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Bash, Volume I (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 3)

Page 15

by Candace Blevins

  “You could’ve turned wolf and ate critters,” Duke said, his eyes cold, but I had a feeling he was keeping them that way so she didn’t see his pity and horror.

  It’s why I was keeping mine hard, anyway.

  She shook her head. “Haven’t changed since I ran away. The vampire who broke my binding told me I needed to be at least a thousand miles away before I did, and I haven’t been in town long enough to find a safe spot to change and hunt, Mister Duke, Sir.”

  She pulled her sports bra off as she said, “I’ve fucked truck drivers for rides, given them blowjobs while they drove. It took me a week to get to the vampire, I was with him three months, and it’s taken me three weeks to make it here. My Alpha took my virginity at twelve, same as the others in the Pack, but I was required to service men with my mouth even before. For as long as I can remember, I was used as a reward for the men in the Pack. I’m no stranger to sex. Humans can’t tell I’m terrified like you can. I’m not askin’ for charity, I’m askin’ for a job.”

  It must’ve taken all of her inner strength to stand up straight and tell us this, because when she finished, she was completely naked, standing before us, her head down, her arms cradled around her abdomen. She’d been taught not to cover her breasts or pussy. Fuck.

  It’s damned painful to go without changing for the three nights of the full moon. Most can get their wolves used to changing on the third night, if it’s a regular thing, but once the moon swings out of the angle it needs to be full, our bodies ache with the need to change. She might smell broken, but she had to be fucking strong to have held onto her human form for the four or five months since she’d escaped.

  Or terrified. Shit.

  I looked at Duke. “I can’t do this.”

  “No!” It wasn’t a shout, but was louder than anything she’d said so far. “I’m sorry. You’re just both so big and intimidating, and I feel your wolves.” Her gaze met mine and I saw determination in them. “May I unzip your pants and pleasure you, Mister Bash, Sir?”

  I wasn’t even a little hard, but if she wanted to try I’d give her a shot. I waved towards my crotch in answer, and she walked to me and dropped to her knees. She managed to bare me and pull me out without dropping my jeans too low, and then brought a chair to me, urging me to sit. I let her run the show, but I was still soft when I sat. She went to her knees, adjusted my cock as if she were worshipping it, and then surrounded it with the warm heat of her mouth, taking it in to the root. Not super impressive since I was soft, but it still felt amazing. She used her tongue for extra sensation as she went up and down, sucking and holding so I stayed in the heat of her mouth and it didn’t matter I was soft.

  Within thirty seconds, I was rock hard and she was still taking me all the way to the root.

  Let’s just say, that’s damned impressive. Her throat worked my head, her tongue worked the shaft, and her lips were sealed around the root. Fucking heaven.

  Several minutes later, when I thought I might ejaculate some of my brain out when I shot, I stopped her and asked, “You want the full audition, or just this?”

  She came off me slow, sensual, and arched her eyes up to look at me with a sweet, shy, expression. “Whatever will make me the most money, Mister Bash, Sir.”

  “Then ride me, doll. Won’t fuck you until you’ve made the first move.”

  She nodded, and seemed to be another person when she stood, all fluid and graceful with an undercurrent of her bashfulness.

  She went to climb on without putting a condom on me, and I said, “Hold on, doll. The john always has to be wrapped. Always.” I grabbed a condom, rolled it on, and sat back, motioning for her to continue. There’d be time to stress rules and safety, later. She was a wolf and couldn’t catch diseases, but we couldn’t explain that to the general public, so we had to keep up the charade. Plus, I didn’t stick my cock in any pussy without a condom. Ever. The only birth control I trust is what I personally do. Not gonna have a kid by some whore.

  She sank down on me and all thoughts left my head. Damn, the girl could ride. Five minutes into it, I stood with her still on me, fell on her on the bed, pulled out and pushed into her ass, and pounded the shit out of her until I came so hard I thought I might pass out.

  She yelped and squealed as I went into her ass, but didn’t tell me to stop, and she adjusted fast enough. Wolves can take a lot of damage, and a lot of pounding, and I didn’t hold back like I have to with humans.

