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Bash, Volume I (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 3)

Page 17

by Candace Blevins

  “Bash is my brother, Girly, and—”

  “It isn’t my intention to cause strife between ya’ll. Honest, Dawg,” I interrupted.

  He sighed. “He wants me in, I’m in, but it’s gotta come from him. Now, I’m thinking we should head back upstairs before someone starts a rumor about us.”

  “No shit. And maybe you should try not to tackle me tonight.”

  “You up for paintball?”

  I shrugged. “I’m good with it, if we get enough people who want to play.”

  “Let’s line you up with shots first. I wanna see how many you can do in two minutes.”

  I nodded and he said, “You know the bj thing is just casual, on nights like this, right? Just her playing with him in her mouth. This early, he wants to fuck her and get off, he’ll take her to a corner, or out of the room, but he wasn’t about that. When she finishes with him, she’ll likely wanna lick and play with someone else a while.”

  “Been around it all my life, Dawg. What word are you not understanding?”

  “God, you’re a bitch,” he said with a smirk.

  “Right back atcha.” I walked past him and into the hallway. “You coming, or am I gonna have to walk the long way back?”

  He threw his arm around my shoulder, and I leaned into him as we walked down the hall and towards the stairs. “I really don’t want to play brothers against each other, Dawg.”

  “Yeah, I’m gettin’ that, which is what makes this so much fun. Bash and I are good. I have no idea what’s goin’ on with you two, but it’ll be okay. Follow my lead and we’ll see what we can make happen. Okay?”

  When we got back to the main room, Bash was behind the bar setting up shots, and the girl’s head was in Gonzo’s lap, now.

  I sat on a barstool as if I didn’t have a care in the world, and Dawg sat beside me. “Okay, rules are—”

  “I know the rules,” I interrupted.

  He chuckled and exchanged a look with Bash. I ignored them.

  I put salt on the back of my hand and up my arm, put a few lime wedges so I could easily get to them, and looked to Bash. He hit the timer on the edge of the bar (they do this kind of thing so much, someone had mounted a large kitchen timer) and I licked the salt, bit the lime, and then started throwing back shots. Somewhere around five or six, I licked my arm for more salt and went back to it. Several shots later, I bit another lime, threw it down and went back to shots.

  When the timer went off, my head was swimming and I had a happy buzz.

  Someone shouted “Seventeen!” and Bash said, “She managed twenty-one when she was fifteen. She thought she’d ditched me, but boy was her friend glad when I walked into the party and rescued them.”

  I’d met Sloane at that party, and as soon as Bash said it, he realized he’d just put a bad memory into my head.

  “Sorry, Princess. Want me to set you up again?”

  Dawg put his arm around me and I leaned into him. “Give her a few minutes to enjoy the buzz.”

  I looked to Bash. “So many good memories and bad memories with you. And some of it gets jumbled up. I thought I was gonna stay away from the MC, when I came back. Be my own person, stop in and say hi every once in a while. Now, here I am, drinking and spendin’ the night, fightin’ your enemies.” I leaned my head against Dawg and then used it to push myself away, so I was sitting upright again. Dawg helped me sit and then let me go, and I looked to him and said, “Just when you think you’re out, they pulllllll you back in.”

  “You didn’t want to be around us? You wanted out?” asked Bash, his face closing off.

  The room spun a little as I swiveled my head to look at Bash. “No, that isn’t it. It’s just, I was on my own at college. Kind of expected it to be that way here, but I’d forgotten this is family. Forgotten how it feels to walk in the door and be wanted. Accepted. Well, except for Dozer, apparently. Anyway, Thomas fucking spanked me for cussing. Shit. How could I ever think something would work between us? Ya’ll accept me for who I am. The redneck parts, the biker’s daughter parts, and even the college edumacated parts.”

  In the back of my mind I realized the room was mostly silent behind us, but it didn’t register enough for me to think anything of it. Bash had lined the shot glasses back up, and now he tipped the tequila bottle and filled them all in one, long, skilled swipe.

  “Always loved watching your hands work with tools, when you helped me with my car,” I told him.

