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Soul-Bonded to the Alien

Page 15

by Serena Simpson

  She was on a date, the kind she dreamed about when she was young with her prince charming. Cal certainly fit the bill with his height, charm, and physique. He was more than sigh worthy.

  “Paige, I would like to give you something.” He reached into his pocket. In his hand was a beautiful ring. He took her hand and slipped the ring on her finger.

  “It’s beautiful!” The emerald was perfect to her untrained eye. The color, cut, and clarity were divine.

  “It was my mother’s ring; she wore two and sent them with us when we came to earth. One for Victor’s soul bond and one for mine. The ring will offer you protection as well as help to increase your talents. It is said part of the essence of the wearer is trapped within the ring. If you ever need help call on my mother.”

  “Cal, I can’t take this, it’s a link to your mother.”

  “It is and now all three of us are linked. If I haven’t said it yet, I am so glad to have you as my soul bond, as my mate.”

  She couldn’t control the smile on her face or the way her heart opened a little more. A warmth flowed through her starting at the ring and covering her body.

  “Cal, I am honored to be one with you and humbled that you would trust me with your mother’s ring. You amaze me constantly, thank you.”

  She dabbed quickly at her eyes, there was no way she was going to cry.

  He reached out and brought her hand to his lips, kissing her palm. “Paige, you will forever be in my heart.”

  She wanted to reply in kind, but her throat closed. She cared, but a battle raged on inside of her, caring meant risking her heart and she wasn’t ready.

  She curved her lips slightly wrinkling her nose, “Cal, I do believe I more than like you now.”

  “You’re not sure?” he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “I’m sure I more than like you.” She kept a smile plastered to her face as she dealt with her disappointment in the answer. She cared for him deeply. Why couldn’t she force the words out?

  “Sounds like progress to me.”

  The waiter came back carrying their drinks. “Are you ready to order?”

  “I am. Paige, have you decided?”

  “I’ll be ready by the time you’re done.”

  “I would like a T-bone rare, baked potato lots of butter, as well as a side of broccoli.”

  The waiter stared at her with his odd eyes. She refused to flinch under his gaze as she gave her order.

  “I’d like filet mignon, medium well with a baked potato and a side of glazed carrots.”

  “What type of dressing would you like on your salads?”

  “Light Italian.” A pang of guilt touched her before she shook her head determined to enjoy her first date with her soul bond.


  The waiter left assuring them their food would be ready soon.

  “Do you come here a lot?”

  “Not really, both Selma and Victor like to cook and I find no reason to disappoint them by not showing up to eat their food.”

  “I’m going to go out on a limb and say you don’t like to cook.”

  “Nope, sorry. But I do make a mean spaghetti as well as cereal. My cereal is the best you ever tasted. I use several different brands with just the right amount of milk. People come far and wide for a bowl of it.”

  Paige choked as her ginger ale went down the wrong pipe.

  “Do you need the Heimlich?”

  She shook her head no vigorously as she continued to half choke, laugh and breathe at the same time.

  “I’m good,” her breathing was coming in shallow breaths as her face turned beet red.

  “I’d take a picture of you right now, but I have a feeling I’d be sleeping on the couch.”

  Her lips jerked upward as she began to breathe normally. “I knew you were smart.”

  He chuckled. “What’s your favorite food?”

  “Chocolate chip cookies.”

  “That’s a snack.”

  “It’s a snack you can eat, so its food.” She jutted her chin and crossed her arms.

  “Uh huh, what is your favorite meal?” he tried again.

  The light in her eyes dimmed, “Turkey, stuffing, and gravy.”

  “Did you have it for Thanksgiving?”

  Her eyes lowered and she slid her gaze to the left as she shook her head no, hoping he wouldn’t pursue the topic. The memory of the pasta she ate came back to haunt her. It was the perfect representation of where she was in her life on Thanksgiving. You were pitiful. Not anymore she assured herself, now she was allowing her strong inner core to come out and she like her new self.