  I came into her with my wolf vocalizing our release, all growls and snarls, while her sweet voice screamed her own release, and we both collapsed to the bed.

  Duke walked to the door behind us. “Make sure she can swallow a load without gagging while I’m gone. She needs food and she just more than earned it. You can pay me back later, Bash.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I was absorbed in my research on my laptop in the main room of the clubhouse the next day when the door opened and I felt someone’s eyes on me.

  Bash had always been stunningly gorgeous. I’d called him a beautiful boy when I was fifteen, but no one would ever call him a boy, now. His faded jeans molded to his sculpted body, his tight grey and black Harley Davidson tee showed every perfectly sculpted muscle on his upper body, and his beautiful, piercing eyes that terrified mere mortals, but made me wish he were mine in a way he’d never be. The cut on his leather vest and heavy biker boots, worn as if they were a part of him, finished the look, and I tried not to drool.

  “Princess, you in the middle of something? I was hopin’ to take you for a ride.” His eyes were dark and he wasn’t smiling, but this wasn’t terribly unusual for Bash.

  I was restless, and wasn’t sleepy, and a ride sounded perfect. I knew he’d insist on us having our ‘talk’ at some point, but was certain he’d give me a little longer. I made a notation on the pdf I’d been reading so I could find my place later, and said, “Let me put my laptop away and get my boots. I don’t suppose I could talk you into taking me for ice cream?”

  “Can I call you Princess if I take you for ice cream?” Dawg had called me Princess earlier and I’d let him know my name was Angelica, and only Bash got to keep his nuts intact after calling me Princess.

  Now, Bash looked to Dawg and said, “You don’t take her for ice cream, and you damned well don’t call her Princess.”

  My first instinct was to point out Bash doesn’t get a say in who I’m friends with, but another instinct kicked in, and I looked at him, trying to figure out what he was saying. Finally, I cautiously said, “I don’t have plans to go out for ice cream with Dawg specifically, but if I’m here and get a hankering, I’d probably go with most of the club members, if they had the same hankering.”

  “I’ll follow you down to get your boots. We can go out the side door.”

  Something in his tone of voice told me we were about to have our ‘talk’. As he stepped closer, I said, “Ummm, you know, maybe we can get ice cream another time. I hadn’t realized how late it is.”

  He stepped even closer, put his nose to my neck, and inhaled. “Why the fuck do you smell like Dawg?” His voice was a low growl and my wolf responded in kind.

  “I’ll smell like whoever the fuck I want to smell like.”

  “Paintball, brother,” said Dawg, still sprawled across one of the sofas. “We had paintball wars earlier, she and I were on opposite sides. She wouldn’t stop shootin’ me so I tackled her ass.”

  Bash and I stood toe-to-toe, staring each other down. Finally, he said, “Boots, Princess.”

  I nodded, and he followed me out of the room.

  Neither of us spoke as I put my boots and belly band on, and then got my gun and extra magazine out of the safe inside my bag. I followed him out the side door, which let us skip the main room so we didn’t see anyone else.

  He rode us through downtown, up Missionary Ridge and along the top for a while. I tapped his stomach and pointed to the incredible view of the city lights twinkling below us, and in anoth
er half mile he pulled into a roadside park area with cannons and monuments.

  We got off the bike and walked, and I said, “I can’t believe this view. It’s beautiful.”

  “You wanna talk before or after ice cream?”

  This was the perfect place for a discussion, but I didn’t want to have our talk at all, so I said, “After.”

  “We’re gonna have it, Angelica.”

  His voice was soft, almost gentle, and I nodded my agreement even though I wanted to argue. “I know, and I get why, I’m just not sure I know what to say.”

  “Then I’ll talk, you listen.”

  Apparently, we were doing this now. I leaned against a cannon and said, “Looks like I’m your captive audience. Talk.”

  He looked at me a few seconds, took a step closer, and warmth flashed through his eyes as he said, “You’re right. After ice cream. You want to admire the view some more, or are you ready to go?”

