Book Read Free


Page 11

by Rebekah Johnson

  The doors are opening!

  The music has begun, slow at first and quite sad. I always wonder about the reason behind this, and then I think that maybe, it is to signify the time immediately following the shift and the Great Plague. The tune then begins to sparkle and wind around your heart. I feel almost as though my mind is being spring-cleaned. Now the notes are dancing, I am lifted up, my body light and carefree. The new Acers are arriving, waving animatedly at whoever wishes a response, because actually we don’t recognise many other bodies anywhere on The Nest. We have always been separated. I can name but a handful of the other Seeders from the younger classes and of course the Monos that have been serving me.

  It is during this enlightening, rousing section of music that my eyes meet with my sisters’.

  Lily is without doubt the most elegant, unassuming victor. She has selected a perfect figure hugging green dress. It has three-quarter length arms, a slit for a neckline and finishes at the thinnest part of her thighs. On her feet she wears cream heels, on the outside toe of each shoe has been sewn a minute but still clearly visible Lily in full bloom. She wears no jewellery, as is the custom. Someone has perfected her makeup styling. She neither appears plain, nor older than her years. She is carrying a small beautifully presented metallic blue box, dangling from the corner is a small, rectangular notelet with the letter ‘M’ printed in gold. As I look at the box I am stunned by her nails. They are extended, a shimmering emerald green, her one statement of exuberant glamour! Fixed to each nail are what appear to be letters and jewels. I shall get a more accurate look later, I hope, when she comes to take her seat on her specially constructed throne.

  “Mae, Mae, where are you? What do you think? Did I choose right?”

  She is smiling on the outside like a serene ballet dancer, whilst struggling within like a ship in trouble on stormy seas.

  “I am behind your throne Lily, I can see you. You look truly sophisticated. I am intrigued about your nails, so make sure you put them on your lap when you sit down!” I communicated.

  Now she is smiling correctly, there is no pressure in her neck. She has spotted me; in just a few short seconds she will be close enough to touch for the last time in this Nest.

  Summer, Skye and Grace are also within touching distance, having sat down moments ago. I hadn’t really thought about their role in Intentionality, but now that I can observe them a little closer they are wearing garments that signify their next step. Summer is of course wearing an army command uniform. It is a dark green suit, with shiny buttons and a leather belt. She has as usual defied the expectations and worn killer heels, lots of makeup and has styled, rolling, wavy hair that caresses her face.

  Skye and Grace are more subtly dressed, but they too have suits on. Skye has chosen a leg hugging pair of trousers and a bright red jacket, her hair is tied back in a ponytail as usual. Grace has chosen a cream fabric which brings out the colour of her deep mahogany hair and dark shimmering skin, only Grace could get away with this colour as the rest of us have almost opaque skin from the lack of light.

  Natura is once again on the stage. She is very tense this time, searching for someone in the crowd. She has momentarily forgotten what she is here for. There is a gasp of both anticipation and amazement, she has never faltered before. This is usually her most commanding time. One of the Grand Acers has whispered in her ear, not a great decision by the look of her sudden response. He has now left the stage with his head low and his communicator band attached to his screeching mouth!

  “It is with a feeling of great honour and anticipation that I come to welcome our new Acers. We shall set foot on the journey together in just a few short minutes. But first as is the custom of those who have succeeded before, we must adorn them with their commemorative medals of honour,” announced Natura.

  “Don’t you mean branding stamps!” whispered Willem.

  He really has taken this serial number thing badly.

  Each new Acer is stumbling their way towards Natura and she in turn is pretending to be the motherly gift giver that her mother and grandmother had taken great pains to be. Perhaps it just doesn’t come naturally to her but she should surely be better at prize giving by now!

  As Lily stands for her turn she smoothly slides her hand into mine and with it is deposited my box. Two things flash through my mind. One, will I be able to wear whatever it is without it being confiscated? And two, if I open this box will it also open up irreparably the gaping hole in my heart? If I start crying now I know without a shadow of doubt that I shall not be able to stop.

  While I make the decision of a lifetime to open the box, she has taken possession of her gift from the claws of Natura, for just one skip of my heartbeat we are as one. We begin to open our gifts simultaneously, but I look up from my glinting box in time to see her gift exposed to the crowd, leaving my half opened box for a later date. I marvel at her immense surprise and pride as Natura turns her around to place her personalised hair clasp at the very centre of the back of her head, she has simultaneously communicated her feelings for me. We are one and shall be forever. She is returning, I have just seconds to steady my mind, find some strength of character at the very bottom of the reserve. I must open this package, I must smile and I must above all communicate my pleasure and confidence in both her ability to survive alone, and my ability to ascend next time. I must also find a way to transfer Willem’s anklet gift from my ankle onto hers, with the eyes of The Nest upon us, without them assuming (and who would blame them of course) that I have once again hit the floor in a dead faint. She has returned to her throne, wearing a frown.

  “Mae open your box please, it’s very special.”

  “Lily, I will but first you must pretend to drop your bangle, I will attempt to collect the bangle but you will feel me pulling at your ankle ok?”

