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Bash, Volume I (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 3)

Page 4

by Candace Blevins

  Twenty minutes later, I heard one of the girls shouting, “No!” interspersed with screaming, and I jumped up and headed towards the rooms. One of the great things about wolf hearing, I could zero in on about sixty percent of the rooms in our little motel and listen in. We put the established johns farther away, and the new people closer.

  I made my way to the door in question and heard her saying, “Let me up, asshole. Condoms aren’t a suggestion, they’re mandatory here!”

  “I’m already in, Candy girl, no sense suiting up now.”

  I carded the lock, stepped in, and closed the door behind me. “I personally heard you being informed condoms were mandatory when you checked in, and then our girl seems to have reiterated the instructions. Do you know what happens when you disrespect one of our girls?”

  He jerked up, sat on the bed, and pulled the sheet into his lap. He was pissed, but I’ve been told I’m kind of scary, so he wisely decided to back down instead of being confrontational.

  “Hey, man. No harm. I’m clean.”

  I gave him a nod and looked at the girl. “Get cleaned up in another room. I think four is open, but listen to be certain. I’ll be sure he gives you a big tip, and we’ll send him to get tested tomorrow.”

  The girls wore simple, casual dresses to move from room to room, and they had a bag with whatever they needed to fix themselves up in between johns. Also, soap, in case they needed a quick shower, and had time.

  I stepped away from the door so she could get out, and then closed it and leaned against it, my arms crossed over my chest.

  The john yanked his jeans on without bothering with his underwear, but when he picked his shirt up, I said, “Might want to hold off on the shirt, so we don’t get it all bloody.”

  “What the fuck, dude? I’m clean, just wanted a good fuck.”

  I nodded again. “When whoever told you about this place did so, did they give any warnings?”

  He shrugged. “Warned me I’d have to tell you exactly what I want, and told me to make sure I didn’t rough the girls up.”

  “Did you happen to notice the name of the hotel?”

  “Rolling Thunder Motor Hotel.”

  I looked at him a few seconds, but he obviously didn’t know what I was getting at. With a sigh, I turned around so he could see my cut, and then turned back to him. “You know what Rolling Thunder is?”

  Now, he got it. I smelled fear, and then a few heartbeats later, terror. “Fuck, man, I had no idea. I promise I’m clean, though. Just wanted a good fucking without a damned condom. Didn’t think it’d be a huge deal.”

  “When you’re with a girl, no means no. Even if you’ve paid for it. A girl tells you not to do something, you don’t do it. She told you not to stick your bare dick in her pussy, and you did. In my mind, that makes you a rapist. Do you know what I do to rapists?” My voice was calm, conversational, and his fear started to abate a little. God, I loved playing with assholes. Terrify them, let them relax, terrify them some more, back off and let’em think it’s gonna be okay, and then beat the hell out of ‘em.

  We’d gone with linoleum on the floor and washable paint on the walls so we could scrub things down. Handy for a bunch of reasons, and today it meant I didn’t have to worry too much about getting blood on the floor or walls. I’m pretty good at beating people up without making them bleed, but you never know how different people’s skin will react to a blow. Plus, sometimes they piss themselves. Or puke.

  I needed him conscious and able to drive when I finished with him, but I’ve learned a lot about the best ways to beat the hell out of a human without causing permanent damage.

  My first strike was into his stomach, and then I went to town on his ribs.

  When I finished with him, the small bones of his left ankle and right wrist were broken, and he would probably swear up and down his ribs were broken — a few might have hairline fractures, but mostly they were just badly bruised. He’d be thinking of my lesson with every breath he took for weeks, possibly months.

  His nuts were gonna be hurting pretty bad for a long time to come, too. I landed several dozen very hard kicks to them. Werewolf kicks, not human kicks.