  “You need more salt?” he asked. His eyes were dark, his face almost grim, but he looked so fucking sexy I wanted to jump over the counter and attack him. Instead, I nodded, licked my hand and arm where it was empty, and poured more salt on. It was cold as it landed on my arm, and I noted the individual crystals were like tiny pieces of quartz. So pretty.

  I looked down to be sure the lime wedges were still in place, held my arm near my mouth, and said, “Ready.”

  He started the timer and I went at it again, tossing back shots as fast as I could, stopping occasionally for another lick of salt or bite of lime.

  When Bash turned the timer off this time, instead of telling me how many I managed, he said, “Get her, Dawg. I’ll get the doors.”

  Dawg picked me up like a baby and headed towards the back of the room.

  “Where we goin’?” I asked Dawg’s chin.

  “Away from the crowd to talk, apparently.”

  When we hit the stairwell, Bash asked, “What the hell did the two of you talk about while you were down here?”

  “She wasn’t pissed about the blow-job, bro. I tried to play it down, but she acted like she knew it was normal. Seems she has some stuff to tell you, though, and it ain’t my place to say it.”

  “The fuck it ain’t.”

  “Give her a chance to tell you first, okay? I didn’t know her as a kid, just as an adult, and I guess she felt she could ask me questions she isn’t sure about asking you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Dawg sat on one of the beds in the officer’s emergency shelter, situating Angelica so she was in his lap. She already had one arm around him, and she wrapped the other around him and buried her head in his neck.

  God, she was drunk, but we’d only have her this way five or ten minutes, maybe fifteen, since she didn’t appear to have done this in a while. Once she sobered, she wasn’t likely to tell me whatever the fuck was on her mind. She was so tiny in Dawg’s lap, but I wanted those arms around my neck.

  Dawg knew, and he told her, “I know I seem safe right now, but I need you to get in Bash’s lap, put your arms around him, and tell him what you told me.”

  She shook her head and he rolled his eyes at me. “Girly. If you piss him off when we’re like this, he can just walk out. If you’re in his lap, it’ll be harder. You’ll have an extra few seconds to speak before he’s out of the room.”

  I sat on a bed across from them, and she swiveled her head to look at me. “Would it be okay? For me to get in your lap?”

  I opened my arms in welcome, and she came right to me. Well, she wobbled right to me. It was rare we tried to get drunk on purpose, but most of the MC could handle it better than this when we did. I wondered how long it’d been since she had.

  Her body felt so good in my lap, and I closed my eyes as her arms went around me.

  “When I saw you and Dawg sharing the girl? When I jilled off, watching? I wanted to be her.”

  My gaze shot to Dawg and he showed no surprise. He’d known. She’d already told him.

  “She wants you, bro. She has feelings for you, but it sounds like she saw threesomes as a kid and this has been in her head a long time.”

  “Fuck.” I held her, rubbed her back, my mind a whirl of conflict. I didn’t want to share her, and yet… if this was some kind of long-term fantasy of hers, could I deny her? Should I?

  “You ever had two guys at once before, Princess?”

  “No. I wanted to, but never had the nerve. Came close, but the guys kind of scared me. I kne
w I could’ve taken one of ‘em on if he got rough, wasn’t sure I could control the situation with two.”

  “Were they shifters?”

  “No. Humans, but bad-asses.”

  “Your dad told you to stay away from the bikers at school, Princess. Tell me you didn’t go to our enemies?”

  “Okay. I didn’t go to your enemies.”

  I smelled the lie, plain as day, and I shook my head. I’d talk to her about that later, but for now, I needed more answers about a possible threesome while she was giving them to me.

  “You want this for a one-time thing, or do you like Dawg enough you want to keep him around?”

  “Fuck, Bash, are you a girl now? I don’t fucking know what I’ll want tomorrow! I just know that, right now, I want you both.”

  “Not just right now,” Dawg corrected. “This isn’t because you’re drunk. You wanted it when you were sober, too.”

  “Fuck!” she said, pulling her head back to look at me. “I’m drunk! Shit! He’s right! I’m fucking drunk! How cool is this!”