  “Dinner’s coming.”

  She looked up to see the waiter headed their way with bowls of salad and a basket of bread. Her stomach growled as the waiter set the food down.

  “Just in time,” he gave her a half smile before walking away.

  “He’s not a vicious, mean animal, is he?”

  “Quite the contrary, he’s a nice male. I am happy to call him friend.”

  “Snap judgements, they’re easy to make when you’re looking at someone so different from you.”

  “Could this be related to how you judged me in the ally?” he asked her with a teasing voice.

  “What should I have done for future reference?”

  “First, don’t walk down alleys unsupervised.”

  “Unsupervised?” a little heat crept into her voice.

  “You have proven that when you’re alone you do unwise things like walk down alleys at night.”

  “Have you ever done anything unwise, Cal?”

  “Yeah,” shadows dimmed his brown eyes tearing the smile from his face as he lost himself in past memories.

  “We all make mistakes, its called life.”

  His eyebrow rose as he looked at her.

  “Alright, I was going to say it’s human but only one of us is…”

  He shook his head looking at her. “I think your right, it’s all about life.”

  Paige gave him a smile enjoying the fluttering in her heart that only he could bring to life. She could lose herself in his brown eyes that warmed like the finest chocolate on the coldest day. Yeah, she was in deep trouble. She opened her mouth to say so when a frigid blast of cold air crossed her back.

  She tensed, her eyes flying to Cal’s.

  “I see him.”

  The Sudir walked into the restaurant. Her flight response rose within her compelling her feet to flee. Not today, her stomach dropped, she couldn’t take another fight, what about all the humans in the room? The warmth from her ring vibrated through her, calming her.

  Slowly she turned her head to look over her shoulder. He was being seated far enough away from them not to hear their conversation, but close enough to watch them. He was accompanied by a blonde, she was tall and willowy. What would he do to that human?

  “Will he kill her? We can’t let that happen.”

  “She’ll be fine.”

  “How can you say that? What if he wants to suck her dry and her bleached bones show up several days later leaving her parents crying?” Her body shook at the thought. How could she let some poor unsuspecting soul get trapped in his evil clutches?

  “Turn around, Paige.” Cal’s voice was soft.

  Paige felt a stroke of his band through their bond as he eased her. Her body fought the turning, she shook with the desire to never lay eyes on the Sudir again.

  The woman was staring at Paige, her eyes swiped up and down over Paige’s body as if caressing it. Paige lifted her chin staring her into her eyes. The woman’s eyes flicked briefly showing them to be solid red. Paige continued to stare refusing to break contact. The woman turned first acknowledging defeat even as she promised with her eyes they would meet again.

  “She’s not human. Why didn’t I see that from the beginning?”

  “Your talents are still revealing themselves, also you allowed yourself to see what you wanted as opposed to looking for the truth. No matter how great y
our talents, if you choose to believe a lie, that’s what you will see.”

  “Because I was convinced she was human that’s what I saw?”

  “Yes. You can still deceive yourself. To prevent it, you need to be on guard.”

  ‘It’s those pesky emotions coming back to haunt you.’ She could hear Voyager in her ear warning her.

  “Do you want to ignore the Sudir in order to have dinner?” she asked Cal softly unsure what their next move should be.

  “He’s trying to rattle you, Paige. You’re stronger than he anticipated. Now he needs to find a way to breach your defenses and keep you off guard. Don’t let him get to you.”

  She nodded turning around in her chair bringing herself face to face with Cal. Not having her eyes on the enemy caused her already bruised heart to skip a beat. She took a deep breath calming her pulse that was hammering within her veins. Cal would protect her, she was certain but there was so much more than just that. Her talents, the ones she wasn’t putting much faith in until now, would need to give her a warning if the Sudir made a move towards her. In this moment she was making the biggest investment in her life, in herself. She would put her faith, her life, in the gift that resided inside of her instead of cold hard logic that screamed at her to run. Absent-mindly Paige rubbed the ring on her finger loving the solid feel of Cal’s connection to her.