  Once I started pounding on someone’s face, I sometimes got carried away, so I kept a tight hold on my wolf and my temper, carefully placing each punch for maximum pain, and left his head and face mostly alone. He was gonna have to convince people he’d fallen down the steps or some such shit, and turning his face to hamburger meat meant too many questions about who beat him up. He’d have a black eye and a sore jaw, and his head hit the wall once when he went down, so probably a decent concussion. Still, he’d be able to play it off as a trip down some stairs. Probably.

  He’d paid cash before they started, and I went through his wallet and pulled another two hundred dollars out, as well as his driver’s license. I showed him what I was taking, and tossed his wallet back onto the floor beside him with the rest of his money still in it.

  “You’re leaving an exceptional tip, and tomorrow you’re gonna go give blood and get tested, at your expense.” I told him which lab, made sure he knew where it was, and then instructed, “You’ll request they send a copy of your results to this address, as well as to you. Once you get them, you can assume we have them as well, and then you can come pick up your driver’s license. If you are, indeed, clean, that’ll be the end of it. If you aren’t, we’ll have a serious problem, and you’ll either provide the girl the same income she’s making now, for the next five years while she gets an education so she can make a living doing something else, or you’ll die.

  I picked his shirt up off the bed and tossed it so it landed on him. “You have five minutes to get dressed and get out of here or we’ll have to charge you for the room. We’re booked solid tonight and need it.”

  Okay, so that one was an empty threat, though the others weren’t. If he wasn’t out in five minutes, I’d send Slick out to get him to his car.

  I stopped off in room four to check on Candy, and she was fresh out of the shower, still drying herself off, and bawling her eyes out.


  The maid had already been in here to remake the bed with fresh sheets, so I sat on the floor, just outside the bathroom. Apparently, standing and leaning against a wall makes me look intimidating, no matter how relaxed it feels. I’ll never be the nurturing type, but I could at least try not to scare her.

  “I got an extra two hundred from him. I can give it to you now to put in your bag, or I can put it in your envelope to get with the rest of your take at the end of the night.”

  She dried off, pulled her dress over her head, put the seat on the toilet down, and sat on it, leaning forward to put her face in her hands, her body shaking as she cried.

  I’ve only held one woman while she cried, and it’d ripped my heart out. I knew the appropriate thing here was to offer a shoulder to cry on, but it just wasn’t in me. I sighed and told her, “He’s supposed to go get tested tomorrow. If I don’t get notification he’s done it by closing time at the lab, someone’ll pay him a visit early the next morning, get the blood from him, and take it to the lab.”

  “I did everything I could to keep him from… but he was stronger than me.” She cried even harder as she said the last part, and I locked my own emotions down. I’d given him as much of a beat down as we could get away with, for someone we were sending home. He’d think twice before he did it again. I comforted her in the only way I knew how — by assuring her the asshole had paid.

  “I know, doll, and I just beat the hell out of him — gave him a taste of what it feels like to have things done to your body you don’t want happenin’. I pointed out how, as soon as you told him to stop and he kept going, it made him a rapist.” I shook my head, met her gaze. “I had to leave him in good enough shape to drive, and to get to the clinic tomorrow, but I’m pretty good at delivering serious pain without knocking someone unconscious. He’s hurtin’, Candy, and I probably messed his balls up bad enough it’ll be a l
ong while before he can fuck anyone else.”

  “How did you know I was in trouble?”

  “I can hear people yelling through the ductwork in the first half-dozen or so rooms.”

  “Thanks for the save. Really. I’ll get my makeup back on and will be ready for my next appointment, but when the evening’s over I wouldn’t mind giving you a freebie.”

  I shook my head. “You pay us a cut of your take so we’ll keep you safe, Candy. If I want you, I’ll pay you.”

  “You didn’t audition me.”

  “No, you were hired while I was out of town, but it doesn’t matter.” I was supposed to be avenging a brother getting shot, but it’d turned into a clusterfuck of epic proportions. “You’re one of ours, we protect you. Doesn’t matter which of the brothers hired you.”

  “Word has it, you do more to protect the girls you auditioned.”