  I looked past her to Dawg, who was watching us with curiosity. He’d be good with whatever I did. He had my back.

  We were sitting in one of the few common rooms in the compound without a camera or microphone, and with a door we could barricade. It was also nearly soundproof, so the officers could talk without anyone else hearing when everyone was downstairs in an emergency.

  I’d locked the door when we came in. It wasn’t barricaded, but we had privacy. If Brain or Duke decided to come down and check on things, we’d hear the key and have a few seconds before they got it open.

  I looked at Angelica a long moment. Really looked at her. She’s beautiful, smart, sexy, and way too good for me.

  But she didn’t seem to care about any of that. She liked me, and was attracted to me. And we both knew it was going to be more than sex if we started this.

  Did I want to start it?

  Bottom line, if I didn’t, she was going to see other people. Fuck other people.

  And if I didn’t want her, if I rejected her, I’d have to live with it.

  I wasn’t positive I wanted her, but I was certain I couldn’t let anyone else have her.

  I slid my hand up her spine and cupped the back of her head, turning it as I brought my lips to hers. She opened for me, let me in, and kissed me back with a passion that caught me off guard. I smelled her arousal seconds before her hips moved and she ground on my throbbing cock. She groaned into my mouth, her voice a whimper begging for more, and I rotated sideways and leaned forward until her back was on the bed.

  I waved Dawg out of the room. I might consider letting her experience a threesome at some point in the future, but not now.

  After the little show we’d put on in the clubhouse tonight, rumors would be running rampant. We’d clearly already been obvious enough to get rumors started, because the room expected her to have a problem with me gettin’ a blowjob. Bottom line — she wanted me, I wanted her. There was really no reason for us to go out of town. This was going to happen, and as far as I was concerned, tonight was perfect.

  She was wearing dress pants, and a blouse with about a million buttons. I unbuttoned the top one, and then reached up and yanked it open, uncaring about the buttons as they went flying all directions. I’d buy her another shirt later. I’d buy her ten more shirts, but there was no way I was gonna blow this because of fiddly fucking clothes.

  Her bra came off easily and my mouth went to her breasts, my cock pulsing as she moaned and ran her hands through my hair.

  I’d make sure she was mostly sober before I actually fucked her because I wasn’t going to give her a reason to be pissed at me later. We did this, she was going to take as much accountability for it as me.

  I heard Dawg moving towards the door, and he mumbled, “I’ll stand guard,” as it closed behind him.

  Angelica looked to the door, and I came up off her breasts and kissed her again before pulling my mouth away a quarter inch and telling her, “Just you and me today, Princess. Not ruling out bringing him in later, but I want you all to myself, first.”

  I didn’t wait for her to agree or disagree. I kissed her again, my lips coming down hard and firm, demanding she take me, accept what I wanted to give her, and she didn’t disappoint.

  Her body writhed under mine, and her hands went to my waist, grasped my shirt, and tugged it up, plainly telling me she wanted me undressed, too. I lifted my torso to let her pull it up, and then helped get it off before lowering myself onto her again. Skin to skin.

  I wanted to bury my cock inside her so bad it hurt, but I forced myself to take my time getting there. I kissed her again, moved my mouth to her throat, down her chest, teased both her nipples until her noises turned frantic, and then moved lower. I was more careful with her pants — I could take the time for a single button and a zipper, but I pulled her underwear off with her pants, all at once.

  Seeing someone naked before and after the change is completely different than seeing them naked when they’re spread, wet, horny, and welcoming. Fuck, she had a beautiful pussy. I kissed her inner thighs and moved slowly inwards, giving her the promise of what I could do with my mouth, but making her wait.

  “Stop fucking teasing me, Bash.”

  I moved up her torso, kissing my way up until I was over her without touching, my face inches above hers. “You sober yet?”

  She looked at me a few seconds, considering, and said, “Sober enough I can’t pretend I was too drunk to know better.”

  My cock throbbed as I smelled the truth in her words, and I stood to take my pants off. I pulled a condom from the pocket and tossed them to the side, and stood over her, palming my rigid cock.