  She lifted her head to Cal, her eyes burned with an internal fire. The gold on the edges of her iris mingled with the rose gold of her eyes in flashes of color.

  “A romantic dinner with a side of suspense, who could ask for more?”

  When their waiter arrived with the food, she was so engrossed with Cal she never noticed the look of fury on the Sudir’s face, but her talents recorded all of it.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  They left the restaurant happy with their attraction on a slow simmer, she was sure it would lead to a natural conclusion then he hit her with a snowball. A snowball that found its way through her defenses causing her to laugh and declare war to Cal.

  “It’s on, Cal!”

  “You can’t touch me, Paige.”

  Multiple snowballs came toward her at once testing her, making her stretch to keep them from touching her. She grunted in frustration; he was like a machine never letting up on the intensity. All she could manage was to defend her position, and she was slowly giving up ground as she took tiny steps backwards.

  She needed an opening in order to have a fighting chance. The snowballs came at her faster until she wasn’t able to stop them. They penetrated her defenses, smacking her with cold anger.

  Paige stumbled over the bottom step to the porch falling on her rear and waiting for the rest of what Cal was throwing at her to fall like an avalanche. She curled up into herself, tears glittering on her eyelashes as she blinked fast. Admitting defeat, she sat with a lump in her stomach making her gag reflex start.

  “Cal?” her voice came out low and tentative.

  The anger she felt was no longer emanating from him. Warm arms went around her.

  “I failed. I’m sorry, Cal, it made you mad.”

  “No.” His tender voice reached out to her.

  She tried to pull away in disbelief.

  “Paige, wait. I wasn’t upset with you, but you’re right I was upset. All I could think was that we should be having fun, the kind where I don’t have to test your defenses. I shouldn’t have to push you because your talents are the stronghold standing between whether we live life on this plane or the next.”

  He pulled her closer wrapping her in his arms. Lowering his head he dropped a lingering kiss on her trembling lips slowly warming them. His lips pressed against her generating heat without dipping inside before covering her ear and whispering how beautiful she was.

  Fire jumped in his eyes matching the fire in hers. He stood taking Paige’s hand, pulling her to her feet.

  “Let’s go in.”

  She nodded, her eyes twin flames of need. The foyer as well as the living room was empty and a small niggle of worry went through her mind. It was much too early for everyone to have retired, wasn’t it? Opening her mouth to ask Cal, she was caught up in his smoldering gaze promising her a trip to nirvana. Every thought was crowded out by the desire in his eyes.

  Thoughts of living or dying quickly packed their bags to leave. Right now there was just this moment with him and her. A world alone where no one else was welcome.

  He took the first stair with her following behind him. She watched the flex of the muscles in his rear as he walked, licking her lips as she thought of hissing and biting him there. A blush rose from her throat to cover her face as thoughts she would have deemed much to wicked took over. She wanted to slide her hands over him, get to know every plane of his hard body.

  The opening of the door to their rooms brought her out of fantasies.

  “Come in, Paige.” His voice was dark and seductive leading her down a path from which she would never return.

  The beat of her heart thundered in her ears. The tension lured teasing her with thoughts of the ultimate pleasure or the ultimate pain, and she wondered briefly which one was waiting for her.

  Turning to face Cal, she pulled the first button out of the loop securing it with a smile on her face. Giving him a wink, she slipped the second button out. With a saucy throw of her hair, she pulled the rest of the buttons out, tossed the coat at him, and ran into the bedroom laughing.

  He gave her a mock growl before stalking after her. She was standing in the center of the room when he entered with her top lifted around her mid-section allowing him to see the soft curve of her stomach. His growl turned deeper as he stroked her with his eyes.

  In a moment he was in his Matra form. Massive, tall, and undeniably sexy. Page pulled off her shirt and tossed it his way. She watched as he rubbed it over his face, closing his eyes as the soft texture caressed him. Her heart beat with a gentle slowness as she watched him.