  What the fuck? We needed to shut that down, and fast. I’d talk to all of the girls about it later, or maybe have Slick do it, but for now, I told Candy, “I’m sorry I couldn’t get to you before he put it in, doll. I came as soon as I heard you yellin’.” I looked at the floor a few seconds, and finally said, “Look, you work for the RTMC, and that means you’re ours. Doesn’t matter whether I’ve fucked you or not. Someone hurts you, they pay.”

  She nodded and stood to look in the mirror. “You want me to use this room for my next appointment? Or go to another? I need five minutes to fix my makeup and brush my teeth.” Her hair still looked fine, she hadn’t gotten it wet in the shower.

  “Fix your makeup and come see me. New customers get the first half dozen rooms, and I want you with an established customer next, even if I have to shift some assignments around. We’re short, or I’d let you go home. Thanks for not bailing on us, I’ll try my best to give you an easy night.”

  Jayde was sitting in the spare chair in my office when I got back. I took a seat in my chair and asked, “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, I have about ten minutes until my next appointment arrives, and had something I wanted to ask, if you have time.”

  “Give me a sec.”

  Brain had built a system with super encryption, so I can keep records on an RTMC laptop, and a quick keystroke combination starts the encryption, so no one can get into it. Forty seconds of inactivity also starts it. If you don’t know the keystrokes to bring the program up, and then the user name and password, you just see what looks like normal hotel software, up to date with occupied rooms.

  I hit the combination, keyed in the other data, and looked to see who Candy had next. Thankfully, it was an established customer, and one many of the girls reported was more interested in talking than fucking sometimes, so we were good.

  I looked up to Jayde. “What can I do for you?”

  “I signed up for two classes this summer, just to see if I could do it, you know? I’ve been saving for a while, but was nervous about trying. I’m making A’s in both classes, and I want to take a full schedule in the fall, but it’ll mean I can’t work all the hours I’ve been, here.”

  Well, good for her. And, depending on what she wanted to study, maybe good for us. Jayde was always on time and had a good following.

  “You have a major in mind?”

  “I want to be an RN, and I want to get a job as a camp nurse, or maybe a school nurse.”

  “Okay, doll, here’s the deal. You get me your schedule and we’ll work you in around it. If you’re going to need additional time off for homework, or to study for a test, try to give Slick three or four days’ notice. If you get slammed with homework and can’t give us notice, let us know and we’ll try to shorten your night if we can, but no promises.” I took a breath, considered her a few seconds, and added, “You’ll have some emphasis on emergency medicine for school or camp nurse, but if you take some more — classes covering gunshot wounds, stab wounds, and basic battlefield injuries, for example — the club might be interested in working out a deal with you for those services, from time to time.”

  * * * *

  It was after midnight before I had everything sorted enough to feel good about leaving, and I could make an appearance at the party.

  I saw her first thing, her back to me as she sat at a table with Gen, Harmony, Sheila, and a few of the other ol’ladies. Bud had shown up, too, and he clapped me on the back and said, “Glad you could finally make it. She’s asked about you.”

  Angelica was stunning — all long legs, tiny waist, and hair I wanted to get lost in. I knew Bud would smell my arousal, so I looked at one of the girls a few feet on the other side of the table, someone I’d fucked plenty, and he followed my eyes and grinned. “Talk to my Angel first, then go put your cock in your flavor of the week. Fuck, Bash, some things never change.”

  I’d fucked at least ten girls a week, most of them multiple times, back when I was a prospect — I’d kept my dick so wrung out, I could convince it to ignore the fifteen year old who’d get us killed if we fooled around with her.

  Angelica and I had grown to be good friends, which just complicated my feelings for her. We’d worked comfortably together to build her car, and she’d eventually stopped bitching when I scared off the boys who flirted and talked to her. I convinced her if they weren’t willing to stand up for her and claim her, they were pathetic and unworthy of her. I’d like to think I’m responsible for helping form a little of her self-worth and self-confidence.