  “There’s some grape nut ice cream somewhere, just calling my name. Let’s go.”

  “Grape nut ice cream? What the fuck is that?”

  “Oh, my god. It’s so freaking good! I’d never had it before going up north — you’ll have to try some of mine. It’s my new favorite.”

  He shook his head, took my hand, and silently led me back to his bike with a silly grin on his face.

  The ice cream guy behind the counter told me they didn’t have grape nut ice cream, and I was staring at him, unsure of what to say next, when Bash said, “She’ll have a scoop of rocky road and a scoop of black cherry.”

  I turned to look at Bash. “You remembered! I’d completely forgotten about that.” It’d been my favorite ice cream combo when I was a teen, but I hadn’t had it in forever.

  “I like the woman you’ve grown into, Princess. I see hints of the girl, and that’s nice, though.”

  “You’ve grown up, too. In a lot of ways, you’re harder, scarier, but in others I think maybe you’ve mellowed.”

  He chuckled. “I doubt anyone else thinks I’ve mellowed.”

  I looked at his hands, intending to point out there were likely a lot of people who’d argue the point, but noted he’d changed at some point since I last saw him, as they’d completely healed. I didn’t bring it up, though, just told him, “The club is more your family, now. It was still new, before, and you were proving yourself. Now, it’s like an old pair of jeans on you. Or a well-worn glove. You’re confident they have your back, and that makes you more relaxed. Probably scarier to outsiders, but not to me.”

  He paid for our ice cream and we took our treats to the outside seating area.

  “I’ve never had sex in wolf form before,” I told him as I stared at my cone. “Apparently wolves don’t really have a cherry, but you still popped it.”

  He touched the top of my thigh to get me to look at him, and gave me a gentle smile when my gaze met his. “I like knowing I’m the only one who’s been there. I protected your virginity for so long, part of me wants the details of what happened when you finally got away from your dad and had some freedom, but another part of me wants to pretend you’re still a virgin.”

  “When you figure out what you want to know, let me know. It was kinda my job to try to deceive you before, but I’ll be honest, now. We’re both adults.”

  “I’ll start with honesty. I realized over the past couple of days that I’ve let my brothers past my wall, but no one else. The sole exception is you. I think you were safe… a kid, funny, happy, and you made no demands on me beyond what your dad had already required. We worked on your car, I was with you and your friends.” He shrugged. “I got to know you. The real you.”

  He took a few bites of his strawberry cheesecake ice cream and continued. “You got to know a part of me, but not all of me. But, the part you got to know, I don’t think I’ve shown anyone else.”

  I thought back to the way he’d taught me about carburetors and transmissions, the way we’d cut up, joked, and the way he’d taken care of me no matter what.

  And the way he’d held me when I found out my mom had died.

  “Yeah. I can see that, and I’m honored. Even back then, I think I knew I got to see a part of you no one else was allowed to see.” I shook my head. “What does this translate into now, though? Our wolves obviously have a thing for each other, but I’m not sure I’m in a place for a relationship, and you can’t risk starting anything with me unless it’s gonna last.”

  “You let me worry about your dad and the MC.”

  I shook my head. “No. Dad dealt with my fucking the DA because he realistically knew he couldn’t give him a beatdown for it. I saw his fists clenched and the look in his eye, though, and I know how badly he wanted to. If I start fucking you right now? You’ll take Thomas’s beating as well as your own.”

  “Princess, I haven’t lost a fight since I was six years old and thought I could take my thirteen year old cousin. I don’t want to fight your dad, because I have a lot of respect for him, but I won’t take anyone’s beating. Not even from him.” He sighed and added, “I grew up letting the wolf have control in a fight, even when I stayed human. As I got older and stronger, and better, this became a problem. Bud and Duke helped me learn control, even during a fight, but I still have to keep an iron fist on it.”