  The timing on this wasn’t going to look good with the MC. They could easily say I took advantage of her after getting her drunk. Everyone would smell us on each other. And, if we changed so no one could scent us, they’d know that, too, and would know why. If we did this, there was no going back. I’d already thought it through, but I needed to be sure she had.

  “Ain’t gonna be smooth sailing. We do this, you’re mine.”

  “You gonna make me negotiate a relationship before you’ll fuck me?”

  “No, Princess. Just wantin’ you to understand I’m claiming you if I fuck you. We can negotiate the rest later.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  It was on the tip of my tongue to ask, “What if I fuck you, instead?” but I had the good sense to know this wasn’t easy for Bash, and a joke right now might make him put his clothes on and walk out.

  And every cell in my body wanted this man to fuck me and claim me. The wolf already had, and we were both fooling ourselves by not admitting it.

  I took a breath and told him, “I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you, Bash. I can’t make any promises, but I understand what it means for you to claim me, and my wolf may never forgive me if I fuck this up. I want you. Our human halves are gonna have to do a lot of talking, but later. Right now, I just need you to stop talking and claim me.”

  I expected him to roll the condom on and fuck me, but he kissed me, his hand cupping my cheek as if I were the most precious thing on earth. His fingers trailed down the side of my throat, through the center of my cleavage, down my abdomen, over my mound, and I gasped as he sank two fingers in me. My legs spread wider, my feet pressed into the bed, and I pushed my pelvis up, wanting more. His fingers drove deeper, faster, and then slowed.

  “I’ll take care of you, Princess. Let me learn your body. I love the way you move for me. Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”

  His mouth moved to my neck, just under my ear, and his beard brushed against my cheek as I told him, “I’m pretty much a sure thing at this point, Bash. Don’t have to flatter me to get into my pants. They’re already gone.”

  He moved his head so I could see his face, and grinned as he changed the angle of his fingers and went deep again. My eyes rolled back in my head and I lost sigh
t of him.

  “Good to know, Princess.” His fingers shifted again and he hit the spot. My breathing changed and my voice went low, my back arched, and all I could say was the word yes, over and over, a million times.

  When I was so close to coming, but afraid to let go because I was afraid it would take me over until there was nothing left, he put his mouth to my ear and said, “Come for me, Princess. Let me watch you let go for me.”

  My eyes shot open, my gaze met his, and I came apart for him, and trusted he’d put me back together.

  I screamed, yelled, and held onto him as my world imploded, and nothing existed except his voice, his fingers inside me, still moving, still insisting I give him more, and more, and more. When at last I collapsed around him, wrung out with nothing left, he quickly donned a condom and pressed his hard length into me, but he once again surprised me by stopping when the head was inside.

  “Open your eyes, Angelica.”

  I did, and held his gaze for several long seconds.

  “You want me?” I knew he was asking more than if I wanted his cock. He wanted to know if I wanted him.

  And when I’d told my coworkers I was the daughter of an MC club president, I’d known in that instant Bash was more important than what my coworkers thought. I’d earn their respect at work by being damned good at my job, not by being a respectable socialite. I was glad I’d had the opportunity to be a regular civilian at college, because it’d shown me how comfortable it was to come back home.

  “Yeah, Bash. I want all of you.”

  He moved his arms back, looped them under my knees, and braced his hands beside my head. “Need to claim you, now. I’ll be gentle later.”

  I gave an infinitesimal nod, but it was all he needed. He plunged into me all at once, sinking to the root, and my noise was somewhere between a gasp and scream, but he didn’t stop to make sure I was okay. He pulled out, slammed back in, and then picked up his pace.

  I couldn’t reciprocate, with my knees up around my head, but my arms were free and I held onto his biceps, squeezing as I screamed through it, and then started repeating yes again. After a dozen times I managed to stop saying it, and he leaned in and kissed me as he fucked me, letting me feel his emotions, and I swam in a fog of lust as his need washed over me. I kissed him back with everything I had, and another orgasm hit me out of the blue and holy fuck I was coming again.


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