  “Ok! But be exceptionally fast. We have been told that we need to be ready in only five minutes for the final travelators parade.”

  Willem of course knows exactly what the plan is and is already setting up an intense conversation with Lily about said bangle which he has now asked her to take off and silly old Lily has let it slip to the floor!

  Lily won’t be able to see the anklet before she boards the sub but at least she will be able to say thank you as she travels. It can be our first out of Nest broadcast!

  As I stand, I can see and hear that the new Acers are being encouraged to the door. I walk alongside Lily, slowly prising apart the box lid from its body. The sight of the inside sends a rush of warmth to my heart and dampens my eyes but I keep myself whole just long enough to squeeze her hand then blow her a kiss, before the chaperone takes her by the arm and marches her out of my life.

  Willem and I look at the shining item in the velvet laid box and words are just not necessary. Lily has also been allowed the privilege of creating a bespoke piece for me. It is a dream catcher, she knows me so well. It is also possibly the only item that will not be confiscated because it will be in my personal unit, clever girl, Lily. The main body is a simple circle and interwoven across that circle are intricate threads of both rose and white gold. These form a net to catch the dreams. Dangling and spinning beneath, also in gold are the words of our twin motto, engraved into fragile downy metallic feathers.

  “I am you; you are me, forever that shall be.”

  I haven’t had a moment to admire my gift before a man approaches (far too close for comfort!). He takes me by the elbow. He looks right through me and begins to put pressure on my hip with his. He is attempting to turn me around in this tight space amongst the crowd. He is strong, driven in his actions.

  “I have been sent to return you to the medical bay.”

  He spoke the short sentence in a monotone hum, never once making eye contact. He did however make the mistake of glimpsing at his communicator band. In that short timescale one word raced into my crazed brain, the one word that had haunted me for the whole process but now it seemed to whisper like a team member in a game play. />
  ESCAPE, it said.

  “Willem, don’t look around. I am being forcibly removed from the hall by a stranger. I am assuming he is not from the medical bay as he is stating. I have that voice again and it is telling me to escape. I don’t know why; as I have never feared for my life, but at this moment I can clearly see that harm is coming my way,” I communicated only to Willem, I was careful to leave Lily out of my cry for help.


  Time began to slow, with each second that passed since my communication; I was being moved away from my protector. The fear in my heart was measured in equal parts by its increased beating and the danger of it switching off altogether in a repeat of the Ascension stress. Willem had not turned or signalled a response, why was he allowing me to be taken? Who would want me to be herded away from my sister at this monumental time?

  Another second elapsed allowing me to think for myself, the first clear and rational thought to filter through the fear was an instruction. Not one from my sister or from Willem, it emanated from my mind.


  Loud and sustained, it ebbed and trailed along my forehead and back into the recesses of my brain, invading its complex pathways, like water filling a sponge. The instruction gathered strength, it poured now into my cheeks and ran down the insides of my skin into my neck. I wasn’t experiencing the process of dying, a metamorphosis, a life changing occurrence was underway. I could feel the warmth flow into my arms and finally wrap itself around my fingers, glove like in its hold, as close to being my skin as possible.

  A further second passed, my assailant had manhandled me to the outskirts of the room, I had not yet been strong enough to call out again to Willem for fear of the reaction from the guard. More space had appeared as the crowd filtered out into the corridor, leaving the frozen Willem conspicuous, as he stood firm with his back to us.

  “Can you feel the power Mae?”

  Could I respond without dampening my resolve?

  Could Willem explain to me in simple terms what this was coursing through my insides?

  “I feel a surge of energy, I hope that you feel it too, it seems to be coming from the area in my brain that I use to communicate with you. Focus on the power Mae, and the instruction. I hope that it is an extension of our Evo-gene, that our joined thoughts can manifest a response physically. I have experienced this before when I saved Lily. Allow your body to take over, don’t block it and be prepared to run. Go to the crowd you will be safer there. I will find you.”

  My arms now throbbed and burned. My body was requesting a chance to shine, to defend and to succeed where it had let me down before. If Willem was wrong, I would hit the floor and wake up goodness knows where. I needed to trust his judgement and my spontaneous, subconscious response. It was time to fight, not to take flight.

  Seconds more had elapsed; I had been transported to the exit. In just a few moments, I would be too far from the crowd to be able to get to the travelators corridor, even if I could struggle free. This exit door led down to the lower layers of The Nest. It was in effect only a service lift for the Mono community. I didn’t know where all of the corridors down there led and would be immediately rendered powerless in the labyrinth of darkly lit corridors on the Mono level. With as much trust as I could muster, I began to let go, to allow my body and the Evo-gene cocooned in the recesses of my mind to take control.

  The guard began to make struggling sounds. His breathing became ragged and forced, as if he was fighting to stay upright against a tide, whilst hauling in a sub. I opened my eyes to find him clinging to my arms like his life depended on it. He was being repelled like opposing ends of a magnet. It didn’t matter which part of my arm he tried to grasp.

  He was losing strength…

  Facing a force more powerful.