  “Since we’re being so honest, I’ll admit I’ve wanted to fuck you since I first saw you, even before my dad assigned you to me. I kept a lid on it because he took guys away from me if he thought I had the hots for them too bad.” I met his gaze, refusing to look away or be embarrassed as I admitted, “I want you now, worse than ever, but I can’t make any promises about there ever being an us, and I can’t screw up your relationship with the MC, which may very well happen if you and I just fuck a few times and end it.”

  “So, you’re suggesting we don’t do anything about it? Stay friends?” He wasn’t being an asshole about it. It was an honest question.

  It would’ve been easier if he’d been an asshole.

  I hadn’t intended to bring this possibility up, but he was being so nice, making me want him even more, and I had to at least suggest it. “Maybe we can give each other a weekend? Go away somewhere, just the two of us, and we can change before coming back? Won’t get rid of each other’s scents entirely, but’ll get rid of the sex scents. We haven’t made it a secret we’re still good friends.” I shrugged. “Have to figure out how to keep the control room from seeing both of our vehicles together for the weekend, or both of our phones, if we don’t drive separately.” Brain had been up front about putting a tracker on my motorcycle, car, and phone when I moved to town.

  “I told Brain about our wolves because I wanted advice, and I trust him. If I ask, he’ll do something so the tracker on my bike looks like it’s home, and I can leave my phone behind and take a burner.”

  “Who knows? Besides Brain?”

  “Dawg. Don’t intend to tell anyone else.”

  I nodded. “Can you get away from your MC duties for a whole weekend?”

  “Finish your ice cream. We need to be somewhere else for the rest of this conversation.”

  I only had a few more bites, but I resisted the urge to eat the last of my cone suggestively. We weren’t going to have sex tonight, and he had to take me back to the RTMC compound.

  Bash drove us back to the little park on Missionary Ridge. I climbed a cannon and straddled the barrel — still warm after absorbing the heat of the day, but no longer hot. Bash sat on top of one of the wheels, facing me from the side while I looked down at the picturesque city lights.

  “Some of the guys share club business with their ol’ladies, some don’t. You know the rules — we tell someone club business and they blab, it’s the same as if we blab. You aren’t my ol’lady, but if we’re talking about the possibilities of heading into something, I’m smart enough to know there’s stuff you gotta know about me up front.”

  A wave of emotion swelled through me and moisture filled my eyes enough the city lights blurred. It’d
hurt, when Duke made it seem as if I were turning my back on my family by dating Thomas, and Bash was basically telling me he trusted me with his life. “Your trust means a lot to me, Bash. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Pickering wasn’t lying when he told you the club is in the whore business.”

  Throughout my life, I’d learned things about my dad’s club I’d had to wrap my brain around. I’d taken the high road with him a few times and then later regretted my words, so I was cautious with my reaction, now, and only said, “I’m listening.”

  “We don’t recruit, and in most cases only take on girls with experience, girls who come with their own client list. They come to us because we treat them like employees, not like whores, and because we keep them as safe as it’s possible to keep a stable of hookers.”

  “Stable?” I’d been doing okay until he hit that word, and then nothing existed except the implications of referring to his employees as a bunch of animals.

  “Yeah, guess that sounds kinda bad?”

  “Kind of?”

  “Okay, it’s an unfortunate word, and I’ve heard it so much… shit, Princess. It’s like a herd of deer or a gaggle of geese. There’s a reason the word is used, but once it becomes the de facto word, no one thinks of why it was used in the first place. Is there any way you can get beyond that one word to hear the rest of what I said? We’re getting so many employees, women who come to us wanting a job, because we treat them with respect and take care of them. We pay them a bigger cut and we take better care of them and we don’t treat them like trash. I’m in charge of that sector of our business, the buck stops with me, and if I catch an RTMC member treating one of our girls like a whore when he hasn’t paid for the privilege of doing so, they answer to me.”

  “You pay them? Personally? Or do you take what you want from them?” My gaze travelled over the beautiful view without seeing it as he answered.

  “I audition most of them. After that, if I wanna get off and can’t get to the compound where I can get it for free, if one of the girls has time, I’ll pay her.”


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