  Truth is, I knew I could never have her, and I wanted to be sure the guy who finally ended up with her actually deserved her.

  I’d gotten my full patch three weeks after her mom’s funeral, but had volunteered to help her finish her car and then teach her to drive it. Her dad had been helping her on and off up to that point, but after his wife died, he wanted to help his daughter with all of it, so my services had no longer been needed, and I was out of her life.

  I never wanted to feel that kind of loss again, and I hadn’t allowed a woman to get close to me since. I’d hoped to keep her out of my life entirely, because it might kill me to let her back in and have her leave again.

  But, now she was in Chattanooga, apparently for good, or at least for a while, and I needed to make a good show of welcoming her to town. She must’ve smelled me as I walked up behind her, because she turned to look, and the way her face lit up when she recognized me — there was no doubt she was happy to see me. I put a big smile on my face as well, and pulled her into my arms as she stood, taking in her scent as I locked down my own emotions and physical reactions. God, she smelled good.

  “Sorry I’m late, Princess. Had club shit to handle.” I relaxed my grip, held her out at arm’s length to look her over. “Damn, you are looking mighty fine. Got yourself a boyfriend? Looks like you’re here solo.”

  What the fuck did I ask that for?

  “Nah, boyfriends just complicate things. What about you?”

  I lifted an eyebrow. “Never gonna have a boyfriend, Princess. Surely you figured that out about me?”

  She laughed, and my heart laughed with her. Every other girl on the planet pisses me off when they laugh, and to this day I have no idea why Angelica is different. We’d laughed and cut up while working on her car, and she’d eventually laughed when I scared the shit out of her would-be suitors. We’d had a lot of fun together, right up until her mom had died. She hadn’t laughed or smiled at me after that, and then I’d got my cut and her dad had stepped in to do everything I’d been doing, and there wasn’t a chance for us to laugh and cut-up anymore. Brain had still had a reason to hang around her, because he helped her with her homework, but I no more understood calculus or chemistry than the man in the moon.

  “No, goofball,” she said with a happy smile. “Fuck, I figured you’d be smart enough to know I was asking if you have a girlfriend, but you don’t have to answer. You’re the love’em and leave’em guy, after all.”

  “Yep,” I agreed as I let her go and walked around the table to sit across from her. “Some things never change. Was a b
itch I had to miss your graduation, but you have to know how proud of you we all are.”

  I managed to make it sound like I’d wanted to come, without lying and saying I had. In truth, I’d wanted to go, but knew it was best I kept my distance.

  She reached across, touched my hand with tentative fingers, and then seemed to make up her mind and just hold it. “Do you think we can have dinner one day this week? I start my new job Tuesday, are you free Monday?”

  Fuck, I didn’t want to be alone with her, because I couldn’t make the excuse of my arousal being for someone else if it was just us. I didn’t see any way around it, though, so I said, “Of course. Brain can get you my number, and I assume I can get yours from him?”

  She nodded, and I stood. “Gonna get a beer and talk to some other people. Good to see you, Princess.”

  I heard Gen asking why I called her Princess, and I slowed to hear her answer.

  “He started out doing it to annoy me, but by the time I’d shown him I wasn’t the princess he assumed me to be, it’d kind of stuck, I guess.”

  Well, she hit that one dead on the head. You can’t call the MC Prez’s daughter an uppity bitch, so Princess had been the best I could do. By the time I didn’t see her as an uppity bitch anymore, she’d already become my little Princess.

  I got a beer and headed towards the tables near the back of the compound, where I’d smelled Kat. She was off her one month stint where no one in the club gave her an orgasm, but I’d been using her without giving her one every time I’d seen her, anyway.

  She looked down as I walked up to her, but I grabbed her arm and walked her into the woods.

  “Spread your legs and put your hands on the ground. Want your ass.”

  “Please stop punishing me,” she whined as she got into position. “I don’t know another way to tell you I’m sorry.”


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