  I was that force!

  I was winning the most important fight of my life. He couldn’t touch me. I had created my own force field.

  I pushed against the weight of the field it sent waves across the divide. It literally swept him off his feet. The polished floor took over, continuing his journey away from me. This was my moment to run. Willem stood firm waiting I suppose, to see if his idea had been correct. As I sped past on my way to the corridor and out to the travelators, I heard the guard pick himself up and immediately slump to the floor. I glanced across the space to find Willem holding the man down from at least five metres away!


  As I turned out of the exit and onto the travelators corridor, the safety of the crowd allowed me time to compose myself and switch off. I had gone from the hunted, to the victor and now an idle bystander in the blink of an eye. Not an experience I could take time to understand right now. I stood as close as I could to a crowd of Seeders, willing them to stay still long enough to cover my tracks. Maybe if I was especially lucky, I could catch one last reassuring glimpse of my twin as she travelled to board the sub.

  Time moved carefully on, I remained vigilant but relaxed. It was now possible for me to cope alone. When I thought about life here without Lily, I was not expecting to have to fight off a guard in any of my future imagined scenarios. But I could, at this moment, I was sure, cope with another Ascension test. After all, that would be like a rest day compared to fending off an attacker! My only question was why?

  What had I done to deserve being hauled away? Did this happen secretly to all the Seeders that failed? Would I be taken to a deck as yet unknown to me and be forced to spend the rest of my days in hiding? Didn’t they know that I had a prearranged, special position at the school? As I thought, I realised that I had never spoken to, nor seen any failed Seeders. I had assumed we just kept going through the process until we ascended. There were no other advertised pathways usually. My option of teaching was a ‘one off’ because of my unusual condition.

  The cheering began ahead of where I was standing. It caught me completely off guard. I jolted back to reality just in time to watch the final procession roll by. Lily looked calm and composed. She reached out to me with her thoughts, responsively; I did my best to convey a cartoon smile and comforting words.

  “Mae, I will communicate when we are on the sub. I am so excited! The Grand Acer came to see me personally he told me that they are going to get you to do another Ascension test in two days’ time. On your own, without the crowds, I will be kept back at the Manor until you arrive. They have a spa. I can be preened and pampered while you are on your way to me. We are such a rarity that they want us to enter Intentionality together. It is a top priority decreed by Natura that we enter together and the Grand Acer will do anything to make it happen. Isn’t that such good news? I am just so relieved.”

  My waving became manic. Tears welled and then poured down my face. I just needed to do as I was told for two days. We would be together, they wanted us together. I should never have fought that guard. I have ruined my chance and revealed my Evo-gene to be dangerous. I may have even put my poor unsuspecting twin in danger of losing her dream. What do they do with Acers when an Evo-gene defect manifests its self? Maybe we could be entertainers? Travel around Intentionality lifting people with our power of thought! Not a positive contribution to the legacy though is it?

  Willem appeared from behind a Seeder, looked into my wet, red raw eyes and wrapped his arms around me. Prohibited usually by this sort of contact I was not comforted at first, but as his warmth enveloped me I knew he could make the pain recede.

  “Mae I heard what Lily said, I hope with all of my heart that you can be paired once again but I don’t trust Natura. I never have. I need to tell you secrets that only the Mono community pass down from generation to generation. I shall not allow you to travel if I think for a moment that you or Lily will be placed in danger.”

  We moved slowly through the thinning crowd. Me, crying out huge heaving breaths of anguish, him, protecting me the best he could from the sympathetic prying eyes of the Seeders, who couldn’t begin to understand my pain. They were after all a version of my former
self during the last harvest. Full of awe, wonder and unfaltering trust in the only process I knew.


  We arrived inside the Mono deck and were welcomed by Mrs Alder. She ushered us into the schoolroom and then further along a passage behind her wipe-board, into a room, which housed literature encapsulating world history and Mono knowledge on three tidy shelves.

  “First we need to remove your communicator band and place it in Deck Zero. They will be fooled for a short while,” commanded Willem.

  “Whilst I see to that, Mrs Alder will explain to you what we already know about Intentionality. The knowledge won’t make you feel any better but it is imperative that you are informed and ready if they do manage to track you down here.”

  Mrs Alder was yet another version of the person I thought I knew. She had softened around the edges, while still exuding an air of control and safety. She moved closer, sat down next to me and even reached out to hold my hand. I hadn’t realised that I was shaking until then. The warmth and comfort in that small gesture was all I needed to feel secure while Willem was away.

  “Now Mae, I know that Willem has explained eloquently about his family. Mine too were torn apart as a consequence of the plans enforced by Natura’s grandmother Eden. I am sure Eden meant no harm; certainly the survivors at that time needed a swift response to their predicament. The measures she put in place undoubtedly saved humanity. This arrangement was to be short term for the Monos. Which leads me to explain why I, a respected Acer in a position of high responsibility am here, on the Mono deck. I was also left behind in The Nest with no hope of moving forwards. I have a completely different story to yours. Mine has made the path I have chosen more focussed.


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