
"Byron, Byron, please be strong. Just think about Brianna and your boys, this will all be over soon. All of your kids need they daddy, so be strong," cried Kanesha. She thought Byron may go into shock by the amount of blood seeping from his leg.
"Naw, forget that mess. Dis ain't gon' be over 'til I get tired, and trust when I say, it won't be no time soon," promised a glassy eyed Percy. Percy plunged the knife into Byron's leg again, this time pulling it out slow and twisting it from side to side.
Byron passed out.
Kanesha screamed for help in hopes that her neighbor would hear. Percy punched her, forcing blood from her mouth. "Shut up!" screamed Percy.
Kanesha screamed for help again. Percy sat Kanesha up against the wall and stood over her, planting his legs on each side of her. "I got something to shut ya tail up." Percy continued his verbal tirade as he rammed himself inside of Kanesha's mouth, forcing her to perform oral sex on him.
"You never knew when to shut ya mouth. Always runnin' dat smart mouth of yours into da ground."