  He opened his eyes allowing her to see the desire spreading in them. With the smile of a seductress, she slipped off her pants and then turned around and slowly wiggled her way out of her panties. She could feel her flesh shaking and didn’t even cringe. The sounds of bliss coming from her Matra’s lips was enough to encourage her.

  She threw her panties at him, watching as he crushed them to his face and inhaled her scent. He moaned with pleasure as he tossed them aside and began to stalk her. The closer he came the further away she moved, sprinting around him when he tried to corner her. His long arms reached out stopping her sudden flight.

  He picked her up burying his face into her pussy, grumbling deeply at the smell of her arousal. His thick tongue darted out to take a long swipe of her pussy lips. A scream of pleasure left her mouth at the coarseness of his tongue rubbing against her.

  “Again!” she cried out. It felt incredible, the texture was so rough but not enough to tear her skin. A soft silk over a coarse blade bringing her both pleasure and pain. She wanted more and begged him for it.

  Again he licked her and again she cried out his name. Stiffening his tongue, he probed between her lips and pushed deeply inside her. Her hoarse screams encouraging him.

  He invaded her with his thick tongue, touching her so intimately her body shook with the wicked things he did. The further his tongue delved, the more she tensed feeling his movements touch her soul. She thrusted her hips against his mouth not caring that he held her up with both hands and that sudden movement might cause him to drop her. She needed to, wanted to, was driven to get his tongue deeper. The desire to flood his mouth with her nectar rode her hard.

  They needed to be one in every way that counted. His tongue played with her, stabbing her deeply before retreating, giving her moments to catch her breath. “Don’t stop!” She didn’t want to catch her breathe; she wanted to ride the high he was creating in her. Her Matra was making love to her. He strengthened her, validated her, and allowed her to know she was as sexy to him as she was to the Arbrin.

  In t
his moment the two sides of Cal became one. She would no longer think of them as two separate entities, they were simply Cal. One of the chains holding her talents snapped. Paige went over the edge when Cal’s tongue invaded her deeply and then twisted.

  Her body shook as pleasure took over forcing her to cry out with ragged glory at the deep and intimate connect between them.

  Minutes, hours later, she opened her eyes to find herself on the bed with Cal in his Arbrin form. The smile of smug superiority on his face was enough to let her know he was definitely proud of what he had accomplished.

  “Did I pass out?”

  He nodded, his smile growing wider and smugger.

  She rolled over and gave him a tap on the arm. “You don’t have to look so smug about it.”

  “But I can’t help it. I can still hear your cries of Cal, Cal please more. I need, I want please Cal. Don’t stop.”

  “I don’t think I said all that.”

  “But you did and so much more. Shall I give you a play by play?”

  The redness of her cheeks was back in full force. “I think I’m good.”

  He reached out gently following the curve of her cheek. “Did we disgust you, Paige? We never meant to do that, but with your fragrant pussy in our face, we needed a taste. It was supposed to be just a lick, but my Matra’s tongue is longer, rougher, and more sensitive than the Arbrin’s tongue. Your flavor shot over our tongue, almost dropping us to our knees with the taste. It must be the ambrosia I read about in your history with the god’s.”

  She placed her finger against his lips stalling his flow of words. “Hush, no more us, you’re one being not two. Your Matra explained that to me when I first met him and now I understand. There is not Cal the Arbrin and Cal the Matra. There would be no Cal if either part of you was missing, I get it now.

  “All I remember was the insane need to pour myself, my essence into your mouth. I needed to become as much a part of that side of you as I am with this side. I needed you to swallow me to take me into your body. I had to have that connection; my life, my soul needed it in order to live another day. I don’t understand it, I just know I desired it above all else. I desire you, Cal, in both of your forms. Your Matra side did not scare or disgust me. In fact, I was wondering when we could do it again.”


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